I "ft 111'- Price: $4.00 per year! . . CONCORD, N. 0. MONDAY, FEB-17 If02 " Singlb ppy. . a - ' - ". ' : r,.:: i . i I) . DEKPEItATE FIGHT IN A JAIL. Tw Notorious Outlaws Get Away After au Excitiug CouibaE A Trouiiueut Youn Man Shot Dead. Sumpterville, Fla., Feb. 16. Henry Wilson and Julius Good win, notorious negro outlaws, made a savage attack on Deputy Sherriff Charles Lane, yesterday afternoon as he was. leading them into their cells from tha corridor. The officer was knocked Vj the floor and seriously wound ed. The men then ran through the jailer's residence and were attacked by -Airs.' Lane, who was rushing to the assistance of the officer 1 with a Winchester rifle and repeating gun in her hands. The negroes attacked her and wrenched the weapons from her. The woman's screams attracted a great crowd and the negroes, barricading themselves behind their victim, began using their weapons on all who entered the house. George Stafford, . a young white man, who was gerously wounded in the head with a club, and Willie Porter, another white man, was badly wounded in a clinch fight. In a few minutes news of the battle at the sheriff's house spread through the town and places of business were closed and scores of people with all kinds of weapons ran to the scene. The negroes had rushed up stairs and barricaded them selves from the throng below. Leo Gr&ham, one of the most prominent young men in the city, with gun in hand, attempted to reach the second floor and was shot dead on the staps. In the excitement following the murder, the men escaped through the rear, and though sevoral shots were fired at them in the,pursuit, managed to get away. Both of them are believed to;be seriously , wounded. Thl9 is the Way to Do Us. The Graded School and the Concord High School held but one session today. The weath er's too bad anyhow to go to school. It's about right for snow-balling and rabbit hunting. The wonder isthat these big folks with their heads full of learning ever thought so far for us boys andgirls Dies ot Consumption. Miss Eddie McCurdy, a very XJopulai and charming young lady, died Saturday night at the home of her mother near Flowe's of consumpton Sho leaves a sorio.;' mother, three steers ar1 i -.i ' r-. i'" v.';.-;-tors half brother to mourn their loss. She was laid to rest today (Monday) at 12 o'clock in tho .Howell's Baptist church car; ol cry. Mi.s.3 McCurdy was about 22 years old and leaves many sor rowing friends. LADY BURNED TO DEATH. Mis Mamie McKaue, of Central Tele- phoutf Office vt Charlotte Dies From Her Burning Olotbtug Saturday Morn ing. Miss Mamie McKane, the night operator of the Charlotte Tele phone Company, was fatally burned m the central office there at 3:45 o'clock Saturday morn ing. She died at St. Peter's hos pital at noon. Death was but a timely mercy as the young woman suffered un told agonies while consciousr ness lasted, which was two hours after the horrible accident. Ther.e was no one in the room with her save her little nine-year-old brother, who lay sleeping on some blankets. She was putting wood into the heater and as she dropped the wood on the bed of coals a flame sPranS out of the damPer and caught her skirts. These being dan-;cottoa and linen burned with awful rapadity. bbe attempted to smother the names with blank ets on which her brother lay but they also ourned and being in frantic pain and distress she ran screaming down two flights of stairs and out into th snow. Two policemen near hastened to her and extinguished the flames with snow. The flamos had done their fatal work, however. She was taken to Jordan's drug store, where the druggist administered morphine till physicians could bo gotten. She was of the Catholic faith and Father Francis arrived in timo to administer tho rites of the church before sho became unconscious. Her funeral was conducted at 10 o'clock today. The McCurdy Land Sold. Commissioner L T Hartsell sold the Jacob McCurdy land today (Monday) at the court house door. Mr. John McCurdy was the purchaser of the farm of some 120 acres, paying $810. The acre lot was bought by Mr. Archie White at $175. This property is situated at Flowe's. Maionie 5otie. Resrular ominuniftWon Stokes JLodge No. 32, A. F. & A. M., Monday night Feb. 17th, at 7:30 sharp. Address by Rev. W II McNairy. W. Reece Johnson, Sec. Patriotism Above Money. Who in the South does not honor and revere Mrs Jefferson Davis for her decision as to the disposal of Beauvoir? Refusing an offer of $90,000 from" the North she will sell it to the State of Mississippi for a home for Confederate veterans for $10,000 Such love of the Southland such :y;o'V:r! to hor husband's mem ory ought to establish her for ever in tho affections of our people. Greensboro Record. O.NE OF THE TWINS D&AD. The Operation Separating Dordica and Radica Bnds in the Death of the Former. Paris, Feb. 16. The Hindoo twin named Dordioa, who was separated from Radica by an operation on February 9. died suddenly this morning at 7 o'clock in convulsions, due to the advanced stage of the tuberculosis . from which sho suffered. The twins appeared' to im provo during last week and passed their time plajing happily with toys. -The death of Dordica has been concealed from Radica who is making excellent progress. Tart of a Tenner Town Burned. Nashville Feb.' 16. About two-thirds of Woodbury, Cannon county, burned '. to-night, tho loss being estimated at from $50,000 to $75,000. Tho fire forced the long distance tele phone operators to move out and. details are meagre. The origin of the fire is unknown. (iood Kind to Have Around. Henry. H Rogers, an oil millionaire, lives in Fairhaven Mass., and is doing much to mako it fairer. He is decorating and improaing the town as if it were his own private propel ty, and not counting tho expense. He has given it a public library, water works, a sewerage system, town hall, schools and church all of whick wore paid for out of his money. Millionaires of that kind are useful follows to have around. Groensboro Re cord. Light Ilaihvii) Mcu hilled. A Marshall town, Iowa, dis patch says four livos wore lost in a head-on collision one mile north of Gifford eariy Sunday morning. Several passengers ware injured. The killed were the engineers and firemen. Two wore killed and several were injured by a head-on col lision near Litchfield, 111., the am a day. The victims were a fireman and brakeman. An engineer and fireman were killed by a heed-on collision near Erie, Pa., on Sunday, the lGth. "The first time a man runs for an office he Js cocksure that ho is going to be elected and wind up in the White House; the next time he knows he is going to be beaten and wind up in the poor house." Mrs. R L Daughton left this morning for her home at Laurels Springs after attending the burial of her mother Mrs. T C Strieker. Jim Wilson of Concord, is at home to see his brother, who is not expected to live. Gastonia News. The Weather HAS LIS ttjj In what, eh! Why in !W m, i r.. m vjiuvcs. iui ijciuio , luni ijjj is complete, as Ave try to HII mergencies. 'Phone 110 N HI! Slioes. ft This is just the weather lii that puts old shoes out of businoss and after tho snow molts;, rrnmps Oin mnrl nnrl 1 1 ITT 1 BlUll. V f &OJI j;iuu MJIHJS that keep the feet dry. 55 Mens' Box Calf or Ve- 3 lours Coif, heavy botlous, mm made from selected stock by SI Geo. G Snow at 3.50 and im , n n-V James Means' best 2.50 Shoes on the market. All sizes , 2,50 Women's shoes, heavy bottoms and heavy Kid up per stock, keep the feet dry Wj and warm at 2.00 and EunaH MH a 1 B H Mil MM MM I Good Job Work ! X -XIXH'C substantiate this statement $ ,v ' . . . . ... with the real stuff, y i i 1 1 to say wneiner our not; and if it is not we guara:,U e to g X make it. so. -.We are here to make a q profita livingalso to do juciicc to p our customers. The standard Job' Ofiice. ;;3OCDflC30OOOL'3OC3OCj3eO0C. aiTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTfTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTnTTTTnTTTTTTnTTTTTTTTTTTTTTnTTnTTTTTVTTTfnT jSave Your - Cash i FOR THE UACTION SALE OF . Ari THE OLD STAND OF fc: I The Bell L Harris Fur. Co. 1 Next Saturday, -4- O All kinds oi !:; ' i; 'iJ ' "c and buy yourself rich. t "Rotho- tli nn ('f)tton futnrts. P. S. All heavy town. . ;j The Bell L Harris rur. Co j mm lan M m N MM m M MM m B IT! M M HH IM MM Shoes, Leggiris, Rubbers, 1 r ,i.i ujiu luiiuuii. w.u muck m M (I always be ready far im M and have it sent up. IM MM B Cliild.reii,c: MM MM I in all sizes andju&i tho Uiud wj CM lor tins woattiei-, priced ac- mm ryA i r rr ?,i.,, . " , econemy. mm MM MM I Children's Coi dur.iy Leg- JJ gings, value l. 0. -r this mm 1 r.nT r7K!. MM I Ladie's and Children's i mittens at 15c. i .mi f 2SC MM S ' . 1 Wo are showing a large jjj! I select ion of Hoods and Fas- mm cinators. 3 Men's Wool F eeced un- m 1 derwear, sold for l.( per jjj f garment, priced at J f io. mm I MM 11,1 MM a MM 0 HH MM Q - MM MM tM I'M tin . . , and leave it to vou ...... i ii ii worK is an ngni or 3 -3 the J.:im !e com- ?, goods delivered iu -1 N