1 O - ''it CE: 4.00 per year. UNCORD, N. C. WEDNESDAY JAN., 29, 19 2 SlNLB COPY 5 CENTS. COURT PROCEEDINGS His Honor, Juiteu Staibuck, hi the Jmple of Justice Dispatching Busi ness. TUESDAY EVENING SESSION. State vs. Will Morrison, col., "a. d. w., jury trial. Verdict guil ty. Judgment suspended on pay ment of cost. State vs. same for larceny, jury trial, Not guilty. State vs. Joe Grier, cruelty to animals. Plead guilty. Judg . ment suspended and defendant discharged. State vs. Adam Cruse, a. d. w. Jury trial, guilty. Judgment Suspended on payment of cost. State vs. Bob Cruse, a. d. w. Plead guilty. Judgment 30 days on public roads. State vs. Will Miller, forcible tresspass. Plead guilty. Judg m'ent suspenced .on payment of costs. State vs. Jim Reed, a. d. w. Found guilty. Judgment, fine of $50. 1 State vs. Andrew Jackson, ne gro boy, charged with larceny but bill was amended to forcible tresspass, .to which he pleail guilty Judgment suspended on payment of costs. The court is engaged on a case of Andy Clark f or f oultissault on Rachael Kimmons. Another Mail Bug Ground Up. The train smashed up another mail bag for us today and we must take the chances of having gotten the things intended for us. The young folks at least think it a mighty shabby way of treating their photos and love letters. Isn't this thing growing rather monotonous, however ? Anyhow we invit'j a change. Two t'aptnl Cases In Court. It was not generally known that this court has on the docket two capital cases. They involve the colored people only and are for sexual assault. Two special venires were ordered by the court Tuesday evening. They are bad, indelicate cases. Mules and Horse For Sals. A brood mare and a good chunk of a mule for sale neither old enou'gh to vote or hurt. Terms easy. Apply to A M All man, ChuckatuckFarm, tf. Fogleman. Brown. Mr, Adolphus H Fbgleman, of Guilford, and Miss LulaR Brown, daughter of Rev. H M Brown, were married on the 22nd of January by Rev. C A Brown at the Lutheran parsonage, Brick Church, N. C. They left tht evening for a bridal tour to Charleston, S. C. "Doju't count your chickens LJ u v.t.. ., until iney aro uj uuuuju uiun t. ; cat. Subscribe for the Standard. Only 1633.25 Required. The Standard hats already pub lished the fact that we will have a full four months public school in every district of Nos. 2, 4, 5,jthe interest of.tho North Carolina 7, 8, 10 and 1 a townships in Ca- "Christian Advocate. barrus. Nos. 1, 3,6 and 9 will need assistance. J3upt. Chas. E Boger and Chairman Jas. P Cook, of the County Board of Education, have gathered and prepared information andstatis- tics relative to the.needy schools in these 4 townships. The amount is exactly $633.25. It is interesting to know thai were this $100,000 appropriated by the Legislature divided by simole division. Cabarrus' share would.be over 1,000; if by per! Miss Jennie Skeen spent Tues captta the county's share would day in Coucord. reach over $1,200. A still more interesting fact is revealed in . . answering the question of State, Board whether or no there will be additional funds to apportion, by the reply of the above named officer: "No. The sheriff is re quired to settle school fund Jan. 1; adutyh'e promptly performed.' Wo have no revenues from bar - rooms, dispensaries' ' or license taxes from evil ' institutions-; our schools do their best frrn their sole support from farms, fac tories and businesses 6 virtue in bid Cabarrus. " Give us just $633. 25,'. no more and , no less, and we wilt provide every school of Cabarrus with 4 mouths school, clear of stumps and run nors. And, by another year, when the plan of district consol idation reaches its legitimate con- elusion, we will have four months u penningr has been very sick terms in every district without for a week or ten daySt though I State aid; and with State aid.ouiiam gla(1 to say ho is improving. scnuuis mdj lufton uvBUJuuma. Mrs. (5oj kin at the Reception. The Washington correspon dent of the Asheville Gazette says: Miss May Boyden, of Salis bury, attended congressional reception given at the white house Thursday evening, in company with Congressman and Mrs. Kluttz and Mrs. Boykin of Concord attended the reception J with Senator Simmons. ' . . Died at Sanltorlum. Mr. John P 'Veach, ' who was so painfully injured at Spencer yesterday, died at the White-head-Stokes sanitorium about 6 o'clock yesterday. - afternoon. The remains were prepared for burial and taken to his homo at Spencer for interment. , - Mr. veach's deatn was due to . 1 ' TT ' a lfianui mistake, txe was a, workman in the car .department at the Sponcer shops and (was orkins v. th several other men on a car when a train hit the car on which he was working. Tho force of the collison knocked the caff ov?r on Mr. Veach and he was phmod down with this treinf 4k3 weigh. upon him Mi tit ! t!nj car was H - v.ns extrif.-ted Hi tim car was iacked ud and ; i. - y. as a youns man esteemdl. He h.. , a ! , .:.;-)! Salisbury Sun of L- Mt. Pleasant Items. a f f T3i t-nt r-n oq inn Mr. .J D Gaskins. of Greens- boro, spent Monday in towfl in Miss Lula Litaker, who has been quite low with pneumonia :is improving. ' ; . , The Ladies' Aid Society of the Methodist church -gave an oyster supper Saturday, Mr. Harry Foil who has been th la confined to his room ' wi grippe is able to be, out again. " There can now- be seen floating over tho public school building here the State flag, which adds very much to the appearance. Miss Nannie Alexander, of. Concord, is preparing to open a 1 .1. ... Ml'..' V 1 ' orancn mimnery siore nere ana he Miss " Jennie Sktien to take charge of it. Mr. J L Pierce, of Greensboro, j who has been here for several weeks insuring lives has retmrned ; to his home. Mr. P M Nussman left Mon-. day for Greensboro, where be .... . . -I t ,,.. has, accepted a position with an insurance company, v u ' B. ' RImr Items. Rimer, N. C, Jan.; 27, 1902. . Mr.- Editor : -As I hare not seen any Rimer news in tho pa per lately I thought I would write you a few items. The weather has been very bad for the past few days, es pecially on sick people. Mr. A Mr (;iiarlie v'mk lias pneu monia but he is slowly improv- ing. His sister, Miss Lizzie, also has pneumonia. Dr. Foil is at tending her. Miss Com, the daughter of Mr. A II Penninger, is quite sick. Mr. John Sifford has three sick people at his house. Mr. Rufus Safrit has two sick boys at his home. One has pneumonia. Mr. Adam Lentz is having a . .1 TT 1 new barn omit on ine iieing farm, Mr. John Carter being the head boss of the joo. The boys of the Cress school house played the boys at Rimer a game ' of base ball Saturday. The Rimer boys were beaten six runs. ' Shflre will , be another game Saturday between the same teams. Miss Maggie Pless, of Mt, Pleasant, is visiting at Mrs. Sarah Fink's. Thefarmers would lketo bo ploughing but the weather is not favorable. Guess. "Good sense if heaven's choic- est gift and in order to ootain i .1 !" ost men navo io maire uie j trip to headquarters. 5 i litis Do You Want the BestThen Look OVer . ' This 'stock. , . ' It is about' time tp. hiiy school . children. .Probably .. ,. worse for -wear and right nqw.is ji good time to bny; . Our chihlren's Shoes are made from selected leather MJy skilled workmen from the L . ,t, ; 'J nl' ,i businpss. We. can fit! .the footwear moderately priced " : " 1 Children' ShOeS, SiZeS 5 tO " ' J q -i-i 1 Q "U Better Shoes, better made, good wear, 5-8, 75c. School Shoes that keep the feet dry and wear well:8-11 88c. Children's Shoe,; 12-2, but ton or lace, at 98c and 1.25. One - Two - and before you know what you are about The Bell & Harris Fur. Co. will be moved sure enough. .If you have any desire to buy goods from them at the old stand do so at once. Elevator is now being placed and before many moons-. they will be playing llumpty Dump in Caton's Hall. We have studied your interest we have everything convenient Not a wisli wo can't gratify. Come in and be happy. If we don't give you more for your money than you have ever realized out of Caton's Hall we will quit the show business, Come and see.. . The Bell & Harris Fur. Co. I Good Job Work! X XKH'C substanfrbte this statement fi Q with th reI stuff, to.say whether our work is all: right or not; and if it is hot .we- guaranteextq' X make it so. We are hereto make a a profita livingalso ,to do justice ioV customers.- ;The tandail Job Office; Betid in foxix The andard-oD a. new pair . of 'Shoes for the. the bid ones- are a ; little the best i manufacturers in , V the Vvi v -foot and ;the. purse Good is what we sell. tZfr Thre and leave it to. you g subseripn to c :?, a moinn. 4 I ft