' ONCORiCn. t THURSDAY JAN. 23 lV . PEI JE: $4.00 per year. 8inglb ropy Events. A. DREAM REVEALS A rdT .OF 0LD. VICIOUS AND DASTARDLY. tut - - 1 f . , . The Vision of a lilow Xfar"CareIeen Sliows the Hidden Treasure and HeH (Jrandson Digs It Up. Rutherfordton, Jan. 22. A remarkable find was made yes . terday by a young m an near Carol.een. For several gener ations it has been believed that somewhere ' on the Willia'm Morrow plantation was buried a pot of gold and for'ygars peopfo who have lied in that locality have dug for the hidden trea sure. Mrs. Morrow, a widow who is a very agd lady, dreamed. put the mystery and directed her grandson, Tom Tomes where to dig for the long talked of pot of gold. The young man went immediately And excavated an old soap-tone pot,' which will hold about one gal lon, and found it filled to the top with gold. There is one large nugget in the pot. The bal ance seems to be old corns ham-, mered out and without date, or device. There was also with the pot an Indian flint tommy-j hawk. v . Young Tomes was in town to day but refused to talk about the amount of his find except to his cousin, Virgil Tomes, who is a clerk in the Levi store, from whom this information was South Carolina Man blows t lllWin dow and is Snot At. A dastardly attempt was made on the 22nd to kill Mr. R Walter Patton near Rock . Hill, S. C. He was in the act of closing the bjinfls to his stoVe at night when someVme fired two shots at him. Bloodhounds were secured from Charlotte that caught up and followed the trail to the Ca tawba river where it was lost. The assassin is not yet dis covered. The hounds passed by the home of the negro sujpectei without stopping. Fortunatenaly Mr. Patton is not hurt. Books etc., in his pockets turned the course of the more dangerous shot. Rockj Kiyer Dridg Contract Let. The County Commissioners let the contract for building the new bridge across Rocky river on .Tuesday to Mr. Rufus Kizer for $1125. This- includes-the building of the approaches as well as the bridge and abuU ments. . 1 . ; . . . , j i . As for, making the . new, road they did not let the contract, bui hire hands and have such work done as is necessary at at actual cost. . : gathered. Zin IIill'8 Pastor Made Glad. ; The Rev. T B McLain, pastor of Zion Hill A. M. E. Zion church Thompson-Allen. ' 1 received a very agreeable sur-' The following handsome card ' prise from his parishioners, led is before us: Mrs. Sidney E Allen invites you to be preseut at the marriagfe of her daughter, Nettie Miller, to Mr. HansaU Frovost Thomas Wednesday, February the fifth, nineteen hun dred and two at half after tix o'clock, St. James Lutheran church, , Concord, North Carolina The card inclosed says: by his Stewart, John Farror, on the night of the 22nd. There were donations that ranged from a cake of soap to a sack of flour 1 and made glad the pastor's heart, : for which he expresses his deep gratitude. Muelay's History Ordered Renioyed Annapolis, Jan. 22.-The Senate today unanimously adopted an order ' directing the State At Librarian of Maryland to re- 1 home after Feb. 14th 607, Sum- move .from the State Library mit street Winston S-alemN. C", the third volume of Maclay's We are requested to say that History of' the United States invitation cards have been 'sent Navy. to parties outside of the city onlyj .The Senate also unanimously '.' ' , , , . - but that this invitation published aaoptea a resolution urgin rr is intended lor all citizens of Concord who may be pleased to atteifd. . The Lowrance Bojs Said to be in Ca barrus. Informatfon reached the city yesterday that Joe and Henry LSwrance, who were im plicated in the killing of Alex. Gibson, at Huntersv iTle. "had 1ecn seen near Concord. Fuire S II Hilton issu3d warrants for their arrests and the adoption of a Congressional reso lution extending a vote of thinks to Rear Admiral ScHley for gal lantry m the battle of Santiago. Many Celebrities Will "be Thfcre. According- to. the plans of tnose interested the , centennial at the Salem Academy next May will indeed be a notable event, Although the comn!itee from Viston-Salem who visited '.ashiaioifewa unable to secure a promise fronuPrgfcident Roos evelt to siignd, still they wera successf ul witih others and among" gave their trail. Nothing had been heard as to the whereabout of Will Whitnev. the third man implicated in the killing. The those? ho have incepted iovita- warrants issued charge these .. AT. , ... en with murder. Th&0 rhnr. tions aro Minister Wuf Attorney lotte officers seem to tv-': 1 General Knox, Secretaries Long their capture will pvet: - and Wilson and Capt. Richmond matter. Charlotte OWrvtr of Pearson Hobson. Raleigh 23rd. Times. MM 5 'wX m MM . m ! ' MM i " - T OUR AIM IS .TO. HB STOCK! A Clearance SALE- BEFORE 1 INVENTORY. ; 5 : 1 HOLD : UP! STEB LIVEL1' AND BE OxT THE SPOT Parks & Co. ARE SELLING. THE GOODS! 5tS m m s m HM t MM mt Hit IS a m MM MM MM M iM S MM MM a MM Ml MM lM MM jHISSALE started with record breaking results and has now been 3 li 1 t r i 11 it. Ill on iist one week. Many lines nave been sola out and the heavy g selling has caused many short pieces here and yonder. Now every S 'department under -this roof has been thrown into a Grand Clear- S mm ance Sale, by which the patrons of the Department Store can profit. The goods ;jS VV. . .... ' im Sthat you most neod right now we'are anxibiis to'get rid of before taking stock $ ;jmj and the advantage" will all be yours. This is the store that never disappoints J .8 and always has the merchandise to back an advertisement. j mm . r Those who come first will fret the best bargains. .. . . t t 1 1 MM S3 MM MM ,'MM m EMBROIDERY VALUES. Mi Tbif show of fine r Embroideries and In tertioni i a fritnd iiner for this Btor. m Edffta that are worth gj a thud mort at 15, 10 a 2h cents. MM ' MM ,,JJ The btstLoajc Cloth " f JamhUtA AM1 lAtMA tio mines ar to bp found her: 1 Mi 'MM I! R MM MM E 'MM 911 MM MM 8? MM MM MM MM PERCAL. We hare Rome short pieces and reamantn of 7io. .Tercal that is now throwu onthe bar paiu tabU at 5 cents. CAPES AND JACKETS A Millinery and Ribbon Sale Begins Friday and Latts One Week. t m: ) This salo wiU make thousands of new friends and firmly establish us in the regard of old" friends. Down goes the price -75 and 98c Zfr Walking Hats now vvL. All 1.50 Hats, good' shape, close QQa out sale price Ot All 1.50 Turbons, cut price 9C 1 Children's 75 cent trimmed Hats ZTA now Children's 50 cents Felt Sailors, in O colors, now jyCi Fine Golf Hats, former price 2.00, sale price k&yJ WINDSOR TIES 'About '6' doz Si k men' taiuptf. wry nne eooon, i.t ev- hM erywhera for .). cur m speaial p;ice jut,i half .JJJ 25 cents. 8 3 MM MM MM double This line has Wen greatly rednned. AJ1 1.50 and 1 08 Capes 98 cents. One dollar Atrakan Capes, fur collar, in this sal MM tm 50 cents. MM ss MM MM MM No woman was ever known to have too many Ilibbons. This store has a reputation for elline line ribbons, and now the rem nants, half bolts, etc., go at half. One table containing: allRilk plain and fancy Taflatta Rib bonn in No. 40. real value 15 and 20o yard, cut print) Tweutv-five cent Ilibbons in Batin Liberty No 4, white black and colors, beautiful quality One taMe containing Ribbons 6f great value will be marked Bnby Ribbon, per yard No. 2 Satin, good qnality, fancy edge, real yalue 4 cents, sale price , Srecial valnes in Veiling are here. Ilalf a dozen pieaes of 20c Teiling, per yard . 10- ho. id 2 1-2; i 10. SILK SALE We ,haye sorr saia'l pieces of silk from i to 5 yords that will sr 1. bt u Warshin. Will huye onlv two prices, 25 &50c, and we aHKiire you that ou'Jl be iaid h and Homely for your vi'-it. Rutx'R us iii LadicM1 Sample Belts at 10 & 2! .... .i,... . MM MM MM 8 a HM 11 N MM MM KM MM MM KM MM MM MM MM riirmt", we have W old ''M'hion tpe the Tf al thintr in BOYS' CLOTHING, MM ape f'om 8 to 16 MM Vfars-.. Vs li:t '. aome MM thing vjy ripecial at i 2 00 and fS2.50. a i 11 MM Mil Do you want . the hm bent ami heaviehtiib- MM bed Hone for children 22 at 10 cent ? 'then j bo wnat wa nave. MM MM MM MM rm 3 mm . - - . : : MM MM ?32Zfi;irifIIIIIIiIIIII2IIIIIIIIIIII5I52IIJIfIllII5IIIIII5IIIIflIfIfIIIIIIIlIl One-Two-Three 1 and before you know what , ou are about The Bell U Harris Fur. Co. ; m ' will be moved sure enough. ; If 'you have any desire tQ buy goods from them at t!iQ old stand do so at one. Elevator is now (eing placed and before many moons tiiev will be playing Ilumpty Dtlmp in Caton's Hall We4have studied your interest we have everything convenientt Not a wish m can't gratify. Come in and be happy. If we don't give you more for your money than you have ever realized out of Caton's Hall we will quit the show business, Come and see. Child Worth MIHiods. , , "My child is worth mill'ons to me," says Mrs. Mary Bird of Harrisburpr, Pa, "yet I would have lost her by croup bad I nofe purchased a bottle of One Minute Oourh Cirre." One Miuuto L'ough Cure is syu'o cure for cough, croup and throat and lung troubles. An absoultely safe tough cure which ccA? im- ; M it v. it 11 h:iLj' 1 li b Ut tut 9 iv!!;.";. v r i ; v' often it. helped thetu. jfcAi'Ay family thould buvo a botij! of Ow Miuuto Cough Cure hnudy. At mis season especially it n';; needed tuadenly.-Gibson I' Store. Mrs. KilchV ::rd Mr i returt.o-.I W.-- :n I ?rhro tl oy aitfT'dcd t.iu - ; rm t n o t-t r- rt