,f Y '(A o c f ice $4.60 per year. . IIOMtCIDE IN CHABLOTTE. . Offli;rjnitn Kills Fruk JeukiiiM in Seir Defense. . , Mr. Frank Jenkins, an em ploye of McAdenstfille "Cotton Mills, was billed Saturday night by31r. Sam Bymen, the police officer of that town. The tragedy occurred at eight o'clock. . Jenkins and his brother were , in the southern section of the town. They were both drinking and Mr. Brymer cama upon the scene and insisted that , the two men go home and not create any disturbance. Both refused and a fight followed. The officer was thrown to he ground and while stretched out at full length, Frank Jenkins leaned over him, drew his knife 'and began slashing the officer right and left. . Brymer attempted to use his club but this weapon was wrenched from him and was used by the two brothers to a good advantage. While still lying flat on his back, Brymer drew his pistol from his pocket with his left hand and fired at Frank Jenkins, who was still in the act of cutting at him. The ball entered the left breast, ploughed through' the main arter and lcfdged in the heart. Death followed almost instantly. Soon after the occurrence, officer Brymer gave himself up, surrendered his pistol and awaited the coming of the coroner. Yesterday afternoon a coroner's jury was empanelled and the verdict was that it was a case of justifiable homicide, Brymer was given his liberty. The dead man was about 40 years old. He had been em ployed in the dye room of the mill and when not under the influence of whiskey, he was a quiet, good citizen. He leaves a wife and several children. Officer Brymer regrets the terrible occurrence. He claims self-defense and the verdict of the'coronor's jury upholds him in this contention. Man Killed on the Asheboro Railroad. High Point, Jan. 27.Engi ineer Holton, .whose run is 'be tween here and Asheboro, says his engine struck and killed a white man just this side of Randlcman this evening while en route here. Mr. Holton saw the man sitting on the end of a egos. --.tic, but too late to stop his Tu f-uj man's pocket was found a letter addressed to James Teague, and also a bottle of whiskey. He was undoubted ly under the influence of drink. , mm - mm m g . "It isn't necessary for a i . to be a hypnotist in orcVv his mind concentrated on ( L. ., toothache." His Honor, Judge Siarbuok, in the Temple of Justiee I)lspatelifigUul- ness. MONDAY EVENING SESSION. Judgment incase of JL Ritch ie, fine of $5C, including costs. State vs. Tom Rinehardt, r. w. 1. (retailing without license.n Plead guilty as charged. Motion for judgment continued. There are five other cases againsthim. State vs. Jim Motley, d.' r. w. (disturbing religious worship) and profane swearing.. Plead guilty as charged. Judgment $25, including costs. James Lawing,. col., a. d. w. Plead guilty as charged. Judg ment 90 days on public roads. State vs. Ed Taylor, DCgr0' rney rouea ine saie out ana or boy, a d w"; Plead guilty. Judg-! dered the engineer to return to ment suspended on payment of the taaat wh.ich h'e did and half the costs. j brought it through without State vs. Jim Alexander for in- further incident, jury to stock. Plead guilty. It is not believed the booty Judgment suspended on pay- amounted to much., ment of costs. . The. robbers took the safe Marv Berry hill, c. c. w. Plead away, it seems, and doubtless .'11 a sruuty. Judgment suspended and defendant dismissed. TUESDAY MORNING SESSION. State vs. Richard Brown tor larceny. Guilty. Judgment four months on public roads. State vs. Logan Cook and Geo. Blume. Affray, plead guilty. Judgment suspended on payment of costs. State Jrs. John Misenheimer for fraud. Plead guilty. Judg- ment .suspended on payment o COos' State vs. Cicero Gnssom, a. , n -li. 'a d. w. Guilty, judgment six is on county roads. 1 Mrs. VI. C. IlonsUn Entertains. The skies wore cloudy and there was every appearance of rain but a number of invited friends of Mrs. W C Houston met at her pretty home on Spring street "Monday afternoon and spent several hours most de lightfully in the fascinating games of carrom and krokinole. As the games were finished most delicious refreshments were served in a graciously generous I manner by the popular hostess. All was enjoyment and apprecia tion of her hospitality and so rapidly did the time pass that before the guests were aware of it the clock on the mantel gave warning of the lateness of the hour. Wraps were donned and each bade her hostess adieu, assuring her that this had been a most happy afternoon. Those present Were Mesdames W J Hill, J B Sherrill J L Hart sell, FfJ MdKinuie, Fanny By- mim, u f uaie, vv i jQoamaDJi Whnnl pr J K Smnrit W R m m , W D Pemberton, J A B . J L Croweil.B Brower, 5 Day vault and J P Query. One There, ' -rrr-- -- , . UNCORD, N. C. TUESDAY JAN. 18. 1 A- 4 ItRMN ROBBERY IX SOUTH CARO- LINA. The Second Keat lirauclmlle Two Yean No One Hurt A bold train robbery was pfcr petraledon . Monday, the 27th, on the Southern nearJ3ranch- Wil'e.-S. C. . . . A number of men concealed! themselves iu the. dark between- - the tender and baggage car. At the point they chose they the covered the engineer with Winchester's and sent one ball throup;b his cap. They 'had the passenger coaches cut off and ran the rest to the point they wished, when they tried to make Express Messenger Hall open the safe, which he could not dd. i oiew u up. It is believed to be the work of Barton Warren, who robbed a train single handed near this ; place about two years ago. Bhootimr Affair in WInsUn-Salera. A Winston-Salem special of the 27th to the Charlotte Obser ver gives the following account of a tragedy in that city: Rex Gass assistau t lloor manager at the Farmers' Tobacco Ware- jhous0( was shot in the aWdomen and perhaps fatally wounded this 1 1 J morning by George W Pruett, a h J . who was accompanied oy nis partner, Charles Luton, of Eliz abuth City. Tlio shooting oc curred on the warehouse floor. The wounded man was removed to the hospital at or.ee. The op-' eration performed, showed that the ball went through the Dowels and lodged at or near the back bone. There is liCtle ope' for his recovery. Pruett and Luton were caught by several men in the warehouse and there was talk of lynching the first named, bu the advico of cooler heads was heeded. The impression is general here that the shooting was premeditated. Pruett and JLiUton were committed to jail without bail.. The trouble be tween Gass andPreutt tarted last night over a girl. They went home with her from a religious service, both claiming to have engagements with her. When arrested Pruett had two pistols, one in each hrjpd, while a pistol and pair of nucks were found on Luton. "The same woman Avbo has money enCh to have her red hair called olden tresso can (steal and have it called j mania." klepto- 19 2 . . : i Do You Want the BeWThen Look Over This It is abom time to buy a new pair of Shoes for the school children. Probably tlje old ones are a little the worse for wear and right now is a good time to buy. Our children's Shoes are made from selected leather by gkilled workmen from the business. .We can fit the footwear moderately priced is what we sell. Children' e Shoes, Sizes 5 to 8, all leathers 50c. Bettor Shoes, better made, good wear, 5-8, - 75c. School Shoes that keep the feet dry and wear well sh'n 98c. Children's Shoes, 12-2, but ton or lace, at 98c and 1.25. -o- One-Two-1 hree ! and before you know what you arc about The Bell L Harris Fur. Co. will be moved sure enough. If' you Inr.v any desire to buy goods from them at the old stand do so at once. Elevator is now being placed and before many moons they will be playing llumpty Dump in (Jiiton's Hall. We have studied your interest we have everything convenientt Not a Avish we can't gratify. Come in and be happy, if we don't give you more for your money than you have ever realized out of Caton's Hall we will quit the show-business,' t Come and .see. The Bell & Harris Fur. Co. 9fL .X3tX3cCX"3CXX-X Good Job Work ! XIXOU substantiate this statement with the real stuff, and leave it to you to say whether our not; and if it is not H make it so. we our customers. The Standard J ob Ofnee. Send in ?rour The Standard 35 cts, SlNGLB COPT 5 CENTS. Stock. best .manufacturers in the foot and the purse. Good J3eOOC30T3eQOOQOC j work is all right or C we guarantee to are nor? 10 mane a i subsciipLlci month.

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