V i . v - 4 A. " T mm - -r- m ' r - i 1 -r; ' y Price: $4.00 per year. ONQlfr, ft 0. THURSDAY, MARCH, 6, I! 02 SlNGLB COPY 5 CENTS He Sends His Son Out of the Room and Then Kills Himself. Sprinfield, 111,,. March 5. Another scene in the drama of the . closing of the State Bank of Elkhart was enacted this afternoon, when Frank "VV Cottle, cashier, whose alleged shortage of $32,000 oaused the closing of the bank, blew out his brains at his residence. Mr. Cottle, who had been suffering with an attack of pleurisy since last Saturday, was lying in his bed room when he complained of a burning in the i i i - . 1 siomacn ana asked his, son Jordan B. Cottle, to go and get him a pitcher of water. Jordan AXOTlffclt GREiTSKOf. As Much as 24 IucliesFell lu 24 Honrs. wYork, Pennsylvania, West Ta., Tennessee aid North "Carolina. Another snow storm raged on Wednesday in New York, Penn sylvania West Virginia and Ten nessee reaching into Asheville, N. 0. Twenty out of thirty wiras were lost to the Western Unioa between New York and Phila. adelphia. A Philadelphia dispatch re ports 22 to 24linclies pf snow at various places.- At Huntington, West Virginia, 18 inches of snow 1 237,000 men fell in 24 hours. Terrible Cost of Uoer War. Seldom has a nation miscal culated worse than has Great Britain in estimating the Boer. war. When the British government undertook to con quer the Boers its expectation was that less than $50,000 men andlesslhan $5Q, 000, 000 would be sufficient to end the struggle in less" than six months. The war has been going on about three years and: has cost more than $S00, 000,000. The British force in South Africa at the last account was and the British loss by death and permanent disabilities has mounted above 5,000. The total ' number of casualties including the wounded Salisbury to Hare Free Mail Deliver. Free mail delivery for Salis- did so and while he was out of:hntVn ur a o the room he heard the report of j Postmaster Ramsay was asked who have recovered, at the last a revolver. Instantly surmising Jast night if he felt sure that the rePor. was 100,701 men ami bis father had shot himself, he j receipts at the Salisbury office 5 240 officers quickly returned, closely 'for the fiscal year ending March' Seldom in modern times has followed by the family. They '1st would exceed the required such bloody war been waged louna ivir. uouie lying in bed $10,000 to insure free delivery anywhere and lllG Proportionate a Nov&. a Goad Time T(5. Buy. and i .Your Spring Sewing. The selections are larger, the goods valiies are here now that vou can not 'get later because the best goes first. Bleach Domestic, iuc a 5 .with a gaping wound, from a and he stated that thev would. revolver, in his left temple. He As soon as the year expires the naa died instantly. Mr. Cottle was 56 years .old 1 1 m una leaves a wile ana nve sons, bury Sun. all residing in Elkhart. He had loss of officers has . been the greatest in all history. Uh'ques- been cashier of the bank for a number of years'. His father necessarv steps will be taken to' tionably a great part of the loss secure the free delivery. Salis- 01 DOtn men and money has been due to incompetency. But nothing seems to shake theconfi- Mr. Stroud Dies Suddenly at Spencer. dence of the great majority of the Mr. J J Stroud, of Chapel Hill I RrHir, u was a wealthy Louisiana sugar J an employe of the Southern, died ' ment. Their" enthusiasm for the planter. Greensboro Companies Refuse t Raise ! Rates. The managers of the Greens boro fire insurance companies have issued a circular to all their agents in which it is stated that: "They are enjoined to maintain with the utmost care the full tariff rates as they stood before the 25 per cent, advance was or dered." It is stated that the ad. vance in rates, caused by the Southeastern Tariff Association,' is unwarranted, unwioand un necessary," -and all agents are authorized - to disregard the 25 per cent, advance made by the Tariff Association. Charlotte Observer. very suddenly -of heart disease , war is quite as irroat as if. w,. at ms boarding house at Spencer at the start. It is true that the on Tuesday -evening. He was opponents of the war policy are heard to make a peculiar noise more aggressive and more bitter .vhrrl. nr 1 A n in 4- jjjj J a v TT 1 V4 HI 1VJ tU U w yara remnants, some in i tne lot is worth 10c and w the poorest 7k, you take your w choice at... .-. 1 m Laces Jjj Lvery woman is in g terested in dainty Laces 85 tlien visit our 5c Igo B Lace counter rjjr, Hamburgs, SJ 3 inches wide, larffe assortment of pat- fP Very Wide Hamburg, sold at 25c jf yard, in good patterns 8 of 6 yards to the m piece, per yd ?S?C 8 w Ml Cambric Bargain. B Beautiful quality of Cambric, -fine Lonsdale, 1 and only a limited ST quantity at tiiis j3 special price m m Nil m Embroideries and Insertions, Cam- 8 brie or Nainsook, g m big value at 7i & MflfJ S.-PlfllM CQ IH 1UIPIM8: and when the room was entered he was found gasping his last. Both Shots Plough Through His Arm. Mr. Walter Ewart, near East field, suffered a lerrible accident Saturday evening. He let his double barreled shot gun drop and both barrels were dis charged, the loads passing through his arm at two places. It is hoped that hts arm may be aved but the wound is terrib'y severe. Rev. Mr. Hiljer to Trench Animal Sert e Lutheran Visitor, f tho Cth says, lie v. W EI Uiller, pas tor of St. James Lutfjerau church, Couord, N. C has accepted the invitatiotf io preach the annut.l sermSn boforeh3 Woman's Mis sionary So?!ietybf Mont Amoena Seminary Mt. Pleasant, X. C, at the commencement in June next. Ifoilce to Contractors. The town of Concord, N. C, invites sealed proposals on the construction of a graded school building. Estimates are wanted jfor the construction of building, also, beating, ventilating and plumbing. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of the architects, Hootr & Sawyer, Piedmont building, Charlotte, N. C; also at the office of the undersigned, at Concord, N. C Building must be ready for oc cupancy by September 1, 1902. Bids will bo received up to 12 o'clock, noon, of Monday, March 17, 1902. All contractors bidding must be capable of giving a surety bond, satisfactory to the com- mittee. The righ is reserved to reject any and all b ds. (Signed) D. B. Coltkane, Chairntan Buildh.g Committee. You Can Get These Here. Food International Poultry makes hens lay ana keeps the young chicks healthy. , Use International Lice Killer to free Pouitry from vermin. Prtae 25 cents Photographic Supplies Plates, Papers, Mounts, Films, Chem icals etc., for Amateurs and Protesssionals, for sale at Fetzer's Drug Store. 1.1 i man ever, dui mere is no evidence that they are growing in numbers. British pro-Boer orators J have frequently been mobbed in England and several of them have barely escaped with their lives. There is but one possible end of the struggle It is the com pleto annihilation of the Boer republics and the enforcement of such terms as the British govement may choose ta'dictate. Atlanta Journal. 5. Five Men Drowued. Sacramento, Cal., March Five men were drowned in- the Sacramento rivor on Sunday.' The party, consisting of Dr. J. H. Morton, George Nunez, Clar ence Gasterson, Elmer Ivcry and Knight Lillington, left Cortland, down the river, in a small boat, early Sunday morning, Their boat was found in Tulless, four miles below Cortland. Nedfr the boat the bodies of the three first nanmcl were found. A searching party is dragging for, the other bodies. jH. L. Parhs L Company. MM m Wf M m m m m m m Ml n m m. L HANCEO Unless Providential interferance in your favor next Saturday, March 8th, will be the las, chance for you to buy goods at From The Bell & Harris Furniture Co. At The Old Stand. i Isn't it fun let everybody come and buy and be hapi)y. All kinds of Furniture and Musical Instruments. Ke- member 2 p. nr. and 7:30 p. m. Kespectfully, Bell Sc Harris Furniture Co. the the te Ilcturru'd to the FH. Rev. Dr. Joel Swjrtz, poet-prenclier who left Lutfcjran Church about years Ago and joined th Con- grotfationaH.sts, has returned to the Lutheran frtd and now HQtves a deij&htful people at Devon, a suburb of Philadel phia. An Honest Medjclne for La (jlripge. George W Waitt. of South Gardiner, Me., says: "I have had the worst courh, cold chills and grip and taken lots oftrash of no account but to the vendor. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the only thing that has done any good whatever. I have used one buttle of it, un xho chills. I will lwy on all real estate iu tbp connty on vfcicb tLe tdXt'H l.nvt- not been paid on March '0. If yo; baen',t . l aid yonr tax and don't want 10 be ml veitiHiid yon had better get yonr n.. (eitt at once. Jfy.n haven't puid ujm Toll Tax you have till the 1.-t tl.vtf May to yet your receipt if you wni t U vote thi.s fall after thut i1a. von will ru't ho. in it at m!1. resard't-N-- of ci'ov- 'inH refill hfitrrt .ill 1a4 . lii'L, i - . , ... i-umuu j.up ufivu cui iuiu iuk:. x iie juw requires mo to nirnih!i tLo I congratulate the manufacturers i-'trars with a list of all delininents oii f an honest medicino." For I th?rt,tM1,iyiof,ai?y; lo by a. LAlah drsgW ''Jl'f: l'ECK, a,,,,! IF YOU ARE NOT A SUBSCRIBER TO NTHOST A N DA R DN send in your name now. 35 cents a month. o M , -, JtJ m , , ,.JW i ii i . -. i i. ii - .1 --H tuiiiw ,

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