0 O J I o ,- if. -.1 ,1 I ft Price: $4.00 jer year. ONCORD. N. 0. SATURDAY, MARCH, 1. 1902 SlNGLB COPY 5 CENTS i .... i 1 V' v l T BURIED A BOT ALIYE. Awful Crime cf Cbllkoet Indian In Alaska. Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 19. A special from Seattle, "VTash., says: . "The steamer Dirige, which has arrived -from Alaska, brings news that Chilkoot In dians near Hins's Mission, Alas ka, buried aliye one of their tribe, boy fifteen years otage. The boy had been conyerjed to Chris tianity by Milo A Sellon, a meth odist missionary, and in a burst ofrligiou zeal denounced th mummeries of the tribal medi cine men. - This act aroused the anger of the superstitious old men of the tribe. Recently fourteen native residents of the village of Kluck wan died of consumption, and this spread the belief that the boy, in league with the evil one through his kcowledge of the white man's relifdon, caused the deaths. The disappearance of the boy from' school aroused the suspic ions of Mr. Sellon, and he start ed in search. At the outskirts of the village he found tracks lead ing to a fresh grave. Digging down he found the boy stil1 alive, his bloodshot eyes rolling in in- sanv agony; his hair torn in handsful from his head. His finerer nails -were torn off in his efforts to escape from his hor rible prison. The boy was lifted from the grave and carried to the village, -where he lived several hours, howling and crying out like a maniac and .then dying from the effects of suffering, and fright. The man "who ii responsible for the act is Skun Doo, an old of fender, who spent a term fa San Quent'n penitentiary for causing on old woman to be starred to death in 1894.. Aged Maiden Lady Dead. Miss Nancy Hileman, .an aged maiden lady of No. 5, died Fri day and was buried today (Sat urdav at Mt. Gilead church. ' She was about 75 years old. She was a gobd, devoted mem Hber of the German Reformed church. J)rops Dead at the Vloyr, Durham, N.C., Feb. 28. News ranched litre tonight of the dearth i ... t ''of Mr. Nathaniel Smith, a highly , 'respected farmer of anco coun ty. Ho was in th field plowing inft died -tftthout a minute's ' warning. He was about 7ear of ''ae and was' well known throtfcliouWthe fetate. Glands at Scotland 5eck. fftate Jv'eteriiiari antjutler fi nfs ' glanders flraong t9 horses and mules about Scotland Neck. He will .take vigorous measures to x stamp it out. Subscribe for the Standard. SEASON OF FLOOD AND RAIX. Much Delay of Trains and Loss of Prop ertyA Number of People Killed. The late floods have been quite severe,' causing washouts and de lay s on the roads. '," ;v Four men were, killed nar Zetella, Ga., by a train's plung ing through a trestle. At Macon a number of houses were swept into the river. ' At A?heville people along thi riv.er had to desert their homes 1 and flee to high ground. Many lost all they had. . The property loss is heavy. A VICTORY. BRITISH GAIN Six Hundred Bgers Killed or Takau Prisoners 2,000 Horses and 28,000 Heafl of Cattle Captured. London, Feb. 28. Following the precedent pf Lord Roberts who announce General Cronjes surrender at Paardeburg, on the anniversary of the battle of Ma jiba Hill, February, 27, 1881, Lord Kitchener .apparently lecte4 the sate anniversary to achieve, a big Success by a com bined movement lasting two days against the, Boer forces within the Harrismith' and Van Reemen line of block houses. The Boer A wreck occurred at Radford, Va., by a washout and a colored 'losses aggregate 600 men killed breairman was killed. . ' or-capturtd and 2,000 horses and Wind storms have attended the'l28000'head cattl fel1 int0 lhe rains and have resulted in much hds of the British troops. damage. At Sumter, S. C, a cabin was blown down and a ne gro woman was killed. J W Wallen'whp lives 16'miles from Asheville, took his three chilnren from his house and put them. in his tobacco barn, leav ing a torch with them. He hur ried back for his wife and anoth er child. Thc barn caught fire and the three childreh were burned to death. The prisoners include General De Wet's son and his secretary, Commandants Meyer and Truth er and several field cornets. KILLED Br LIGHTNING. Negro la Proyidence Meets Ad Awful Death. Morven Allison, a negro of the Povidence section, was struck by lightning yesterday afternoon while in the field picking cotton. Allison left his home yesterday about the noon hour and as he did not return, a searching party went out to look for him. His charred remains were found about nine o'clock last night, ly ing between two cotton rows. Yesterday afternoon about 2:30 o'clock there was a sharp peal of thunder, preceded by a bright flash of lightning. It must have -been at this time that the negro ' was killed. The clothes the negro ' wore weio bury is almost a certainty. The All the Varments Wre in. An aged farmer from Chatham county walked into the baggage room of the union depot yes terday morning and produced a check for his grip. Upon sce inn the grip, which has been tied around with a string, he exclaimed, ''Some one has broke into my grip, the string is b roken." .When told that perhaps the string had burst in the handling of the grip ho replied: "I know just how many varments.was in that grip, and if tbey are not all here, I will sue the company." Well, what w&i in it?" was asked him; Well, sir there were one 'possum, Qfour rabbits and twenty 6even birds in that grip, and there had better be that many now." When the grip wes opened, it was found to con tain the required number of var ments and the old man' was happy. Raleigh Tim. SSabscrlptlout Increasing. A cotton seed oil mill for Salis- almost burned from his body. These were still burning when the body was found. The accident occurred about one half ihile from Allison's home. He was said to be a good negro, attended to his own busi ness and gave' no .One any trouble. Charlotte 28th. 4 News Maitiit otie. A Special tominunieaWoa MTSlotfes Lodge No. S2, -yV.'F. A A M., Mcfhday riiffht March 3rd, at 7:30 sharp. Work on second degree By order of W. m. 1 fW. Reece Johnson, Se m rrt T ( ML Marsh's the druggist, will refund you your money if you are no satisfied after using Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They cure disorders of , the t stomach, hiousness constipation ' and headache. , Price, f 25 cents. Samples free. . , . , subscriptions to the stock of the company are being largely in creased each day and it is ex pected that all the stock will be' subscribed by the last of next ... week. t. As soon as the stock is all subscribed the company will be organized at once and" tho building erected. Salisbury Sun of 28th. " : . -, Judge Shepherd 'ot a Candidate. Th3 report started fro m. Greens boro a few, days .ago that Hon. James E Shepherd would be a (Candidate for Chief Justice 0 the Supreme Court. Thjs give mhch. comfort to those who cannot ap prove of thejoandidacy of Judge Clark. The Raleigh correspond ent to the Charlotte Observer quotes from Judge Shepherd that tht report is most positively incorrect and that he adheres to his original card' ., n IT 6D mm 0 mi E3EDT ft m , 4 ! Here is a department complete the largest S and best selected stock of all kinds of Notions to m be found in any one store in Concord. Any small IS item that you find trouble in getting come straight jjjj Mj lUji. uiks iv vu. aim get it. m t vyuoci vo nic ijiiuc.H aim wo ssnuw yuu . iiow aax- J3 m r-u (W . Hi -B ious we are for your business. Si HOSIER 1. m a jjj Children's and Ladies, all Hjj kinds and colors, at a great M reduction every one a bar- t ain. . mi llff BELTS. , Do you want the best for stvle and quality ? then seo jjj) what we have lor '50 cents L2Cc EMBROIDERY SILKS , All shades ir Drainer i & "!j Armstrongs Twist.ed ai.-t jjj! "Filo Silks, absolutely tho Ktl best, per skein n SIM SPECfll. !H! and i nil Ei! Woman to know about the uhilaren s lUc tlose we are lit! C m selling. They are abso- W) lll1clu t.Vio natt; flint, nan Vm had for the price, lOc INIarquo Vlum W i i t i Paper in ere:, m ;iti i f,! tints, superior q u i. i f . pound, only m In all tho popular tints, and So & 7, m m US jlllllllllllllflflHIIIIIIIfJIIIflllflf IJ222?32l31i II L. Parhs L Company. If You Miss the Chance of Your Life to Get Good For "Nit" Don't Blame Us. 1 Another chance will be given you next ScttrvLirCLtxy, Mirolr 1st., at 2 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. All kinds of will be sold to the highest bidder for cash at the At The Bell & Harris Furniture Co's. Old Stand. .W Seek Relief ! fdvu, Tki gmt fffTA wmea vrtto luffor I MM RMukwl dlf orders, b IWinf mf wtO mntaalfy wtr lf. Thr py wn mi wars tvry dfi' At tt ff)4 tl nmtr Uom wman s-yculv)y mnmmAU W mii ni oOMrttmalInflufli m4 k b dt hivorabl tlfM for tht 4tnif mM W klddta Amam m which may U brkfe In tiu yyttam. AnfT MtViicUn knwi fwl t0rTti HMrwiruatlon, Mlllnj of m wonb asA luMrrhoa art blightln lives in lamft cvtrf homs. No woman fhtuld tt$ Ul lurrctf a monual aftar she scea Indication! of rml a'lscasct. Almost instant relief aajt U mmmi by the ue o! K wrUI reXeva yoa right In your own hoiflt. WBI m aawft the testimony of Mrs. Bclglcr ami raarb ack relief today? All drti&Ufc mm - I 1 mi M.tt boMtoa of vmt of UM 11 m CUmo to, m Varna, IneL, Mrek T, I I Toasrlfssnaf OavalkMaoooai wrld of good for m I ka nsod ftra I I I -aiMrfwtiii-tffiiiajni ''Thilfrrl't r I f L XbTairMIaMaIw(nBaaaielUiom la la Mt hau. i1m4 1 I p mmminrmtswtsf 4m mo tnaoue tm b ouarht. '(ha woa ; I ft m w 1 i' 9 It J: - it 4'. J. .fjy -urn i fit A.