- . t . , PmcE: $4rf00 per year. ONCOJfD, N. 0. TUESDAY, FEB. 25 l?02 1 . ! SlNLB COPY 5 CENTS. TOO MUCH CORN LIQUOR. .fatal Result of Ttkinguyi Oredose on 'Banter. GoldJ.ooro, Feb. 21; Alex ander tile Great, on a banter, drank too nuch wine and died in consequence of'his rash ac And now comes a simple country negro girl, Ella Best, 15 years old; wfio came to Golbsboro las Thursday in company with her brother-in-law Joe Smith, from their home in New Hope town ship, and while here Joe bough some corn whiskey and return ins: home bantered her that he could drink more then she could. Friday mornig Ella was found dead in her bed. Her sister,- Joe's wife, gave Joe $20 to come to Goldsboro Friday to buy a coffin, for Ella, aud Joe has not since been seen, and it is supposed that he took fright at the fatal consequence of his Danter and concluded, with $20 'in hand, to '-burn the wind." w As night came on and Joe did not materialize with the coffin, old man Luke Best, the dead girl's grandfather, began to be suspicious Joe's wife not hav ing said a word about the banter, or the presence even of whiskey in the house and early Satur day morning he came to the city and consulted a lawTver. The lawyer referred the matter to the coroner and yesterday morning Di Thos. Hill, the coroner, summoned a jury and held an autopsy; and the post mortem revealed a large quantity of whiskey, about a pint, in the dead girl's stomach; and not till then did Joe's wife, Ella's sister, tell of the banter between Joe and Ella, which she said was without thought of harm or fatal consequences. The iurv rendered a verdict that death was due to her owr act in drinknig an over quan tity of corn whiskey. .rRlN'CE HENRI IN WASHINGTON. Meets the President and Congressmen ane Dines at tli'e White House The Meteor Christened by Miss llice Roose- yelfc Today. Pince Henry went to Washing ton Monday and met the Presi dent and many distinguished of ficials, 'including senators and representatives, He sat in the galleries and listened to con gressional discussions. His meeting with the President was especially cordial and he dined at the White House. The President retnrned his Call going to the German Em assy during the afternoon. Efe returned to New York and was followed later by the Prsi- deifl to attend the launching of iuwn.cui, amuuiur jviiiniLiis new yacht, which was christened y Miss Alice Roosevelt tockj,y. w Subscribe for the Standard. A DOT KILLS HIMSBLJ. Ed Mollaid, SoA or a Satk.ru Rii -. .iwyEuffiiieer, Eqdj His Life la CoN? nmbia. The people n the street last nigh"fc were shock to learn that young .Ed Holland, youngest") son of Mr: F L Holland, the well-know Southern Railway engirfeer, had sent a bullet; through hiff own haart, killing himself instantly. The suicide occurred about 7:45 o'clock, while the family were at tea. TJie young man, who was aoout io -years oi ago, went to his room at 1.817. Sumter room at 1,817, street, and seating himself on the side of his bed, placed a photograph of the young wo man of whom he was enamored and a t ote to his f Ether aver his heart. Then through the photo and the note he sent a bultet through his heart, dying instantly. He. fell backward nr.mit.hfl hod. Ha was neatlv intimation that h intended to end his life, other than the fact that far the last weeks he has been very despondent. I ho note addressed to his fafher merely bade him good-bye and said that the suicide hoped to meet his mother and the young The bullet waman in neaven. passed through the left ventricle of the heart and the lung and odged in" the back. The case is peculiarly sad and the boy parents hive the sympathy ot scores of friends. The lad was in the emloy o? Mr W H Monckton, his undo, at the Goble Dry Goods Store, and was regarded as a" model young man. Columbia State, 21th. Mr. MIsenlieimer's Hnrt is Serious. Mr. W N Misenheimer, we are sorry to say, is very severely hurt. He had a bad night, but is resting somewhat better today. His injuries are of ar. painful as well as of a seriously injurious natur.6. Rer. Mr. Wertz Resigns. Rev. J Q Wertz tendered his resignation of .the Lutheran Chapel charge on last Sunday. We have not learned Mr. Wertz' calculations for the future. Profitable FrmiBg Undor Glass. Tobacco, oranges and pineap ples are now being grown under glass br shelter, and those who haVe ventured into such work frnd that the method pays. More capital m'ust be invested, buta farm o Cvo acres under glass Till giVe a Mrger profit th&vtt an ordinary fawn of a hun-. area acres or more, un the small aria onlyt the crops that sell at the fcughflst prices ara fown, anc, whila greater .ex pense is incurred, yet the crop pay. Garden crops are also re- attCntion, and the future will witness hundreds of covered Jt i t tt -i n sfcall frames. Home and Farm J ANOTHER IIIGIMVAY KORBERY. lr. J J Alford. of Mt'ltleyTille ls- 6auUe(fa$l. Robbed of $S0. ' Yesterday evening about 7 o'clock Mr. J J Alford of Mo Adenville, wtH brough into the Lpolice station with a badly bruised and prousely bleeding face. He was without a coat uuunis upper up- was very 3 l f 1 severely bruised and cut. According -to his statement, he i had sold a horse in the city for $85 and was returning to Mc- Adonvillfi on the Rnn thorn - ., . . M ttai wav HTnnr,. as h nn- proacned the junction of the Southern and Seaboard Rail ways, east of the city and near the Seaboard pasenger depot, he met a man who he describe as hairing a full round face, sandy hair a scanty light mus- tache'and weighing about 145 P0UPS The man hit him with some hard object probably a When Alford regained con ! sciousness he was minus his $85 and his coat. Last night, at the Southern depot, Mr. Alford thought he recognzea nis assailant in a young man from Lancaster, S. C. When tha boy was question- ' hwevor 'TTas found that Alford had missed his mark, for the boy was considerably lighter, had no mustache and wore a can, wnue tno man Alford described wore a hat, Morever, no money or any of tho missing property was found on him so he was lot loose. Charlotte Observer of 25th. ITEMS TROH NO. . An Old Man's First Experience in Deep Water. Mrs. Jacob Mcoso is vory ill at this writing. Mr. Jim Carter has roturned from Canada where he had gone some months ago. . Our big; snow is almost gone. Look for bad roads for awlille. Last Saturday evening while crossing Jennie Wolf Creek, Mr. Pe:er Lippard had a narro w es cape from drowning. The buggy floated down the stream with him. io managed to escape and the mule scrambled out also, but the buggy went on down the stream. Mr. Lippard returned later, in che night, and with the! aid of others secured the buggy. Mr. Lippard is 74 years old and never had a similar expe rience, no nis stoou this very well, however, and is not sick from it. M. E. L. Bins srilllrfteMto Return to Charlotte, testine pauses effects like those of arsenic, but Dr. King's Hiss Addiw Williams' friends New Life Pills expel t.fce poisons in CRarlotte will lea'rn with ! SJ0 clogifea towlft, ffontly, easily but sutoly, ciyn og Con- pleasure ttrat sho intends return-, stipation, Bfliousnos, Sick . . . .-' , . 'Headache, Fevers, all Liver, rtig to U. city somw tieie Ahis. Ki(iney aiid Boel troubles. week. CharlotteNew. ;' I SIlItMS?53SrSSllIII55Ii?3iIZIIf jtllJI The Store For Values. It MIS ICO. I inj, Roaring Bargains We have as lareo 3 you will find anywhere and the 'large shipments of K dainty new snrinor EdtrpR nnd Tnprfinnc ncci.r K you an extraordinary wide selection. Thousand? of yards of Edges and Insertions, all widths at g prices that suggest laying in a spring supply. (J Please bear in mind that every yard is absolutely $ new and a better selection can be made now than later on; We also name some Domestic and Cam- JJ brie values that will cause a thronged department. J . . 8 I 500 yards of extremtly fine quality of Cambric usu ally sold at 15 yard, in 15 to 20 yard pieces, at 10 cts. Embroidery Edgings in Swiss and Domestic, big ralues 5 cts. Large lot of Embroidery, 9 inches wide, deop work, real value 25c yard, in G yard remnants, they will exhange owners quickly at 15 cts 100 yards of blaoch Do 'moatic, yard wide, in 1 to 5 yard lemnants, no starch, very smooth, value 74c, our bargain price 5 cts. ll I P3&.-l MM If You Miss the Chance of Your Don't Blame Us. Another chance will be given you next SexfVLxr&ay, IVXorolx 1st., at 2 p. in. and 7:30 p. m. AH kinds or will be sold to the highest bidder for cash at tho At The Bell & Harris Furniture Co's. Old Stand. Food Clmnsred to Poison. Putrefying food in tho in- Only 4t-c at Feer'Drug Store. Trre Satis factioR Store. in Embroidsries and Jkestiu. 5 TTTf a sfnr.V nf WmlirmrWc oc 8 Embroidery, 1 in. wido usual prico 5c, our special price 2 1-2 cts. Beautiful Galloon Embroideries at aij.l 26 cts. b One lot of Edgings' t.nd Embroidery Galloon?, our special prico 10 cts. Insertions and Ed.ves in Cambric -find Swisp, would be a big bargain at 10 cts, special price 7 1-2 cts. Great Lace bargjuns in Edge and Insertion, choice widths (Hi Wt Lit a M i Hit M H'l (ft ii 5 cts, A Life to Get Good For "Nit" Favot'te a.ly Fverjnlicro. Constipation ajeaus dnllness', depression,- lreadacho, rierally riirderedliealt'i. DeAY if's kit tle liirly Kisers stip '.v,i tho ivei open thj bowels un$ ro' lievethis condition. Snfo, pecty an! thorough. 1 w'y t.ever Fnp Ffcvorite Pills. Gibsi u Til 1 7 rr Store. M M 4i.ll