Wl?. f IIWW Daily Standard. cJOMN D. BARRIER, tMitor and I'mpricior. OH iLE I.N XOUiiiS liUILMSW. I , THE STANDARD Lis published every day SuikIjv excepted and delivered by carntrs 4 Rates Of -Subscrion. One year 4.) 2.00 35c Six months w Time motiths One Mouth , m Singlifcwpy TheWeeklyoStandard is an 8-columit 4-pa aper. It ha a laier citl:on in Cabarrus ban any other paper. Priceji a year in advance. Terms for regular advertisements made known on app'ii m. Address U1 otuiruications o 3 THE STNWAKU, Conoid, X. C. o - X TELEP.' iNE NO. 7i- Concord, N. C.'Feb.- 27. 1902. : i THEY DIDN'T BELIEVE IN 1IANG- Uii FOIi iiUSSLAjIY. . The Emma burglars, Frank Johnson, white, and Ben Foster, coloiod, wro hang-id at Ashe yille oil Wednesday, the "6th. ' r-j c Fosier was very confident of go - ing to heaven, but he thought he , , ... i 4i , nuu uuu tuiuuuiK-ii ui . n. v justified han; (though he " nearly killon Alexander who was1 Cl I. ndiag his trust). He hoped ' " , the law l'or hanging will be re- pealed as the Bible doj3 not jus tif;. it. J r 1 1 i i sou said 1 i t tie bu t exh or td Vie liiieuers to prepare for eu.-r- nity Mid hoped he would be the last man hanged for burglary. " 'No man ever felt the halter a ,;,u f fhn U! il Willi fJJ Uuiiuu JM. HHj law.'" J , , , , t I it a man is not u ue udur,a. for such crime as that of tho Em-1 ma burglars then what hang men for at all? This is election year ani those who expect to vote must pay their poll tax by Hay 1st. A man that will not pay his tax, jt the'benefits of the laws nrido, "L tit ibhould not claim a voice in mak ing them. A Plan's a Man for a' That. Congressman Shelby touched! off ilirt folio win er the othnr dnv!Btir wt11 till the sugar is dissolved in his speech on the aleomarga-1 rj1)G. Vjill- -j. uesire to say a lew woras on this greasy subject. I am a friend to the cow. I am a friend to the woman who milks the : cof . I am a friend to the man who stands-by and watches his wife while she njilks the cow, for is she not his helpmeet? I love , , ., to see the woman chufti the j fo lining cream until tho. butter ! const th. I love the nice fresh j butnu-miik, uudlove to see the . basy hosewife walloj) the butter about iu her hands into shapely rolls. I love to see tho butter come, and then I love to make the butter fly. Memory goes back to the hap py times when the cows come home, and lo the less happy times when I had t make them com e home. Any man who has Leeu raised with a cow ijill never lose his friendship for her, nor I tro back unon her. whon n,r1vpr-1 , , , T When you want a physic that is mild and gentle, easy to take and pleasant in effete, use Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price, 25 cents. Samples free. Every box guaranteed. For sale by M Li M arsh's Drug store. FOR DYSPEPSIA. now It Can 90 Cnred by Simple Ei Thousands of persona suffer daily from dfr-iifusi and indigestion and heartburn. Te sinful practice of moths in al4iJHng their ry young children an ilWulgence in inim'tper food, lettfhg them (fat any anff every it. i i . At - - , a , , imng, is -vum reason ior irwuuie, rjorn Btomaclfcifhd nervous, lite in life. V T90 full indulgence ftt tableof verj highly seasoned tfftods,, stjonj: liquor, coffee aiul tea to excess amh ieut quantities qf lct drinks is anotiier caue. Investigation of late gives another cause for dysm psia the presence vt butyric acidity of the food, says Pro fessor 'Ward4 Beam in the Philadelphia Enquirer. The norvolis centers are af fectod and lower vitality is also among the many symptoms. . - The three exercises described here with will act direct upon the organs of, the stomach, kidneys and intestines and will stimulate and vitalize their action. Remember results cunnot be obtained at once; it will take from two to three weeks before permanent help is obtained. Exercise No. 1. Kit firmly upon a chair, feet well apart in froi.t, so that the body is braced, nlace t-he ha?:ds im- on tlu hips, keep the trunk of Hie body straight up. Now bend to the-ride J far as possib0( first on the rI) htf tlun i to the left; repeat from twenty-live Uj ia hundred times, as your power in- creases. I Exercise No. Fen tod as in No. 1. i clasi). the hands firmlv in front., keen 7 arms 'and shoulders high; now with 'siacrabl force swing the arms to the right side and as far around as you can. from right to left, twisting the body as it has never been twisted be fore. This will make the muscles very sore at first, but keep it up, twenty five to a hundred times. Exercise No. 3. Sit upon a stool or a' chair, with back of chair at the side, nlace the toes under the edtrft of bureau and bed, keep hands upon hips. Now I lran s far, hck the Ktrenth of I muscles of the abdomen will permit; t then return to erect position sitting; ' rcI,oat twenty-five to fifty times. If you will earnestly try the above exercises yoi will he well repaid for your trouble, a3 "the results are of fereat benefit in the strengthening of tne trunk. This article is not written j for dyspepiics only, but for ail who wish to take care of the "temple of the living God." Ilfivr to Ma'.e f.'inpr V,'!:io, This Is an American home browed beverage which finds favor in country homes. Al'l the ingredients are put to gether cold, and there is no coolcih;; to be done. To every gallon of cold water add three and one-fourth pounds of loaf sugar, one and one-half ounces of bruised ginger, two lemons, -two Se ville oranges and one sweet orange. Pare the oranges and lemons very thin, squeeze ull the fruit, put the juice and peel in the barrel; also one ounce of split raisins to every gallon. Do not quite fill the cask at first and I (two or three days), then add a little1 yeast. Do not stir again, but in about j ia week fil1 the ca6k nnd cork il P-1 j This will be ready to bottle iu three or j iour monms. j How to Lie When Sleeping. .The correct posture for sleep is to lie , on the rlrht s de. with the limhg stretched out to their f-.iii lens-th nnd I the arms cither straight down by the body or in any comfortable position. provided they nre not raised above the ! neau. me moutn snouui be closed, and all the muscles of the body should relaxed. The! lungs work with greater deliberation during the hours of Blei.Pt and if tlw anu8 are rnised above the head at this time and for any period Uie action of tho heart drives the blood away fmm the arms am .s " to iroqucntiy ma kins; one very restless when it does not prevent sleep entirely How to Make Vanilla Extract. This can be made cheaply at home, and you can know you have all you payfor and no adulterations. Buy o your druggist oiTe-quarter ounce of va nilla beans (be sure to get the genu ine by buying the tonkas first), one half ounce of tonka and one-half pint of alcohol. Mix with one-half pint of water and let stand for two weeks; then odd one-quarter of a pint of alcohol and one-quarter of a pint of water. Let stand awhile longer and then strain and bottle. It Is ready for use. How to Devti oaekcju. MJx together three tablespoonfula of grated cheese one-fourth of a teaspoon- ful of dry mustard, one teaspoonful of anchovy paste, a dash of cayenne and a rduch of salt. Mix this smooth with two levflt tablespoonfula of buttfcr. Spread over the craters and put in a hot oven until theyegln to color. 1 " " j 1 M "The man who likes whiskey Detter than Beef walks not anew the flesh but tho spirifr ' "i'lease Punctuate It." Compositors are often re quested by writers to punctuate their matter as they sefe it up, and to their credit it rnaybel said they usually succeed in doin iyruite satisfactorily to both writi-i:idiadei;. Bt;t vhenthe sene is ODscure, .punw uuuuu fteii becoraofi a nuzzle. Even the be.t authorities on punctua' ticrti often have widely divergent views, and each insists that his notidn is the only correct one Thei'e is -u agreement on only twQ points that there should be an interrogation point at the end of. each direct question asked, and period at a "full stop." Many good writers claim that as a rule printed matter is too closely punctuated; but it is o.pten better to have too much than none. Tne following sen- t ence is said to be understandable and grammatically correct if properly punctuated: "That that is is that that.isnot i? not that that is not is not that that is that that is is not that that fs ot." Ex. Somebody extract the sense and hand if in please Thousands Sent Ima Exile. Every year a large number of poor sufferers whose lungs are sore and racked with cousrhs are urged to go to another climate. Bui this is costly and not always sure. Don't be an exile when Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption will cure you at home. It's the most infallible medicine for Coughs, Colds, and all Throat and Lung diseases on earth. The first dose brings relief. Astounding cures result from persistent use. Trial bot ties free at Fetzer's Drug Store Price 50c and 1.00 Every bot tle guaranteed. Opening of Winter Tourist Season Tho Southern Railway, which operates its own linos over the entire South and forms tho im portant link in the great high way of travel between the North and South, Florida, Cuba, Mex ico,'the Pacific Coast and Cen tral America, announces for the winter of 1901 and 1902 tbo most superb servico ever offered. Its splendid regular service will be augmented by the Southern Palm rLinited. a ma?niricent Pullman train, which will bo operated be tween New York and St. Augus- tine, Florida. M L Marsh's tho druggist, will refund you your money if vo1, are not satisfied after using Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cure disorders of tho stomach. biliousness constipation and headache. "Price, 25 cents. Sannples free. "A man in Kentucky died recently while taking a bath. It is no use for a Kentuckian to fool with water he never gets used" to it." Concord - ITationai, Bank . Has paid. $54,000 in dividends since it opened doors in July, 4888. Its surplus and undivided fund it $27,000. The losse from bad loan's in, Us eiftire history are $35.00. It has never sued any one or been sfted. 0 Its officers are : J MOdll, president; D B Coltrane, cashier; L D Coltrane, assistant cashier; J M Kendrix, bookkeeper. Board of Directors-W H Lilly, W Odell, Jno. Allison, J S Harris, Slam King, J M Odell and D B Coltrane. HP3! ..Fit CoiYofdV 4(J inch white French Lawn that usually sell for 50c for 30c. White India Lawns worth 8, 10, 19. 24 and 32c for 71 9, 16, 20 and 27c. Remnants India -Lawn at lCc, real value 15 to i8cv White Persian Lawns worth 15 for '14c. Remnants worth 12J for 10c. White Dimity worth 11, 12J, 10;t, 17 amd 19c for 10, 11, 14, 15 and lGc. White Mousseline De Soie, mercerized, worth and 82 for 20 and 30c. 38 inch white Silk Mull for llc. real value 15c. Long Cloth worth 10, 12; 15 and 18c for 9, 11, 14 and 15c. Yard wide Cambric at 10c. 72 inch bleached Sheeting at 15c yard. Hills Semper Idem Muslin for 9c. fc 3G inch bleached- Leno Stripe Curtain Scrim at 5c per yafd. 3G inch white Curtain Muslin Aith inch yell.ow polfa dots at 9c per yard. Remember this sale is February 27th, at The Racket Store, No, 26 South Union Street. Very Respectfully, Saved Him From Torture There is no more agonizing trouble than piles. The constant itching and burning makes life- intolerable. No position is com fortable. The torture is unceas ing. Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cures piles at once. For skin diseases, cuts, burns, bruises, all kinds of wounds, it is unequalled. J S Gerall, St. Paul, Ark., says: "From 18G5 I suffered with the protruding, bleeding piles and could find nothing to help me until I used DoWitt's Witch Ha zel Salve. A few boxes com pletely cjred me." Beware 'of counterfeits. -Gibson Drug Store. M, L BROWN & Bro LIVERY, "FEED AND SALE STABLES. Justin rear of St. Clcad Hotel Omnibuses meet all passenger trains.. Outfits of all'kinds txxr riished promptly and at reason able prices. "Horses and mules always on hand for salo. Breed ers of thoroughrred Polanc China Hosr. Wood's Seeds. Va. Second Crop Seed Pofzifoes. These are the result of growing two crops ifi'the rame year, the fifst bei::.: n . - ' roui Bsf.ect Maine Seed 1 tr.'.(.eo, a ml the teed selected fvo:?i this crop planted , jM:un WTOfuly o Auurust. They 1 ? It onpJniikathir 'vthcyTLsc niakfajj. Yield aiyl much surer crop thftn I.laine , or Novthern-'toj.-n bred. , 0jr stock is vry superior and we always ghip in iuiJ-s-ized double head barreta.v Wood's fjiW De-i "'"i vt.iiuj;ut; gives vciv in terenp information about f'otn.. toes. Mailed iton iciest. r We have atso largistocks of the test M AINK4an(k fOIiTHM IN GROWN SEED. Write fcr special Tota to price-list. T. V)d &"Sons, Seelsmen, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Cheap; Sto?5.'- Ifll'J Bleached Ducking worth 7ic for 6. ' . ' W60T FLANNELS 'Cream . vforth 18. and 25c for 15 and 224c Red worth 20 and 25c for 174 and 20c. Ticking at 14c, real value 18c. Homemade Quilts, size Gx7 ft., worth 1.25 for 1.10. . 4 lb. Feather Pillow atG7c each. ' ' White Enameled Curtain Pales complete only 10c. Job in Bath Towels at 25c per per' pound. GO inch bleached Linen Table Damask at 42ic per yard. , 5c Embroidery Silks at 3. per skein. Lace Curtains, 3 yards long, for 50c per pair. Fancy Lawn and Swiss Sofa Pillows, stuffed with irood cot con, at 37. ic, unstuffed at 30c each. Our Spring stock of Umbrellas and Parasols have just arrived. 10 per ceul otf on ail Lace Em broidery, Parasols ar.d. Umbrel las purchased. for one day only FRIDAY, OF CflttBSE TOO about getting yourself a pair of Spectacles Why study any longer ? But go to Cor- roll's and' havo your eyes tested. Your money bactc if Glasses dou't suit. Yours to please, ; W. C. I if- CORRELL Sr. -J J?o Be 3733l03.o and erty there to maintain our posi tion at the head; we oojjtinne to sell the different styles of vehicles ot Tyson & Jones, Hackney, Barbour, Ftuerson Fisher, etc., of thejsame quality that has giyen saiisfaction for years. Our effoita are directed towards pleasia: onr ever icreasing number of cuistomtrs rafljr thai add to our profits. m , Any of JJiee vehicle will make pkas- -ing ChristmaaP Gifts llfuggie?, furreys an!l traps ofany.finistr-all are excent yalue at the price. 0 rt?vi Ik Hi j Mm- " ' m r- f. '..' i 3