0 9 Daily Standard. at JOHN D. BARRIER. Proprietor. V- ... oi l UE IfrMWlHlS IiUlLDINMJ. " TillSTANIVRD J putyisl! every J : - tiSBniy excepteaj aud delivered uy cai j- RateS Of SifaacaiPTiON. Oneeaii. t3tx luoufhs JChree months One month .$4.00 2.00 1.-00 Singly copy Sc. Tlie.WeuklyoStandard is iAi R-column 4-p.1e a per. It has a larger circutation in Cabarrus han any other p.Per. Price Mr in ad vance. Terms lor regular ad venisemeHis mane Known j Aldi ess all communications to STAMUKDj Concord, N. C. TELEPHONE NO. 71- )0 VOUD, N. C. fan. 13. 1902. Tllini. WAS" !f )!r OU Tjsirs. " "Hi- II E C fcry.-int i. is u4 do. ' line;) ion of ho .. ;: in Suuday'a O.. rlou o Observe . icciu tijng ail the glcries of jLhe small boy 03 thiU; thiy whjn he dpTi' htofl himsplf nl, o:ilin roasted pig tails and Mowing up 1 0 1 G 1 'at, battle s.-nes ia-j ofn wrinii I5y the iu-il corr'"j'.'iiJ . nt iu som ci . city parlov 6r office, but we .ill "-arrant thai Red iuck was r' the liog killing . but left or went io sleep a little t(o soon to see two of the j'egro .. men alter supper come up to thn . kitchen of the. "b'.g house" and there, with woodmen's ayes, chop the sausage meat tine on an oak slab bench. If hfc had stayed hy ' would -have had a taste of. The . first sausage, fqr when the sire and dame had. nut in the sare. , Al a ' and other garden flavors, the salt, pepper etc., and to confirm the accuracy of the palate on the' . - ; raw meat they would fry a little panful. When the big. folks had 3one tasting, little 'Ruck" could have-had another dainty, better eturne(i ' fr( Wilson' states ven than the half raw and haWjthacthi smallp0JK scare there burnt pigtails.. Then, top, he seema t0 s-caro other p6ople ould have seen the sire on one I , . , . . . much mare than :the residents of ide df a tub.of sausage meat and ' , , . .the town, "fveryone is aj- the dame on the other, the form- , ' ' , A , , , , lowed to come and go where he cr holding a tin stuffer with a' , , - ' , ... . please, ne said' hind. the people wboden rammer, the head of;, ' ' ; " ' ! do not seem to regaxd a quaran which rested against him about , . - . tine a at all necessary. The the upoer edge of hs "britches" M . . 1 streets are ni(? lined with yellow Han. . She would slip the casing ' . " , . . V ' " f " JV"A the firjt an4 e(oncl, fingers and Jet the casfng slide ou "ife 4he , stuffer drew uetrrer and, nearer1 to the fountain of his appetite juid the meat went shooting into: . . , . tl t.? encasing, she in the meantime . ponging an awi or iuoi(j loriv tain to the sausage J,o It the air . oegau umg iMectnc fitters. - TT cl1 -i A ! which did me moi-4) good than all oscal'- Ue refiUed the stuffer the medicinesl ever uad. They and she J,aidtho stritig away.' I have also kept my wife in ex- Ri Buck shoutd not have imnfiJceltent health for years. Slie to sleep befr these pretty 4 'skes"were coiled arounll in the ai"ehef e&out wooden tray. By taking the risk of $ liokinif next day3orbai levons ne ! m ' , jugeven u ne uiu n nve to ao to .JSCli'JUi. mM France has more alcohol Jhan :she needs, but has to buy all her i petroleum therefore she is work-Y 1 . , , . ing away on engines by which to se alcohol as a motor. Judfirinsr- IrSi its effects on men ithould jbe a hummer as a motor. 0 The United States treasury should stand we'd over the world as the now secretary has six toes on eaali loot. Yes, a Good Thing to let Alone. A contemporary remarks that 'when thirty States request Congress to call a constitutional contention for the the pupose Of providing for the popular r r -fe-tftf- of United StteS . Sna- tors Congress must obe,yf that ,!sii States have alread $lone so, and iully thirt&haveat times '.. accepted tne proposition m principle." and the, holding of a Federal cosntitutional conven- tiofl becomes herefre possible, even probable." This matter of the election of Fnited State Senators iy popular vote iS a Tood one to let. alone. The t earners of the constitution lruew what they were, 'doing when they provided for .the , . - 0 . V .election of Sanators by one electorate and of Representatives by another, and the agitation for a change is. j)imotod for. the most part -by demagogues. I hililren KspocfalljJLlable. Barns, bruises and cuts are exiretnHv painful and if ne.lec;- 'i often result in blood poisouiu?. Chijdreu are .espe cialy liable 1o such mishaps be- cau.0 not so careful. As a remedy De-Witt's AVitch Hazel Salve is unequalled. .Draws itlieHie, stopXthe pain, soon heals the wound. Beware of counterfeits. Sure fcure fof P'les. "De Witt's Hazel Salve cured my baby of eczema after two ph'ysJclaJus gave her up, wTrites James "Mock, N Webster, ''Theres were so bad she soiled two to five dresses a day.?' "Gibson Drug Store.' , Wilson Decdrated. A gentleman who has just nasana yoir nrst impression is that ypu have either struck Ohinatovvn or a circus 'parade. Raleigh Tjmes. Strickes A Rich Fiud. "I was troubled for several years with chro6ic digestion ami nervous debility." writes F T r. . , I J Green, oi Dancasfer. N. II., remedy helped me until I Says 'Eelactric Bitters arejust splendid iSv femarp troubles; thit they are a grand tonic aid invigorator for weak, rundovn 4 Women. No ofher medicine can 1 a 1 .... take its place in ouf family' ?y them yAf,0C: at;s- tiont - guqf iioteed by Fatzer's "It isn't carelessness tint : caosesi peopl to break th Ten Commaifclments," Cutthia out and take it to ML Marsh's drug store and get a free samDle of Chamealain's Stomach and Liver Tablets the best physic. They also cure disorders of the stomach, bili ousness and headache. A Trolltable Iuvestiueut. was troubled for about 0 seven years with my stomach I j n rl in i n 1 f t i y o tro . tv-,v.i, c spent about $1,000 and never could get any th ting to help me until I tried Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I have taken a few bot tles and am entirely 4 well. 'd You don't live by hatyou at hut by what you digest ami assinf- l 11 r'sioicacn aoesn disrest vour food vou are rallv starving. Koaol DyspSpsia Cure does the stomach' work by digesting the food. You tjon't havp to diet. Eat allyou want. Kodol Dyspepsia,Cure cures al! stomach, troubles. Gibson Drug Store. Special Kates. . On'ifccount of Mardi(xras, New Orleans, La., Ppb. 4tii to lfth, 1902, the Southern Railway will have special rates. T if Icats lobe sold Feb. -lib ,to 10th with, final limit Feb. 15th. "Faro 23.70. Onaccouutol MZifdiGras. Mo bile,. Ala. Feb. 4th to 11th, 1902, the Soutbwni Railway wiH have special rates. Tickols to be sold Feb. 4th tu llth, ith final limit Feb. 15th. Fare $19.45. On Atcount of North Carolina Poultry Association at .High Point. N. C Jan: 14 17, 1902, .the Souther n Railway wrll have special ratos. Tickets on sale Jan. lo-17 incldsive, witn final limit Jan. 19, 1902. Faro $1.85 f jr round trip. -, 1 Child no'j tlr Millions. "My child is woVth millions to me," says Mrs. Mary J3ird of Harrisburg, Pa, 4 'yet I would have lost her by croup had I not purchased a bottle of One Miriute Cough Cure." One Minute Cough Cur'e is sure- cure for cough, croup and throat and lung, troubles. An absouljfcely safe-cough dure which acts im mediately. Ths youngest; "child call take it with entire safety. The l;Uleones like the taste and remember "how often it helped them. Every family should have a bottle of One Minute Comgh Cure handy. At this season especially it may be needed suddenly. Gibson Drug Store. . Opening of Winter Tourist Season 1 The Southern Railway, which operates its own lines over the entire South and forms the im portant link in the great high way of travel between the North and South, Florida, Cuba, Mex ico, the Padific Coast and Cen tral America, announces for the wiuter of 1J01 and 1902 the most superb service eVer offered. Its splendid regular service will be augmented by the Southern Ejjalm Limited, a magnificent Pullman train, which will be operated be- tvveen New York and St. Augus tine, Florida. , tleut Out of an Increase of His Pension. A Mexican war veteran and prominent editor writes, "See ing the advertisement of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, I am re minded that as a soldier in Mexico in !47 t;ud48 Icontracted Mexcfan diarrhoea and this remedyhas kept me from gett ing an increase in my pension 'for on every rnewaj a dose of it restores me" It is unequalled as a quick curfor diarrhoe and s pleasant and safe to take. For sale by M L Marsh druggist. "Is there any connection be tween the golf walk and the club foot?" It Girdles The Globe. The fame of Bucklers Arnica Salves as the best in the world, extends round the earth. It's the one perfect heeler of Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Felons, Aches, Pains and .all Skin Eruptions, Only infallible Pile cure. 25c a box at Fetzers Drug Store "Cutting remarks the tomb stone man." Th.6 Rsckctl 41 CHEAP ihjjT-TaiS a-L L i t Seasonable -Goods . ATUnheaSof-Rfij6fesJ" 10.0J0 Yards Remnants of ' WMte Lawn. Til lain, stride and check at 40 cents per pound. We ha ve all qualities the aVerage . Shirt Waist costs 8 u12o. .Children's Short Dresses usually cost 10 to 15 cents. You can got gooefs worth 20 to 30c. per'yard if you pick it. . 200 Pounds of Silence .Mil or TaWe Felling . at 20 cts per pound any lcnghts desired. You get the 25 to 30c. quality for about 10c and-the 40 to.5)c quality for about 20c a yd. . Soaps! Soaps!! Colgates Cashmere Boquet. worth 20 and 25c for 15 and 20c. Very Respectfully, 33. J" Concord - National Bank'- Ias paid $54,000 jn dividends since it opened doors in July, 18$8. Its surplus and undivided fund is $27,000. The losses from bad Joans in its entire history are $35.00. It has never sued any one or been sued. Its officers are : J M Odell,( E resident; D B Coltrane, cashier; 1 D Coltrane, assistant cashier; J M Hendrixy bookkeeper. Board of Directors--W H Lilly,1 W R Odell, Jno. P Allison, J ,S Harris, 'Elam King, J M OdeU and D B Coltrane. 1 Fresh Moats. Come See Me. For beef, pork mutton, and sausage. 'Always fresh. In Brick RoW. 'Phone No. 183. ' . tf. Fred Beck. Fresh On Hand! Oysters every Friday and Salurday. Beef Pork and Sausage daily except on Sunday. Saturday night orders filled Sunday morning. J. F. Dayvault & Bro. M. L. Brown & Bro LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES. Just in rear of St. Cloud Hotel. Omnibuses meet all oassengei trains. Outfits of all kinds fur nished promptly and at reason able prices. Horses and mules always on hand for sale. Breed ers of thoroughbred Polard China Wov FOR OVER FIFTY EARS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lior.8 of mothers for their : children whue teething, vith perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums,' anays an pain, cures wind colic, ani is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immeJi ately. Bold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bot tle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wi Blows Soothing ;Syrap," ajid take no other kind "4711" White Rose Glycerine, at 15 cents. . Rogers & GaTlets Sandlewood 25 cents. Roger" & G allots Violet D$ Parme 4i cents. t Cuticle, Yulo Tyde, Bay Rum, Lance Oil, Butter M Ik anclGlyc- erine, .Princess, Sweet Peas. La Juliette, Calgates Elder Flowed Tifbe Rose, Cornation, Violgttee de Nice, Vestal Violets, Violette de Amerique and Au de.Cologne, all 8 cents.per cake. 'The followiug'brunds at 5 cts per cake : Armours Violet. Hy- acinthe Boquet, Dominion Cream and Glycerine, Violett'o and Blanche, Vernon Glycerine, White Castile, W01. .Winston's Shaving and Grand Pa's.. BCSTIAN and Btjy there to maintain our posi tion at the head; ye continue to sell the different styles of vehicles of Tyson fe J ones, Ilackney, Brboar, Emerson & Fi?her, etc., of the same quality that has given eat intact ion for vt-urs. OtJr tffoits VreYKreet'-i toMrdS pleusinir ;nr ever. icreasin jjncbr of cu-toutib ruthr than al to our profits. uy of these vruicks will iake phas ing Christmas Gifts bugsieg, mrrjyj and tra s any finish all are txcllent Vftlue at the jrice. $ FOR 5 Value For Me m in everything- sujil by w. c." CORRELL JEWELER, at Christmas times' and every day in the year. F O F O R $ FOR S

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