a It J f i ft ; 1' ' Li. . ! O i I ! B&iiy Standard. , Kdi a.,;. irprur.' Llmis mnuusnhllV. j JOHN D. BARRIER, THK STANDARD is published everyday Sunday excepted and tfelivc! by carriers.. . rpted and aeliviTaM by i f?TES Of Subscription, One war !-ut Six lnoiifta Three months Que month Siugle copy Sc. 2.00 l.oo 35c TheiWeeklyoStandard is.an 8-coNimii a-pasce a arei It has a lareer circulation in Cabarrus . haii any other paper Priceji a year in advatiye. Terms for regil r recvlar advertisements made known on application. 'Address all communications to . .. . . : THE STAMUM, Concun!, . C. TfeLSrilONE NO! J . Ccoud, N. C, Feb. 23. 1902.! rwiAi iiiw ii mere iy tivr itrn DEAD MEN'S SIIOZS. . Tt does not seem to us too early to raise. a voice in protest. . against the immoderate, we are. tempted to say the indecent, haste at filling offices after the death of officials. Almost, if then and are on the inside now. not quite,' parallel with the an- so to speak. nouncement of death comes nom- The Lat liearU or It.' inations of men to fill the place iMy little boy took the croup made vacant. We have noted a one night and soon grew so bad ' very recent example and we are you could hear him breabbe all led to believ.e that before the . over huse" sa.vs F D Key , , . , . , 0; . .v. Inolds, Mansfield, O. "We feared body of a lamented State omcer . , , , J ihe would die, but a few doses of was really cold there were aspi-. 0ne Minute Cough Cure quickly rations, and calculations and; relieved him and he went to possibly manipulations for the I sl f That's the last we heard 1 J r of the croup. Now isn't a cough official plum. If it is not in ex- cure like 'that valuable ?" One cjfdingly bad taste our sense of ; Minute Cough Cure is absolutely . . 'safe and acts immediately. For thotitnessot things is great y at fault. If it is said that you must get into the push or be left, we would say be left with dignity maintained rather than succeed at its sacrifice. Wo think the reprehensible drift could be checked by a well pronounced deliberation cwi the part of the appointing power and a frowning down of a sug-' gestion of appointment while the thoughtful and the appreci- j ative of a great, good officer are ! yet sighing over his providen tial removal. It hardly seems that a man to grace a high audi noble office would enter a scram ble for the position. We are impressed that it would greatly elevate men in the esti mation of elevated society if a very decisive reformation should be wrought along this lino. AJiXIETY TARTLY RELIEVED. Now that Miss Stone and Mrs. Tsilka have been released by the brigands and have appeared within the lines of safety, the anxietv for them and lh sphsb , of outyage at disappointments in the reports o,f their dsliverance j may 'give way to considerations ov avoiding the repetition 'so much invifed by the'big ransom paid. Many an interesting story, too, will be in order on the cap tive experience of these conse crated women. The affair has put sympathizing w6rld In a' strain whicl is relieved onlv in v --- ; W ' vuuu iuvA! . lUUIUO ULQ 1 coiSfcerned. If a set of brigands, though, cand(fry tne world and be pad fjr uh hlh handed outrages will theyot keep up H the game. Dip)macy anbayb-g'l , etshavbid bigger but lassf , important tasks to perform. PKOF. J Y. J01XKU SUCCEEDS GE. TOON. -yhe GowruoP has appointed Irf. Y Joiner to succeed Gen. ToO II as Saprfll tend gilt of Pub t .f Mf J0iner js ! he Stare urofesaor of English at the Stare i- . Normal and Industrial 'College at Geensboro He was called fiom the .iiraled schools' of : GoldsbofO to this pOsltlOMl. Ho . is a native of Lenoir, county. It tnay not be in any way against his nfrir.imu'v as an officer, but it is narn to snaKe on uie 100 vn repeated rellectjon that w'estern ' mpn sefim uoL miifch in it for ai.-1 pointments to important pubhp 1 m . r positions. . . The Governor has commuted . the sentences of two of the Em ma burglars ' to life imprison ment. 'They kept on the outside courhSt coldSi croup Rrip bron. chitis and all other throat and iuu: troubles it is a certain cure. Very pleasanoto take. The little ones like it. Gibson Drug Storp. Killed at Coasting. One young lady was killed and four others of a coasting party wera severely hurt at Pittsburg on the 22nd. They were going ! down a steep grade in the street J and the sled got beyond the con ; trol of the guide and crashed j into an obstacle with fatal ro ! suits. SByspepsIsi quo11 When the stomach is diseased all the other organa suffer, hence fatal diseases of the heart, lirer, lungs and kidneys are often the result of Improper digestion. Kodoi. Dyspepsia. Curb contains all the natural digestive fluids and by digesting what you eat, it cures the Indiges tion without aid from the stomach, allowing it to rest and regain its healthy condition and permitting you to eat al the good food you want. 'My rest is often disturbed at night by irregular heart action which I believe is on account of my stomach Ijelng overloaded with undi gested food. .1 keep a bottle of Kodoi. Dyspepsia Cubb nearby and a email dose always glres me instant relief. Ed. Thomas, Leitchfield,Ky. Dt can't help but do you aoo'd ftwpcredby B. a DeWftS & Oa, Chica, Tbe the favorite household remedy for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis. grippeC r?''uu""1,'tvuui"wun11 H,nu'i WUfiii uure. Ai cures quiou Gibson Drug Store. Good-Job Work ! g aIvIc substantiate this statement with .the real stuff, an cj leave it to you g tq say Whether our O nn.onrl,. i-F i lo r- "vi, umu- io iiui 'Q maKeix so. we .are nere to -;ma e,a 11 111 profitjUa;ljy)ng--also to dq justice to. our customers.;;. ... . .. , ,,, The Standard Job Office. 't& X30000cOOOOOOCjX30C A. A CuuvK't Kl&d. Roanoke, Va , Feb. 24. A :Pecial frf Bristol ton .-.it say s; I ews reached here from Hunt- dale. N. C, this evening of the killing of James DaVlS Oil Ot cou'viets employed, in con- 'strueting tfip Carolina extertsipti of the ho River.& Charleston Railway Davis. vho.had.form- erly held good positions in con neation with, railway construc tion became unruly arid refused to go to work. By orders, nc- ffroes assisted in aoplvinjr the - - whip to Davis and when he was . released Ire slashed, two of them so badly with a knife tljat it is thought they cannot recover. Davis then became defiant of all authority and was shot down by one of the guards, who is said to have acted under orders. Thousands Sent Into Exile. Every ye'ar a large number of poor sufferers whose lungs are sore and racked with coughs are urged to go to another climate. But this is costly and not always sure. Don't be an exile . when Dr. King's New Discovery, for Consumption will cure you at home. It's the most iniallible medicine. for Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung diseases on earth. The first dose brings relief. Astounding cures result from persistent use. Trial bot: ties free at Fetzer's Drug Store Price 50c and $1.00 Every bot tle guaranteed. Real Entate Changes Hands. Tho Gibson Drug Store has sold the room now occupied by the Bell & Harris Furniture Co. to Miss Sallie Young, of Char lotte. The greatest danger from colds and la grippe is their resulting in pneumonia. If reasonable carj3 is used, however and Cham beriain's Cough Remedy taken, all danger will be avoidod. It will cure a cold or an attack of la grippe in less time than any other treatment. It, is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by M L Marsh's Drug store. Diesis rcSmi yoti Eat iS-.v 1 tL bottle Cbntaln iX times the 50c aba work is all right or Q a - m-rt - vvo wuaiaiiLCc iu giaour uraat,, ! wu.vai-- irwaitirt -y jn ss jcv s .x 5i Em n t IP P1MI Q car (5 DC u u sLb X ' Over 1,200 Yards of Fine Embroideries ih Edges, Insertincs and All Over work in Swiss, Nain- 0 sook and .Cambric. The patterns are all new. S Prices 2k to 1.48 a Yard 1 &j No trouble to send samples, as we have a box 0 of Lace and Embroidery 'samples ready cut. 2 Send for it and make your selection at home.. V! A WMIe Lawn or Swiss SIM Waist for 10 cents, They will not average you more when you buy q 35 our White Lawn remnants at 40 cts per pound. 0 Yesterday we got up 21 Waists for $1.60, not q quite 8 cenf s each. m 0 AjUliy VlULU ill OS t;uiiLn up. m Samples of Men's New Negligee ftp' v Shirts, no two alike, your choice tUO. 0 0 .Respectfully, D. J. BOSTIAN. I ARE YOU WISE ' caatioa there ia no remedy te equal 4 ae easv wav and a sure way to treat a case of Sore Throat in order to kill-disease germs' and insure. healthy throat action is to- it a teaspoonful of Mexican Mustang ' liniment . . . ..-- - and with thi trarRle th throat at fraquent lntervah. Than bathe tha outalae of the throat thoroughly with the linl- I t meat and aftar doing thi pour aome on a soft cloth and wrap k TOund th nack. It i POSITIVB CURB. 25c., 50c. and $1.00 a bottle. itiw hr Vnil hara long been troubled with a running II 111 A I DC IUU ora or ulcer. Treat It at once withMexl cam Muatans LUnmftnt and you can dopend upon a speedj cure. 4 FOR OVfR SIXTY EARS Jdrs. .WiEfilow'8 BootniBjf tJvmp h&e Deen nsea ior oyer Bixiy jearuuy mu-i 15 ' ii m 5 ' i it I ion 8 Qi iuouuera lur iueir touuurou while teething, with perfect snooesa. . It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, onres wind oolio, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieye the poor Kttle sufferer ammedi ately. l8old by druggists in every part of the world." Twenty.five vents a bot tie. Be sure and ask for 'Mrs. Win dows Soothing iSyrap,", aixd take no other kind. gT C' ffri. S i ViiJ -V X vii ? 23 n PI V ' W- (rr aiSGS "Mexican Mustang Unlmenu M, L. Brown & Bro. T -T7TT'T"V TUT'TT'n A "NT TV o A T Til ui v jux x, x xuxxs xvxxx CJliuxU a , PEED AN STABLES fa i Q v i a "si mi m i.n . ii ..... m ifm a Jjjst in reat of St. Cfbad Hotel v Omnibuses meet all passenger trains. Outfits . of all kind& fur nished promptly and at reason able prices. Worses and 'mules always oahand for sale. Breed ers of thoroughbred Poland China Hors. 4 O