0 0 is f if 3 J. i hi Daily Standard. JOHN D. BARRIER, Kditor and Proprietor. OFFICE LM0RIiLS BUILDING. THE STANDARD is published every day Sundav excentadl and detliiJfed lot carriel. Rates Of HUBSCRiPTiOfc. Mw $4.oo it aShj months Tlifee months One mSiith Single copy 5c. oiiiBicWW . t 11q 7Aollirritnn(Ll tQ an A-rnlnmn j-naw Uper. It tas larger circulation un.iivv..riJ.(... - -r I r- hi Cabarrus .i Adrance. han any Other paperii.eft a year Terms for regufar advert iselitents made knawn c application. Adiitfess all comuniCtio1l9 g THE STANDARD, Concord, NT C. TELETilONE NO. 71- Concord, NI C Jan.! 1. 1&02. It AN0THERPR0T0CATI0N v m Ttie Southern again on Friday frave new4mpetas to qomplaint by Concord people. The mother nd iisterof Dr andttlMr. A B Young came oral to visij. The trainvfas delayed for more than a one hour. In the mean time an other train came in on irhicb ' Saliibury and Greensboro pas ssntrers got aboard but thee 'ladies were refused passage on . this train with the pretense that r . Viq tnin TiWin 1 A nnt (tan ? n C.ir , cord. Btit the. train did stop of r course. nun Mi i ta juau nuon our people demand and what we thought we had by the compro mise when Col. Andrews came, that when the Jocal "trains are delayed that passengers be al lowed to come and go on the train nearest to the local sched- ule time though under normal -conditions they would not be ex pected to stop. It is a liftle buiMensoma'for through trains to stop af three points so near asCharlotte. Con- :ord and Salisbury and stops'at Charlotte aad Salisbury are un- !avoidaJble,"but there is too much travel to and from Ooncord to be passed unnottced. As a revenue gatter, too, Concordes certainly too gooda customei to be lightly esteemed by the Southern. We regrej this little scratching that "we are into, but there nedbg nosarprise that otr people get .exasperated. We hppe there will soon be a belter understanding -or worft regularity oftrains and certainly no lack of giviug us the best possible, service It lies with fn the powep of the hentolayan egg. How rid'eu- Tous to reverse and ay it lays "vithin her power to lie an egg. The iower house of Congress on the iOth passed a bill unani- mously to allo Mrs. McKinley the use af the mails the remain der of her life free of postage. It is a nice little courtesy and the kids Ground here are wishing the government Aould save them frdru so much licking. "V Beat Out of an Iiicrease of His Pension. A Mexican war veteran and prominent editof writes: "See- p.i?r thi- a.Hwvtipmont rf m . 0)erlaius Colic, Cholera and JDiarrbuea Remedy, I am re 'aiinded that as a soldier in Mexico in '47 and 48 I contracted Mcxcian diarrhoea a$d this remedy has kept me from gett ing au increase in my pension for on everyTenewal a dose of it restores tno' " It is unequalled as a quick cure for diarrhoe and s pleasant and safe to take. For .sale by M L Marsh druggist. FFilECES THEN ftfcgS INTO BANE m RITPTCY. One E Saiitn, who has been publishing lite Weekly Consti tfcuon ft Monticollo. .Fla . Jias l mtde an astegnmeflWiaming Mf - ,1 , . 2.oo.S P Clark asiftssignef. 3s2 1 What pf nhli ? W1 But vou hy iit : sotnethiflsr lik'e this? lie boue t" sonjethitlg like this? Hebouglt Uie Constitution Tvhicb had sonie! .. . . i I j. " tnmg iiKo-ona tnoujaaa suoscrt- bers, (abouttho average circuit tiotfofa weekly paper in a sipall U to in- '' ' jt crease his circulation .away be- rona all natural demand. Ilo took the endlass chain plan and ran his circuHUion up enormbuslr some 4u,000, . we believe. (VVe spppose,,he boasted . loudly' over "any other paper.' He offered $20 per month for women to do tw little writing after . they 5hould secure 25 subscri bers to the Constitution at $f.00 each. Tht theil wages might start t a period earlier thanhey could secure 25 subscribers to a ; . , ., . ' A ilaDer awav off. that nobodv . , . & . j 4 t n cai'ed for he.suggesa that they i ituvMW luti yt-3 auu auu uu a ,. . rt. ' ,v 'list of 2o whom they weuld se- , , , , . of'courstt no woman would cn rasa to get the 25 subscribers. So she would pay for the papers ind send them gratis and 'write some chain letters and others wbuld reDeat the. process. About $350.00 went from Cabarrus, we believe, the fruits of one chain letter. It did not take long to find out that the $25 was. gone, but that the $2.0 per. month, was not com ing, save in a .few. instances as testimonials. Now Smjth has gone into bank ruptcy and pretends that he is sjivirfg up everything save a few little household goods andthat his failure is due. to his'not'being let alone to continue to fleece poor struggling women. The assignee invites claimants to send in sworn .statements of their claims. They n3ay be worth the paper and postage, but it is doubtful. This is the way of. the world. No doubfc that all around Sqxitb thre were lionest, debtpaying, conscientious publishers that w"ore filling, all reasonable de- - " mands and employing all practi cal and legitimate methods to enlarge their usefulness, who wefe outstripped by Smith, though his papr did not and could not depend on its real merit. Endless Nfcins, premiums and a goot bit of chOtok ajid bragga docio work wonders sometimes, anpt people are carried awaj only to find that they hae fent a helping hand to depress their less pretentious, but more faith- ful frnds, to jump into a band wagon where the kettle drum is rattling. There are those who make headway slowly but would feel everlastingly disgraced if they could not meetvery obligation fairly. There are others who ! bluster and make srreat show of 1 O " prosperity, Cbt g theydil they hat?e no upules in letting those d$ the losing who . were carried ' awa em. Thg markets alt' Tiave . .nmint, t'M.U I 3 ,1 .. .1 ... Ehe goods f j standard fronds. A Winter Tuouffut. ' wrry wifti the bteefo hataVktowing through u a : ....I Jh treses mndxavorting aroun our kneeses in a bl usterip Fin- . tar style, nii with rabid abdurgtion we make hostile demoustraticn gainst the governmental stationJ whore the weather's kept on file. We bomoan otir .jUard position aud our frozen-up condition, butj we drop in1o submission with a semt-cheerful groarf When w think of, how the yellowf suti-scorched,' swqjter- ing tropic fellow has" long afld fusty. bellow on some troubles of his own. Selected. m JiloWn to Atoms. Theold idea 'that the body some times needs a powerful, arastfc, purgativo. pill ha. been exploded for Dr. King's, New Life Pills, which are perfectly harmless, gentry stimulate liver anct bowels to eipel poisondns matter, Cleanse tne system ami absolutely cure Constipation and Sick Headache. Only 25c at Fetzer's Drug Store. . ; . . ... Tbroa Killed bj a Boiler .Explosion. Huntfngtlon, 'Va., Jan. 0. A the boilen exploded at the lumber mills of Dewis Mirkfff, in souths ernpart 91, this county, today killingrthree persons and injur ing Several others. The dead are: Lewis Middkiff, of Ptfmeroy, O., andBrt Trippett and Benjamin Messinger, of Salt Kock, ,V. Va. Among the more seriously injured are: Hiram Harvey, of Lirfcoln county, aud William, Albert and Frank Bills, brothers of Cabell county. Mayor aud Cnief of Police Sue. Now the mayor and chief of police of Elizabeth are suing .the Citizens' .Committee for $10,000 damage each for its recent utter ances on the Nellie Xropsey af fair. This is a new tufn to the case and promises anger alter grief. . . . , Opening of H'iute&Tourist Season The Southern Eailway, which .operates Us own lines over the entire South ani torms me 1m portitutlink in the great high way of travel between the North I - 1 HIT . T and bourn, li'ioriaa, uuDa, iuex ico, the Pacific Coast and "Cen tral America,. announces for the winter of 19pi and 1902 the most superb service ever offered. Its spttmdidegular service will be augmented by the Southern Palm Limttedt(fa magniticent Pullman train, which will be operated be tweonNew York and St. Augus tine, Florid a. Several New Year resolutions have already vanished in smoke." . 'Nasal CATARRH In all iU stages. Ely's Cream Balm cleanses, soothes and heals the diseased membrane.. It cures catarrh and drives away a cold in the head quickly. Cream Balm is placed into the nostrils, spreads over the memb.p and; is ttbsorbedfRelief is im mediate and a cure follows. It is not drying docs not produce sneezing. Lare Si.e, B0 cents ;tt Drug gists or by mail; Trial Sue, 10 cents. ELY BROTHERS, 50 Warren Street, New York .. ,u,m ,fi.,.. ,.,,,., .. -- munmff Ha WarM&v V i m a a m wa jsa w a m E; y PENAL J www mwwmb BTlv Mm P maMB " Bjna sTTa Hkii -tb . n wm m Seasonable s ? UnheaFd of Prices! 10,030 Yarfls Remflants of- t WMte lap. . . Plain, stripes and checks at 40 I cents per pound. We .have all qualities tne averege bhirj Waist coits 8 to 12c. "Children's Short Dresses usually cost 10 to 15 'cents. You can got goods w,orth 20 to 30 per yard if you pick it!. m ' , 2Q0 Ponncls of Silence Cloth , or Table FeltM at 20 tJte per pound any lenghts desired. You get the 26 tQ 30c quality for aboat 10c and the 40 to 50c quaJityfor about 20c a yd - -Soaus! ' SoajjB'!! Colgates Cashmere Boquet, worth 20 and 25c for 15 and 20c. Very Respectful, T J Concord - National .Bank Has. paid $54.000 in dividends since it opened doors in July, 1888. Its surplus and .undivided Eund ys $27,000. The losses Erom bad loans in its entire history are $35.00. It has never sue"d any one or been sued. t Its officers are : J M Odell, president; D B Coltrane, cashier; L D Coltrane, assistant cashier; J M Hendrix, bookkeeper. Board of Directors W H Lilly, W R Odell, Jno. P 'Allison, J B Barris, .Elam King, J M Odell and D B Coltrane. M, L; JtfowN & Bro LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES. JusC in rear of St. Cloud Hotel. Omnibuses meet all passjengei trains. Outfits of air kinds fur nished promptly and at reason able prices. Horses and mules always on hand for sale. Breed ers of thorough red Poland China Hop: Fresh On Hand ! Oysters, every Friday and Saturday. Beaf Pork and Sausage daily except on Sunday. Saturday night orders filled Sunday morning. J. F. Dayvault & Bro: Fresh Moats. Come See Me For beef, pork mutton and sausage. Always fresh. In iriclijRow. 'Phone No. 183. Fksd BECik. FOR OVER FIFTY EARS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup hae bteun-tlfor over fifty years by ttcii-lior-3 ol mo tiers for their children teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the inms allays all pain, cures wind colic, p.u-1 is ' tne iKhi reuieny lor uiarrho-jn. it will relieve the pooOHittlo suti'ercr imrao.li stely. B.ild bydragrnrists iu tivery part cf tij9 wort!. Twenty-nB cents fl hot tie. suro and ask for "Mrs. Win flows f-jooi.hmir iSyrup," ai? take ito .thercii . . II Goods ."4711" White Rose (Glycerine at 1 cents. . Rogers & GjaletsSandlewood 25 6ents. Jogers Aallets Violet Do Parme 42 cents. '. ; OuiticlQi Yule Tydej Bay, Rum LancdOii, Butter M ilk and Glyc erine, Princess, Sweet Peas, La Juliette Calgates Elder Flower, Tube Ttose, Cornatidn, Vtolettes de Nice, Vestal Violets, -Violette . de Amerique and Au de Cologne, a11 8 centl Per fcake- The following brands at 5 cts per cake : Armours Violet. Hy acinthe Boquet, Dominion Cream and Glycerine, 'Violette and Blanche, Vernon Glycerine, White Ca-itile, Wm. Winston's Shaving and Grand -Pa's. BOSTIAKT A To Be There and stay thre to maintain our pow tion at the head; we continue to sell the different styles of vehicles of Tyson & Jones, Hackney, Barbonr, Emerson & Fisher 'eto., of the same qnalitv that has ; eivn patinr'action'fur vettf. Our efforts are directed towards pleiistnf; our ever increasing number of cuctomprs rather than add to oui profit An of these vehicles willjnake phas ing Christmas Gifts buggie. turrey UDd traps of any finish all are excellent alue at the price. . v tsar jr. v r "ir i T FOR $" Value For Price in everything- sold by pr w. c. f correll at Christmas times and every day in the year. $ FOR $ MMiimiiiain h..iiiii.i. i n. iiinn.nm.iiini o C t

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