o OK(ORdVn. C. WEQKEfcDAYJAN! 15. UUC2 . 'iuce:$4.00 per ytr, -SlNGLH COPY' 5 CENTS. STATK TOO SMART. c Yqjjnj: Man tieut auOffcnsiTd Letter to tlie President. - uichroonxt, 2Un ri.-r4ohnW. , . -. , J3tark,one of the most fjaeiy known young meH in Richmond A A., was arrest ecr . oy .'osluuiw Inspector fJulla his .-afternoon, for sending through thg jnails a vulgarly insulting letter to Trsident Roosevelt, about .thef time of the episode of, the dining of Doiikei'J. Washh.gton,at the WhHo Ilose .The charge is , .u,,,,,.,,!. ,1,,, Tho lottor throu-h tbe mail. . 1 lie letter . i,i,.oCQ,i tr, "Tho'Prpiflont was addiessed to 1 he I resident, Washington, D. C.," in a large asgltcd her: 10 tnese artlC1 wl.Tte envelope, and the address 'ints in the evening's enter 'was printed with type, The taifcmeut .the club members de- . , i-j ollensive aocument,cQnsiSLeu ux a sheet of blank letter-paper on which was written in pencil . under date "10s24-1901.': the ora "TaTeddy: "White without and, black within, . . A nifer in a wlute maD S,i"uuuuu . ,tw skin," (SignedV "J. W. S." "JbQclos'ed was a pjctur-i of a negr:; standing on his hands andi nAWc t.00ie 11 ;':,,n CP 1. ' familutr advirtisemtnt. Ap .pended to this was au obscene referenc"c. By the watermark of the paper, the character of the typo and initials, the letter was traeed to Stark." Stark con fessed to the officers today. Title to ranamalloutc Worthless. There seems an explanation in the vote of tho House in favor cfc the Nicaraguan canal route 6ver th Panama Route in the following Washington dis patch of 13th: iM. Lampre, the representa tive of the Panama Canal Com pany who was sent hery bv the company to make a formal offer "to sen its property and ran-, chises, was before the Sonate Committee -on Interstate Com merce and Canals for two houra subjected toa searching ipquiryj by Chairma Morgan. This examination was so, -sharp and severe, iij fact, that .'Senator Ilanna, one of thB members o the commijttee, was disgusted. Senator Morgan, however, is satisfied that the result of the hearing showod conclusively that the proposition sobjaiitted by Ifr. Lampre is utterly 'worthier, for the reason (W I the company could give no clear j tit: fj thrJtiicrtionof the caii:4 already dug anclobe franchised. He will makf special report to the Senate OS the subject, setting forth this point in e.ceod ing plain language. " "Pru dece in women should to aa instinct, not a virtue." JnlIaMg:ruderBo riub. Quitea d!ghtfii departure from Itfie usual routine of $ub work.was tbi! JnusiGal eveniug of the Jdlia Maruder Book Club. Wisdom was display edin choosing Mrs.Ada Bcfykin as Bdykin as 'directress., bhe wa$ entirely-mne two Dieacifenes and the her element ancrgav to the club a rare treat in the musical line, Mrs, Boykin al ways charm- ing hostess, was never more gracious than on last evening, when thef -threw open the, doors AT V YAtiT ri f rvt f in Vl tt d I . , , , . . , corned the club and tho ladi. s aa gentlemen, wno so Kmaiy ft. . . siro to pxt.pnd munh arr)rociation - - y auutt3u mem umi, juuiuej, with them 'into musiMaud will . ever Iend radnfte to the dark "pathway of literary 'fame, on ,wull,1J lueJ rtlt! IJluuuluK' Tho color scheme of thts dn- jing room and refreshments was' TI19 former officers wore.ro s pink and white with dainty baud ' elected as follows: D F Cannon, painted souvenirs of famous musical people. . A bronze bust of Schubet was offered ta the one who identified .!it. It was won by Mrs. Chas. . Uarri?. 1 CavatiiHi -Tluff-Dx. Joha Reed, yio-1 Hn MiBB Hams piano llonna-ntllaji Muse? I; Uarns and Lileniitb. i Funeral arch Chopin Mils SniTth, 1 QiVvrtette from Fetn)t--Gmiua! liiHfH Craven and Sruitli, Mesnrs liar-1 row and Betta. I ypiv .CoU'.Ciisft Glover Miss Cia ven biid Mr- JJarruw. J'antabir Dr.. John ltued. II. J. I. F.ist for the State Normal. Mr. J I Foust, Superintendent' of tho Goldsboro gradod schools will become the successor of Prof. P P Claxton as Professor "of Pedagogy in the State Nor- mal of Greensboro. He , enjoys a goo'd degree of . prominence in the educational circles of -the State and'it seems a good selec .. ... 1 tion. . , , ! He will assume the duties as . soon as his successor can be se- t' cured for the Goldsbor5 Schools; New Biis'Dess'Sluwd. . ' ; I have moted'from 'the Brick Row to trie room over Johnson's Drug store where I ill b pleased fcto have .my customers to 'call. Patronage 'solicited. 1-16. WW Gidson. It Dazzles the World. No Discovery in mecficine , has ever created on quarter fit the excUemenV that has been caused by Dr. -King's New Discovery Consuion. It's severest tests have beeu, on holessi vicljp of Consumption. PneU- mom a. Hfimnrrnasre. fieunsv and bronchitis, thousands o( wlicnr it hrs restored to perfect I Asthma. Croup Hay Foyer Hoarsrsniws and Whooirlt):! (Wrh it the huiclseft surest cure in t ho woria It 1: Cf1rl vf rt'lZOI S 11U DtUlB wuu fiuai- T.1 .1 . n - ...l. inf-.- cntitfontinn rr rofnrn tvuitu oauimuuii d a i w v money arge DOttleS OOC and '61.000. Trial bottles free. Concord Id Picfftres. Mi Mfl Caldwell has shown u a series tf photographs of ourtourt house .takenfrom the tandppint near .tbcf Standard office, and tWose of every factory in' town inclcdTng separately i in' town inching separately; furniture factory. 1 hose pictures win j,ononn at on e-fcr'y ; day arid we hope will serve ji good purpose from, a busiriels standpoint., . Dell & Harris Fiiruiture CJinpanj. rn , r-ii p. tt r.i iuwneu cv inirris rurmiure. . , Company mt a few da vs aco. ! " The followiiitr is the make uti of The following is. thri. make up of tha,t enterprising coinpany: W' L Bell.'president; W R. Harris, i secretary and treasurer; JAV and D F Cannon, C A Dry ami J C Wadsworth diroctors. oabarrys Mill UtoVfc Holders Moot. The stockholders of 'tho Ca- oarrus Mill met Tuesday and do dared a 5. per cent, dividend. uiocieu is iuuows: i .u uannou, president; J W Cannon, socro-. Jtary and treasurer; E-King, 11 S Young, J A Barnriardt, L Foil and Rev. Paul Barrincr di- rectors Aslieville te Have IFivtli Waters. Afehuvillo, N. C, Jan. 11. At a special election ho:d Ln'e 1 . it.u today to vote on tho issuance of 2pO,(00 of bonds for a more . . A , . extensive water extensive water su)ply the result was unanimous in favor of tho question. Only ten dissenting votes were cast out of several thousand votes polled Tho result moans a gravity line thirteen miles Ion"- originating on Mount Mitchell which will be installed as oaily as possible. The city claims it will be tho finest water system io tho country, Setting a Prisoner Free. A man with rheumatism is a prisoner. His fetters aro none the loss galling because they are invisible. To him Perry Davfs' Painkiller coma? as 1 a liberator. Rubbed 'well into the swpllen, stiffened joints it ' not merelV1 rivaaway iha pain, it makes th. muscles phable so that the prisoner becomes a Tree min. There is but one , Painkiller, Perry Daves'. 2&and 50cts. . "Where there is harmony with God there is . joy. Ifr mat ters notif the lifebe written' in a minor key, it is a question of beingin tuiie or ott of tune. JJ J RlgIST CAYARHP vnT y.!:;" ' Pvg 4A', PitV TRIAL SIZE. 1.. iu I r Qy'S ftm WymM GiresRciiet at Once hf y n cie tit sotjliies 1"L?.':? ?u,e ??lim Catarrh and HrWs a- a- land drW's a- -"- v . ,' CCLD JN H EAD I and protects the Membrane, restores the quickly way - co Heals and nrotrct the Membrane, restore the' arnses 01. ia:iie auu rmcii. , r u.i aiic sue: irvi - . - - .. . .. . tize ioc, at druggisisor by HCI. :.-. v... v " Ely Bn-tUerH.SO Warreu St. NewYurk. 1 f jyTTTfTTTTTTTTTffTTTTTTTTTTMJHTW tE m . P . r ; ! took, i aKino AT 1M STOUE F I . 3S c0Sts our usines year and p E from now till that time eveiy de- I partment in this lare sto're is thrown'into a Clear- -3 E ' " -3 t Qnce rafe. -Ihere are t i.L 1 1 1 1 r lOisiioiiL irie Uliisy (lOlKuiy Selling rliau Will DC SOltl 'fc J r' J fc 1.4-.tu': : 3 E l,t i nis is E ' . . ty and the quicker you come, the better you arc 3 t .pleased.. It's much easier to count money than 3 Soods, hence the sale. is. Dry Goods 1,000 yards, of 5 and-. 6c CaJic'oes ,iu 2 to 10 yard lengths a"t 4 cts 500 yards of 7c Percals in from 2 to 15 yd lengths, fc Red Flannel ft 10 cts P Tht remaining 10 and 12 E CQnt Percals, about 500 yds, E salo prico I nets 10c Flannelettes good E patterns for wrappers and dressing s'acques, to clean Ee up n cts z 1,000 yards rt near si He, fj yard wido, in. all colors, r. regular lbc, our spe'eial I prico 10 cts t ' Five )i(ces of all wool fe Kcrsev Pants Cloth, sold E for 39c yard, to close out .,"'('' Jeans I'ants Cloth that is t vvyv. V U1UU r U X 2, 1 1 I V-i .15 cts , Real bargains in largo sizo bed quilts frorc 'Jic 1o $2.00. Many remnants and odd p feces of Dros. C o d s are on tho bargain counters. C: fe H. L. PARKS.- N&.CQmPANY.M Just Keen And .if -moving time is delayel muth long- er we. will not have such a job after 'all. For the next few days until, our new quarters are ready, we are going to make prices tlfot will sell goods if , t Thanking you for past fnvor and nsrlcing you fi to pass ovci' iir inishkiv; mi it's pOr'Vi!,J. . 4 W Will aifU (io u( , .'.,,..v. . ttffain tliankiu;; you anU see us we are yours to try topI('ase, Tlio Bell Jk Harris Fur. h . - J 171 " ai - . enci 111 ou- The Standard--35 H a n . J 3 3 . m many Kcmnants and small i 11- 1 Ml l it 3 a munuy saving onpomim- Capes and 5 4 Jacl; i Down"gor-s tbe prices--we Capes, fur trimmed collar, 3 formor nrico 08 cts. tn flnn out at 50 cts 3 All the 1.25. 1.50 and l.Cb 3 Cloth. Capes aro marked OS cts 3 Two dozen extremely tine Cloth Capos that weri 4.ro 3 5.00 now marked IDS T 1 " T ( ..... ljntiios .ac.;:.'.'i ., 2 50, 4.08 Mo 7.50 tl.r.t are worth a third more. Boy's Suits Parents. h.-n? is v .suit chance. The price will mov'S th(Mn rjuickly I( v's Is'lCt! P: 1! ;! puV!- J'.uits. -o;it, vo.'. ami Vant.-.. , ID 10 10 voar.4. fanner prico 2.1)t now 2 00 thr.'H Suits, re 1. 1) , to 10 years, former n . pric-.' o.aO iV -i m uow o.n 0 1 iki ! nu';i :..iri;;... ..u to call "t . blt K w X L w .. c';s, ime! Com O D

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