f, V Hi $ w -ft Mi - W cb ff!Q0 jeVyear.- JQNCORtf. K. C TUESDAY JAtf. 21. I 'J 2 SnGL COPY CEIJTS. OH I LD R ts o TH E CONFEDERACY Johft l'liifer Yomitr, Chapter Holds' an 'lnteiereslmc Mythic Mrs. Allisoa's (JoodYork patriotic Rendernj! Tpe "John Phifer Young;' Chapter; of Children of the Con federacy met on Monday after . ... K. noon January zuth with .Lena Hftrtsell. It wa reported that thirty eight apf ligations had been sent iu for the Cross of Honor and it was unanimously resolved that iu the eveut of the Chapter of the Daughters of the ConfedeY- "!acy being unprepared to fully meet the expense the Childrens' Chapter will contribute one dol lar. This being the day on which m the anniversary of Gen. Lee's birth was celebrated, and the day before that of Stonewall Jockson .the program was given up to these two Southern leaders whose names still live as fresh as ever in the hearts of all South ern people who are worthy trf their native land. It -is one nob ble, object of these Juvenile Chapters to . train our children in the love and reverence due the heroic men, from General-in-Chief to the lowest private, who fought and suffered for our dear "Lost Cause." They are pass ing away. Soon none will be left to whom we may minister. "Let us then be up and doing" for their welfare and comfort while they are with us and when the last one. is tenderly laid to j rest mav our "children ana our cnildreus' children" still cherish the memory of their matchless deeds. Mrs. Allison gave a brief, but most interesting little talk on Loe and Jackson. No prai?e is too high for her earnest and, as a the interest in the work proves, efficient work, in training her little band in the history of the Confederacy. Then followed a duet on the piano by Ohla Brorn and Lena Hartsell. It -was beautifully played and gave much pleasure. Three recitations, "The Sword of'Lee" by MargeretWoodhouse; "The Two Brothers" by Mary Kimmons: and ''The Old Sword on the Wall" by Geneva Parks were rendered and greatly en joyed. A sketch of Maj. R E Wilson, read by Marguerite Brown was especially interesting from the fact that he is one of our own "Uia veis" ana wen- known to several members o he Chapter. ? "Ellen Gibson read asketch of Gen. Robert E Lee. The meeting adjourned after singing the Chapter song The Cavaliers' Glee. Secretary. IU HIS STEPS." FIUIITLNG A Geii. Carlos Albonjullejf atul yie Lau laro sunK uy KeTolutlouistj., The ;war by the gofernnient and the, revolutionist -forces of Mr Owen Renders the Story Illustrate on CanTas and Intensified With Muslr cal Rendering by Local Talftit Thw entertainment Monday . ! 1- J. n j i , i u.K.iu was an umi was aiineu Columbia has taken on fresh for it. It was deeply solemn. v0I.fl There was a fierce naval Mr. Ownen is a model .reader, battle Monday morning between His voice is low but strong, and the reVolution vessels Parilla, he has the-art of dear -enuncia Darien ad Gaifon and the goW tion, and skilful impersonation, eminent vessels Lautaro, He read rapidly and therefore Chicutp ,and B told a good lgng story in the The .commander, Gen. Carlos hour and a half that he held the Alban was 'killed and the Lau audienc in rapped attention. ; tar0 was fired and sunk The illustrations on canvns were very pretty and impressive A Wortf t Knfcnts. and the pious effect was .intensi-. The committee having in fied by local musical talent. Miss chaie ll?e arrangements for the Addie Patterson sang .Just district' meeting to be held in as I Am" at the point where the Castle Hal1 -of Concord Lodge degraded were reclaimed. . Mrs. No- 51 on Friday night, January Brower,.who has ' such perfect ?4th' have about completed the touch) played "Nearer My Cod, Wk' Bv Fr.iday everv detail to Thee!'' at the dying scene of a be completed and the doors Christian Martyr. Was Once throwa op for the district Wondering Sheep". and "Where mee.tir- Every member of. the He Leads I Will Follow" wore nignts or Fytnias Urder inon- also rendered by Miss" Patterson C(?rd is cordially invited to attend aided in the Latter by Misses lulH meeung, wnicn w.in oe most Adah Craven and' Nannie Alex-, interesting and instructive. The ander. S r 1 -mtmmmmmmmmm at1anama. j TnrnwfTnwffiTnTTwnliniTpwHnTTniTHnnnwnTTfTwntm!Tt IHQIS 'ml TTTTTTTTTTTTTTfTJTTytTfTTif. . .You .can throw your moiey up in ' the air. most anywhere and it will la'nd on a very fine Shoe, but if you want Shoe The Best Made i a i! fT n - to V I. U s now s Old Glory is that.shoe and this the place-to jret it.' Carried in all styles, all widths, in Box Calf, Vrci arid Velour, only 3.50: committee has sent out invita- The whole was a blending of , ?lons to members of th Order in effects to maka Shelton's story Concord, as far as they were and impress on every , nown itfuf mind' that there is sent to No invitations were members of Concord vital thoughtful much room in the every day . Lodge except those out of the practical routine of life to apply , city We take it that no Pyth thP mifistinn whMbfir nr not, m ian needs an invitation to his the light of His word, our words, acts and motives would meet di vine approval, summarized by Shelton in the term "In His Footsteeps" or "How Would Je sus Do." Mr. Owen, it seems to us, must be doing an approvable work in presenting the story in vivid rendering and we are glad that the Central M. E. church secured him. We are glad, too, to learn that the net proceeds were $18.00. Every Shoe in our stock is the best made for that price and the crowd is a sufficient guarantee of qaulity. COMFORT DURABILITY ST YLL If you are hard to fit a law or hierh insten. a I broad or narrow foot, corns or bunions, we have a I Special Shoe For Every Foot ! Real Estate Changes. A real estate trade, as we an nounced it a few days ago, has been somewhat changed and Mr. Frank Morrison has become the owner of the- property formerly occupied by Rev. Mr. Preston, the property being purchased from Mr. P B Fetzer. : Mr. A Jones Yorke has pur chased the Hoover 'property, on the corner of Union and Mill streets, from Mr. DF Cannon. Iter. C. L Millei"Eetirns frelh Chicago. The Rev. C L Miller, who has been in Chicago taking a post (Jgflunte course returned last vt'.o1,: from the Seminary on ac count of a loss of one of his churches by fire. I?e stopped where Mrs. Miller was visiting ' and loll Sunday morning to at-' to nd a meet ins: of the consresra- "Many n man ovreshis suc tiou on Sunday s 1 tl situation. with Mrs. own lodge. Tho committo do sires to say that every Knight is expected, and takes this method of inviting every .member of the Order in tho city, or who may bo on Friday, the 21th. We ask the local Knights to keep an eye open for visiting brothers and insist on their going to the Cas tle hall on Friday night. A splendid program has been ar ranged. Many of the brightest members of the Order in the State will be here and no Knight should fail to report at this dis trict meeting. Every wearer of of the tri-colored emblem is in vited. The latch string bangs out-r-come Fraternally, J F Hurley ) B E Hauius Com. E J Jones) Idiotic Nero Slioot Another. Eugene Miller, says the Salis bury Surf, was shot? and probab' ly fatally injured, near Spencer, Monday ' morning, by another negr0,LondOn Jones, an idiotic fellow, without provocation and almost without noiico. Jofles is fn jdfll and says it wasaccidental H. L. PARKS L COMPANY. ariiituuiiauiiiiiiiiAiiiiiiiiuiAiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiAiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiHtMtUUHmmA 11 ' W" Just Keep omin ! And if moving time is delayed much long er wo will not have such a job after all- , For the next few days untill, our new quarters are ready, we are going to make prices that will sell goods if Low Prices Will Sell Ti Thanking you for past favor and asking you to pass over our mistakes when it's possible, we will try and do better in the future. Again thanking y.ou and asking you to call and see us we are yours to' try to please, The Bell & Harris Fur. Co. Mrs, Marsfi's Brother Dies Suddenly. Mrs. T J White of this city, over here at Mr. If F - Yorke'alleft last night for Baimore, in in life to h;s mother's slipper, mained two days longer response to a taJegram "stating thathjpf brother, Denard Hop kins, had diod. sudfclenlv in regard tO miaurnJiuuij vjjihiuud vuati ver ot 2lst. j Mr.. Hopkins is a brother of J Mrs. Dr. Marsh cf our city. -o1 Miller re- Good Job Work ! - K' ZLHc substantiate this statement H onM I AOWQ 1 r (All fj' Willi Hie? i cui oiuii, iiv-4 icavc ii iu yuu fvr. not'; and if it is not We are we i Kir' hi or guataritee to S here to make a. X make it so. (V profiUa livingtifeo to do justice to 0 dur customers. The Standard Job Ci:?ce. 2 i 1 5 9

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