o Daily Standard. -JOHH D. (BARBIE. Editor and Proprietor. OFFICII UOVIKLS BUILDING. J w JHE STANDARD .is published very day ... i tJ1 .lAi;ir-A1 hr rarrira. 0 ounuay caicuj mv4 u; 2.00 f.00 35c RaVes Of Subscription Onair Six months TUree.irtonths . 4 One month . Single coyiy5c. TheJWeeklyjStandard is anl-columj 4-PK aper. It hi a larger circulation in Cabarrui" nan any oilier papf. Price Jt a yeir in advance. Tsrrtls fof regular advertisement mads known on application. Address all communications to , TJIL STANDARD, Concord, ?i. C. TELEPHONE NO. ConcokuiN. 'C, Feb. 18. 1902. ALTOGETHER UNSEEMLf. lt the l'aeteur Hospital. L C Caldwell, leaves this evening for Baltimore. takiEfc A' his sufvaut, Vira Morgan, who,, ltis another victim of the rabid dog that bit several .person on the afternoon of the 9th. The 4Vart5nand Patterson boys,vho have tK3enihere several days un- der treatment, 1iav written that they'ate getting on as well as can be expected. The physicians state that the wounds of the two boys a.re of a more dangerous character for the reason that, Ooing bitten about the iface, the poison will more rapidly take. Hold of the brain. The citizens The Las-t Heard of It. 'My littkboy took4he roup one night tud soon grew so baa vniw.nuld ii;:ir liitiw Ureal h' nil over the house, "aysT D Iky-j n olds, Mansfield, 0. "Wo fovea he jvould die, but a few dost f On Minute CdujpIi Core.quickjy relieved fiim ,nd he went kj m,. ;e rt cm!1ii ifflpnifv p. realizing the serious nature of countered in the newspaper sphere in hitting upon a suitable heading for articles. Some are experts and. .always even im prove the article by a pleasinir caption. Others labor heavily and mase occasional breaks. The most unseemly of this kind that we have ever noted is in a state paper (not in North Caro lina) which noting the tragic death of Miss McKane in Char lotte, heads the article Hello-Girl Burned." Surely there is a light, jovial, nieasinerness about the slang 4- ' Hello-Girl that is extremely un suited to :.n articla so pathetic. - 4 the case have responded liber ally and the' amount which the instituta will charge for treat ment has almost all been sub scribed. Statesville correspond ent to Charlotte Observer. Greenville, N. C, is about the first town in the State, we think, to horsewhip a woman. But what claim has woman on the gallantry of man when she is! if when I got a cold, and soon find rpiif-f. T nlsn rprommpnn it devoid of the pure, sweet charms , to my frjt.nts and am glad to say for which man adores her ? ; it is the best of all cough med icines." For sale by M L The claim of other cough maiicines to be as good as Chamberlain's are effectually set at rest in the following testimonial of Mr. C D Glass, an employe of. Bartlett & Dennis Co., Gardiner, Me. He says: "I had kept adding to a cold and cough, in the winter of 1897,' trying every cough medicine I heard of without permanent help, until on day I was in the drug store of Mr. Houlehan and he advised me to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and offered to pay back my money if I was not cured My lungs and bronchial tubes' were very sore at this time, but I was completely cured by this remedy and have since always turned to There is a Morganton rumor ' Marsh's Drug store. that the place Charlie McKesson has, the clerkship of United States Court at Asheville, is wanted fo'r Senator Pritchar's brother, ex Sheriff George Pritc-h-ar'd, and that if he will give it up he may have the place of post matter at Morganton. "Woman is a good listener when she can't think of anything to say." t He Kept His Lcsr. Twelve years ago J W Sul livan, of Hartford, Conn., scratched his leg with a rustv It is not wire. Inllammation and blood known yet what Mr. McKesson poisoning set in. For two years. he suffered intensely. Then the will do, but he doubtless has buhl doctors urged amputation learned a lesson from the over- i '"but," he writes, "I used one hand rope climber, that going jj0 of Electric Bitters and 1 to 1 1 1-2 boxes of Bucklen's Arnica up or down, .one takes a firm Salve and my leg was sound and o0nc0rd - national Bank Has paid $54,000 in dividends rirn" i4- v- - -i rr 4 A- O i r Tn 1 XT hold with the grasping hand be-: jell as ever. For Eruptions, 1888 j i an(J undivideJd i ! zema, Tetter, Salt liheum, . , . n U1 uiu uLimi. j Sores and all blood disorders r v x v. Electric Bitters has no, rival on f,loep. Tliat's tie"last we lni'd I of the croup.' ow isn't a cough uur& like that Valuable ?"' One' Mjnute Cough Cure is absolutely suffl and acts immediately. For Coiirhs'cilds, croup, gnp, bron ehitis and all other throat and Iudl' iroublfcs it is a certain cure Very pleasanc totake. The little one 1 ike it. Gibson Drug btore m ' " - 1 - The Southern Selliuj; 1 ickets to Charles ton, at Special Kates Tl'e Southern- Railway has put tickets on sale for the Char lestou Exposition. The round trip r ite from Concoixl for sea son tickets js U.05. The 10 day tickdson sale daily are 8.10 Tickets on sale on Tuesdays and Thursday, 7 day return limit are $3.0 mmmm- Saved Him From Torture. There is no more agonizing trouble than piles. The constant itching and burning makes life intolerable. No position is com fortable. The torture is unceas ing. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cures piles at once. For skin diseases, cuts, burns, bruises, all kinds of wounds, it is unequalled. J S Gerall, St. Paul, Ark., says "From 1865 I suffered with the protruding,' bleeding piles and could find nothing to help me until I used DeWitt's Witch Ha zel Salve. A few boxes com-. pletely cjred me." Beware of counterfeits. -Gibson Drug Store. Undertakers 'lose out when the dead past buries its dead." M L Marsh's the druggist, will refund you your money if you are not satisfied after using Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cure disorders of the stomach, biliousness constipntion and headache. Price, 25 cents. Samples free. Fresh On Hand ! Oysters every Friday and Saturday. Beef Pork and Sausage daily except on Sunday. Saturday night orders filled Sunday morning. J. F. Dayvault '& Bro. Try Boston Dispatch, is or was a sort Drug Store will guarantee satis- of consummate crank and led the -faction or refund money. Only , 50 cents. forces that opposed vaccination for small-pox. Being a physi- " Women digt the way they cian begot permission to visit read history; they pick out. the the small-pox hospital at Gal- parts they like and, skip the lups Island where, according to rest." his own boasting, he exposed himself as much as he could. But it went with him as it does with all un vaccinated people and having .taken no precautions against exposure in its early stage he took it in its worst form and ther is litWe hope of his recovery. The comforting part of it is that if he dies the fooiilh warfie against vaccina tion will probably die with him for a while and in that region. fund is $27,000. The losses from bad loans in its entire history arc $35.00. It has never sued any one or been sued. Its officers are : J M Odell, president; D B Coltrane, cashjer; L D Coltrane, assistant cashier; J M Hendrix, bookkeeper. .Board of Directors WH Lilly. W U Odell, Jno. P Allison, J S Harris, Elam King, J M Odell and D B Coltrane. RACKET STORE. Valentines c to 75c' each THE Organdies HAVE COME D. J. BOSTIAN. ri saw?" c .9 m? saw, BY GEORGE EDWARD GRAHAM. .! ' n:H r i lHI lllllMttlllNllljlJl'll '!''! I It : i ll I 1111 ii ' i, 1 ' ''M'iUi '- i i I 'M' .' "' I ' '.III ii: ii1'; I,: i ! 'i' r i 1 : hi mm ! . ii .til 'S-.Jp. .i I,, ;.. .. ..II' , III'.Ii.j" l ' III "" i"B The Intrepid Associated Tress war enrrespoiu'rr.t, who fs 8 aboanl tliu L. S. H. Urooklvn ilurluK llio i:itne livo monthti of tin) caiiipaltrn. llhtrated wllii pliotogiaplis taken by the Author auringt he tight. Tins F&sst &ens;z&m'd: Th" true story of tho famous cruise of the Flyinff fa I cMluauruii uiuiui- (iminnnore winiiem Miott cniey, incmu-inp- tlu hlii-kii'li' hi i t-: tviirtir.!. r.ilie Span'i.-h lioet, a v Li i rui i lllj I'llOl ili.i.. i C"Titnlns mi putop-raph ti'1.ir;(,m',it anj pe!-:rtM !,w "Tlio furls r tlio sf rv nf t'n. rcvMii.-.its V I o.t.l iiiiiiriiliiiiiriiif Iii.i I. It iiii. . ..wl.. .. lh.. f'-J author tolls tiiem in tins look are correct. ' ffj An Intrrestinpr narrative f frts. Fxp)nin;i the so- r"j enlled "lietropraci' "oveinrut;" the "Loop," the "Conliirjf JWj jt'rooiein, ' umi si-ttts eoncmiveiy every aaver.-e ru tin J jg 3 of the Court of Inquiry. ' SA Digests rhatyou PyspepsSsi Mipe Ton might as well put fuel tinder a boiler without burning It find expect the engine to run, aa to eat food and not digest itfcand expect to keep up nourishment for your body. You must have nbifrisljment to live and when you cannot digest your food, Kodoi. Dyspepsia Curb will do it for you, with no aid whatever from tka stomach. It contains exactly the same elements as Nature's digestive fluidsand can't helpbut produce the same results. David Taylor, Blind liidge, Pa.,writes: 'J have been afflicted for a number of years withtfyspepsia and have tried various remedies vdthout good results but was cured by one botUe mi It it rn 1 v vunu. x vaunub iy IOO UJUCa 1U J to lovor. iUOTBUlWU Ul X lli JiltS Jr UUiS UOU- dpmnfd his brothfir-in-ia.w tn i ISttnfl.cu1 hv P n TiAXX714- J. r. In fTV 01 1 til . . . M. . .T . . . - death, lie hasn t yet mustered Vnen you need a soothing and healing application for piles, sTres and skin up grit enough to tackle his diseases, use QeYUtt's Witch Hazel SALVE. Beware of counterfeits. Hf can't helo but do you qood mother-in-law. Morning Star. Gibson Drug Svore. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT, when Governor of New York, said: "V.r. Graham's story is the best account I have beard or read ol the aval lighliiin during the war. It needed just as much courage to go about taking photo graphs as It did to work the guns." THE NEW YORK HERALD says: " V.r. Graham, in the telling of fads, leav.o iuc reader free to make the depiction that several bsvs! v'V.n- 3 nee! a Cetv "I In quiry to re-establish tlreir rcpu.aiionn, it they ct'H lie re-estnblifi!ied." No sabjoct baa ever been before the public that h;;s i:iiores(( d ererybody rs tlio manner In which Admiral Scbley has been treated, and t ho American people demand the full recocnlflon of the Hero of Santt.-iro. Thi.s book tells everything just as it occurred and a the eyewitnesses sn.w it. ttook is selling like wildtire. Liberal commissions. Outfit and books now ready. Send seven 2-. nt stanins for canvassintr outUt.- ACT QUICK. Now is the lime to MAKE MONEY. - " L FM Price $1.50, $1.75, $2.25, $2.75, according to style cf binding desired. Mj AGENTS W, fi?. GOIUILY GUMPMY WANTED Solo Publishers, GliiG AGO. ' jfy Clerk's Wise Suggestion. "I have lately been much trou bled with dyspepsia, belching and sour stomach, writes M o Mead, leading pharmacist of Attleboro, Mass. "I could eat hardly any thing without suffering several hours. My clerk suggested I trv Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which I did with most happy results. L haVe had no more trouble and when one can go to eating minge pie, cheese, candy and nuts after such a time their digestion must be pretty good I endose Kodol Dyspepsia Cure heartily. Yoa don't have to diet. Eat all the gool food you want but don't overload the stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests your food. Gibson Ifrug Store. "With the exception of love making, there are many Sew ways of doing old things." FOR OVER SIXTY EARS Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty y$ars by mil liorvs of mothers for their children whi.e teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhtea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immedi ately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-fie cents a bot tle. Be sure and asijfor ''Mrs. Win- slows Soothing rSyrup," and take no othsr kin LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES. - Just in rear ol St. CloadiHotel. Omnibuses meet all passage! trains. Outfits of all kind; fu nished promptly and at reason able prices. Horses and mules always on hand for sale. Breed ers of thoroughbred Poland China Hops.

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