A)NOIlft, I?, a MONDAY, FEB 24 l?02 m Pi?tpw 4 00 nor vAnr. SlNGLB COPY 5 CENTS. w ; AT ST. JAMES CIID SC1I. Pn&tor Killer's Discount Sunday Xisrht on the Text "Jesus wept." .St. James church wrs tilled Sunday night almost to its limits and we are sure that the hearers feltr glad of haying attended. The silence between the preach-, er's sentences was of that deep and breathless stillness that per rades.when listeners hang op every word of the speaker. The pastor, Rev. Mr. Hiller, seems especially eloquent when in. pathetic vein and the text", "Jesus Wept," is one that the devout gladly hear elucidated. A tear, said the-speaker, is the analysis, the silent expression of tho woes too gretit for utter ance. It is tho God-given way of relief tp the heart burdened with more than it can bear. For a41 the sorrows felt in lifo a tear bedews the burning grief. He drew a picture of a father's anxiety and his distress at th departure of a son from the parential guidance. His teach ing ignored and his affectionate counsels rejected ho pours out his grief in tears. History as it embraces all the efforts of man in all periods of time is watered with the tear. The occasion of the text was referred to, when. the Saviour's personal friend lay cold in death. It was not without Jesus' knowledge that Lazarus was sick, nor beyond his power to have averted death, "But for Your Sakes.-" Jesus in tears ! "Why did Jesus weep ? First, because of the conse quences and the power of sin. Before him ly in the embrace of death, man that was made in tho image of God, a little lower than the angels, made to have domin ion over tho earth to dress it and to rule it. This was the conse quences of sin. As infinite God yet perfect, man ho knew sin yet without ex perience. Beside the death as it was before him he saw.its power in every avenue of life. Ho saw it enter the home life and break the circles of domestic joy and fill the home with divisios, hat red and sorrow. tIts powers are anaazing and seem almost infinite in Scope. He wept at the results of sin. He had been much with Laz arus and had oftdn sought rest and; solitude there, beside hold ing street converse in that de moted little household. Death ttlre consequences of in lad sep arated thm. Thus lie $w mn through the results of stn separ ated from $od as the dead frsgn the living. As its resulj 'man comes dowh to the grave where God seems to hiive forsaken bim, and knowin; his Unofficial relation to God and man.he.r,ealiztd the death Re was soon to endure pi hich he was to be separated fr,om the Father's presence, and upon the crpss to exclaim, "My God Why Hast Thou Forsaken .Me !" H saw man separated to all eterni- ty, from the Father and from pro ffered glory Lastly, said the speaker, Jesus wept that we might not weep. He dwelled on the great office of the Saviour as redeeming us from the power of death .and the consequences of sin, tasted death for us and wept that we might rejoice, redeemed and reconciled to the Father. The discourse was interspersed ! with lessons drawn and pleading greet you in tfieir behalf." fojr their individual 'application. J 'l thank you sir, and the The peroration was an impres- pQOpl0 of ypur country," ro sive exhortation for the grateful sponded the Piince. "I am very acceptance of deliverance from ' , , . , , j , ... , glad to be nerd and on this splen- the consequences, the nower and the results of sin. in the. atone-1 - ' ment. Mr. Hiller has the happv ac complishment of closing his treatment of a subject at the climax of interest and the clos ing prayer is a. complement to the discourse, peculiarly appro-' priate and impressive. FIGHT II! U; S. SENATE. Senators Tillman and McLaurin Cele brate Washington's Birthday With a Fisticuff. Washington's birthday was signalized in the United States Senate Saturday by a real fisti cuff fight between Senators Til man and McLaurin. Tillman had jabbed McLaurin with his pitchfork and McLaurin pro nounced his charge a lio where upon Tillman struck him. Mc Laurin knocked the blood out of his nose before they could bo parted. Tho Senate went into exec utive session and suspended both from the privileges of the Sen ate. They will have to beg and promise to be good or they can't have the Senate floor on which to do any more fighting. Aunt Clara Jackinn Dead. The wife of May Jaakson, 6l Mt. Pleasant, known and called by young and old "Aunt Clara"' Jackson, died at her home Sun day and was buried there today (Monday). She was very corpulent and wils a conspicuous personage. Withal he was honored by white and' colored citizens and p5s- Messed a character that com manded the highest respect. She was neat aod tidy in tier apart- 1 f V ments ana deligniei white kdies, wiiom to she have most loved and respected to come into her ffome tid partake of daintiest jtfiat she would prepare for then in a degree of Unsurpassed ac complishment in the cuisfiie $t "A man on top of the wheel doesn't care for a turn." 1 PfilSCE H ENlfY AKRIVffS tfLNDAY Recelftfl TTith Honors Guns are Fired, Flats are Dipped atid Cheers 'Echo Met bj Admiral Robley Evans. Prince Henry arrived at New York Surfday amid pompand Lceremeny and the firing of 21 guns in salutation, the dipping of flas and the cheers by Americans and Germans. Admiral Evans barded the Kron Prinz Wilhelm an'd met him where they exchanged the following greetings: - ."lam very &lad to seoyou, sir," said the admiral. "Every body in the United States is waiting to welcome you. It is my p'easnre, sir, to formally .. . , did day. The.Emperor directed me 10 convey his compliments' to f you Admiral, arc! I do so with 1 - 1 , . . very great pleasure." The Prince sailed to the Hohenzolern which is to bo is homo and gave a luncheon then returned a number of officials calls and paid visits. FATAL FIRE IN TORK. Soldiers Armory Rums and Park Ar enue Hotel ( a'r lies IS Lives Lost by Flame and Panic. Park Avenue suffered another disaster, fatal to lifo on the 22nd. Park Avenue Hotel was partially burned and eighteen people lost their lives. The lire started from tho sol di or armory noar and is supposed to have caught the hotel unpor ceived. though iucendiarism is suspected. Tho fire was in tho 5th and Olh storios and many were cut off from escape by the darkness, tho lights having been cut off by tho lire. Most of the victims proba bly wore lost by jumping 'and falling rather than burning. . The hotel was well filled by guests for the occasion of Princo Henry's arrival. Aped MaldeD Ladj Dead. Miss Ellen Hathcock died" at the home of Jno. Goodman at Forest Hill Friday night and was buried at 5 o'clock Saturday evening, Rev. J E Smjth con ducting the funeral services. Miss Hathcock was sojae 60 years old. La "grippe was tlie caune of death. Shi was a Jfidy much estoemed for her many personal traits of 51 L Marsh's tho druggist, will refund yciyour money if yoitaro not satisfied after using Chamberlain' Sirimach ancf Liver Tablets. Thf cut disorders of tho, stomach, WUousn,s coflstipatiftn ftjid i i i- ti .. or a hpadaclit". Pric 25 conta. Samples free. j, . Subscribe for thCT Standard. Th'e Store , For Values! H. L HUB I CO. Rippling, Roaring Bargains in Embroideries and Domestics. We have as large a stock of Embroideries as m ypu will find anywhere and the large shipments of S dainty new spring Edges and Insertions assure K 9 !f.-s.J.e"V""" mmim m a m -m you an extraordinary wide selection. Thousands of yards of Edges and Insertions, all widths i,t $ nripps thnf snfrirosf Invinrr in n snrinrr eimnlv M Plpnfff .onr in mirwl flinf new and a better selection can bo made now than 63 later on. Wc also name brie values that will cause a thronged department.- 500 yards of extremtly fine quality of Cambric usu ally sold at 15 yard, in 15 to 20 yard pieces, at 10 cts. Embroidery Edgings in Swiss and Domestic, big yalues 5 cts. Largo lot of Embroidery, 9 inches wide, deep work, real value 25c yard, in 6 yard remnants, they will exhange owners quickly at 15 cts. 100 yards of blaech Do mestic, yard wide, in 1 to 5 yard j em n ants, no starch, very smooth, valuo 7c, our bargain price 5 cts. H. L. Parks TTnTTTTTTTTTTTTTfTTn,TTTTTTTTTT7T7TT7T7TTTTnnTTnTTTTTTnTTnTTTTTfnTTTTTTTT7TTTTYTT I Save ' Your' Cash I FOK THE UACTION SALE OK Arl THE OLD STAND OF I The Bell 1 Harris Fur. Co. I Next Saturday, the 22nd sale .com mencing at 2 p. m. All kinds of Furniture. Come and see and buy yourself rich. Better than cotton futures. P. S. All heavy goods delivered in town.. i The Bell L Harris Fur. Co. . fuuiiimuiiiiuimiAiiiiumiimuiiJiuuiiiiu - V .Food Changed to Poison Putrefying food in the in: ttestmes proauses efrccts lie th&sfc of arserfic, but Dr K4n's New Life Pills expel the pojsoas from clogged bowels, geni!y, easnywui sureiy, uung whi- ctmntmn JX 51 inn ci1r ;c Rirlr stipation, Headache, Fevers, all Liver, Kidney and Bowel troubles. Only 25c at Fetzer's Drug Storo. ft M M M N The Satis faction Store. Hi B Mil M nvnrv vnr.l iq nhcnln t i r Hi some Domestic and Cam- s M usual prico 5c, our sprcial w pneo . ' 2 1-2 cts. B . -. .Beautiful Galloon a i. I Jj3 Embroideries at H One lot of Edgitigs ;-ud Embroidery Galloufs. cur gj special price m 10 cts, S Insertions and Edgt-s if Cambric and Swiss, wonlii h Hrt Vio O cr hn n'oin .j kjj in oiii wiiuiii au ii uis. kit B a M ii special prico ct Great Laco brgMJis in w Edgo and liisort;on. choice widths 5 ct s, 3 M m u t ny, Favor1 'arbj L'vtrynln re Coustiiation means depr.,iou, h(jadacfiv g-iu z.i'ly disoT"ered4icalt'i. D.Vil's t tle liftrly Tvisers stimulatr 'he liver, open the bowels and re-' liove this condWou. Snfo,p 'edy' and thorough. They never gripe Favorite Pills. Gibson JJDru Storo. A