o Q . 2 -I ff ' " " - - M a -Single copy 5 cents. Prick: $4.00 per year. . ON.COKD. N. CJ. SATURDAY, MARCH, 8 VH02 MtiAJltiKS CUlil.ilii,. WRECK O.N SOUTHERS TACIFIC. ' FIVE HOUSES CATCH FIRE. So Great Hmag The Value of the , Chemical Engine. The lccal fire companies were called out yesterday afternoon about 5 o'clock by a tire, or, rather, several fires, on Eighth street, between Davidson and Al exander strests. Three houses were on fire and two more caught, -but owing to the quick work of the firemen in handling the chemical engine and the large hose all the fires were soon extinguished. Three of the houses suffered very 'little from the flames, while the other two were almost ruined, the roofs being burnt off. It is understood that all th houses were insured. Four of the houses belonged to Mr. W. J. He.nnon and the other one William Robertson, a colored man. All were occupied. The fire originated in the kitchen of the house occupied by Alexander McLean which was almost wholly destrojed. The value of the chemical engine wS again shown last evening. It extinguished the fire of the houses which caught last night -before they got started good in their work of destruction. Charlotte Observer of 8th. I1ESKY SEAMOSE DEAD. rneumodia Euds His Life lu Comity Jail Had Nearly a Fear to Serve Yet. Hnry Seamone, "nho was on the 'cham gang but took pneu monia and was -brought to jail several days ago'died there Fri day night. He had nearly one year jet to serve on the road to xpiate his crime. Railway Holds Mr. Lee Responsible. From the Durham Herald we see that Mr. Leo, the ticket agent, -nho was andbagged and the kays taken from him, by which the antiquated safe was robbad of '$149.08, is held re sponsible by "the railroad com pmy. It seems . that agent Dusenbery had orderd. Ur. Lee to place all moneys, with tLe cashier to be locked in the large combination safe except as much as $20 in change. This is the railroad's hold 011 him while Mr. Lee claims he did all he could to Uold on to and defend the ky, Jbut thahis responsibility ceviflod wrlon heras knocked senseless p,ud that he wtlt not pay true loss. "Hie railroad company will prob ably sue the surety cgrapaiiy tlit gave bond . An H&cst Mtdulne for La UHppe. Georj W W-ftltt, af Sottlh Gifrdiiftr, Me.f says: '1 hLo had the w. cough, clJiifts ami griy and taken lots"of trash Chamberlain's.' Cotn Reajvdy' is the only thj,' that has cine any good whatever. I have usifiil one bottl of it and the Chills? cold and grip have all le( r&i. I congratulate the (Manufacturers of an Oonest medicSfc.'" For sale by M. L Marsh druggist. Fifteen People Killed; Twenty-Eisht Injured-Broken Rail at Curve the Cause. A broken rail on the Southern Pacific Railway, near Maxton station 25 miles west of Sander son, Texas, caused a wreck of the passenger .train at 3 a. m., Friday morning, the 7th, in which fifteen people were killed and twenty-eight were more or less injured. The train ws making a high speed and the broken rail caused parts of the train to leap 75 feet and the cars tumbled on eaoh other and took fire. The sleepers and the pri vate car of Thomas Ryan wero saved from damage. Klueppelberff-Herue. Mr. H. A Klueppelberg of this city,' and Miss Maymie Louise Hearne daughter of Mr. and Mrs. SH Hearne of Albemarle, will be married March 19th at the home of the bride-elects' parents. Mr. Klueppelberg is the general manager of the wholesale grocery firm of J A Durham & Co. The bride-to-be was a student at Elizabeth Col lege 1898-1)9 and has many friends here. Charlotte News of 7th. rrof. T.E. Wright's Foot Amputated. Prof. P E Wright, of China Grove, underwent an operation yesterday and his right foot was amputated just above the ankle. Drs. J E Stokes and Herman Heilig, of Salisbury, assisted by Dr. G A Ramseur, of China Grove, performed th operation, which was entirely successful. Salisbury Sun of 7th. A Young White Woman Assaulted and Murdered. Newport News, Va., March 7. -A special td The'Daily Press says & negro notified the coroner at .Front Royal, Va., of the find- ing otthe body of a young.whilo j woman in a lonelv spot in the woods near there TUe verdict of tho jury was that the woman had -been first assaulted and then shot to death. The body -bad been mutilated by anhnals. It was identified as that of Miss Lou Wise, of Sa - lome, Fauvuir county; , Criy Casoio Come Up Th Cropsy ase seems to havebeen lost sight of to a ret ; Extent Court eXMivqnes fa Eli-: afceth City in Mafch 101b, at whichtirrfe the grand jury will pass upo. a bill cLeting Wileo:: pass upo. witfi te crime. If a true bill be fomd "WO are informed that a mofou will oe made to remove the case to anotljer county fo w m trial. It!if been suggested that .BcaufoTJ v0ty4, b preferred. 1 f L ,IT , . A e the schedules have betu Te- ashington Progress. a f : sumed. Even the Western road Subscribe for the Standard, strains are running through. One (Joes Down Two Uvea Losr. t A London dispatch of the 7th says the steamer Waesjand, of the American line from Liver pool to Philadelphia, struck the British steamship yacht Harmon ides, which sank, but the Weasand took all on board save one man and a little girl who were drowned by some means. There was no panic or disorder. Massaolimetts Taxes Cats. Massachusetts has sprung an other innovation by passing a law imposing a license tax of 50 cents on -cats. It has been an almost universal custom in this country to.taxdogs, but for some reason the cat has not been made a source of revenue. And yet there is no special reason why it should not be. As a disturber of the peace the cat is certainly the equal of the dog, aud it causes quite as much trouble to tho humane by gutting into trouble rnd cajling for help. The Massachusetts system is liable to become popular. India napolis State Journal. Jftw Ticket Agent at Durham. M B Hartsell is the new ticket agent for the Southern road. Ho reached hero yesterday and entered upon his dutios at once. Mr. Hartsell came here from Concord and has had consider able experience in railroading Ho has a warm welcome by all of our people, who are glad to welcome him to the city. Morning Herald. Inoculation to Destroy Rats. Lisbon has been suffering from a pest of rats, for which the general antidote of cats, traps and poison proved abortive. As a last resource bacilli wero employed, and tho municipal, doctors- wero com- missioned to inoculate some rats witn an infectious disease. A suitable virus harmless to mm, was fouiid, a few rats captured and inoculted, and then released. I Tho cxperi-nent.proved a great ; successor the. bacillus .rapidly i.spread and the rats died with ! wonderful rapidity, so that in a ' very short time the city was freed from the rodents. It Is now prosposed to clear vessels ' from rats in hd same way. 'ScifcintiilcyYmeriran. Wnjstn-fca'em DayH 'hanged. Yf inston-Salem Day at the Chartciton Imposition lfas rieen fu-sl-iv Anriliexpectoriuut, whih jrives only ; changed frcn - ' 8lh, to Friday, tho 11th Trains Iluuiinig Througrf Agnin. A WaSbingtoii dijatoii of the Ttli c'ic- tTir Sn'itliflrn tint: ro. . Opening i The New Goods are Here. I They have been placed H5 ner that reminds one of Everybody cannot purcJiase and have made, their J Easter Dresses at one time. Besides the one that JJ comes last does not get a selection of the best pat- w terns and styles. Tuesday will start the ball and jjj next week will mark extraordinary selling of fine w goods at a reasonable price. ! Special Offering in Kid Gloves. Ladies' KM Gloves with cussi-t in tiuueis itutl iu white, black uud the Euster (-hades. This clove was impi)rtod to retail for P.rc to 1 00 but w liave a special price to long as this lotlattp, per pair 69c 0000 HM H m R m THE O HUMAN T A is our brand Hit U. lilf for a tine glove, We haye jubt re ceived ttio new coloifH 1.00. o o o o AVash Silks. 300 ytrda of Wnh silks in tripes, hpcial price, ier yard, 25c. 0000. Plaiii Taffetas. In the popular shades, pood quaJity, would be ehcap at 73 our epeeial price 69c. 0000 Fabrick Gloves in grey, white and black nt 25 and 48c. OOOO Special OfferingGin White Madras. One lot of White Madras and T K in remnants of 2 to 10 yrd lDeths, real value 23o yard, our special opening price 12 l-2c. Linon Towels. 100 Linon Towels, fringe and hemmed, large size, big yaln nt 2 ctfe 'luesdav only, three towels (0C Bleached Domestic. HH Domestic remnants, yard wide, HH no utarth, limited quantity, per hm yrd HH. OC. f HH I Hit HH HM If You Don't Get Here Tuesday You May Be Sorry! E t HH HH SH. L. Parhs - CouM Not'lJreathe. Coughs, colds, croup, grippo, bronchitis indother throat and lung troubles are quickly cured by. One Minute Oouirh Cure. One Minute Uoutfh (Juro 1 npt a mwe . . . . 1 1: r. . .1 temporary reiiei. xl sunyiib uuu li(jtiities tUe mucous, driws out the inllamation and removes tho cause ot the disease. Absolutely safe. Acts at once 'On Minute Cough Cure wji do all that 1 claimed ftw it,'" say t Ju?tiie f tho PeMm J Q Mood, Crosby, Miss. My wife could uot get her breath , and wjy relfoved by the first dbe.f. It has been a benetit 1 f all iny family." Gibson Drug Store. XTRflORDlNAR Tuesday. t MM and arranged in a man- S springtime and Easter, wj MM B Vlbatrdss, 1 m 28 inches wide, in white, blue 1 iul m black, extra rulne H HM HM HM HM HM 0000 Wool Challies. M HM They make a beautiful dns t and the patterns ai eiiti elv iu w HM r f" HM Z- ( J n HM OOOO HM Utt 4-;.,.,.., HM iuvuiij , iiimiii;.''!, m HM MM 18 inches wide, d;rrt inn'tntions mm of the 50o wool flantitlH, iti a Wyo ttM range of patterns, per yard Jj 15c. B OOOO HM Windsor. Perca1, g HM 38 inches wide, none b ttr ma.' HM sold everywhere nt 12jr v (iie !3 1 000 yards iu licnt md di-rk col- S ors, Ti s a only Hi 71-5 .Or 22 HM HM HM HM HM 000 o ,Iap, Silk, MM 2S irehea wide, extra quality, in j whiti, black and colors, ner ynrd HM 50c. S o 000 u Dress Trimmings. nil HM Ml Here you will find a Urreshow- sM HH m 8 m HM HM HM HM HH HM HM HM MM HH ing of antiques, b' aide, lac , er , JjJJ at popular pi ices OOO O HM HM HM HM HM A. F. C. Ginghams HM MM in waist and dren pattfrrp, ftut m colors, large select on of patterns, HM 10c. 3 MM . m u HM H' H XM a HM HH HH : HH Hi HH XT . . i I ) 1 . i ewnoiT 1)01 ts The nw 8)rinr 1! 'ts ore hero in Tat. Leather, Sut, tacked aud Velyet bargain", 25c. HM ItM n HM M M Hi MM HM HM k Company 3 HM Headache often results fmm a disordered couiition of the stomach and constipatiot. of tho bowels. A dose or two of Chamberlain's Stomnch ;uid ill Correct t bp- e disorders and cure thold.' h hold oy ai. u. iMarsn, urunuis Dr W: H.-Wakefield, CIIARLOTTF, N. C,, jimitsliis practice to diseases t Eye, tar, Nose and Throat. The Doctor will bo in Concord at tho St. Cloud ou Thursday, March i'7th. IS EMBROIDERIES