aMmiMmnwfai wmranw Daily. Standard. JOHN D. BARRIER. t tdilor and 1'roprietor. afc m OFFICE IN MORRIS BU1LDISU. THE STANDARD is pjjllftd -ery da I ujday icepteaj ana creuveru oy cm una .F7ATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. f4.oa 2.00 1.00 35c Ong year Six months Three months Single copy ifi. " ThelVYeeklyoSjandard is an l-colum-paj: apef. It has a larger circulation m Cabarrus han any other papar. Price i a year ia advance. Terms for regular adyertwemeBta ralde known n application. Address all eommaaicetioM t , THE STANDARD, Conortf, H. C. TELEPHONE NO. Concord, N. C. Jan. 27. 1902. CONVENIENT MALADY. Tom Rollins seenis to be a practical joker down about Ner Bern. He was jailed for stealing '.some time ago. He seemed to thrive on the roving long finger- fU I11UUO Ui 11 T lug auu J in hid did not agree with him. Public sentiment quickly forgets the injuries to the whole community whi'ii there is a thief amuck and bestows unmerited pity at an unrepentant martyr cry. So it .tto c- coir? tViof 1? rwllinc w8 nini to die-very soon of consumption and the case was laid before our large-hearted governor and he of course turned him out. It is said th-e neighbors began to take special oversight of their valu ables and sit up of nights for Tom was getting over his con sumption with alarming rapidity. Tho watchers didn't have to wait long for he was soon at his pranks and is now in the clutches of the law again and of course will soon have consumption or something just as good for the purpose. Rear Admiral Schley a-rrived in Chicago on the 25th amid im mense, popular enthusiasm. It was a splendid ovation from his entrance to the city to the en tertainments by the vaiious com mittees. He put at rest, how ever, ati idea of his becoming a candidate for the. presidency. He feels and wisely, too, that to enter politics means to divide the populor love and esteem that the. American people bear for him and this would bo a sacrifice he would not make for the presi dency. He prizes these manifes tations of popular favor for what they are and dobs not let them turn his head '" The hero of Ma- nib Roy evidently had an ordeal from-first to last before which the whole Cuban affair piledinto jnsignificance as to its, require ment of executive ability as. well as fighting tact but then he thought it meant a presidency and that, too, after that little Savannah affair an J the giftod homo transfer luit much of Icy has departed. .. 'Admi ral Schley seems wiser, A Warnin'njr t Borrowers. A man wk ms t$o ecoii etel to take this piper sent his little, boy to borrow the cogy taken by his netghbdr. In his haste the boy ran ove, $4 tand of bees and in ten minutes laoked like a warty summer squash. His cries reachtd hisjlather, who ran to his assist4nc6 and, failing to notice a barbed wire fence, ran into that,breking it down, cutting a "handful of ffesh from his anatomy and ruining a $4 pair of pant The old cow'took advantage of the gap in the fence and got into the. cornfield and Killed herself eating green corn. Hearing the racket, th wife ran, upst a foilr gallon churn fall nt rich cream' into a Don't Llye Together. basket of kilteus, drowning the Constipation and health never whole flock. In the hurry, she go. together. De Wlit's Little dropped a $7 set of false teeth. J Early Risers promote oasy action Thp. babv. left alone, crawled ! of the bowels without distress. through the spilled milk and The Preponderance of Man. & It appears from the data pre seifu! by the new Census th-ttai ifye malqe in the Uned JStateS outnumber tbe gentler sex WO. ''- Tims it is obvious that, if 1 the wornn do not get husbands, it is not fof lack of available ma terial. , For every i00 women Montana has 160 men, Idaho 223, Nevada 153, -. Arysona 140, Oregon 129, California 123. The Eastern and Southern states on the other hand show, as , a rule, an over plus of women. Randolph Argus. into the pallor, ruininga brand new $20 carpet. During the ex citement the oldest daughter ran away with the hired man, the dog broke up 11 setting hens, and the calves got , out and chewed the tails off four fine shirts.--Ex. Moral Subscribe and pay for your own paper. A Fireman's Close Calh "I stuck to my engine, al though every joint ached and every njrvy was racked with pain." writes C. W. Bellamy, a locomutive fireman, of Burling ton, Iowa.. "I was weak and pa'e, without any appetite and all ran down. I was about to give up, I got a bottle of Elec tric Bitters and after taking it," I felt as well as I ever did in m y life." Weak sickly, run down people always gain new life, strength and vigor from their use. Try them. Satisf'ac ion guaranteed by Fetzer's Drug Store. Price 50 cents. "I have been troubled with costi nine years," says'J. jO Greene, Depauw. Iud. "I have tried mauy remedies but Little Early Risers give best results." Gibson Drug Store. Sow Paw Selzt-d. The Concord correspondent under dale of 25th to the Char lotte Observer says: 'Deputy Collector J A Sims and Policeman Boger made a seizure of eleven and a half gal lon of whiskey which they found today in the house . of a ' man named Marks, living near "the Cabarrus Cotton Mill They found three empty kegs and some bottles of - whiskey in the house, but madeno arrest. Dad Fire in Mobile. Mobile, Ala., Jan. 25. Fire today in the wholesale business district destroyed property to the value of $300,000 and caused the death of Richard H Vidmer, a leading society man of Mobile, and Bat Thomas, a negro laborer from New Orleans. Three fire men were injured, two slightly and one painfully. Mr. Vidmer and Thomas were assisting the firemen in subduing the flames and were caught by falling walls. "Winter Homes in Summer Land." The above Is the title of an at tractive booklet just issued by the Passenger Department of the Southern Railway. It is beautifully illustrated and fully describes the winter resorts' of the South. A copy may be -secured by sending a two-ient stamp to S HHardwjcif, p. P. A. Washiogton, D.,C. Mr. Lj crlyV Loss at Cleveland. Tho Salisbury Sun. of 25th says Mr. Alexander Lyerly sus tained a loss of 'about $8,000 last Thursday at Cleveland. A small negro boy was playing with fire near his warehouse in which he had 182 bales of cotton. The fire was communicated and the tale is quickly told. All was lost, there being no insurance even. Capt. Wile j Gen. Manage r. The Salisbury Sun says Capt. Carl Henrich has resigned as general manager of the Union Copper mine and Capt. W Mur dock Wiley has been chosen as his successor. Capt. Wiley is wall acquainted with the mark ings of the mine and is a brainy man. It seems the selection must be a good one. "Dr." is a abbreviation fre quently used t6 express the relations of a patient to his phy- sician.' f Vk-i if 1' ii' SwiinJ siijkrf Naj s lie "ft a. TorUiad. I .suffered such pain iu corns I couiri hardlv writes II liiiiooGrough, Ills , "but Buck leu'g Arnica Salve completely cured them." Acts like magic on grains, bruises, cuts, sores, scalds, burns, boils, ulcers. Per fect healer of skin diseases and piles. Guaranteed by Fetzer's drug store- Digests vjhnl you Eat When the stomach is diseased all the c iher organs sutler, hece fatal diseases of the heart, liver, lungs ana kidneys are of teu the result of , improper digestion. Koboi. DirsrErsiA Cuius contains all the natural digestive fluids and by digesting wtat you eat, it cures the indiges tion without aid from the siorrach, r.uowin(? it to rest and regain its healthy condition and permitting yosi toeatalltheKoodfoodycu want. My rest is often disturbed at night by irregular heart action which l dc neve is on account, or my stomacn being overloaded with undi gested food. I keep a bottle of Kodox. Dyspepsia Cubb nearby and a email dose always gives me instant relief. Ed,ThomastLeitchfield,Ky., v st can't help but do. you. good, tVaporedby R QDeWltt AOo. Chicago. Tbett bottle coutaina Zi times the 50cXW ThefaForite household remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, gripped throat and lung troubles is ONE RIKUTE Cough Our. It cures quickly. '.Gibson.Dru? Store. SEBatSSBj t THE RACKET store: Rsmnants of White Lawn at 40c per lb. Silence Cloth at 20c per pound, D; J BOSTIAN. FOR OVER SIXTY EARS Mrs. Winslow's Soothirpr Hvrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children whue teethiog, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softeus tho gums, allays all pain, cures wind colie, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve tbe poor little sufferer immedi ately. Sold by druggists iu every part of the world. Twenty-live cent& a bot tle. J3e sure and ask for ''Mrs. Win elows Soothing r8yrup," m' take no ot.bfr kind Concord - National Bank Has paid $54,000 in dividends since it opened doors in July, 1888. Its surplus and undivided fund is $27,000. The losses from bad loans in its entire history are $35.00. It has never sued any one or been sued. Its officers are : J M Odell, president; D B Coltrane, cashier; L D Coltrane, assistant cashier; J M Hendrix, bookkeeper.. Board of Directors W H Lilly, W R Odell, Jno. P Allison, J S Harris, Elam King, J M Odell and D B Coltrane. Fresh On Hand ! Oysters 'every Friday and Saturday. Beef Pork and Sausage daily exoopt on Sunday. Saturday night orders filled Sunday morning. J. F. Dayvault & Bro. Fresh Moats. . Come See Me For beef, pork mutton and sausage Always fresh. In Brick Row. 'Phone No. 183. tf. Fred Beck. To Bo Tnere and stay there 1 maintain our tyOii tion at the head; we continue to sell tbe different styles of vehicles of Tyson fe Tones, Hackney, Barbo ir, 'Emerson A Fiber, et"., of tbe fifrae qualify hat has trivf v HatiK'act n for ye i. nr effoits are directed Mwnrds pleasing our evr iucreasins number of cuf-tomers rather than add to our profits. Any of these vehicles will maki pleas ing.'Christmas Gifts buggies, surreys and traps of any finish all are excellent yalue at the price. 1 W I H ' III mc IM if., iiiuufvsn M. L. brown & Bro, LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES. Justin rear of St. Cloud liote'. Omnibuses meet all passenfc-fr trains. Outfits of all kind, fur nished promptly and at reasoa able prices. Horses and mule? always on hand for sale. Breed er's of thoroughV red Polanc" China Hop's. . OF COURSE TOD . Mb THINKING about getting yourself a pair of Spectacles Why study any longer ? But iro to Cor l'U's and ha1 your, eyes tested. Your money bacs if Glasses don't suit. Yours to please, W. C. CORRELL .MX