It 1 ' a -w - - ' . . ,, , , , . . . -ZZZ m ONCOBfr, N. (JLFIJIDAY JAN. ,81., 19C2 "rice: $4.00 per year. SlNGLB COPY 55teNTS. a tot -Ah . o s i -' 0" .1. Q. ; r. 6 r RITgilE ritohi. A neaiitifI Wedding- chdrinlb Couple Suniptjii Supper Profusion of Valuable Presents. Richfield, January 22, 1002. AtMt2fion Church, fjichfield, on Wednesday the 22nd, Mr. Mack L RTtchie and Miss Josie L Ritchie were happily united in marriage by .the Rev. W A Dutton. The church wus neat and at tractive in its decorations, includ-, ing an arch of flowers and ever greens, just in front of which the bridal pairtook their stand. At 3 o'clock p, m. Miss Nola Miseuheimer touched the organ "and it' sent forth the thrilling tones of the wedding march. Messrs. Mum'pford Ritchie and James Reeves, the ushers, marched up the aisle, followed by the ribbon girls, little Misses Jennie and Lizzie Ritchie, Misses- Mary Ritchie and Nora Crowell holding the ribbons at the- ves tibule. . " The ushers and ribbon girls having taken their places, Prof. W A Weddington entered, es corting Miss Mabel Bostian, fol lowed by Mr. T LRoss and Miss Myrtlo Patterson and Mr. O L Linn and Miss Pauline Thorn, The room, stately and grand, led his bride to the altar. She was the personification of love liness, arrayed in vrnite orgf.ndy with bridal veil and crowned with a wreath of esquisitely beautiful viney flora. She bre a magnificent bouquet of brides roses and maiden hair ferns with floral trail reaching well to the floor. The bride's maids were beauti fully dressed in white, bearing bouquets of carnations and ferns. Rev. Mr. Dutton pronounced thebeautiful Lutheran ceremony that' made these lovers husband and wife, and extended his con gratulations, when the bridal pair marched out to the timing of the sweet strains of the organ and were followed by the attendants in the. reverse order of enterings jC, Grand Vice Chancellor JL the little misses gathering up the , Scott,- of Graham, N. C.;Dis ribbpns. jtrict Deputy Grand phancellor, The bridal party, attendants and invited guests, repaired, at once, to the home of the bride's parents where a sumptious sup per was served, embracing all ordinary viands known, to the cuisine art with fruits and sweet meats in groat abundance and variety. le is the daughter of "i D D Rflchik! and is ;rell kuo-'i for hr accomplisti ments in all that goes to make up marital bliss and domestic happiness. The groom is immensely pop ular as a business man ;iu .1 Cr.t, class citizen. Ho is t T i Mrs. U M liitchio of our u .:.- and is a member of and gSheral mAnagei of the firjtf of theGhnia Grove Jlarowar Company The brid was the recipient of many hapdorpe and valuable presents, including 'silver and china ware, cufcgjass, table linen, handsome rus and last, but not least $50 in gold.. 1. and J. WJJECK'AT THE DEPOT. Cross Ties Fall and Wreck Two Flat Car8--Qne Destroyed, A wreck occured at the depot Thursday night. As second sec tion of No. 72,. freight was pass ing at a point just below the yard soma ties fe!l off a flat car and onto the track, derailing it and the car following it. The two flat cars were badly wrecked. One was past repairs and was burned. The other was sent to the shops for repairs. Fortu nately no person was involved in the accident and therefore no one was hurt. , Sherrlll-Jarrls. The following handsome card is before us and will be gratify- ing to the many friends of the bridegroom elect: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jar vis reqnebt the honor of yonr presence at the wadding reception of their daughter , Maude Lee, and . Mr. Edgar Beverly Sherill, Wednesday evening, , February filth, nineteen hundred and two, from seven to nine o'clopk. 1318 Twelfth Street, N. W. Washington, D. O. . At home Tuesdays, March fourth an and eleventh,- 1318 Twelfth St. Mr. and Mrs. J B Sherrill will attend the wedding. Knight n Arrive. The following are those who arrived this morning to attend ttie district meeting of -the Knights of Pythias tonight: Past Grand Chancellors Geo. WMontcastle, ot Lexington, N." C, and R H Rickert, 'of States ville, N. C; State Lecturer J Rob't. Jordan, of Asheville, N. W M Lyles, of Charlotte, and Messrs. S B Miller, Ernest Gaither, J F Bowles, C S.Tom lin, of Statesville, N. C, J R Smith and P R McNish, of Char lotte,, and Jno. C Deaton, of China Gffove, N. O. A large number will arrive to night represe'ntmg'Kings M"ount- ain, Bessemer, Gastonia, .Mt. Holiy, Fort Mijls, Huutersville, Davidson, Albemarle,, aDd Nor wood. The meeting -will begin at 8 o'clock tonight in the Pythian hall? after vfcich they repair to the Phifer Hall And Now South PlnK rr.rtms TrViorn an olprrant', ' -not will be served, and airisburg tbfs morning to attend j-i-'ud food time socially will be i tendered the visiting Knights. , r . : i .53 ' m m m tw m MM m m M MM m m m m N m m HIS SALE .on just one selling has department . n i L i T WW Kj ance Sale, by which the patrons of the Pepartment Store can profit. The goods jjjj 91 that you most -need right now we are anxious to get rid of before taking stock 53 S3 t , S and the advantage will all be yours. , This is the store that never disappoints Si and always has the merchandise to back an advertisement. W rpi 1. i. :n i. i.i. l i. i , w . w m i , xiiusu Tvnu uuiuu EMBROIDERY VALUES. S Tbia fhor of flna m mbroidarieiaadln- M aertioba iv a friand MM winaf r for this atora. H Edraa that are "WOttb 223 a thud mora at 15, 10 MM 74, 5 and 1 MM a &7 UCHID. Tha beit Loar Cloth Oambrio and ,LomaM tio ralaea ara to be fonnd her. SI a a MM MM MM s si MM MM a! MM MM et MM m MM PERCAL- W hare some abort piec"8 and reaipantn of 70. Torcal that is now thrown on tha bar gain tubla.tit 5 cents. CAPES AND JACKETS Thin line hM been preatly redned. All l.fiO and 1 03 Capes naw 98 cents. Ona dollar Antrakam a a MM 2JJ Capes, fur collar, in (jjj thia eala jg -50 cents."' MM MM Child Worth Millions. "My child is worth millions to me," says Mrs. Mary' Bird of Harrisburg, Pa, "yet I would have lost croup had I not purch&scjtl a bottle of One, Minute Cough Cure." One Minute Cough Cure is sure euro for 6oUgh, roup and throat and ltlng ; troubles. An absoultely Safe cough cure which acts im mediately. The youngest child can take it with entire safoty. The little ones like the taste and remember how often it. helped them. Every family should have a bottle of One Minute Qough Cure handy. At this season especially it 'may bo needed suddenly. Gibson Drag Store. Miss Ula Parks went to Har- a grand danca lfhjch will take place tonight. ' - - I HTTtL ATM TQTfl 1 .OUR AIM 1ST0 CI STOGK ! A Clearance 1 SALE BEFORE INVENTORY.- started with record breaking week. Many lines have been sold out and the heavy jjjj caused niany short pieces here and yonder. Now every J5 under "this roof has been thrown into a Grand Clear- S3 MM in m wni iiu ueat uaiuius. p p p a A Millinery and Ribbon Sale Begins Today and Lasts One Week. . ' This alo will make thousands pf new friends and firmly establish us in tho regard of old friends. . Down( goes the price 75 and 98c JA. Walking Hats now vUt. ' All 150 Ilats, good shape, close Q5A out sale price ' vt All 1.50 Turbons, cut price 98C Children's ,75 cent trimmed Hats CiCr now Children's 50 cents Felt Sailors, in colors, now J Fine Golf Hats, former price 2.00, 1 OA sale price No Ionian was ever known to have too niauy llibbons. 'J Li tore haa a reputation .for "fllincr line ribbons, and now the rem nants, half bolts, etc., go at half. One table containing all Silk plain and fanay Taflattallib boos in No. 40. real value 15 and 20o yard, cdt priae Tweotv-live cent Ribbons in Satin Liberty No 4, wtite black and colors, beautiful quality a One table containing Ribbons of great value will be marked Bby Ribbon, per yard No. 2 Satin, good quality, fancy edge, real yalue i sale price Srecial values in Veiling are here, of 20o Teiling, per yard Half a dozen i JJJJ One-Two-Three ! and -before you know what you are about The Bell Harris Fur. Go. will be moved sure (fioiib. If you have any desire to buy ocds i 1 ; ;it the old stand do so at oneo. ' ' ! imv: being placed and bei'o'iv r. ;ks tiicv will be playing Hunipty Dump in Caton's Hall. We have studied your interest we have everything convenient .Not a wish can't grttify. Come in and be happy. If we don'r give you mure for your money than you leive e ver realized out of Caton' Hall we will quit the show business Come and see. The Bell - t f m "w " ! US! im HOLD -: UP I MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM M MM MM MM MM MM tMM MM N Mtl ' . W MM MM MM MM MM . STEP LTVELY AND BE ON TI1E SPOT Parks& Co. ARE SELLING THE GOODS,! MM results and has now been MM MM a a 1 m s WINDSOR TIES Abont 5 doz 8ilV Wlndor i'U' dtyirtu, men' tamp! 0, ry jjjj fine poods. 'Aoid v- mm ery wbera fir 0o "ur MM speaial piice just Jialf 25 cents. jjj ' MM Ml Barkraina in Ladies'. tjj Sample Reltaat 1 0 &r JJJJ 15, cis tbat are worth m double ' ' Ma MM MM MM MM a M M DM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM SILK SALE We hye some floiH'l piece of gilk from i to 5 yards tbat will sr ut a bareain. Will have oulv to prict-H, 25 & '50o, ami we aHHtirn you tbat you'll On iaid handsomely for your .vwt. 1'armtfs, we huve.w somo lmi.rains of the JJ! old 's-hiou type tbe MM rtaltbiuf; in MM BOYS' CLOTHING, MM aye f'oni 8 to 1C ! 10. 15c Vfnrs. Wh:ui'nome MM tbmjr v jj riot-eial at fill MM fe. 3. 00 and $2.50. MM MM MM MM uu oenta, Do you want the gtf bei-t and heaviest lib- MM bed IIom; forchildran JJ? at 10 cents ? then JJJ2 see what wa have. MM MM 2 L2o. 10. pieaea & Han i G i Ui. . fit'