o 1. 9 CE: $4.00 per year. CONCORD, N. C5. MONDAY JAN. 20 2 SlNGLB COPTfc 5 CENTS. L m s REV. J. IIUdGINS SERM05. The Pe'aMoiis of the Virer'n Mary to Christ and tho Uelleyer. It was of no small interest or pleasure tothe writer to sit up der the preachfng of Rev. J N Qugerics on Sunday in which he elucidated the relations of the "Virgin Mary to the Savior and to the believer. It carried hiio, .back some 27 years to a lecture by a Catholic priesfe In that lecture it was set forth that the Catholic church does pot ascribe divine or honors to the .Virgin Mary as some Protestants sup pose, but that the filial heart of the Son is drawn closely to the most blessed of all mothers and that no petition coming from her would be rejected by Him, hence the wisdom of gaining her inter cession. The priest's transla tion of the word rendered "wo- man" as Christ called. her when at the marriage at Cana made it not seemingly baish, but very en dearing and filial. The priest's lecture .was interesting and in many of the sentences very love ly while the writer could not ac cept some of the essential tenets It was regretable, too, that on that occasion when tho Catholic view was elucidated that the priest was also mistaken in the trie Holy Ghost is not an inter- j s -! MEXICO'S GREAT SHOCK. ., . -ilirc- ces.or with Him,buta retealer, a guide, aft intercederwith us to bring us to Christ. ' He closed the discourse Wllh poetic appeals of the devout heart to Christ and His assuring j days indescribable panic and replies, making the Climax to the; consternation, for yesterday discussion blnd in eloque'rit 1 there cam a repetition of tho strains of the humble and the ! earthquake! Tho people are Lytrrors of'ivo Dasof (u.kin ulousscnpes. m Mxico City, Jati. 18rChi! pancingo, the capital of the State of Guerrero, has had for two! devoted worship. camping out on the Alamedo ancl in the helds. Hundreds or families are ruined. " The build ings destroy ed include the Sev enteenth battalion's barracks, from which the soldiers were Mrs. Frank Mills Dead. Mrs Prank Mills died Sunday evening at their home at Forest Hill after a week's severe illness. She was about 20 years old. SLu leaves a sorrowing husband ordered,- thus saving their lives whose bride she became only TliG scho1 buildings are wreck three months ago. " , ed' but lnc thachildrep were She was a faithful member of all saved, their, teachers having Forest Hill M. E. Church and the rare presence of mind and giving funeral was conducted at the the order for them 0' march to home to day (Monday) at 3:30 the street when the first trernb o 'clock by her "pastor Rev J. N. oling of the earthquake betfan on Huggins and the remains were Thursday. The parish church, laid in the City Cemetery. j wnich was bGin repaired, hav- Our sincere sympathies are,iDS 'beea iaJured iu a rocont earthquake, is destroyed. When 1 i.i i 1 1 ...... v,Al. husband. )UibllOCM. ubsu was uvaiiy filled with worshipers, who fled The Gibsoii Mill to Be Enlarred. in disma.Ti women being-knocked The ground- has been surveyed by but f ortupately all for elarging the Gibson. Mill. had ned street when the The extension is to be the IuU!heavj8toao akhea wfini It i. width, three stories, wtf is,tq -elUjved that'every one escaped, extend one hundred and seventy. h , h oUUers ar; removlnf? Protestant view, as he thought ne feet. Alreadyone of the 7 .. whijh ig piled up in i- x . i 1 i i I nrottioKf. m?l 1 c in fVia Rtto fVilc r. (great heaps. win oe a most imposing eamce Prptestants do not pay due hom age to her and are too near the point of offensive irreverence, and expose themselves to the Savior's displeasure as an affec tionate son. Pastor Huggins in tho course of his remarks said he was not and a grand enterprise. It dis sipates the conclusion that fac tory building. is to stand still in our growing city. Faithful Elevator Boy. The Lastrain hotel in Chicago antagonizing the Catholic church. I was practically destroyed by fire Ht bid it God speed in as for as .on the 18th. The remarkable it brings man to his God but the part was that the boy managing true relations of Mary are not as an intercessor with Christ. The solutation of the angel to Maiyisnotto be. considered as ascribing sinlessness to' her. There is nothing to indicate that she was ther 'than a good wo man blessed and honored above women as the'mother of the mat in Christ. "Wist ye not 'that I must be about my Father's busi ness,'' and "Woman what have I to do with thee" he understands . from Jhe translations and jthe constructions to carry with them admeasure of correction, of her motherly assumption that she could interfere with his acts as they were proppted by tne di vine part of his nature. i the elevatror kept running it through smoke and even fire ti'l he got out the GO or more women and children from the high stories, finishing his work by carrying ane paralytic to his el evator and from, it to the 'street so that no life was lost. Working 2i Eours a Day. . There's no rest for those tire less 'little workers Dr. King's New LifePllls. Millionaire al. ways busy, curing Torpid Liver, Jaundice, Biliousness, Fever and Ague. They banish Sick Head ache, derive out Malaria. Never gripe or weaken v Small taste nice, work wonders. Try them. 25c. at Fetzers drug store. jSew Telephone Subscribers. Add to your list the following new telephone subscribers: He thought that5vlary was as 187 Toil J "V, grocer, otftervorecn and vjas not of per-' 182 ar-?oit D L & Co., groceries j$tual v;4 linity asfmec?aim. j 194 Iliddnhour R E, "residence, Tne tr$ brother, ho admittad, i J95 Gil?onW A, .residence, iintl(5iflnjt.e ad may mean cousin 17 HolsJousr J A, groeer, bul the Birden of proof ltls with ; 6f Yorke A J, residence, tho. who asscrtthat she did not l0t) Gibs'on Mrs. J C, re.ijdeace rear g children beskfc Jtjs. j 187 Lore G M, residence, He maintained scinptural 18- balker D M, grocxa-, tjxts that Christ intercedes with 177 a Williams CJ& Co., grocer the Falli-'jr snd that there is ko 177 b Bunn .7 F- vet., -surgeon, interfliCksor with Christ. Even loo Rose A J, residence. a Governor Mora and his secre tary escaped from the State palace in time to save themselves and proceeded to aid the wound ed and panic-stricken populace. The statue of General Nicholas Bravo has thrown down, and the town government building was so badly cracked that its fall is momentarily expected. 'Fissures opened across the streets. The church of San Mateo, in one of the outer districts, was nearly destroyed. Among the dead al ready found are four women and two young girls, The list of tho wounded is a long one including many prominent citizenS. No official list of dead and wounded has been given out as yet In the town of 'Chilapa many buildings were badly wrecked and three persons were killed outright while four were injured. In the towns of Jextla and Marchitlan many buildings were cracked. At Iguala several arches fell in and there was gen era! wreckage in shops. At Zumpango Del Rio, three ppr sonS were badly injured add the priSor fown hall, 'schools and courts arc wrecked. T ii Fast Friendf . Rushvillo, In. Messes Btr. Bbos.:-! bavebe'w a erea Bnffererfroai catarth auA lifty fevr and tried many things, but foiL no permaatntf'relif until I fouarl ii iaf Ely's OreaiJalm about eigfit years ago, and we have been ft friiBkds ever since. (Fev.) 11. M. liENTliE?. Prove its value by iiirestinar 10 cents in trial size a of k.ly Uream vtxm Drnpists supply it and we mail It Fall size 50 ctnts. aly Warren St., New York. TTTTTTnTTnnTTnTTnnTTJTnnnmTnninunnTTTTnTTTTTTTTnHTTn!fTTTTTnTTHTTTTmmTTg iTbe Ctina g Glass Ware-Sale I -5 I I and Chii fc y that mea I r- Departm Farewell to Everything in this Department...;. This department is closed Feb. " 1st and everything must be sold out as near as possible. We sink the knife deep the price is cut in very piece ot (jriass are i . i una nas a cut pncQ on it means a great saving. All partments of Ehis store are wonderfully active at present ridding our shelves preparatory to stocktaking. This Sale grows iike a rolling snow-ball and you t cannot afford to miss a singe day. t 3 3S 31 31 31 3i 3! 31 31 3 31 3t 3 3 3) 31 3i 31 1 3i 1 3i Seventy five cent Cups and Saucers, per set, sale price Cake Plates and Salad Bowls that are great values at 98c, 65c, 38c, 25c and China Pitchers that were sold for a third more are now 38c, '25c and Wonderful values on the 10c counter that were sold for 15 and 20c, 31 31 ISO 15C loc H i. PARKS L COMPANY. 31 31 31 1 31 Just Kee p Coming! And if moving time is delayed much long er we will not ha.ve such a job after all. For the next few days untill, our new quarters are ready, we are going to make prices that will sell goods if Low Prices Will Sell Them , Thanking you for past favor and asking you to pass over our mistakes when it's possible, we will try and do better in the future Again thanking you and asking you to call and see us we arc yours to try to pleaser 4 , The Bell & Harris Fur. Co. Good Job .Work! zaM-JJ-1 i-ur-.Ji. fc-V : substantiate this statement k n ! ! i "i rr i i .j. j. . . y witn.me eai siutt, ana. ieava n to you w-to say whether our work is tM right or h norand if it is ntijt we guarantee4to 6 X make it so. Wq( are hiere jo: make a tfproUr'd livmgafffo todo justice The Standard Jdb Oiiice. 1. 4