t o ' o pniCE:4.00 per year. UNCORD. N. 0. THURSDAY JAN. 16 II- 2 SlNGLH COPY 5 CENTS. - - vs, 0 6 4 , 9 6 A MASONS IN SESSION. Will Build a Grand Temple Honor to Secretary Drewry. 4 The Grand Iodke of Masons te in session in Raleigh. A move ment is on foot to build a drand Masonic temple at the Capital. A pleasant feature Wednesday was tfiat of getting Grand Sec retary Brewryout of the hall to have a whole lot of god said about him, rlaaong which was that he is about to get marriedi and the body unanimously voted him a handsdaie present, prob ably a silver Service set. - 9 mmm - N. 0. Regimental History. We are proud to have received the 3rd voluaiQof thp Regiment al History of North Carolina Confederates. Its pictures are rather a curiosity. The best we see in its resemblance of the nracont ic flnnt T A. 1 A tttqI 1 I . I Capt. William Johnson, Mrs'1 J C Wadsworth's father, is true to our .memory of his features before we entered the'sgcond bat- tunf j?,ww;m,cw wu i, fell commanding .his company. Mr. D B Cpltrane's picture is "barely recognizable and the only . J inmg mac iooks iikc I'aui u Means is the ipectacles vvkii the chord. There is a pretty good looking youngster that they say docs hot look like the Standard man. It is a handsrme book of 761 pages embossed qn cover with .the battle flag and State flag, Gov. Vance's picture is the fron.ise-pieco in Cqlonel's attire including sword and belt. These books cost $1.00 with 25 cents extra for express charge. . Chicken Show at High I'oiut. A High Point special of the 15th to the V-harlotte Observer says': . The first meeting of the North Carolina Poultry Association is now on at this place, the di ors being opened to the public last evening The show is "being held in the AnQhor'Warehouse, a, structure large enough for all purposes., About 1,000 head of poultry and pet sock had been entered atthe time of the open ing. Mr. Jesse A. Harrill, the yeteran uperiotendenti is pres ent. The judges are menof nationalfrepntation: Stephen T. Jea, oft Hodges, p. C, and P J Marshall of Atlanta. Tlie secretary is Ur. R L Simmons, of Cherryvilte. They wltfc all other officials and faneiersaree that the noet collection of birifsfCl ever gu red under one roof in the Sta; c .m oxhibitiion here R?.blj, ' including the ABg6ra, !iialtese, Belgian pigeons an variety of c)ilclnsl4loi greet the eye of the victor. "Love., laden glances are the wireless messages Start." from the Mr. Sliefofd's Danger of a Jfire. Mr. Chatles A Sherwood nar rowly missed e vary serious fire on Wednesday morning at his hpnle near the furnilJuro'factory. On haringsomefching wrong with one of l)ts sons up stair he went td see to Jiim. He found the boy stifled in a dense smoke and the'boy says since tha he was as if in a dream that he could not breathe. Mr. Sherwood hastened to find the source f the smoke which was so dense as al most to bo felt. lTefinally found a smouldering fire underneath the house whhch ial charred oil two sleepers. He has a Buckeye hand pump and. by cutting the floor he was soon master of the , i .... naps nis nve children up wirs who were fast being stifled and might have succumbs i with- , out waking. ThcS. W.U. C. w now htoVe another organi- zation a'mong the fair ones of the sweeter age. It .was organized I Wednesday at Mrs R A Brown's with Mis- ( race Brown as nrpsi- , , ... . A1, .dent, Miss Miomo Allen vice- president and Miss Julia John son as secretary. It is called the S. W. G. C. club. It is not ours to solve the mystic initials. Ileal Estate Sale. Mr. J C Wad'sworth made a sale Tuesday of the Howell prop erty on North Union street to Mr. W Frank Morrison. The consideration was $1,500. Our Merchants Fill Orders from Coica. It will be remembered thai Rev. J R Moose formerly pastor of a church in Concord is now a missionary in Corea. Wo have just been shown an order re ceived by the Canuon & Fetzer Company for a bill of goods in eluding such things as are nqeded in a family for domestic comfort &s well as wearing apparel. It includes about, two hundred pieces, counting small and large articles. He sent an .order also to Mi.. W W Gibson for three pairs of shoes. All will be ship ped within a few days via San Francisco to Soul Corea. He says he experiences a good deal of difficulty rn getting "orders filled in San Francisco arid takes this method of dealing where he knows Miat t6 depend upon. The National Magazine. The National Majazine for January edited by Joe ..Mitchell j;1 tnd ipublishod in Bos toil, is on our esk. It has a nnTberlbf very "desirable productions of live intgrast. In fact ista-ery desirabje magaziie. Sertator IT nana begtes a series fit article's irith the January nutn- j br entitled "Williarf McKinley i as J!r?v V.'iu". It nromisps tn ' :-h more than the 1 t ccst of the uauazine. Petrea-Wilkinson. At .the home of Mr. 'and Mrs. Newton Wilkinson at Caa nonville oi Wednesday night, their daughter, Miss Minnie, and Mr. HawleyPetrea wei e happily united in marriage by Rev. JA BFry, 1$ rras a quiet homo wedding at which a number of special friends were invited to witness the ceremonyand participate in the joys of the contracting p'u-t-ie. , . The bri(l was the recipient of . many presents, including co'stly ! silver w.aretand statuary. I he was arrayed, in white or- ' gandy and bore a beautiful bou-! ! quet, being the picture o loVe- liriess and the pro jd groom was ... . . . manifestly elated with his prize. Our best wishes go with tljese young people on their matrimo- nial voyage. American Poultry Association Charleston; Jan. 14-The Amtrican Poultry Association, composed of the loading poultry men of the country, will hold Us annual meeting here next week, during the continuance of the poultry and pet stock show of i "the exposition. In order to give Northern, eihibilors full op portunity to outer their poultry and pet stock.'the time for mak ing entries has been extended till the opening day of the show, Jan nary 23. The (Joed or Small Tox. People who have had the small pox live longer than those who havo not, the small pox mi crobes sw'allow up the microbcsJ of other diseases, wo aro told. Tha same authority says that people suffering from rheuma tism and gout live long. Dur ham Recorder. . . Fire Dead From His Drunk. A Pittsburg dispatch of the 15th gives a most horrowing tale of a Pol who came hotne drunk and made a murderous assault on his wife, who, though severely hurt? fought him'off. . Ho then turned to slaying his children, when the wife attacked him with knife in each hand and inflicted mortal wounds, but 4 ho killed her. m Including children that will die of their injuries there f are five fatalities from his drunk. Alphabet on JMn Ilcadi A Baltimore jewoller has succeeded in engraving tho letters of the alphabefcin capitals on a pin liead Ae it was his firs! attempt and was done m an hour aria1 a Italf witha!mmon engravif instruoiont, he jisprcud of the job. Morning Star. IJ. FvKHth Gets tljf Xlurab. B F Keith, a Wilmington mt, is to be collector of the port at i that city in place of Dancy it isf nv confidently assorted. j TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTC tock raking ! ime AT TEIIS M 1 Hi Jeir 3IS cosea business year an( 1 from now till thrft Jti me every de- 1 I partment iji this large store is thrdwn into a Clear- J & ance Sflje. 'life re are many remnants and small lots from the buisy holiday selling that will be sold 3 I -at almost half. This is a ty and the quicker-you pleased. It's much easipr. to -count money thfnr ffoods, h'ence the sale. i .Dry Goods . 1,000.. yards, of-5 and 0c Calicoes in 2 to 10. yard t E lengths at T t . . Jc fix V 500.yards of'Tc Percals in from 2 to 15 yd lengths, 5 Cts .'Red Flannel .. 10 cts The remaining 10 and 12 cent Percals, about 500 yd?, salQ ptice '. 7kcls p ll)c Flannelettes, rrrA P Datterns for wrannnrs and r - P dressing sacquos, to cledn up 7 cts 1,000 yards of near silk, yard wide, in all colors, ' r regular 18c, our s)ecial 1 price 10 cts p Fivo pieces of all wool, ) t jvorsey i'ants uiotn, sold r for 39c yard, to close out I ......:....' cs Jeans Pants Cloth that is : good value at 12.J- and . 15 ets f Real bargains in large E size bed quilts frou; 98c to $2.00.. IVlany remnants and t odd pieces of Dress. Goods aro on the bargain counters. H. L. PARKS 4& GO A PAN Y.N- JllStt (eep Coming! And if moving time is delayed jriuch lon er we will not have such a job after, all. For the nhkt faw jlays untill, our new quarters are really, weare going tojnake prices that will sell Roods if Low Prices Will Sell .Them Thanking you for past icf pass over our mistakes vh. :: ii will fry- 4$ 'y aiu (it-) Again thaaking'du and sec u wo jirft yours totry to rtloase, Tiio Bcll Send in your . , i ' o Otauutti uau 3 4 S TOR 3 money saving oppprtuni- come the Letter you n re 4 3 3 Capes v,r,r "Jackets . Down goes tln prices we need the room.-lAst rnlcnn 3 Capes, fur trimmed collar, former price JJ cts, to close Qut at. ; 3 f)Octs All the 1 . 2"), 1 . T.O a n d I . H8 3 Cloth Capes an-n,iiri:-l t '.US cts if Two dqzon extrenu-.iy fine 3 .Cloth Capes thattwer.' 4.w0 5.00 now marked 3 OS 1 IH. ' Ladies Jackfs a S 50, 1.98 to 7.50 thitt, arc? worth n third moro.. Boy's Suits -a --a 3 Parents, hero i a suit cli (. Tim j-rice will nu'V t hcni cuickly. I'oy's Kno Pant 3-ico -4 3 S'lits. coat, vest and pants, sj ge 10 to 10 years, former i3 price2.!)H, tiow o nn 3 4 Boy s three piece 5:uit.- f 'ago 12 to 1(5 .years, former f pneo 3.50 Sz 3.98 now fi.vor and asking you T;osstt)i( better aiRl s'' ! tO C.lJl & Harris Fur. Co. subscription to - - l U Cb ivUUU. K PRICE