V o p o V v prtce: $4.00 per year. COKI), N. 0. FRIDAY, FEB. 44 lf02 . Sing lb r.ovr 5 ci5tt V V m the good rqads movebient in furnishing a splendidly-equipped. 4 good roads train and our thanks i to all "railroads' of the State for favors extended to the conven- tion- Respectfully submitted S B Alexander. Chairman: S H Webb, w i: cox, T B Parker; Duff Merrick, E L Daugiituidge. Colored Eranselists Meeting. M H Dougherty, Ph. D. and the most interesting feature N L Glen, traveling evangelists, are holding a meeting in A. M. E. Zion church on West Depot street, Rev. T B McCain pastor. They have meeting every night and expect to continue through next week, Considerable inter est is bein& taken in their meet ing and the church is crowded. F0Jl0yD ROADS. National and State Co-operation Urgred Teach it at tbe University A. and M C CoUece Work ihe Convicts on the f Roads-Thb Southern Tlianked. The following resolutions were adopted. Thursday at the -Good Roads Convention at Raleigh.' Kesolvecl. nrst. Tnat we endorse the work of the office of public road inquiries of the United States Department of Agriculture, for the betterment of the public highways of the country, and that we believe that this office should be enlarged into a bureau of the Department of Agriculture with sufficieut ap propriation at its disposal to ex tend its work and that we espec ially urge Senators and Represen tatives of North Carolinain Con gress to vote for the oppropria tion for this office asked for this year by the Secretary of Ag riculture. Second, That we believe it is just as important that the national government assist in the impovement of the common highways and post roads of the country, as it is for it to care for rivers and harbors; we, there fore, favor Federal appropria tions for highway constructions such appropriations to be distributed among the States and to be expended only where there is a State appropria tion, equal to tho amount ap portioned by tho general govern ment. Third, That this convention hereby, heartily endorses tho work of the National Goon Roads Association in organizing, and commend its plan of or ganization of branch associations in each State, Territory and county lor thorough co-operative action under systematized plan. Fourth, That we favor and advocate ohactment of legislation providing for the office of high way commissioner of North Caro lina, and the annual appropriation of sufficient funds to enable that office to give proper supervision to roadjmprovements. Fifth, That we recommend the General Assembly make that provision for giving instruction in road building at "both the State University and the Agri cultural and fa ochanical College. Sixth. That we urge more extended use of convict labor iti i -1 i" . "vT iL r. rona ouuaiBff in uu bcry took plac$ whilo JIiss Waud respectfully ask the u GouldVas away on her decent General Asswnoty to adopt a! Tho pice hate recovered syrm which -ill : ; , . k:. for j lhe following articlfS . 0n8 Pus tha employment of all its able- sian gable CQach rob pawned bodied male convicts, either in for pair of opera glasses actual work on public roads or j yalued at $15Q and a jr of ma. in preparation or materials therefor. Sevenths That wo express' "The land of precise must be appreciation of the efforts of the where people never pay their Southern Railway in behalf of,' debts." Ol'EMSU THE B0XB6. Meeting of Missonary Society of Central M. E. Church. The missouary society of Central M E church held its Further. that we thank regular monthh' meeting at the the director and assistant difec- j home of Mrs. A S Day vault, tor of the office of public Monday afternoon. There were road inquiries, the president and present twenty five members and secretary of the National Good three visitors. Mrs. D Ji Col Roads Association, jtrane, the president, opened the Eighth, That we especially ! meeting by reading in a most thank the press of the city and impressive manner, Psalm 143, State for its splendid worir done Mrs. W R Harris led in a short, in the cause of good roads, and butarnost prayer. Tho roll was express appreciation of court- called.and the monthly dues wero esies extended ami assistance paid, which amounted to seven given by the officers of Raleigh dollars and thirty cents. Mrs and Wake. Mr. Thomas Ledbctter Dead. Mr. Thomas Ledbetter died at his home near Gibson Mill Thurs day night of pneumonia at the age of about 70. Ho leaves two small children, a boy and a girl. Ho was a gallant Confederate soldier iu Capt. Slough's Com pany. Ho was a zealous member of tho Baptist church and will be buried on Saturday at Cold Wa ter Baptist church. Kits Gould's Heme Robbed. New York, Feb. 13. Daniel Donovan, known to Miss Helen Gould as John O'Neill, her sec ond Butler, was arraigned in a police court today and pleaded guilty of having robbed Miss Gould'p residence. He was form ally charged with stealing acom- Ibination opara.and marine glass valued at $50 but Capt. Titus, of the detective bureau, thinks he may have stolen as much as $10, 000 worth of property. The rob- 1 , rine glasses valued at $200. JAB Fry read a literary select ion "Tho Gift of tho New Year." Mrs. Fry's readings are always enjoyed. It had been do- jcidedata previous meeting to take up th study of Via Christi, a book on Apostolic Missions. Mrs: Bynum, corresponding secretary, reported having ordered a number of copies for the use of tho society. Perhaps of tho meeting was tho opening of the mite boxes. This collection was forty dollars and fifty cents, and is always a free-will offer ing. Fifty dollars is the amount assessed this society towards tho support of two missonaries in a .foreign field. It must be re membered that quite a number who will contribute to this fund were not present. I trust thoro were many prayers lor uoas blessing on every dollar. '"Paul may plant and Apollos .may water, but God irivolh the in crease." Wo should ever keep the sp'i-M n,;l side ol tho work in our minds and hearts. Tho Tho ladies wero asked for any experience they might have had iti making their mito box money. Of courso, most of them freely admitted that their generous hus bands had given it; but one good housewife, the mother of a large family,' related, in her modest way, that she had made four dollars and eleven cents by embroidering the little linen collars so much worn, now, for twenty-fiva cents apiece. It may be interesting to note, that the mite box of one lady, who works for a salary, contained just three dollars and sixty-five cents, a penny for every day in the year. Last, but not least on tr.e progran was Mrs. Dayvault's pleasant suprise. She led tho way to the dining room,1 which was prettiJy decorated in pink andfrreen. Dainty refreshments of cake and frappe and fruits, in quite a variety, wero served in a most delightful way, and it is needless to say wero heartij enjoyed by all present; judging from ihe way tho ladies lingered and chatted loath to leave so charming ahostess. X. y 1 H - m I Are Now a Staple Commodity I Because of their 'reasonable price beinr within SH ll. . 1' 'I P 11 O'll 1 ! 1 1 .1111 tne nmir or an. ouk mcrcnamusing has advanced materially within the past few years Silk is now H a staple article Skirts," Joinings, Waists, Coats S U4i cause silks are at a price 'where almost every ens- " m m and everything is being made of Silk simply be- m cause siiks are at a price wnere almost every ens Si tomer can afford to utilize them for a variety of 53 purposes economically as- well as satisfactorily. S it Some.of our new Silks for the advance spring SI m selling are here and now is a good time to purchase m and do spring sewing. Taffetta Bilks in all solid Black Taffeta Silk, good colors, good quality, special quality, usually sold for 0 pneo i cts, our prico 69 cts. 49 cts. Tho new Wash Silks are hero in white and colors, Black Taffeta, 10 inches, very bright and soft lustre, evGry vard guaranteed not big value, ' to 50 cts. m 75 cts. Wash Silks, the 40c kind, Yar(l wi(o back Taf;au our price SiIk extremo quaiitv 25 cts.- 98 cts. Novelty Silks for Waists, Satin Duchess, boautiful only one pattern of a kind, quality, real value 1 00, our per yard pi ice 75 cts. 75 cts. MM M MH IN m i m m R tot a. H We wish to call attention to the splendid stock of Linings fS and accesories to be found hoae. Special fifteen different ?4 colors of near silk, tho 18c kind, a yard XOO 2 tw - W W am m m m urn w -v far i i a u i n ? id I 9 Good Job Work ! : vMrvuBrM nv z rr r C substantiate this statements U with the real stuff, and leave it to you W to say whether our work is all right or g $ not; and if it is not we guarantee to $ H make it so. We are here to make a & profita livingalso to do justice to our customers. n Q The Standard Job Office. Q X30C3cCDcC3CL3OCX"3OC3eO0ei3OflC3OG SITTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTrTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTT7TTTT7TTTTT7TTn77TTTT7TTTT7nTTT TTTTi? W ffH mlf. mi it ft wKyn Rfwo 3 ft 1 1 f . OF J1M FURNITURE . . ii 9 a 5 flV FPU KB-! That's the stuff you have been waiting for I The BeII'& Harris Fur. rr t AVUI son trflt. i.T . liu'-U s t: rash all i House u yiis n- -5 5 1 2i m kinds oc i'urniture anil House Fnniisf tnay never liavesnch an opp-iruity arnin." $ Sale begins promptly at 5 o'clock t the 3 Old Stand. (mw. nm wn'll lm hffS,f t 7 m . iff rfp I I .1'... . V . ft