V ar-4- I. V v (. Pfwce: 400 per year. WOMEN'SCLCBr UftlT Plghts to EKiitence-Their Be nefl r'. . centjnflnencei. A wesnan's" cub ! Who ever Aeardtthe like I What do womon . want club ? Have you any aims or objects ? These aTe-ques- tions ask day after day, by men, ' of course. And I answer that ..; in our humble.Tray we are striving to imitateyour example. You 1 have your exclusive clubs and ' irhyshould( we not have ours? What is so pleasant and so pro t motive of. your interests cannot be detrimental to us, and that ' you find'these reunions helpful to yourselves we cannot doubt. Of our own knowledge we are pot able to say what is so attrac "" live in your assemblies, for it has not been thought best for our in t,rest that we should even . sit at your tables, or share in your . councils and doubtless' therefore in our blindness, and ignorance V we have made some pitiful mis " takes. But we in our club work pro pose the inculcation of deeper and broader ideas among women, -propose to read and thbk for ourselves and "get our opinions at first hand, not so much be- caus'e it is our Tight as because it is our' duty. We propose to study Literature, Philanthropy, Self-Culture and Improvement in every way possible. To make all work honorable by each do ing the share that falls to her, 'Cheerfully and faithfully not going down to ifcr but bringing it .up to. her. To enter our protest against all idle gossip, all de moralizing and wicked waste of time in short against each and very thing that opposes the full development and use of the fac-1 ul ties conferred upon us by our Creator. Such are some of our objects And aims. We do not pretend a yet to have any clearly defined plans. We are as children feel ing'our way in the dark, for you must remember thaf it is, only a half century since "the , free schools, . even intH'e--most..en , lightened-portions of our coun- iry, wece ursL,.uiJt5uou -iu guia. ' -., How- then could you (expect of us the fullness' of wisdom, - which- you tor : wnoio centuries nave been : gathering from schools, . - colleges and the exclusive knowl v edge and manage o& affairs. - We.v admit ofty short comingad but we arehert, and hereto stay;j x. 4.V. 'M.,lII5i.o las raised near Trevilian, Louisa we have the necessary requisites, i , , -w in v'c(junty. Kheinarrted Rwr. John ourntemnse tinaliy, a great power for 6od. I Max'Reil is qioted assay- . ing thatif he wojje asked, to sug gest a new cOat of armyior tne . -wamanliness First, Afterward 7hat You Wiih" "ViRGKiru DA1UB.' U. S. he would propose a woman . warped it ; with themottog'Make Way for j through , her .,, complicated atxr: Mortrared Proptrt jiold aad Re-old JThe Mortaicee Geti the Property. A legal contest was foght to day (Friday) jn Esq.. Pitts court that amounts to something, of a .esson.'' y y':--: J One Fait Murph bought a mare from m. Mr. Z A. Morris .which amounted to two animals, and it was so included in the mortgage. He signed the mortgage hitoself though it is claimed that' he was , buying the mare for his brothfir Jno. F Murph, whoatonce, took charge of the;mare. Later Fait , Mnmh rrav" annthor mortrraVe . io Mr. Morris on another horse trade and included the colt. : Mr. A'.G. Moose bought this colt from ij v wit ii v&u . fqr $11.57 and Jno- F Mun U later sold it "to for $18.00. Mr, necessary tc -foi Vic. Q W Cook Morris found it. eclose the mort. gage and sued on claim and de- livery and gained the suit. Mr. Cook will get back the $18.00 from Dr. Moose and he will get back $11.57.from Jno. F.'ing gazer saw the little- mite as Murph. Each will lose his part'sume positions to magnify hrm of the raising of the colt and have the trouble as a schooling that you must watch when you are dealing with irresponsible men. Fait Murph is elsewhere at this time. Punctuation PuzIe Solved. The' Standard copied these words on Thursday which show the great need of good punctua ation: "That that is is that thatis not Is not that that is not is not that thatis that that is is not that thatis t:ot." It asked for the solution. Here it is: That that is, Is; that thatis not, is not; that that is not, is not that that is; that that is, is not that that is not." The successful solvers are in the order of their presentation: Dr. J 0 Davis, Wade Barrier, Miss Ida Blume. A Card Reception. A delightful card reception was given last night by Miss Mary Lore complimentary - to Miss Lois Conrad. Quite a num ber of invited guests were pres ent and enjoyed the evening. - Verj Pleasing Heir LoAn. 0ange (Va.) Observer; Mrs! T M Gillum, of Monrovia, this county, has the ,weddinj dress" worn byher grandmother ' who iasiey in tne year luz miss Bickley cultivated audVaised tie cotton for th$ -dres, catded and spun it, and when she she drew the chain engagement, ring, eloth for tha wedd. j d "which! now one . : V - :r nunarea ana miny years ow. QNCtfRD.X 0. "pteBt t boy.getS f6ot cIit off. Wttle John Shoe Has Sad Experience n ilaifroad. JbfinShoe, 3f, the little son of Mr;' John Shoe, got one fobt so . . . badly mangled at the- Gibson nill siding Thursday evening that it had to' be 'amputated at the ankle. We learn that" his teacher seeing his. purpose to . . v , . . get on the train' whetf it would start tried to prevent him''from doing so but tbe boy was slyand reaped h-jgilance1 with the result, thatie aaade tne attempt hd met with the accident. . .The unfortunate .boy .deserves sym- Pthy in his calamity and also in lack of appreciation of his teacher as a better friend to him than he t0 himslf- 1-i.hy I.H1S Tist& Dr. N D Fetzer has klwayshad something of a fishy taste in his aesthetical make up and lias had a kind of large iardenier in which some of the finny tribe haye and sport when the admir S0lf to several times his size. The doctor has also supplied himself with a kgood sized glass nn,9.tk or box in which snort a whole brood and over them on the surface float ducks, geese dent. It is a display of fine taste in the doctor (we like the taste of fish ourself) and is an attrac tion at which one may gaze with rapture while waiting for a pre scription to be filled. Aged Hegro fTeman Snleides. An aged negro woman, Lovey Hosier, committed suicide in Salisbury on Thursday morning by shooting herself. The cor oner held an inquest and found $750 secreted under her skirts and a bank book showing a bal ance of $320 on the bank in Washington, Ind., whence she came and whither she had made arrangements to return. . She was a miserly, beggarly looking creature and doubtless suffered a kind of mania. Bif Tree For St. Louis Fair. , A twenty two foot cut of a fir tree nearly'eighteen (18) foct in diameter will be sent lo the St. Iouis World's Fair, by the Tsir-.oma (Wash.) Chamber of T- ' . Commerce.as parjt of .Washing ton's exhibit.- A fund of. $500 hajbeu raided to pay the cost oi removing it 4r,oin ho . forest to St. Louis. nsnlyReflector. The greatest danger Itom colds andWa erippe. is their resulting p pneumonia. If reasonable care is used, however and; Uham i;n vhouffK Remeftv feken. faft danger will be .' av&icfed. it will. cure a cold or. an.attacic ol la grippe in less tim -than any other treatment. It is pleasant an 4 safe to Uke. ., Tor alby M L Marsh's Drug' store. - 28. l02 m mm w ::xmm. !Here is a department complete the largest .,-. ... .... and best selected stock pi all vkinds of Notions to be found, in any- one store in Concord. Any small item that you find trouble in getting come' straight to Parts & to. and get It. , Observe the pfices and we show yxni how anx ious we are for your 'business. !l Children's Knd Ladies, all. kinds and colors, at a great reduction every one a bar-' .gain. . Do you want the best for style and quality ? then see what we have -for 50 cents and 1 25c he mi va Woman tokiow about the Children's 10c Hose w are selling. They are abso lutely the best that can be had for the price, XOc H. L. Parhs 1m.1t 1 IBS' BELTS If You Miss the Chance of Your Life to Get Good For "Nit" Don't Blame Us. Another chance will fye given you-next at 2 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. All kinds of will be sold to the highest bidder for cash at the At The Bell & Harris Furniture Co's. Old Stand. : Food Clianired to Tolaon. . ' Putrefying food in the in testines produses. effects like those of arsenic, but Dr. Kirig's New Life Pills expel poisons from clogged bowels, gently, easily but surely) curing Con stipation Biliousness, Sick Headache, -F6vr. all Livtr, Kidney and Bowel" ' troubles. Only 25 at Felef 's Dug Stoi IF YOU ARE NOT A SUBSCRIBER TO WtiE ST A N DARD send in jovr nanje now. 35 cents a month. SlNGLB COPY 5 CENTS. l 8 .. M . . . LA Mtm 1 All shades in Bralnerd & Armstrongs Twisted arid Filo Silks, absolutely the best, per skein t: Marque .Velum Writing Paper in cream and blvo tints, superior quality. i r pound, only 2Sc In all the popular tints, good value at 5c, 10c. 15c and 25c L Company. Favor'te 'carlj ETerywhrre. Constipation means uess, depression, headache, generally disordered health. DeWitt's lit tle Early Risers stimulate the livr, open the bowels and re- lieve this condition. Safe, speedy andtliorpugh. They new gripe, favorite Pills. Gibson Drug Store. Mipy STATIONERY SPECAI I PIPER 5? .p j' - ;