" - A m i'CHc.OOjiperfear.- ONCX)RD. N. U SATURDAY JAN. 11 C o SlNGLB COPY 5 CENTS. A plenid Attn&tivn C'ominf . Th Metropolitan Iiyceiun Co. presenting Mj:. Edr Owens, in a reading of "Itiis tepsf" will te in CJonterdtat the odftrH house on Itlonday night, ike 2Qth, under the ;lr.uspus)f the EpworJLague cf'Copy-akchurch. The reading vill. be illustrated -with 100 scenes. In these illustrafcions ore sbowo palatial, homes fast Topable equippags on the bouleards, elegant cburch$p, i aristocratic audiences, the m prachai spafcking, the can- 'ftricefsingiflg, the tragedy of he tramp's appearance therein, th agitated after toeetings, the t . stirring scenes following, in par- lors, libraries, business pfficeS, ' ..factories and editorial sanctunls; gcene among the slu"ms with hordes of outcasts, the mission ' meeting in' the tent, the . election '' prowcis.'tne arnnKen moo, tne tragedy ip the p&lace tyalls ,and in slum Street, and many scenes 4 Ul 11 lilt? CilllJUOiaOUJ aUU ViCi. - ing herpismr All 'these 'scenes ! "Here is 'great egg record, follow eacl other in rajxid sucjmade ? Prr Hebrew's, of . ' , . . ,. ' ., ,. ' Edgecombe county, last vear: by their yariety and dramatic poking. " t . The price will.Jbe30 cents for - . . adults and 15 cents f6r "children under IS years of age? - ' Big Company Formed. London, Jan. 7. -The Daily Mail prints an article in guarded terms suggesting that the Im perial Tobacco Company with a capital of 15,000.000, will pro gently isue shares to the public, 'yhe value of thp company's incorporated ' business beyi cr I .10,000,000, it will hav 5,- 000,000 for fighting purposes, which is considered ample. The paper also says tha Mr, Duko, of the American Tobacco Company, ihe competition of which the Imperial Company ws formed ta meet, is renewing his negotiations with the French Government for the entire busi- ness pf the French tobacco ro- gion. DurhSmun. Wanttd for BIgamj. governor Aycock on yesterday issued a requisition on the gov ernor of Virginia for John Byrd, a former Raleighite, who is wanted for bigamy. The offense is marry EmmaLee, of this city, in June.' 1001, whenhe already had a wife in the person a of Sallie Hun, of Panxher Branch township, whom h had previously aBbndoned. He also lefjt the Lee woman who lives at Pil(?t Mills. The warrant was issued by Justice Marcom at the instace of relatives of his second wife. Raleigh Post. Byrd has been caught and ciged. . II kh Itnfi:.nr Mill Burned. A High Point special of the lOfch to the Chorlote Observer savsj t This morning about 2 o'cloCff Monarch Rolter Milll, of this, place, were discovered to be affre and before necessary aid was forthcoming the building and all its contents wre.doomed ko destruction- The. mill tas recently purchased by Yow fc Dofsettfroni R W ThomaV& Co., and was doing rr good busi ness. About $2,000 hfs been paid on the proper tt It was insured for $3,C!0a, about half its. real value. The, Alma furniture Company's plant, io close.proximity. was in danger for some time but the course of the wind was favorable, to i This Reaves only one roller mill in the 'place but it is one of th largest in the South. . BigjFejr Recordr m An item itoxn Rocfcy Mount tp - . the Neps and Observer says : KOR- 526 hatches from 722 settings, lS. 200 eggs sold for $221.57, aT'arage of 14 cents a do'zen, and 20,892 used at Ms table. The cost-of podction was $121.40, pash protit ,$10OT17, "plus eggs usbd and chickens on hand.'' Bost Mill Items. Bost Mills, Jan. 10, 1902. Miss Fanm'e McDonald gavo "a reception - to several of her friends on new.year's evoninf iu honor of her cousins, Messrs. Martin and Robert. Stough, of GeorgeU"w,i S. C "Mr." Luther Li taker, of No. 11, has gone to Raleigh Where he will spend the spring and sum mer. ..'', Mr. Alfred Tucker and' family who have been spending the past two weeks with Mrs. Tuck- er's parents near Lincolnton have returned to their homenear Bost Mill. Mr. and Wrs. D B Pdrish, of Raleigh, spent the holidays wHh friends in and near the "oity." Mrs. S L My res and family have moved to Raleigh. Mrs. Myers, The Standard readers remember, loul her hmse and part of its contents by fire last July? Mr. Cleyeland Coming Sonth on a Hunt ing Trip. New Xprk, Ja. 10. Ex- President GroverClexelaud is so far recovered from the effects of his recent attack of pneu monia as to have arranged for a hunting trip in the South. He will leave his home at Prince ton January 22, for an island off Georgetown S. C, where, with a party of friends, he will re main several clays. Miss Stoue Released. Vienna, Jan. 9. The Allge meine Zeitung's Sofia correspon dent reports that despite denials, it is afact that Miss Stpne, the American feisipnary, abdnctefl by hirands, "was liberated ten days ago and tfaat the full ran - som demanded for her release was paid." The missionary, theL correspondent says, embarked at Salonjca, Jor Genoa, en route to America. The Porte, according to tUe correspondent, has re quested thafcthe matter be kept, m secret so th;at the-payment of the ransom may not encourage tlo kidnapping of foreigners. Who can tell us whether this is an open way of keeping a secret ora 'shyewd way of excit iag 'credence to a false state ment?) , .mZ Senate SentaGoinff Cheft). Iu the crypt directly under the dome of the Capitol, wher"e Gen. Washington Tdesiredto be-buried, are stored the old seats ef the Seuafce an'd House. It looks like an auction saje. The seats broilght $1.50 each, which is lively the lowest price ever paid for a senatorial seat. There has been a great demand for these seats at household and,fmilv relics. Blaine's desk is claimed by over a score "who have pur chased, aad there is no telling how many times the desks of Webster, CalHoun and Clay may turn jjp in household legends hereafter. Joe Mitchell in Jan- uaryi National. Smallpox Dying Out. Smallpox is dying out in the neighborhood of Ebengzer church and it is expected that there will be regular services held thdro by thepastor on Sunday; the 19th. Correspondence to' Salisbury Stin.. Mr Long Private Seeretarj to ,Mr. Kluttz. Mr. T 6 Linn having sickness in his family and bqing detained, ,Alr, Zeb V Long, of Statesville, is acting as private secretary to Congressman Kluttz. lo old Showman Dead. Detroit, Jan. 10. --J M French, the oldest showman, and at one time one of the wealthiest horse owners in the United States, died at his home in this city Thursday night. He was 71 years old and was known as the original "FortyCamel Band Wagon Man." In Case cf Accident. Accidents will happen Motli- er strains herback Father is hurt in the shoi ciruty. are lorever jailing uuu 1 bruising themst-lves. There is ' no oventin-these things, but j their worst consequences are I averted with Perry Davis' Pain, 1 Kr rit.heV remedv an-1 siraiutiu musifs. iijub is uui ono Painkiller, Perry RivTis lfcMX ie shop. Cnil-!., TTTTTTnTmTTTTmTTmnnTTTTnnnnnnTTTTnnnnnfnTTnnyTnTTTT7TTTn!nyTTT?TTnT7JWie I An Event of Great Importance Occurs Here Mpnday. ' AiVEmbrofdery Sale ThatWiJI be the! h Talk of (In'MnnnflU ntir Srririfr V.' AM. . ' 1 111 tonso on sale and its a I 'will be an attraction of fc I remember last yettr that t 1 1 J? xl x' E.riy uusmess oi intj luwii aim inis year we navo 3 I still better valtrog. Now you have an ot)iortunity tapick over 5,000 yar4sof dainty Emroiderie. 3 EE Embroideries with vary f good edge, usual price 5c, b cur sale price f i t1 Embroidery threO incbeB F .wide extreme value, 5c. E , 300 yards of Swiss and Cambric Embroidery, new patterns, ieal value a third t more, special 7Jc. 1 H L. PARKS 14& CQA PAN Y.N- i TZTl&JJVNJnNwir STORE iiiiUiiniiiiiiuiiiiUiiiiaiiiiuiiiiiiiiXiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiUiiliiiiiuiii Keep Coming ! US hp 1 And if moving time is delayed. much long er we will not dirfve such a job after all. 'For the next few days until, our new quarters are ready, we are going to ma Ice prices that will sell goods if . , t Low Prices Will Sell Thest Thanking Vou for past favor and asking you to, pass over our mistakes-when it's -possible,, '.we will try and do better in-the future- A gain thanking you and asking you topall dnd see us we are yours to try to please, . ' ; The Bell & Harris Fur.' Co. $; Good dob Work ! - . C substantiate tfciis statement i with the real stuff, to say whether" our not; and if it is not we gua.antee to Q . lAi." ..1 I x l W . 1 :r : : hiuhu . . v- w ft r , ,. 1 . "a ; 4.' i p, prof ita livmgalso todo justice to y W . J OUr CUStomerS. W 1 1 .' ,J U r i the Tbwn. Tr.m m ftinonoo nnn Tiisor. 1 W1UV1 iL'U till A 11 (J V-1 magnificent showing. It extraordinary power. You J ' -Hji . a this stqre'did the Embrpid- -5:iL! 1 -i Better quality, beautiful 3 patterns, latge selection, 3 extreme value, priced 1Q( At this price we show you 3 llambergs' that are ysunlly 1 sold for 25c yard, depart- 3 ment store pnea 15c. ' Embroideries at 25 and 40. 3 I proud to show. - - - . --- - and leave it to you work is all right or x a j. x & - - cents thats worthy of your 3 attention. Insertions at 7, 3 10 and 15 cents! that wo itre Subscribe for the Standard.