o Maxims i ius of a Successful Man. L, Kep-oc!jMHler JmSfced for i "5! T eat secret $f success is V ,'tyA,,,,lon L I lO r a nest eg aud SdrliSg -i- t Ju; -tA .V jji 1 The great ijays ng by ' w" " T 4 )rTlCE W 31(KIS BUlLDOri;. j LU J""1 "Wit-store neverpeTiu-j - tw - . 7 ' '"Jin" more thaifvou make V Ihorn, Mts,.was shot Sunday!? . - ' p TH STANDARD is published every day 1U" UiUI LUd,IOU UJdKe' 1 " . , i f Thejweekiyostandard is an 8-ooiumn 4-pk ; . No one can follow in the foot- Bowie st rrendered. ii bero- j t. m x 1 : aK. Itia a larger circulafyoii jn Cabarrus Terms fcitregularadvertiBernetitsimiae Known .. t AdA ess all comniuaicatkins lo THE STANDARD, Cfueord, H. C. T&LftPHONE NO. JoNcoiiD, N. a Jan. 21. 1902.-J TilE CHARLESTON SHOW. The Richm6nd Times of tb kOth says; gfjeinet. .;: "Two wellkaowu citizens of. Lota of sorrow has been caustd .Kich.TQoad returned Inst week; by men roedJlintf at a game re Irom Charleston, where they , . , . , -visited the Exposition, and;ihey taring a most tavoraoie report, They say that the Charleston j Exposition is one of the most beau' if ui and 'imtructive ever seen in this country, and that it is a '.redit to the State and to to South. Thy-sneak in very high praise of the .beauiy of the buildings aud espe -cially of the beauty of tho grounds, while ti.e mechanical part of tlfe Exposition is most -creditable. Tpo management havo met with niauy difficulties -and have been delayed in com pleting the work, but the show will be in perfect condition . a little winia hfinnn n.nl whpn t.lip; grass is i reen and the flowers j pain." writes C. W. Bellamy, a a.l in bloom, it will be as a locomotive tireman, of- Burling garden of paradise, sd our Rich- ton. Iowa., "I was- weak and Ljnond friends says. pa e, without any appetite and ri'his iso-nnd now. Thonemilo all run down. I was about to of Charleston have shown great courage and industry in getting upahis industrial show, and wt believe that H will do not only Charleston, but .the whole South much good. Southern new spa ); r.-j oUiiht to advertise it as much as possible, and the , Doople of the North ought to make it a point to go to 'Charleston and see this exhibit af Southern industry T.nd progress. All expositions are not exactly aliie. The Charleston Exposition is pe culiarly a Southern Exposition, "and we believe that the people of other sections who visit it will tind it not only enjoyable, but in a high degree instruc tive." . , t . This Charleston Exposition is a study. We all want our .people to enjoy it if they can spare the time and means to do so, but we were so disappointed in j Jearnit .g that there was actually !'ects everything at home ? Is it ac exhibition on the ground-when!11011 whcn his business is ;v3 gladly announced the open- orer that he has the blessed re ing that we want tw be sure j f u"e ftt ome which. you 'have thatthtro is something to see j tVlkt da.V donQ your best to wh.en we encourage our people j brighten aud refine ? Oh, weary to go. The Times' article and faithful mother, you little soiy.cls :;s if ;l,e Jiow is opeufug .kaow yur Power when i"ou say. up to pro;KH-t-;ous worth? seeing, l1 have doue nothing." There - j is a book in which a fairer record ' The Salem lmalo Acadenfy ' .; i ocieiTULiou pjeau vjjiorousiv wun President Roosevelt to attend V"io iteitial celebration of that famous school but he politely de clined, sayiig he could not at eil on account of pressure of toufciness. aWhen one Mrs. Pat- , , I tersonold him i.hot iie was one ' -of r', 000 women who had gradu- ..u. A, t : not -one oiL them Jjad vor ap plied lor a divorce tho President emphasized his re'eks that he feciild it attend. The Presi dent will doubtless miss the chance of his life in this particu- steps of another, ho must .work t. uuk ma uu iiesiiujr. . If you observe the rules of honesty, miefrrity.and economy, and fear God. you have jugt as pood a chance as any mau that : may bb cited. I Nerer allor a social obligation to infer fere with a 'business eli j"u "" ttUCW uutu' ing witp teliows who did. f alse priase is.au enormous obstacle. Never worry about tomorrow. Tqday is the ll important issue. Lon't watch the clock. The man who does would probably never be missed by his employer. Collis P IJuntiugton. A FlreTfiiiH'i Close Call. . 'I stuck to my engine, al though every joint ached and every njrve was racked with give up, I-got a bottle, of Elec tric Bitters and after taking it, Ifelt'as well as I ever did in ro y life " Weak sickly, run down "people always gain new lifa, strength and vigor from1 their use. Try them. Satisfac ion guaranteed by Fetzer's Drug Store. Price 50 cents. Eueoiir&geuient for Mothers. Many a discouraged mother folds her hands at night and feels as if she had after all, done nothing, although she has not spent an idle moment since she rose. Is it nothing that your helpless children have had some one to come to with all their childish griefs and joys ? Is it nothing that your husband feels safe when ho is away at business, (because your careful hand di- thaQ this "'written over again rniir rfima fiolDnt arl St ,jvui ....v.. .j.. Don't Llye Togethof. Constipation, and health never go together, De Witt's Little Early Risers promote easy action of the bowels without distress. "I have been troubled with costiveness nmoyears," says J. O Greene, Depauw, Ind."I havt tried many , remedies but Little Early Risers give best results." uioson urug btore. "Better be a healthy beggar with a dollar than a prjnee with dyspepsia." "It's easy to make an stand on end after it is hatch ied." in D. Coe wftre eP6cially . UlPnULled LO DrirJET nlin VO HJIS i , - 1 c ' Tace-. . When in the Arkabutia bottom, a'few'miles from towr, the prisoner ajid the officers were surrounded "and Ordered tq"give up. their guns.'. The two special officers wer taken distance . of several tiundred ycAs and ordered to . deoiimp. The prison'er was shot to death and the.mob vanished.. A coroner's jury did not develop any evi dence as to the identity of the. mob. Moon, who is a planter, is in a critical condition. Bowie was prominent among the members of his race. The cause of the killing Has not developed. . Attachment ot tho Furultare of Lee'i Business College. t 9 Before 'Squire D G Maxwell, yesterday, C E Hooper & Co., J W Wadsworth's Sons, W L Sanders, land Dr. C A Misenheimer, swore out war- t rants of attachment on the furniture of Lee's Business College. They held claims against Prof. D L Lee. 'Squire Maxwell has the furniture stored in the old court house for the present. The lot consists of four typewriters, tables, chairs, olc. Charlotte Observer. When smallpox or other epidemics striko a -town the newspapers are sometimes re quested not to mention it, but when unscrupulous persons give out reports making the matter much worso than it really is the newspapors are expected 'to correct it as matter of course. Durham Herald. In other words the news papers are expected to do a good bit of convenient lying either in words or 'silence. The man who advertises omly in the fall need not be surprisod at a dull summer trade. Dur ham Herald. s BEST FOR THE S0UXH. Every Gardener, Farmer and Tri.vf.-c... .-,l,.,l,l li;.,.l inno M Descriptive Catalogue. It not only ;ivoii reliable, practiil ,up :'m to-d;ite inl'orj nation about all yeeds, but dso the best crops to S;1 rrow, most f4.,f,v'ostful ways of i prowinj? uitterent crops, and much sj oilier inCoruialioii "special inter H eft In even- cue who plants seels. '.'I Jt ;M4-'-ort . V'-;;:cvr.i..'; aJ PJower skeds, k Ik'flis anJ Clover Seeds, H mSevi Potatoes, Seed Oats, ,Uf Tobacco, Seed Corn, Cow Pe.is, So.ii, a Ve!vci find Nevicanf bor?;bmns, Broum Corn, l..r.tsr Corn, Fcanuts, nnict v.et, Rape, etc. Catalocrue n:uied fixe on request. - T.W.Wosd&Scns, Sesdsmeis, Wood Seeds Ttaltyv Triiiy and . Sildij, 7l-ineb Bleached Unnu TaM Iu . B.k. worth 83. tr 6So per t -l )upir Bleach I Oinen TahU D- 55r; for 4 i rr Jfd- .tkr led TmU I'amask at J&W-d! Linea pkina oe bemmit. r rloeD, wnri O83, l.-O. I 35. 1.08, I WW, IU en.rilW. 1.05, 1.10, 1 85. l.0, ! 9 ul 140 FrinkTB-t Doilies, per half dozen, worth 35e, 38c, S5o, 40o,Wofor 20o, 22c, 37e, 33n and 50a. . Linen Tow'eU. per pir, worth 2095, 80. 3i, 40. 42. 48 and 85 lets for 17, 22, 23. 8). S3. W. 40 and 43 ets. Cat Blanket. SO eta poan1. - 0x7 Homecaale (JuilU for I.T8." - ' ' CoanUrpane worlh 40 S 90, 0S, 1.00. 1.10. 1 15. U0and 1 IKJ for 87, 58, 78 80, 80, W. 8c, 1.00 and 1.85. Honeycomb Towaltmr fo; 5 oenti. Red Cheek To-welimr f r Vv eents. Chenille Portietra worth 8.00 for 150. Tapestry Portire worth 1.08 for 1.04. Single Tapeeirr I'or tiers, for door, worth 1.48 for 1 15. Frilled Nat Window Curtains wortb 2 15 for 1.05. Silence Cloth or Table Fcltintr, worth 25o to 50o per yard, for 10 and 20o yard. To make a long matter short count of 15 per cent, on anything you may purchase that is not mentioned in tliis advertisement. Remember The Racket Thursday, Friday and Saturday, January 16th to 18th. Very Respectfully, 23 J" Concord - National Bank Has paid $54,000 in dividends since it opened doors in July, 1888. Its surplus and undivided fund is $27,000. The losses from bad loans in its entire history are $35.00. It has never sued any one or been sued. Its officers are: J M OdU, president; D B Coltrane, cashier; L D Coltrane, assistant cashier; J M Hendrix, bookkeeper. Board of Directors W H Lilly, W R Odell, Jno. P Allison, J S Harris, Elam King, J M Ode'J and D B Coltrane. Fresh Meats. Oome See Me For beef, pork mutton and sausage. Always fresh. In Brick Row. 'Phone No. 183. ' tf. Fred Beck. Fresh On Hand ! Oysters every Friday and Saturday. Beef Pork and Sausage daily except on Sunday. Saturday night orders tilled Sunday morning. J. F. Dayvault & Bro. M, L. Brown & Beg LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES. Just in rear of St. Cloud Hotel Omnibuses meet all uassensrei trains. Outfits of all kinds fur nishod promptly and at "reason ablepricos. Horses and mule.; always on hand f are sole. Breed ers of thorough! red Polnr China Hoj"s. FOIi OVER FIFTY EARS Mrs. Willow's Soothing Hyrup haf been nued for over fifty years by' mil lioxs of mother; for their cliildreu whi.e teething, with perfect saccesa. It soothes the child, softens the piunn, allays all pain, cures wind colic, au i the tiobt remedy for Diarrhooa. It will xelieyethe poor little sufferer immedi ately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cent n bot tle. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Win slows Soothing .Syrup," bxu) t&kti w other kind. Jma?j ISih, 17th aid IE . , Rflmnut Shaker Fl 'iucl, a'l cotton? 25o per punnd. TJiin in napped on botfi Hutt'H like. () itiu;. Cream icd R d Wo A Fl na-1 w rth 18. 20, 22 and ISo Ut 15. 16$. 20 and ate, Crnai !itnul Uud rkirf Patffirue, ailk .uit.r .i.l.-rmt. worth 1 49 for i 15.. Prim-1 t).i k, f -r ..duirtwaistn, wortk 10 for 8 o -n. ' . 50-inoii Whitw Ln in 1 to 6. yard lenthe, t .nhl2i for 10 cents. ' j idoumuui oi jarua ui mio unwu , 40o per poand. . . . Tard wtde BlMbinc at 5, Of and Fina )ambrio. aame as LonsdalN at 9c Shirtiag pr Bahjr Oalioo," at 4j yd. Men's SampLj Snspenders worth 19 and 25o for 12 aod 15 ots. ' . . Pearl Baiions at 4 eaats. V Jf.95o Batten burp: Patterns lor 10 ots. Laiies Silk Umbre'las worth 1 50 for 1.15. Small White Curtain Poles, no riue:, , only 10 cents. A few Capes at cost and les. China and QIatwre at cost. ' A jrood assortment of Salad Howls, . Chop l)ihis, Cake PUt.M, Mnsjl Cap4 aud Ha r, Padiu oots, V.ed, Fiurr, etc. we wilt give you a cash dis JB'OES'JE?!:!. iTo So Tliere aad sUy there to maiutaiu our po6i tio at tth'eaJ; tve continue to sell the different atylea of vehioles of Tyson & Joaa. ILmiinv, "ari.i.-r. Krn.M.ioa & Fiohr, , o' f,;,,. fcm, (1 1,, itv .;) has ffciycu 8ut.inrV..-!.!;.u for r'i. iu: v If .its r dlrcotti 1 fM'itrd jr fir ever iocreasiua mim.-r of ;u twm. :a rather than add to mr profits. Any of thsso vobtcls will ci ika pkas iuChriBtmaa Gifts busiies, mrrsya uud traps of any finish all ara Excellent value at the pri;e. GF C01SETO W THUG about getting yourself a pair of Spectacles Why study any longer ? But go to Cor- rell's and have your eyes tested. Your money bacic if Glasses don't suit. Yours to please, W. C. CORRELL

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