o 0 - - - ,;yNCQRD, N. C. SATURDAY FEB. 8 .lr02 . . Prtce; $4.00 per year. SlNGLH COPY 5 CBk'TS. " ' " XiJP- f 1 . 1 ' 4 1 . '--'sVS. 4'. . "Esr:"-: PRESIDENTS SERIOUSLY lL. Has Tncuino'via at G:oln .College The Charlestoa'Trip May Be Aban doned. Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., is seriously ill of accute pneumonia at Groton College, Mass. Tho President and Mrs. Roose velt were to have started to Charleston Monday but Mrs. Roosevelt will be at the bedside of her son and unless symptoms are somewhat assuring the Pres- ident will cancel the engagement. It is not definitely 'Stated that there is local cause but there are several cases beside that of young Roosevelt and the stu dents have stampeded for home and the school is suspended for two weeks. Entertained at Tea. MrS. P B Fetzer entertained a circle" of friends Friday evening at tea in honor of her visiting guest, Miss Bessie Wharey,. of Mooresvirle. Wouldn't Haye a Man Untlll They Conld Get one. Kalamazoo, Mich., Feb. 7. By the marriage of Miss Mabel Clare Mills, of this city, daughter of Mayor and Mrs. A J Mills, to Fdmund W Chase, a young business man, the Tattlers' Club, losses its presideuTTnd prime mover. The organization was formed three years ago by twenty society girls of the city, who decided to play pedro all alone and do without the attention of men. Six of the members, how over already married, and tho others have made merry at their expeuse. Miss Mills's loss will be a hard blow, and the club may now go to pieces. Miss Mills invited all the members , of ,the club to act as bridesmaids at the ceremony, which was one of the most elaborate events in Kalamazoo for several years. Killed by Train. Mrs. Mary Lee Wilson, aged about 25, operative in Edna Cotton Mills, at Reids rille, was instantly killed by a southbound passenger train Tuesday evening, while cross ing the railroad near the mills. She was a widow and leaves one child. Durham Sun. It it said that the 'old-time traditiomthat women must for amatpmonial proposal wait is to 5. A be relegated to the ; U "c western movr;--.-W Louis ,lurg;,-;.. ... posal y women. Many v., support themselves nr1 band, and if a woman 5. support a husband, rlo CQptainly have south'" i:- i : in fact everything to s:iy, in solection of Intelligencer, TWO.UIRLS KILLED JJY TRAIN. Thomas. Wilson Drives too Sear Grosi .insrto Stop afld Tram Strikes Sleigh With Dreadfnl Results. Mr. Thomas Wilson, a farmer near Middletown, N. Y., . wasl driving briskly Friday with his daughter, Miss Dora, aged 13, and her friend, Miss Inez SpiiCh, aged 15, and coming to the rail road failed to see the fast train in time to stop and save them- selves. He whipped up but the a popular nature. "The Bible in train struck the rear of the sleigh J Modern Education" will be treat and threw the girls fifty feet jed Tuosday night andv'Missions away, killing Miss Wilson in- in the Sabbath School and the stantly and fatally injuring Miss Sabbath School in Missions" will Smith. Mr. Wilson and the team escaped uninjuritd. Clark Not the Rig ht Man. Judge Clark is not responsible lot ail tn wrong done by the presept body of judges, but his . j character and qualifications have been made manifest to t all, and no lover of true justice feels safq with such a man at- the head of our highest Skate court. Waver! ing in politics, scheming .in taci ticks, prejudiced in hi opinions. he is clearly not a man for the people. Brilliant as a lawyer; brimful of intelligence, pleasant as an acquaintance, it is to bo re gretted that Judge j Clark, is no the man he mighfbeTIt remains to be seen whether, the Demo crats of the State will sit by and let him ride over their Inert op osition into office. '. Mr. Shepherd could easily secure the nomination if the right efforts were put forward. His large ex perience and deep learning equip him for the place, and we fondly cling to the hope that something may yet arise that will give him tho chief justiceship: But, by all means, let it not be Clark. Sianly Enterprise. Hicks sajs Had Weather. . Rev. Irl R Hicks, the long range weather prophet, predicts unpleasant, wintry weather for February, and .March. He advises farmers to exercise all reasonable and possible precau tions for the sheltering and feed- ing of live stock, and suge6ts that wise planning ' for out-door work should be done. . He believes that the months of April, ; May and June , will t be propitions above the average for agricultural and out-door avocations. Anderson Intelli gencer. ! r Worse Than a Blow a hard fist is the buffet of wind upon apairof improp- iotected lungs. A few exposure to cold may be winning of consumption, .cither time nor courage, yourself against pulmo ; i; troubles, including con . , , ion, With Allen's Lung tn.ii-i - ;u. A few doses will loosen i 1 1 n ('c,nr: and enable you to eret r:a of tho j-hlogm tliai, produces it. Cure soon follows. Sundaj School Conference, There will be a jneefing at the First. Preibyterian church next Tuesday and Wednesday per taining to Sunday school work among the Presbyterians of Ca barrus. Rev. A L Philhps, D. D., and Rev. John Wakefield will be present to assist tho pastor in the work. Tuesday and Wednesday nights the services will consist of : be treated Wednesday night, each by Dr. Phillip. The public is cordially invited to all the services and especially 1 to tj(J services Theological Mndents Called. ,i The Salisbury correspondent the 8tb to the Charlotte Observer says: , ', ! ; A. meeting of the executive committee of the North Carol Luthern fey nod was held her yesterday and callswere extended to two theological students, who will finish thoir ; ; preparation within the next few months The Chestnut Hill and Spencer pastorate was assigned to Rev. J L Morgan, of this county, and Rev. Edward Fulenwider, of Monroe, was called to St, An drew's Concord. fit is understood that Mr. Fnl lenwider will accept the call. lion. Cy. Wation Fined. The caso against Gorham and Brown, charged with embracery, is being tried at Iredell Superior court this week. The solicitor akked for postponement becauso of the absence of certain wit nesses, but Judge Shaw declined to postpone Hon. Qrus B Wat son, of Forsyth, who had been summoned as a witness, was fined $80 because ho was not present. News and Observer. Jojh of Illneng. There's nothing like a little fit of illness now and then. It puts you back where you belong. . Ic rests you. ; ' ' , It convinces you afresh that failure to heed laws of sanity and sanitation means your un doing. s .. - It shows you hQW, pecessary it is to "take your medicine, like a little man," whether yeu want it or not. ' ' ' ' ! It teaches you that, no matter what comes in the way of work or worry, you must never lose sight of the rules of health. It gives you time to think. It suggests renewing your ac quaintance with loved booki be tween whose , covers you never have time to look. Selected. . Many people know just how te do what they can't do." THE. SHOE SALE IS ' RAWING THE CROWDS. Next week there Will be a throng in this nient because we have just what is advertised. selling a great many fine Shoes at a sacrifice becau e the sizejs are broken and we want to clean up the stock from the winter selling. Some of the best Shoes in this stock go in Jhis sale. Snow's 3.50 Shoes in Vici and Velours Galf, cut price 2.95. Broken sizes in 1 M en s cap and' plain toe' shoes; were 2.00 and 2.25, cut price 1.50. i .. L I!.-".' .01. ':'! : ' 'Some broken sizes wo man's; 3.00 Regina Shoes, cut price '." ; ; 2.50. A miscellaneous lot of children's Shoes; sizes 9 to 12,and known as good wear as v I I uooa jod vvorK : TlXIlc substantiate this statement 8 with the real stuff, to say whether our p not; and if it is not we guarantee to g j! make it so. We are here to make a M $ profita livingalso" to- do justice to R $ our customers. " w H The Standard Job Ofllce. g Life in every department of business is made up of successes and failures, of advances and retreats. The tide never flows long in on direction, and let us trust'that,the year before us has rich stores of blessings for 11 who honestly strive to better their condition. Anderson In telligencers The 'tart Heard of It. " 'My little boy took the croup 6ne night'and soon grew so bad you ' could hear hitii breathe all over the house," says;' u Rey nolds, Mansfield, O. "Ur(i feared he would die, but :i fnv dosos of One Minute Cough Cuic ouickly relieved him aud 1k sleep. That's tho last w n of the croup. Now in't a, cougli cure like - that valuable ?"' One Minute Cough Cure is absolutely safe and acts immediately. For coughs, colds, croup, grip, bron chitis and all othVi fl trout and Jung troubles it is a certain cure. Very pleasanco take. Tho littlo ones like it. (wbson Drug Store. depart-are ers, cut. price 69c. J Boys good value .00 Tan Shoes, cut price ' : 1.25. 1 Drew Selby's fine Shoes for women 3.00 we discon tinue the line cut price i 2.50. 100 pairs of broken sizes in 1.50 and 1.25 women's Shoes, cut price ' ; 100. I A I II rS rv and leave it to you ;j work is all right or ; A Coiivlncinff Answer. ,"1 hobbled into Mr. Black mon's drug store one evening," says Wesley JSIelson, of Hamil ton, Ga., " and ho asked me to try Qhamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism witft which I had suffered for a long time. I told him I had no faith in any medicine as they all failed. He said. 'Well if Chamberlain's Pain Balm does not help you, you need not pay for it.' I took a bottle of it home and usod it according to the directions and in one week I was cured, and have not since boon t" - 1 ! with rheumatism." T ' L Marsh's Dru r : ! -f.T ll;mies in Siinu'u r 5 'x. ui3 above is tho title tractive booklet just v the Passenger Depart i tho Southern Kail way. ' s beautifully illustrated. ; (lescribes the win! : ) ,' IheSoutfi. A'eoyiv , e 11 rod by f-oi dl: v: ' - nt. it;iip to S Jlii. ; . , A. Washirgton, D. C.