o Q Q . W ' 4 . . - is, I r R,'CE: 4.00 per year. ONCORP, N. & TUESD4YFEB. 4. If 02 SlNGLB COPY 5 CENTS. V? -, H if f'i, --..-' Y r ELECTRIC BEXLS. THE ST. LOCIS EXPOSITION. Modern Safeguard at, liailroad Cross- j Highest On Yet Comparative Ylevr of iuffs How They are Constructed. The question of protection at the (jiam Show? Qear Sir : In order that you highway croossings has been a may have a general idea of the source of considerable annoy- magnitude of the Louisiana Pur- g COUKT FKOl EEI)L(. . 1 - Hi UoBor, Judffe S'arbuefc, In th Teftiplfl of Justice Dispatclilus Busi-i nss. Superior- Court adjourned to day. Quite a nutnbor of cases went over for another tgrm. In the case of J W Wilkinson vs. George Lee, judgment was given in favor of the defendant. . In the case of W G Means vs. the, commissioners of Concord, plaintiff obtained judgment for The Centennial Exposition at 6200. Iu the case of W A.Foilvs. the ance to raitroa'd officials ou ac- j chase Exposition, St, Louis, count of keeping watchmen and 1903, 1 beg leave to place before gates at dangerous crossings, ' you a faw tersely stated facts, but by the tise of electricity, the The St. Louis World's Fair inventive mind has been -able to will be approximately twice as construct an instrument that will, big as any former international ffive an audible warning at dan- exposition. gerous and obscure highway crossings: and it his remained Philadelphia covered 23G acres, for the Southern Railway to put the Paris Exposition of 18'JI). Southern Railway Company, the sucn an instrument at the South- 1900, 336 acres, the Columbian j plaintiff was non suited. ern crossing here. ' Exposition at Chicago 633 acres, In Caso of Thursa Plyler vs. The instrument is manufact- the Pan-'American at Buffalo 350 1 Rob't. PJyler, prayer for divorce ured by the1 Railroad Supply 'acres. " was granted. Company of Chicago, and is The St. Louis World's Fair In case of Alice J Parlier vs. called, the Chicago Crossing Sig- 11 cover 1,200 acres. !WJ Earlier, prayer for divorce nal. It consists of separate cir- The estimated cost of the St. was granted, cuits in such a way that when Louis World's Fair will be $30,-1 Iu the caso of Rob't. S Young, the train's' coring towards the 000,000 This, as a man of prac- administrator of Alfred Litaker, the station in either direction t affairs, you know will mean deceased, vs. Miss Mary E it will cause the bell at the cross- $40,000,000 by the time the wcrt ' Brachen, judgment was given in nig to ring. To do this, it is is completed, necessary to bind each rail joint! Before the Exposition gates for a distance of three thousand are open May 1, 1903, the City feet each side of the crossing. ; of St. Louis will have expended The binding consists of drilling ' the enormous ( f $20,000,000. ine-SMiall holos near the end of ! Of this amount $5,000,000 was the rail and running wires from one rail to the next. At the lim its each way from the crossing , insulated joints are put on the rails; also at the crossing where wires are run to a relay, which in turn, closes- a circuit to the bell when a train approaches the crossing and gets within the sig nal limits. There is also on top of the bell pole, at the crossing, a small electric flash light which gives a visiblo signal, as well as an au dible one, atnigut v. 'lien t'ia tra.n approaches. We are informed that the Southern Railway intends to put up others at different points along these lines. favor of the defendant. Dogs Kill ft IIIgrlinAyinau Who At tacked Tlieir Muster. Late last night, as Burley Wyandotte, a wealthy farmer living northeast of here, was driving home, a highwayman stepped from the roadside and stopped his horses. The high- appropriated for theFair through the Municipal Assembly, her citizens raised $5,000,000 addi tional by private subscription, j wayman drew a revolver and and by popular vote at a special demanded his money. Wyan electiou October 22d, the Char- dotto had three largo dogs in the ter Amendments were carried, which will enable the city to ex pend $10,000,000 for street pav ing and other -public improve ments. ' Yours truly, Chas. M Reeves. COLLISION ON TI1E SEABOARD. A Freight and Passenger Train Come Tesrether Near Saranuah Postal Clerk Killed. Savannah, Ga., Feb. 8. Through a misreading, or misunderstanding of order, a fast passenger train and a through freight train collided head-on at Limerick, 20 miles from this city, on the Seaboard Air Line, early this forning. The trains had, orders to meet nnd pass, at Burroughs, 12 miles out. The frieght engineer ran past his meeting pointy and mo the passenger hurrying to m Long Case Cowpremised. A Statesville special of tho 3rd to - the charlotte Observer says: The noted case of Long vs. Railroad, which has been twice tried before and which was sot for trial today, was amicably settled, without evidence or argument before a jury, .the terms of compromise having been agreed upon by attorneys on both sides. By the compromise a consent verdict of $6,000 is' rendered in favor of plaintiff, and by agreement an additional sum of $1,850, the defendant railroad company to pay all costs of action and all three dropped from the wagon and set thorn ou tho man. Before ho could defend himself the robber was thrown down and tho clothing was torn from his body Wyandptto then called off his dogs, and, being alone, drove home. Ho returned a few hours I'iirv:'1! ri searching party and found Lao body of tho robber. His identity is unknown. Tip ton, Ind , Dispatch. P&rks n DEPARTMENT STORE. Good Shoes for Tender Feet. Clothing to Fit Anybody. Dress Goods and Trimniln Millinery and Ribbons. -o- cases are docket. Encouraging Missionary Meeting. The newly elected president of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of tho First Presby terian church, Mrs. N D Fetze'r, had reaaon to be very much en couraged on Lfonday evening- by the increased attendance and by tho animated interest in the So ciety's work. Several very in teresting papers were read and One-Two -Three ! and before; you know what you arc about The Bell L Harris rur. Co. will be moved sure enough. U you have any desire to buy goods from them at the old stand do so at ouce. 'Elevator is now being placed and before many moons thev will be playing Ilumpty Dump in Catoifs Hall. We have studied your interest we have everything convenientt Not a wish we can't gratify. Come in and be happy. If we don't give you more for your money than yott have ever realized out of Ca ton's I Jail we will quit the show business, Come and see. The Bell & Harris Fur-. Co. P Good Job Work! items of missionary, news freely j substantiate this statement the s:d; i ) 1 r The freight train was laden with rock for jetty work and smashed the pas- senger to.y- -Joth fcjgiticrs and firemen j unified and c-i?d with injuries not necessarily tal. Mail Cleric ; J A Rice, of Jacksonville, Fia., was crushed so that hedied in an ho'jr.- The wreck caught tiro but wis extinguished. Saved Him From Torture. there is no more sigonizingi trouble than piles. The constant itching Hn4 burning rankes life ' ' J -vable. No position is com -1 ,ti The torture is unceas ing. DeWitt's Witoh Hazel Salve county. cures piles at oqc. For skin diseases, cuts, burns, bruisos, aU contributed. .Miss LizzieYoung read the letter from Rov. J Mer- ceroiain, in the Presbyterian a; with ,t he real stuff, and leave it to you Stancfardon "A Year's Wortc in Mid-China." Mrs. Blain, who is an efficient lissfsliant in her htsband's mis- 'ed as Miss Clause Grier of J.fiis ' p to say whether our work is all right or Q r nnt"1 cinrl if it ic not aq n-imianlon r m In Kepi? to In((lriesA bve pleasure Trake it so. We are here to mal e a r i i i i i TO CO US UC . . i Til . m i n in anariuucing tuat tuiy a jjiqnrd cream ; kd.-fjf wounds, it 1fi unequalled, i Balrutii like the solid tteparation of j J S fjp a!. St. PaulrfArk., says: that admirable remedy in that it I U "r:-l03 buffered w th t he oi.aapsanu r ec? --w- -A t Tr i- -i ? i by uasal catarrh. There is 110 drying I '..3)CA X1 " J ... -" proiu hu ir, bleeding piles and J mcezinf,. The Lignid Cream Balm T fc ould hnd nothing to help me iand"ptedto u-e ly yatientu who 1ee TTZ unti 1 i; -d l)eV ltt's Witch Ha-. troubla ib inhalinjr tnroun tno noee proTiu--a iiving"--a!so Q our.customers. The Standard Job Office. ' Jflf O" v y o , A few boxestcom- preler t-prajiDsr. pric, in- c x r . ( I me." U ?. w; , t e of Bend in your.' subscript!: counterfeits. -Gibson Drug Store, ert, 5U WarieuStrc ly diuircrifitsor mailed by Kly Urott:- MlMiA SrH nfll TTl .SH O V". f H , I" to :, : h' i

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