- . Q 1 f V." . . : - t 4 - -, ; 2 . ' i t : to. v 1 V V pti!E: $4.t50 per.ye.ar. MARRIAGE AT CHINA UROVE. Miss Willie i'-trnice Feeler Become the Bride of Rev. J. C. Leonard, ol Lex ington. Speciftl to The Observer. ' China Grove, January 30. An event of much social ipterest to China Grove was solemnized last evening, at the prettyhome of Mr. and Mrs. J M Peeler, when ; tun uuuSulj, luias nice, was happily married to Rev. Jacob C Leonard, of Lex-; Mers cse Compromised. ington. Promptly at 6 o'clock' The troublesome leng drawn Miss Myrtie Patterson, of this :out suit of Charles Myers vs. the place, entered the parlor and be - gan playing Mendelssohn's pop- ular wedding march. Immedi - ately following came Miss Nellie Trice, maid of honor, of Lex- ington, then came tho bride leaning opon the arm of the. groom, carrying n beautiful bou- quet of bride's roses and aspara- gus ferns. They were met by . Rev. J L Murphy, pastor of th Charming Social Event Reformed church of Hickory, I Those who had tho pleasure and the ceremony, which pro- and the honor of being guests in nounced them husband and wife the home of Mr. and Mrs. J P was duly 'performed. The ring Allison at a dinner given by was used in this service, the them on Thursday were con groom placing it upon the finger vinced that hospitality has not of tho left hand of the bride,' taken its departure from our with appropriate words. Dur-Jearth, bus still stands with cor .ing the marriage ceremony Nar Jnucopia in one hand and extends 1 cissus was beautifully rendered the other for welcome to those in a very s-ift, sweet tone, which who come. In song and story displayed the artistic touch of the old Southern mansion is im- the pianist and added much to ' mortal,' and so long as men love the impressive ceremony. Tho what is noble 'and cherish the bride is a woman of pleasing esprit do corps of that life, they manners and deservedly popu lar. Tho groom is the popular pastor of the Reformed church 'of Lexington, loved by his par - ishioners and is to. be congratu lated upon winning the hand of 'so fair a maiden. The bride was attired in white organdy trimmed in silk applique, -tulle veil pinned with a pearl crescent and looped with orange blossoms. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard were the recipients of quite a number of handsome and costly presents, A number of reception cards had been sent out and despite the in- J clement weather, many friends were present to see thts'popular .j young couple wedded. Miss Net-i tie Pharr, of Concord, and;' Miss Pauline Thorn, of this place, met th guetts at the entrance to the "haTl and "welcomed them into the hospitable home. ' -The rpceptior was heldfrom 3 to 6. The dining room was decorated with phi white-and groei. Refrehmcjats jrere served in?foundaifce and in tho most ? If sing manner. WhJt? u jv grrcn" were me preyaTling cofors in the sitting roofli and parlor. The guests preA?ntw?xe Mr. Felix Yorke, Mrs. A Jones Yorke, Mr. and Mrs. G T&row ell, of Concord; Mr. and Mrs. t- t in r - 1 t (o-r-n u Leonard ana'.ii'. i.ni LeonarJ. ol Lexington: and J G Wertz, Mis Lillian Wc'rtz, Prof. W.J We5dingtonand ,T L Ros6, all of China Grove. Tho bride and groom left on the northbound train and will be J at home at the Marsh House in Lexington for the present. Misses Kern a and Trice, who were the guests of Miss Thorn, left on the evening train for their respective homes. ,Concord Lumber Company which was docketed for Ibis term of! ' court- hftS Just been, compio- mised Myers ettin 1200 It will be remembered that at a fanner term of the court the 3ur.? rendered a verdict, giving him 1500- An appeal, was taken lo Supreme Court and a new trial was ordered. I will not .'forget the characters that were the" .flower and fruit of ' such heroic soil. As we were , greeted at the door by Mr. and Mrs. Allison, with their warm hearts speaking in open face, we folt as if 'by some mystic hand we had been transported to the Old South with its undy ing glory and were surrounded by the immortals. Indeed, who could come into the presence ot j Mrs. Allison and not feel the i impress of a Southern queen ? A most agreeable and affable company were guests in the home. It is easy to be a Pre- destinarian when in the circle of such royal Presbyterians as tney, and when such - free1 and full kindness flows we can blend. Cal vin and Wesley with ease Could our life be always so graciously surrounded we would forget the cares that burden. 'This-writer finds it impossible to describe the pleasures. The dinner, was luch as would be expected from our hostess; ' This enough. Dinner being over we retirad to : the parlors and forgot the icy- fingered winds without, in the fUr-7 of Social converse, which ranged from the heroine of 61 to the future triumphal arch to be unveiled in Jiichmond to Jeffer SorfDavi. It to stormy voyag6'W make o Ve' rcnlm ffftjre tho loved o'je-s rro, thoro arasomo peace ful j ::ir iwhere weury human V: - rev; such to us were tho r,'.vif t -p:-. moments with our kind frier: ! ;i find hosts or. Jan. ON(RD. N. C. FRIDAY JAN. 31. M H i mm 81 a Kit KM WH MM EH HH M Li On Saturday, Feb. 1st., we enter upon our fifth year of business in Concord, g UN B We enter it with the firm resolve to eclipse the wonderful record of the past. vui suuviosts uavu umy m j and better for us. Let m best that ean be done. jj Our business year runs from February to February and in the Jnew year our jj UH aim is to give you a store service equal to a large city Department Store. S S Here you will find polite and attentive salcpeople to wait on you and an expo- w R sition of bright, new merchandise at a low price consistent with value. In m justice to yourself you cannot afford to spend your money withont seeing' t.his g S' magnificent stock. Quality is our first consideration and price ne t. It is jjjf 1 under the banner of "Quality" that we have forced our way to the fore-front ink ! 8 in the mercantile business of Concord. Each season is placed higher and for UU 1 T10 1 M day rants io., is anouse noia word tor every lamily and is pointed to as 55 ""8 he place to do your shopping. Watch this space, 8 will be sure to make it interesting for you. ii m m a Tha Ecginx is absolutely tho best $ Patent Leather or Jjjj French Kid in La hJJ dios Shoes for 8 3.00 m m m Wo are making a 8 great hit in Women's H Footwear at 2. -CO eg 2. SO Ml S Everybody is Looking ml hh for the best here it j is in a Woman's jjjj Shoe for this price s 1.50 3 - L m m Don't Live Together. Constipation and health never go together, Do Witt's Littlo 'EarljJlisers promote easy action of the bowels without distress. I have been troubled with costiveness nine yeaf s, ""says J . O Greene, Depauw, Ind. "I have tried many remedies but Little Early Risers give best, result." Gibsorj Drug jStore. ; "Winter Homes In Summer Lanfls." Tho above is the title of an at tractive booklet just issued Ipy the Passenger Department of the Southern -Railway. It is beautifully illustrated and fullv describes th winter reports .or the South. A copy ry bo se cured by sending a two-ent stamp to S UHardwick, G. P. A. fJ 'S, PARKS &;G'Q IDEP4.R.TMEKTT STORS. suiiiuiuit'u our amouions to us never think that the best We are ready to do better for the coming year only the best can be had here. To- J 111 la a.i -.. EXTRA SPECIAL IN SHOES. February is a trying month, on Shoos and a month in which a great many Shoos are sold for the old ones go to pieces. ' Wo want you to know that this Department can fit you in almost any kind or size shoo wanted in Men's, Boy's, Women's, or Children's Shoos and j;ive you a shoo that's mado of "leather," too. Good footwear lor good people at a mod erate price will be found here. Good Job Work! with the real stuff, arc! leave it" to you p to say whethqr our vvc'ei all right or V not; and if it is net we ;-uaiantee to fj X maKe it so. vve are hareto make a & ' S prOfita living--Slso to do "justice to IS The Standard Job Qmce SINGLE COPY 5 CEKTS. e KM IW UN m m m ao octter; oetter tor you p that has been "done is the m M m our'mutuul benefit. the Standard of this store J WD watch this store and we mi m B m HH MM m m H ft (W HH m Eos. El. Snow makes the best Man's Shoo for solid. wear and comfort at t 3.0C& 3. SO B HH Do yon want the $! best two (illy V-then. $ see Jas Meat.s' Ix.'St for men hh 2.SO S HH IS HH m HH IW Who H Shoe i 1 Wo dil nnd 'f you come here wo will show ou y(ur full hh money's worth in m Men's Shoos at 2.00 and m m m m m m m 1.50 LI m COMPAWY.I substantiate this statement I Mrs. W J Swink, Kev. and Mrs. 0, 1902. One Tiikre. J Washington, D. C. :":":'..xr':cx7)eci'3oc.x,:: o