f , ' J . l , & 1 . V , - m J- t 'ick: 4.00 per yer. DELIGHTFUL SOCIAL OCCASION. MRS. ALLEN WIVES DECEPTION TO RRJDE A51) (JROOM ELECT. 'ltoautiful T&blt Ornamentation and Sn perb Menu Pleasures Run Int ffee Small Hours. Mrs. Laura Allen's home on Wst Depot si reetrwas the center of joy unconfined on Tuesday ! night. It was the occasion of the wedding reception she gave to her daughter, Miss Nettie Al-. xlen and Mr. Hansel Thomas, the bride and groom elect, and.their j attendants at which Bishop and Mrs. Edward Ronthaeler. and Mrs. T J Wilson, of Winston Salem, and Mr. ( and Mrs. H M Saunders, of Sumter, S. C, and Mr. D E Allen and Mrs. Luke Sewell, of Charlotte, were the guests of honor. " The groom's attendants onl arrived at one o'clock, owing to delay, so that the feast began at that hour and lasted till after two o'clock when the happy cir cle dispersed in the wee small hours. The dining room was a scene of charming order. Ovr the table was an inverted cone of parper chrysauthiuiums. From the center and pending point, extended four ribbons trimmed with asparagus ferns reaching near to the four corners of the table ending with a spread ins loop. Three beautiful can delabra trimmed with chrysan themums added to its picturesque benuty. The 6ideboard was a bank of evergreens interspersed with handsome silver candle sticks from which glowed the mellow light. The colors were white and green. At each plate was a booklet called 'the flower of fortune, with the following verse: "Since olden times The daisy flower . Haa ben endowed With magio powr. So choose a leaf And yon will see Whit fortune has In store for thee." The several pages of the book contain an imitation daisy over which is written these several topics: "Your Ambition in Life, Your Characteristics, .When You Will Marry, Where You .Will Spend Your Days, The Result of Your Ambition, Your Chief Virtue, Your Worst Fault." To these under each daisy leaf 1s an answer to each query and the apt and the quaint replies afforded much amusement. Th ' y.enu consisted ot our cou-., was u:iunc first to laai. t'u i social spread :,...r;cl feast from Wlicn you want a physic that 1 mild and gentle, easy to take and pleasant in effete, use Cham berlain's Stomach and LIv;-r Tablets. vPrice, 2o eurft " Samples free. Every box guaranteed. For sale by M L Marsh's Drug store. DIBH, IN Alt) It II ON lTaND. . - . A Prosperous Farmer Who Left Ilvwaf! A Fmjnj Travwsty and Laughable Allu County Diet at His Adopted Home ia sfon to Foryier Days A Financial Idaho. Success . . A letter received at J.aith an-1 The "Deftstrict Skule'.' at nounces the death lait mbnth of Forest Hill Tuesday night was a Mr. George Goodman, of Idaho, j crowning Success as to funar:! The letter also says that one of Mr. Goodman's sons died re cently. Last year Mr. Goodman, who was a well-to-do farmer qf the St. Paul neighborhood, was con- verted to the Mormon faith. His entire family, consisting of a wile,, two ons and two duuph-' ters, changed their faith with exaggerations of the real, as were him and he sold all his property the answers to many questions, here and went to Idaho. giving the whole a ludicrous The remaining members of his vein that filled full tho require family are still living in "Idaho. ments of the best of men for a Salisbury Sun. Thirteen Lst at Sea. As a result Of the fearful wind Sunday night, on the north-east coast three coal barges be rg towed from Newport News to Boston are believed to hav been lost and their crews to ha to per ished. There were thirteen per sons probably lost, including the wife of Capt. Miller. Bodies have been found that are recog nized. Iteniifroin No. 11. Jan. 5. 1902. A good many of. tho people spent last week in Concord. Mr. Deberry Isenhour is very sick of pneumonia, we are sorry to learn. The swollen streams Saturday evening were very painful to some of the young, men of this community. It is hard to tell how it served tho girls. We haven't heard from them yet. Mrs. Salhe Boat, who has been right ill of pneumonia, is conva lescing fast. Mr. Will Brafford has sold his machinery and one share in the Cleaver club to Mr, Frank Fag gart. The young people, of No. 11, will have a party at Mr. J C Faggart's next Friday night. Miss Hattie Goodman is teach ing school at the new school house three miles south of Con cord. Miss May Bost is visiting her sister, Mrs. Paul Furr, in Con cord. , The youijg girls, in No. 11, are so scarce that some of the boys are leaving. We haven't any old maids, but we have plenty of batohelors. Batchelor Tom says he has seven brothers and nine of tbem are i, . , , patchelors. The farmerskwould like to see wheat take a new; strt, but the weather does not permit. T. "Insomnia is something that k et)s people awake for the purpose of enabling them to try to go to sleep." UNCORD, N. CWEPNEs6aYFEB. 5. 1902 THE "DEESX1UCT SKTJLE." finance, The imitation of the good old ways of thegorio.by.days afforded ft a rich flow of merriment. It was' a travesty with striking al lusions to he real iq those duys and b'einf actod with the skill of adepts was supremely amusing1, The costumes were comical little nonsense now and then. We will not attempt a detai'ed account of the different scenes .nd the weird and witty sallies but invite some friend yet to give us the complete account of it. I We are glad to learn that the financial results were $35. Easier 'Soms" for the Boy. "Sir: Will you in the future give my son easier somes to do at nites? This is what he's brought hoam two or three u," AUlu &l"ua Ui bere will fill thirty-two pint bottle, how many pints and half bottles will nine gallins of bere fill?" Well, we wo tried and could make nothin of it at all, and my boy cried and laughed and sed he didn't dare to go bak in the mornin without doin it. So I had to go and buy a nino gallin keg of bore, ""which I could i1! r.f rd to do, and then ho vc ' -.d borrowed a lot of wine and brandy hollies. Wo fiill them, and my boy put tho numbers down for a answer. I don't know whether it is right or not, as we split somo while doin it. P. S. Please let tho next some be in water, as I am not able -to buy more bere." Ex change. Saved Mini From Torture. There is no more agonizing trouble than piles. Tho constant itching ar,d burning makes life intolerable. No position is com fortable. The torture is unceas ing. De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cures piles at once. For skin diseases, cuts, burns, bruises all kinds of wounds, it is unequalled. J S Gerall, St. Paul, Ark., says: '"From 19G5 I suffered with 1,'ie protruding, bleeding piles and coultl find nothing to help me until I used DoWittV Witch Ha zel Salve. A few boxes com pletely c.i red me." Beware of counterfeits. -Gibson Drug Store. Twehty-FivePieces .For 25c. We will, until further notice, Laundry 25 pieces, such as Pil low Cases, Sheets, Towels, Nap kins and Handerchfefs, far 23e. Not more than 8 sheete to oe in each lof. Table Cloths and Spreads in with the abflve will be 5 and 10c each. No starch will be put in any of the above mentioned. We are yours to please, Concord Steam Laundry. DEPARTMENT STORE. -o- Good Shoes for Tender Feet. Clothing to Fit Anybody. . Dress Goods and Trimmings. Millinery and Ribbons. -o- One-Two-Three! and before you know what you are about The Bell L Harris Fur. Co. will be moved sure enough. If you have any desire to buy goods from them at the old stand do so at once. Elevator is now being placed and before many moons they will be playing I lumpty Dump in Caton's Hall. We have studied your interest we have everything convenient Not a wish we can't gratify. Come in and be happy. If we don't. give you more for your money than you have ever realized out of Caton's Ilall we will quit the show business,' Come and see. The Bell & Harris Fur. Co. A Deep Mystery. It is a mystery wThy women endure Backache, Headache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Mel ancholy Fainting ard Dizzy spells when; thousands have proved that Electric Bitters will quickly cure such roubles. ''I suffered for years wiWi kidney trouble," writes Mrs.. Phebe Cherleyof Peterson, la., "and a lame back pained me so I could not dres myself, but Electric Bitters wholly cured me, and, although 7.3 years old, I ikV am able to dc all my luUMvi-'t-." It overcomes C.-t -4K-.4 ;.- proves Appetfte, gives r V Mealth. Only 50c ;U, l r's Drug store . Effective October 15, lUol, ex- cursion riltes are placed on sale by tho houire'-n ic! iiw-'y to ;ri m-ineiiKd winter resoris oi lii 4outh and Southwest. Ask any agent Southern Railway for full information. -SlNGLB COPY 5 CENTS. - .Pais-;Cf -'- BEST FOR THE SOUTH. Every Oartiencr, Farmer an l Trucker should have Voui' i'-"-2 Descriptive Oiitr lOt'iie. It iot onlv ives reli:ille, pi uitioa!, tin-to-dute iii;n:uaim ubut ail Seeds, lint t'.l-o tie best cropp to grow, most ;.r.wes.-li7l vay? growing !ifiV er p , p.inl nau-'i Other )!! ...' n ' i.i' ' i't r- .It e Cow t , : i Vc ". &:. i H h m M . . i I i III ii j U :. evl.!i WnnVPo Qnnrlo 1 II UUU 0 UUOUD a

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