-J , , . T . PRIZJE: $4.00 Der vear. CjONUUIcI). Jn- u. MONDAY .iAN. 117. 19 2 w ' ' 'rije: $4.00 per year. JONCORD.O. MONDAY 19. 2 48lNGLB f!fT 5 CENTS. if 'I 0 COURT PEtTl'EEDIXtiS His Honof, Jinirt! S'arbuck, lu th Temple of Justice yispatching Uusl ness. Court convened promptly, to day, Eis Honor JudgeStarbuck, on the bench. rChe following compose the grand ju'ryiD C Coltrane, JS Tucker, Geo. F Earnhardt, J H W Eudy, W J McLaughlin, W R Rogers, M D Winecoff, J Pirik Morison, J L Andrew, O H Up church, P M Letter, W A Cline, J I Mehaffey, W Prank Morri son, J L Brown, W E Brantley, J W Corzine and J A Ritchie. His Honor made rather a brief but comprehensive charge and proceeded to business with dis patch. The following cases were dis posed of : State vs. John L Ritchie, charged with cruelty to animals. Jury rendered a verdict of guilty. Sentence not yetSprouounced. State vs. Filas Faggart 0. C. W. (which is in all cases to be read carrying concealed weap ens). Plead guilty as charged upon bill of indictment. Sent ence, fine of $25 which also cov ers costs. State vs. Andy Moore, k. D. TV, (assault with deadly weapon), Plead guilty as charged. Judg ment suspended on payment of costs. , State vs. W M Cruse, C. C. W. Plead guilty as charged. Fined $25 including costs. State vs. G F Vanderburg, C. C. W. Plead guilty as charged Fined $15, including costs The "Irt strict SJaile.'' The Young People's Mission ary Socielj of Forest Hill M. E. Church will produce that fun niest' of plays the "Deostrict Sftulo" next Saturday night, be ginning at 8 o'clock, in the. Wil kinsoQ Store Hall. It will doubt less be a diverion from the stcen , uous routine of every day life and will be a rich treat to the funny side of variety loving hu manity. The prices are. . re served seats 35, general admis- sion 25, children' 15 cents".' A Great Blizzard Baits r is ebraka. Omaha, Neb.; Jan. 25.-One of the heaviest blizzards ever expe rienced in Nebraska is raging apparently a all points in the State tonight. , Reports indicate that the loss to live stock will be heavy, as the snow is flying in blinding sheets, end the temper ature has sunk far below ze$o. Chadron, Tecumseh and Creighton, Valentine and Mc Cook report 12 to 18 below zero with a heavy wind, snow dri ?t ing and passage to humanbeiugs or cattle through the storm prac-1 tically impossible. AH tt.' ! due frot i ::ie west . ' from 3 to 7 hours la'e. MAS KILLED AT SPENCER : . Farmer Frieutls Quarrel aiid a Houyftiile Fellowi.. . A Salisbury special of tfi 6tlf to theCharlotte Obsejver sa$s: O I. Folger,. a white fireman of the Southern., shot and killed, R H Moore, also white, 'at Spencer tonight at 7:30 o'clock. The two men, who had previously baen on friendly teams, quar reled, Moorecursing Folger, and advanced on him with a butcher knife. -Folger drew a pistol and shot Moore three times, the s hols causing instant death. A negru, who interfered with trie evident intention of aiding Moore, was shot in the leg, Folger was arrested at the Southern passenger depot here tonight and committed to jail. Several years aj;o he shot and seriously woundedDiek Sparnell at thatj time yard conductor on the Southern. At the Baptist Church. Rev. J E Smith, pastor of the Baptist church, we are glad to say, has entered into his work with much zeal and encourage ment. The church lawn is undeV- going material improvement. The writer availed himself of the privilege of sitting under his preaching on Sunday morning. His subject, the Covenants, necessarily showed the exacting side of the Christian religion. Numerous texts were quoted bear ing on the subject and the vows of chuich membership were for-j cibly commented on. Duty as presented was calculated to stir to greater zeal in the service or to disquiet those who have not the spirit of fidelity to every pledge. He urired with much emphasis that no one make a debt without a reasonable hope of meeting payment at the proper time and should inability to meet it occur he urged that the debtor go to the creditor and get his consent for necessarytime. Should the creditor "not consent it were bet ter to part with means, with property, to meet the claim, and he assured his hearers that the ........ blessing of ueaven would more than compensate. The social, fraternal, helpful spirit he found too mtfch lacking. Were these ideal in the church he said we would not need clubs and secret societies (of one of which he is a member himself) to meet the demands of human nature bu it is true that many of these institutions exercise more of these, Yirtues ' than we find in the church membership. i A member, f the congregation said to th writer; we think we have in Ir. Smith a 'faithful, efficient pastor that meets our needs. Tv'irilrr recursion Rates. Effective October 15, 1901, ex cursion rnrr's are placed on sale 1 - f '. hern Railway to all 1 iier resorts of the ii ;: 1 ' -athwest. Ask any ipju'..r-fn Railway for faH i., Tor mat ion. SHOQTMU AFFAlfi; V Lester Bell Shoots Hit Mother and Hifcir Brother Near Mt. Tleasaut Saturday Evening. ' . ' Lester Bell, wholook into the mouth too nrtich of the thief that $teals away the brain got into a row with his half brother, Geo. Melchor, Saturday evening on Mrs. Fisher's place near Mt. Pleasant. 12$ took a jeiilous rage about his brother and his wife and got his shot gun. His raoth- Ler, entreating him to desist got in the way of his shot and got it in the ueck while George was sprinkled at different placos but not much hurt. The main force of the ( shot narrowly missed George's stomach, in which case there would have been a funeral. Lester was brought to jail Saturday night. He seems right sorry that that liquor madev him shoot his mother. ' It is not probable that the wit nesses can appear against him at this court. : ' ' Earthquakes In the United States. Bt. Louis and at points across the river in Efast St. iVouis.'Ai ton, Quincy." Granite City and Venice were shaken on the 24th by two earthquakes. No espe cial damage was 'done though in some instances people ran out fearing their houses would faM. The shocks wore felt at St. Joseph, Kansas City and Leav- enworth Hamlet to Ihe Froat. Hamlet, the junction point of the Seaboard Air Line, is mov ing rapidly to the front. A company has now been incor- 1 Portated to build a .street car line from Hamlet to Rockingham Rockingham, is only a few miles from Hamlet and is on the line of the- railroad going on to Charlotte. Hamlet is improving rapidly. Raleigh Timos. Tilr. Ibson Patterson Dead. Mr. J. Ibson. Patterson died au his home near SummerSiclfng Sunday night after a severs illness. He was nearly 80 years old. Ha leaves arwife and three daughters. He was the uncle of our townsman, Mr. John K Patterson. Mr. Patterson received a se vere wound in the wrist in the great war and was a cripple foV'iife. He was a good up rigjit t Christian gentleman ' and a consistent member pf Lutheran Chapel'cburch, where he will be" buried . Tuesday. The funeral will occur at 12 o'clock. Never ostimate your peach crop by a census of the buds." 'The deadly parallel is doubly fatal when it tackles love letters." GHIMWS'SHfiKTC- ' ' " VI ... ' . . . , . " Do You Want the BesWThen Look Over This Stock. It is about time iter buy a new pair of Shoes for the school children. . Probably the old ones are a little the worse for wear and right now is a good time to buy. Our children's Shoes are made from selected leather by skilled workmen from the best 'manufacturers in the business. We can fit the foot and the purse. .Good footwear moderately priced is what we sell. Children's? Shoes, Sizes 5 to 8, all leathers 50c: Better Shoes, better made, good wear, 5-8, 75c. School Shoes that keep the feet dry and wear well 8-m 98c. .Children's Shoes, 12-2, but ton or lace, at 98c and 1.25. - - One-Two- and before you know The Bell i Harris Fur. Co. will be moved sure enough. If you have any desire to buy goods from them at the old stand do so at once. Elevator is now being placed and before many mooni thev will be playing iiumpty Dump in Caton's Hall: We have studied your interest we have everything convenient Not a wish can't gratify. Come in aild be happy. Lf we don't give you more for your money than you have ever realized out of Caton's llall we will quit the show business,' Come and see. The Bell & Harris Fur. Co. Vr . , . Good Job Work! Me sub$iantiate this statement with ihe real stuff, to say,whther our g npt.;and if it is not we guarantee to g malo' it cn Wp am h(rp tn mnkp n :a our customers. (3 The Standard Jbb Office. X300xx::oxxtpx.:o::;::: ' n. Send in your The Standard 35 M T I r J I Jf a m i ee: what you are about i , i and leave it to you work is all right or ivingaiso to oo justice io i ! subscripts. cts, a moniw. Q