Price: $4.00 per year. ONf-ORD. N. CJ. SATURDAY JAN. 25 19C2 SlNGLB COPY 5 CENTS. TWENTY-ONE PUNfcRS KILLED. A Cisaslroiis Dust Explosion ia a Mae of the Lst Creek Fuel Company- Jitlful Scenes When tie Dead, All of Wb"n Were Harried Men, Were Brought Up. Oskaloosa. Jan. 24. As the result of a terrible mine disaster at Lost Creek this afternoon, 2l dead'are in an improrised mor gue, and eight are in a tempo-. The explosion occurred at the noon hour and was what is known as a" "dust" explosion. The miners had just fired their noon shots, one of which proved to be a fizzle. The burning pow der ignited the gas and the ex plosion followed. Smoke and debris were blown out of the shalf 200 feet high. Part .of the top works was torn away and the fans and cakes were partially wrecked. .This made the wQrk of rescue very slow and it was 3 o'clock before volunteer parties dared to venture into the east, entrance, where the explosion occurred. "When they fought their way in, a Horrible sight greeted them. The dead and injured were ter ribly l.urnedand mutilated, some of them almost beyond recogni tion. Fire, which at first was feared would prove destructive to the entire mine, had broken, out, and this added terror to the spectacle. The flames were fin ally controlled, and after several of the rescue party had suc cumbed to the flames all tho dead were found and carried to the top of the shaft. At the time of the explosion more than 100 men were in the mines, but all of these, except those in the east .entry, escaped with only slight injury. Tho total property damage will be about $10,000. It was nearly dark to-night when the last of the dead were taken out and the scenes of angaish among the families of the men were most pitiful. Nearly all of the men were married and leave families in poor circumstances. The m!ne is owned by the Lost Creek Fuel Company, of this city, and has bean in operation about one year. THE PYTHIAN MEETING. From Our Seltrhboring Towns. The following neighboring towns and cities were represent ed at the Pythian meeting and banquet Friday nfghjt, Charlotte (with fifteen representative -) Ki"'- Mountain, Gnstonia, Mr. Holh, . ..u,iiiville, Mooresvillc, Asheviiie, Graham, Lexington, Salisbury and Lynchburg. Masonic A'cticp. A Special cominnnicrtion Ol..l.nT V., - A l V Vfc A. M.. Monil:iv Jan. 27th, at 7:30 sYwp. '' i j in first or third degree. "j W. Keece Johnson, Sec. A (iatheriu? of Absorbing Interest to the Knights A Grand Banquet Su pfib Menu A Veritable Baltimore Clover Club. The Knights of Pythias in dis trict meeting in Castle Hall Fri- day night was. a brilliant and very enjoyable affair. About 50 members of the order outsjd'e of Concord attended. The program as printed was executed save in two parts. Mr. F R McNinch made the response to Mr. J C Fink's ad dress of welcome instead of Mr. J D McCall, who did not get here, and Mr. J. Robert Jordon, State Lecturer, took the place of Mr. Geo. H Royster on the sub ject of "The Endowment Rank." The meeting was presided over by Mr. W M Lyles, District Deputy. , The interests were absorbing, and many of. the speeches very fine. Rev. Geo. W Belk, of. Char lotte, Tas particularly happy in his vein. Much of social enjoyment in terspersed the earnest zeal of the speakers and wit of the dia mond cut-diamond style flowed, giving the exercises a thrilling brilliancy. The program was only com pleted in the hall at 12 o'clock irhen the body repaired to the halls of the New South Club, where a snperb banquet was en enjoyed. Mr. George Montcastle, the embodyment of good looks and the soul of wit and humor, was toast master. This was a verit able Baltimore Clover Club for jovial sallies and witty thrusts. The arrows flew straight and the targets were often hit. The wee small hour of 2 ar rived till all had done justice to the menu and had shaken them selves into digestive moods with innocen-t social merriment. Will Get State Aid for These Schools. Fhe county board of education finds that all the townships in the county but No's. 1, 3, 6 and 9 have enough raoney'to secure a four months free school. As soon as a few reports aro secured from some of these a requisition -will be made in due form for the nectssary amount appropriated by tho State to supplement tbese fund and secure Bchools of four months. Si yihitoiiutnt Bojer Called. County Superintendent Boger is rmv put to the study about accepting or declining a position in the faculty of Lenoir College. The call has come from Presi dent 11 L Fritz, who says thein .slituiioii is prosperous and addi- ;0i r?.ching force is needed to li ,r orly in February. Mr. il . - v:', however, that he is i- ' in position to accept tho work so soon at least. COLOMBIAN TEIMIS., Lung Lease, au Atiiial 11 ntal autl Absoluts Control by .United States. Washington, Jan. 23 The character - of the concessions which the Colombian govern, ment is willing to make to the United States, in order that the Panama Canal may pass under American control, was explained today by Mr. Silva, the Colom. bian minister in Washington, lie is in a position to speak author itatively even without consulta tion with his government. Co lombia, Mr. Silva explained, is willing to enter into the follow ing treaty arrangement for American control of the Panama Canal: The United States may have actual but .not sovereign control over a strip of territory five miles wide through which the canal will pass; the United States must pay an annual rental to Colombia to compensate for certain losses cansod by the sale of the canal to ihis govern ment; the term of lease of the right of way across the isthmus Will be 200 -years with the privilege of renewal. Mr.; Silva maintained that the right of way concession was a much more liberal one than that made by Costa Rica, which agreed to give only 200 metres, or about a third of a mile on each side of- the canal, while Colombia would give 2fc miles. Over this strip the United States will have absolute control so that tho canal may be properly policed and protected. Cyclone Airship. St. Louis, Jan. 23. A W Vanderston of 'South Bend, Ind., has notified the Loui.iana Pur chase Exposition Company that he intends to compete for the $100,000 prize offered in tho aereal navigation contest. Be writes: 'I shall not ask free trans portation, as I propose to make the most successful journey with an air ship that hs so far, been made. I have the advant age over all "other areonauts, both in construction and motive force." He states that he will require 250x25 feet space. In the operation of his vessel. Mr. Vanderston uses what he terms a "cyclone force." What this is and how it. is applied, he declares will rfot be made public until tha tinfe for theex-hib?tion. The Ribbon arid Silh Sale at he Department Store! The past few days have found our Silk and Rib bon Counters thronged. But next week we expect to do more business because neighbor tells neighbor and the glad tidings travel. Our Silks were great values and the largo part of them parted company with us the first two days. There are some here yet and prob ably just the piece you want.. Beautiful Ribbons are something no one ever erets too many' of. This is one of the greatest Ribbon- Sales from point of value giv ing that has been pulled jff. Here is the-reason for this Ribbon selling. On Feb. 1st, just a few more ' days, and we take stock. The past three months we have sold more Rib bons than in a whole year, all because of the superior value. We have many one, two and even five yard pieces and our desire to clean up the remnants has prompted this sale. Beautiful Silks, the value of 75 and 98c, on one counter priced Silks sold for 40 and bargain counter at 50 cents are on the 50c. 25c. No. 40 per yard Satin Ilibbon, the 25 cents goods, 15c. Silk Taffetta Ribbon No. 40, big value, per lA, yard Baby Ribbons, lc Yard. . o One-Two "Thr Important Notice. ' A11 members of Cannonville Council No. 25 Jr, O. U. A. M. are requested to meet at the hall Monday evening, Jan. 27th, at 8 o'clock. Very important busi ness. C B Alexander, Sec'y. A girl's idea of a swell hat is one a" man can't tell from a lampshade." Si J and before you know what you are about ; The Bell L Harris Pur. Co. will be moved sure enough. If you have any desire to buy goods from them at the old stand do so at once. Elevator is now being placed and before many moons they will be playing Humpty Dump in Catou's Hall. We have studied your interest we have everything convenient Not a wish can't gratify. Come in and be happy. If we don't give you more for your money than you have ever realized out of Caton's Ball we will quit the show business, t Come and see. , The Bell & Harris Fur. Co. Good Job Work! T1X0U substantiate this statement with the real stuff, and leave it to you to say whetheV our work is all right or guarantee to 6 we o make $ not; and if it Is not X make itso. We are -profita livingalo to $ ourcusiomers. 6 The Standard Job Office. ri , justice to $ jut Send in your subseriptic The Standard 35 cfcs, a month.