o. t;CEL$1.00 per yenf. ONCORD, N. C. MONDAY FEB. 1 A -J A- 3 l02 Single copy 5 cents. I North Carolina and Her Colonial States-' men. ) (CONTINUED FliOM SATURDAY,) Vm. Jl Davie wa the firator, statesman and diplomatist of the Revolution. Nat Macon, an in fluential leader, a inaji noted for his will-power and Jenacjtty of purpose. Alexander Martin, Wm. Blount, Hugh Williamson, Willie Jones and Richard Dobbs Spaig-ht were ail heroes of the Revolution. Many a gallant deed and noble ' instance of devoted patriotism has been lost, yet as far as the records show, North Carolina has given us some of the great-1 est men in the world's history- descendants of the old Hugenot line-men who derived their u, , , r. u 1 fighting blood from Cain, their sagacious blood from Esau, their military blood and wise strategy from Joshua and' their wisdom from Solomon. Besides her Co- lonial records, North Carolina has other history of which she the lines of history as tho Sil may be justly proud. Virginia' ver-Tomrued Orator" and Davio Hare fVia fircf Vi 1 1 rl rf TT.no-ltcVi parents in America, was born in 1 children. All along the line from North Carolina. The first print Davie down, oiators havo been of English footsteps was made ( indigenous to North Carolina in North Carolina in 1584. The goil and at every period of her first prayer ever uttered by history. Why do we not know English lips in America was of-j that history by heart. Simply fered on Roanoke Island in Dare i because our pens have been sil oeunty, N. C. The first S"rmon ent amid the clash of arms and ever preached in America in a , tho progress of great events. native tongue was at Newtoui N. C, in 1646. The first Legis lative Assembly in America call ed by the authority of the peo ple met at New Bern, N. C, in August, 1774. The first blood shed by the people of America in resistance of the oppression of Great Britian was North Car olina blco'd at Ala-mance, May 16th, 1771. The first open Decla ration of Independence of Great Britian marlo in America was made by the people of Mecklen burg county, at Charlotte, May 20th, 1775.' Tho first purchase of Indian lands in America was made in Perquimans county in 1663, nearly fifty years before the purchase by William. Penu, of the Pennsylvania Indians. After these distingushed first historical events, is it not a just claim of North Qarolina that she is "the rightful mother of the States." Sir Walter Raleigh stands sen tinel at the gate-way of her his tory ahd following him she has an illustrious lineage. North Carolina also has the honor of furnishing three -presidents to "the United States. Andrew Jack son was born in Union county, James K Polk in Mecklenburg county Sad Andrew Johnson in, Raleigh, Wake county, N. C. It is melancholy (o thinkofthe inaccuracies, the omissions of history. North Carolina has been a great sufferer in that way, probably the greatest of all tho original thirteen. Richmond has been our principal history fac tory and with a swollen head Cin ku.K used Virginia to think that! history and its heroes belonged' to thetoa, North Carolina, being tfleir next "door neighbor, fvas absorbed, an4 all its historic naurels-torn from her Tnodest brow and wreathed around Vir- ginia s avaricious crown. Time bringeth all things right but often -wears leaden shoes and is rather tardy in putting in its work. North Carolina has mad enough history to fill a large sized library. It has furnished . enough orators to fill -all the mausoleums of history. R and the wall dividing tho storo Davie was the Patrick Henry of at present with its Stair way will North Carolina. Why was not ( bo removed. When complete Henry-the Wm. R Davie, of Vir there will be two large rooms Kinia. Davie was a courtly gen-1 occupying 100x110 feet on the tleman of the old school, a good floor bosidQ the up stair iawyer, an able debater, a repre- Doube glJcd destal tentative of our government at i . . . . . , , shelving of couveuient height the polished court of Franco. . , , Henry was a barkeeper, a hook- i wlU contain the shelf eds' and-line fisherman, a fox hunter j 0n tbo back lot at some an(j associated with rowdies in lme not ar distant, be a fine intimate companionship. Why'lare ware-room sufficient for then is it that Henry rides down their needs. i 1 ji 1 i. il This is all wrong if North Car olina has made history then it is right and just that the laurels of history should be twined around her brow. How can the wrong bo righted? Let North Caroliua Day be set apart in all our schools in the State as sacred to our history. Lot each pupil se lect some event in our annals and write a historical essay upon it. Let the teacher select the best essay and preserve it and the next renorntion of North Caro lina's sons and daughters will know more and be prouder of tha grand old State of their birth and its achievements in the rolo of history. "Carolina, Carolina, heaven's blessine: attend her, While we live we will cherish, protect and nefend her. Though the ecorner may sneer and wit- lings defame her, Oar heart swell with gladness when eyer wo name her." Boj in Deep Water. A mere boy, the son of Mr. George Hip, got into deep water at the Cross Ford on Buffalo creek Sunday morning on the way home from Concord. He was in a buggy and all were swept down the Swift stream about a quarter of a mile where the boy succeeded in getting out on one side of the Stream and toe-horse on the other. The m horse, however, got?.amoVig brushes and had to behelped oft by friends who cut away the bushes. Tne buggy floated down and lodged on the dam of a. the Foil mill. The boy was ou'.y 12 or 5 years old and it was an impress- is k "vl 1, .-.WW.. ..v-. , in tne toarct, (Juite a Merthutii(Exifunsjin. Sincfe writing about the en largoinent of the Cannon, fc Fetz- fer Company's pfant, we learn that thfcy have secured the Pat terson property in rear, so ihi.t thy own from Union to Churcn street. Tho Bell & Hubris Fur nituro store will be torn entirely away and built up with the pres-i store ildingv The wall by the alley vill contain large openings The stock of goods will be more extensive in quantity and yariety. Their Little Girl Sleeps. The three-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Watt Barringer died Sunday night of grippe with complications. It was buried at Poplar Tent church this (Monday) evening. We tender sincere sympathy to the bereaved parents. Hondo Mine Explosion. 1 San Antonio, Tex., Feb. 2. . Tho last information from the Ilondo, Mex., mine Qxplosion, shows' it to havo been fully, as serious as at first reported. Tbero were 110 miners at work in the mine v ' ' ;i "r plosion occurred and all cl arc u;j;:;:c;;.I io c dead. Tho majority .of the victims are Mexicans and Chinamen, very few Americans being at work in tho mine. Every mula in the mine was killed, three dead ones being taken from thedebris todj,y. Tho work of clearing away the vreck in ord3r to get the bodies is being' done as rapidly as possible, but there is no hope that any of the 110 men will be rescued alive. The Itiddlos I5lh Dead. Tho Pittsburg jail delivery is , more than a local sensation and is a tragedy of unusual magni tude. Both the Biddlo are dead and the errjng Mrs. Soffel may not survive. -The Biddlas died at Butler, Pa., Saturday. John at 7:30 pt m , and Ed at 11 o'clock p. m. Johu,diedj of woutfds y the officers, but Ed Biddle died of a' pistol wound from his own hand. An inquest was held over them in the jail and the officers were j exonerated fror.i all blame and j commended for their courage and promptness. L. P&fks DEPARTMENT STOBE -o- Good Shoes for Tender Feet. Clothing to Fit Anybody. Dress Goods and Trimmings. Millinery and Ribbons. One-Two -Tti ree and before you know what you are about The Bell L Harris Fur. Co will be moved sure enough.' If you have any desire to buy goods from them at the old stand do so at onee. Elevator is now being placed and before many moons thev will be playing Htimpty Dump in Catun's Hall. We have. studied your interest we have everything convenient Not a wisii we can't gratify. Come in and be happy. If we don't give you more for your money than you have ever realized out of Caton'n - Hall we will quit the show business,' Come and see. The Bell & Harris Fur. Co, Good Job Work! XIXPU substantiate this statements wixn me reaiijLuii, emu icavc.u iw yu q $ to say whether our work 'is all right or not;and if it is not we guarantee to S X make it sa- We are here, to make a g profita fiving--a!3Q 10 oo justice to j oqr -customers. n ! jj The Standard Jdb Office. 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