ft m Price: $4.00 per year. ONCORD, JT. CJ. FRIDAY, MAROH, I 1(02 &INGLB f.OPY 5 CEXTS L- s 1 : . " : STITISTICSOFCOURTSBI. . ' What the World's Novels Rpyeal Aboat Mysteries on Which Science Throw Ho Light. T6 a foreign statistician the .world is indebted for some vry interesting data in regard to the most approved methods of courtship in civilized countries. These data were compiled" from declarations of love and the sta ti&ttcan obtained the following figures: Eighty-one of- the 100 men vowed that they could not live" any longer without the adored ones; seventy-two held the ladies' hands in a tight grip; sixty kissed them on the lips, ten on the right hand, two on the tip of the nose, and one on the shoulder; eighteen were so excited that they could hardly speak; twenty six lost their elo quence through certain qualms of conscience; twelve said in deep chest tones, ''Thank God," and eight frankly admitted that they were "inexpressibly happy," By studying the conduct of 100 men whose suits were re jected the statistician obtained the following equally interest ing figures: Forty of them rushed in a frenzy out of the rooni; twenty one said that life hence forth had no value in thier eyes and that they would commit su icide; fourteen became suddenly tonguotied and irrational; six caimly resigned temselves to the inevitable, five avowed their intention of immediately emi grating to America; three tore out some of their hair; two bit their lips till the blood came; one stuck his hands into his trouser pockets and whistled a popular song; and another looked up toward heaven and began to say the Lord's prayer. Of the ladies 87 per cent knew beforehand that the pro posals were about to be made to them. Seventy of them sank as though embarrassed, into the arms of the loved ones, and only four tell gently down on a chair or sofa. Fourteen covered their blush ing faces with their hands; eight threw their arms passion ately around the neck of. the men; two said, "Please speak to mamma;" aad one sneered. One lady, who was fortyyears qjd protested vigoro i sly against giving or receiving m kiss; an other, wh)wo of' about Jho same age, said, "Yes, ou in?y ktfss me, but ymi must go atout it in a gentlemanly manner." Such, then, are' some of trie ways in which proposals are made and received. The study is an interesting o5b in several ways, and should prove & peically instructive to hum -jl.ers of the fair sex. London Express. FELL V HIS DfcATlJ. . A Flajman n the Seaboard Air Line Cat to Fleces at Kockinbanv ' Rockingham, March 6. This evening about 5 o'clock a flag man on a through 'freight from Raleigh was killed near the depot at this place and his body was dragged about 300 yards and badly mangled. His head was entirely torn up, leaving nothing but a' little of his face showing his nose and. mouth. He was a well-dressed trainman, weighing about 150 pounds, and appar ently was 30 years old. On his person was found a watch, knifo and a purse containing about $2.00 and a card stating there on: "I am insured by the Standard Insurance Company, B B Thomas, Atlanta, Ga." He worked from Raleigh and ran to Monroe. No one here knows the dead man and the Seaboard Air Line agent at this place, Mr. R. F. Braer, has turned the body over to Mr. H. C. Watson, undertaker, to be cared for, and as soon as he can find out where his home is- he will ship the body to his people. It is thought he was walkiug the running cars and fell between ! them. Dr. Jolinn's Improvements Dr. D D Johnson's front, when the painting is c6mpleted, will be light, airy and - bright almost to make one forget to have his prescription filled. Those plate glass are among our prettiest in town. They are four feet two inches by seven feet ten inches. The cost is about $45 each. The doctor is to be congratulated on an enlarged and beautified busi ness stand. Rev. J. A. II. Trj in Asherille. Rev. JAB Fry, of Concord, is here for the purpose of hold ing a protracted meeting which will last until next Sunday in the Haywood street Methodist church. There were several conversions at Monday's meet ing and the house was well filled. The services begin each evening at 8 o'clock. Ashevillo Gazsttc. Corpse Entitled to Uaffifagre. The Birmingham, N. Y., Dis patch says it has been decided by a meeting of General Traffic Managerstbat a corpo for which a full fare is charged is entitled to the same amount of baggage that a living peison pa.yingfare is entitled. The conclusion was arrived at without a lawsuit thrertened. Surgeon's Knife 4'ot'Needcd. ft Surgery is no longer neonsary to ?ure piles. DoV7tt Wife IJazel Salve cuies such cases at once, removirg the necessity for dangerous, paOful and expen sive operations. For scalds, cuts, burns, wounds, bruises,sores and skin diseases 0 is unequalled. Beware of counterfeits. Gib son Drug Store. - . dr. j. c. cThalmers dead. In Hit 41st Yeaf-Tfife and Six Chil dren SorylT Him. Rev. John T Chalmers, D. D., pastor of the First Associate Reformed Presbyterian church of Charlotte, died Thursday afternoon. - He had been in de clining health two years and the end was clearly indicated. Dr. Chalmers was compara tively young, being in his 41st year. A wife and six crildren survive him, . . ; He was buried today (Friday) at 4 o'clock from the First A. R. P. church. . Dr. Chalmers was held in high esteem in Gharlotte and made a brilliant record from his college days up. Miss Roosevelt to Viwlt Culm. Miss Alice Roosevelt, whoso experience in society and tiavel are already beyond the ordinary, even for" a daughter of the Presi dent of the United Statos, has accepted an invitation to visit for several weeks the gov.ornor general of Cuba ana Mrs. Leon ard Wood at the governor's pal ace hi Havana. Miss Roosevelt will leave for Cuba next Sunday, accompanied by a maid and chaperoned by Mrs. Harriet Blaine Beale, who is also to be a guest of Gon. and Mrs. Wood. As in the case of her proposed trip to London, the Cuban visit is of an unofficial character, but will necessarily lead to much en tertaining in honor of the daugh ter of the President. Washing ton Special to Baltimore Sun. Th Star oi Journalism'Gocs Westward. Westward the star of journal ism takes its way. Then years ago Massachussetts claimed the highest general intelligence of all of the States becauso within its border were the greatest number of newspapers in pro portion to the population. Now comes the United States census and shows a quite remarkable change in the last decade. The centre of intelligence on the newspaper basis has moved be yond the Mississippi River. Iowa "now holds the place that Massachusetts held ten years ago. and leads the States with the Vargest number of news papers in proportion to the ntimb.er of its inhabitants. The census gives 23,916 as the present number of printing establish-. ments in the country, a gam of J.QM slr.co I't'"). Church Paper. Mine Explosion Kills Fire $eu. A mine explosion near Monon gahela, Pa., occurred on the Gth by which five men were killed ind several very seriously wounded. mm OPPORTUNITY Iff I Ml! No better season than the present to secure the neces sities of life or to satisfy fashions demands. Our shelves "and counters are . heavy . with the new spring goods. . Just now the selection is better than it will be in three weeks. Directly after returning from New York we have a great many real bargains and of course the best goes first. Our bargains consist of a high grade material at a reasonable price less than sold elsewhere. He who pays too much for a good thing loses some thing, lie who pays little for trash loses ten times as much, for she or he has lit tle at the beginning or end, Satisfaction goes free with everything we sell and a visit to this store now will prove to you our claim in advantage, treatment and money saving prices. (Something will be doing next week watch this pa per tomorrow and get wise. m B a m m m a m m m m m m w m m KM B V w a m M 8 m IS 18 m N N M m i m w m m M M R 21IXIllIIIIIflI121IIfX2I113fflI2?II3211II3311IfI21i Tiii-,, , gr1 1 AS n - HANCE Unless Providential interferance in your favor next Saturday, March 8th, will be the las chance for you to buy goods at From The Bell & Harris Furniture Co. At The Old Stand. Tsii't it fun let everybody come and buy and be happy All kinds of Furniture and Musical- Instruments. He member 2 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. ., . liespectfully, Bell Sc Harris Furniture Co. Subscribe lor the Standard. An Hottest Medicine for La Grippe. George W Waitt, of South Gardiner, Me., says: "I have had the worst coui, cold chills ajd grip and token lots of trash of no account but to the vendor. Chamberlain's Cou.h Remedy is the only thing tfiat has done any good whatever, i have used ono bott1' of it ;md the chill, cold and grip have all leftmV. I congratulate themanuf;icturt:rs of an honest medicine' For sale by M. L Marsh druggist. I will levy on ivll real e tate in th county on wbicb the taxes iinv" not been paid on MarcU 20. it you htm'f laid your i'ix and don't want to le ad vertm'd you Jind bttt(.r f.u:i yo-.ir re cciot at once. If you haven't paid ; onr Poll Tax you have till the 1-t day of May to tret your receipt if you vaLt to ote this fad after that day veil will UK,t lo ia il ui rt'cii u.th . uf ti,or. The luW require me to furnish the h'e:-i-trars w.tli a list of all du4tuqut.iits on the first d of Ulay. , This March 1, V.Ht, 3-1-1 w. .7. L. PECK, 8! eritr. F YOU ARE NOT A SUBSCRIBER TO' THE STANDARDS send in your name now. 35 cents a mo:.tii.

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