ifta A : C 4 rf? ' ' , . Price $4.00 per year. MRS. D. M. RITCHIE. DEAD. . Stricken With Jaundies and Dies of. Congrestlye Chill nas Nearly 67 Years Old-Commnnitj in Sorrir. Mrs. D M Ritchie died at her home on. South Uniori street I Sunday night at 1 o'clock. She j had' been quite 111 for .several days of jaundice but rested well' Saturday night and seemed bet ter. At 11 o.'clock Sunday she took a congestive chill and passed into unconsciousness or mauuity w bp auu uuuu i i : i a i .1 J . so till she breathed her last. Mrs. Ritchie's maiden name was Miss Tryphena Miller. She was born June 14th, 1835, and was therefore nearing her 67th birthday. She was married in 1855. In June, 18SG, she was bereft of her j ms wag marked up ft hulo less husband by a stroke of lightning ' sevorely During preaching and left lo rear a family of child- j tlcre was a break out of the war ren, a task at which few succeed and the missiles even crashed so well. ' I through the church windows and Mrs. Ritchie was not reared shook up the faith of the wor amid advantages' that many on- j shippers, who hastened to seek joy but was fond of reading andafuty outsido of Lhe sanctuary, possessed a good logical mindj Tho sheriff's force is looking af- 1 i ii fit i T UUU LU llUi. V AKAkl J . IllUUUUOO LA LI V4 good will. To know her well was to become endeared to her. The circle of hor warm frhnds about her bear a burden of deep sadness at their own loss of a very dear friend as well as that of sympathetic grief for the two sons especially, for whom she made a pleasant home, was in herself a homft. It is especially sad that when alarming symptoms set in on Sunday all efforts to reach her sons and daughters away by telegraph or telephone were un availing and the first news to reach them was the saddest pos sibla. The remains were taken to Richfield today on No. 30 .and will be kept tonight in the home of Mr. J D Earnhardt and will be buried tomorrow at Wesley Chapel M. E. church, of which she was a faithful and worthy member. Her surviving children in the order of their ages are Wm. A, Jno. A and Charles P RLchie, Mrs. D A Rogers, Mrs. J D Earnhardt and Mec L, Walter P and Mumpford F Ritchie. The pall bearers here were D J Bostian, A S Dayyault, M J Freeman, Frank Brown, J M Reeves, B D Graham. A beautiful Easter Display. Fetzer's Drug Store is making quite a beautiful display in their window, appropriate to the Easter Season. Mr. Jones is the Artist. Be sure to look in as you go by. They also sell Gold Fish and Aquariums, Fish Food etc. And for Bridal and Birth Day presents Fetzer's Drug Store is always headquarters in Cut Glass, Wedge wood Ware, Ornamental Lamps and Fiuo Decc .lcd China. " . DEATH FROM SIvIALLPOT. : X Daughter ct Mr. G II Weddington Died Testerday From it. a W year old daughter of Mr. G fi Weddmgton,-- of China GroV6 died ofsmallpox yester. ind was Juried today. Mr. Wed. dingtons family has been soreiy m-mtpA with smallnox and- tho death of his young , daughter i evokes the heartiest sympathy. This is the first death to re sult from smallpox at China Grove Salisbu gun q Sllrer mil Has a Sundaj War. Some of the colored population at Silver Hill got in belligerent mood Sunday and went to carv ing up each other. Cicero Ellis, we believe, is toating around some usrlv razor marks. Sam LU1 LliU llJUitLyl. UUU Will r M. J kwkj j effect an armistice. Iter Smoot Nlijrhtlj Improved. Dr. J E Smoot camo up from Concord yesterday morning and spent the day here with his father, Rev. J F Smoot. The latter has never ontirely re covered from a recent attack of grip, though he is slightly im proved. Salisbury Sun of 8th. Caught by a Belt, Yesterday . Louise, the little daughter of Mr; and Mrs. L J Ingram; came very near losing her life. She wag at her broth er's laundry and somehow got her arm caught in the belting. She was carried several feet and but for the quick work in stop ping the machinery would have been hurled to instant death. As it was her right arm was badly mashed and the left one was bruised considerably. Her in juries are very painful, though not necossarily fatal. High Point special of 8th to Charlotte I Observer. Married 0 years last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Black welder who live near Patterson Mill tfere married 50 years ago Sunday. They called together thctfr children and grand chihlren today (Monday) to enjoy a real reunion and feast tlay. It is nelless to say'that tho old peo plS were not allowed to furnish lhe whole feast. All contributed pleasant features and a genuinely good social occasion was en joyed. m .- - w Rural Dehyery of Mail, April lit!? Post Master Geo. L- Patterson authorizes us to( say that the four rural delivery routes will go iato operation, on tho first of j April. ' $ j CONCORD. N. i). MONDAY, MARCH, Notes From Western Cabarrus. ' No.X March 10, iat)2.a Mr. J M Bradford, of the St. John's school, visited the neighborhood last Saturday. 1 Rev. J FPharr will preach his farewell sermon to the Gil wood congregation next Sunday j t He has been an earnest worker i , .. among us.for:tpiito a while, and the people "regret , to 1 loose this good man. ; ' , 1 Rev. Mr. Crowder preached an excellent; sermon at Shiloh M. E. church last Sunday. He's a new worker among us; and his able efforts are appreciated. The people of our community that have boen skeptics on the 'Ground Hog" theory are about convinced that he beats the weather stations as he makes his forecasts for six weeks instead of a few days. Cottou has gone way up and our farmers will take advantage of the rise just as soon as they can raiso some of the iieecy staple. Our people are talking ban. is, now. Not national ones but the old kind made of dirt. Small pox and corn are both a scarce article in this community. Mrs. M A Emerson, of Erskine, visited in Tuliu last week. Residenteu. (jioou t'onditiou in Gaston. The absence of mortgage sales in our columns indicates that tho farmers in Gaston county are in a good financial condition not withstanding the short crops. But few farmers cover their crops now with mortgages for supplies to run on during the summer. Gastonia News. Iter. Mr. Miller to be Installed on 23rd. Rev. VT H Hiller will be in stalled, according to the rites of the E. L. church, as pastor of Sf. James church on Sunday, the 23rd inst. The president of Synod, Rev. C B Miller, and Rev. L E Busby, D. D., will officiate. After looking at the thing from all sides we have to confess fess that we cannot understand why it is that no man is willing to make a try at the chief justiceship. It cannot be bo cause they do not want it, and we cannot believe they had rather see Judge Clark honored with it than have it themselves. Durham Herald. . i Mrs. Hay ward. Lynah of Savannah, Ga., has in her possession the missile that killed Count iJuictsKi at ine siege of Savannah. Contrary to tho general understanding, it is not a bullet, but an iron gmpeshot. morfc than an inch in diameter. Indianapolis S - a t i nel. 'iRest is the sweet sauce that is disligd up only in connection with hard labor." 10 lf02 W i i i i-Hk a r-M x Vi n. L. rAnrvo : SPECI SALE ' ' ' ' They have been placed and arranged in a man ner that reminds one of springtime and Easter. Everybody cannot purchase and have made, their Easter Dresses at one time. Besides the one that fcomes last does not get a selection of the best pat terns and styles. Tuesday will start the ball and next week will mark extraordinary selling of fine goods at a reasonable price. Special Offering in Kid Gloves. Ladies' Kid Gloves ith jrnsset In in fingers and in white, black aad tbe Easter Bhadee. ThiB glove M was imported to retail for 85o to W 1 00 but we liave a special price eo long as this lot att, per pair HH 69c J o o o o K TIIE OKItMANTA is our brand 1 for a fine j?love, We Imye jiihtro- jJJI coivedtho new colors, $1.00. o o o o Wash Silks. 800 yards of Wifch silks in tripes, social price, per yard, 25c. o o o o ' Plain-Taffetas. !9 In the popular shades, pood quality, would be cheap at 75c, nH our special price 69c. o o o o Fabrick Gloves in grey, white and black at 8"5 and 48c. o o o o Special OfferingOin - White Madras. une lot or wmte Maaras ana r K in remnants of 3 to 10 yrd lnths, real value 35o yard, our special opening prioe 12 l-2c. 1 Linon 100 Linon Towels, fringe and hemmed, large size, big yalue at 2r cts- w Tuesday only, thre towels 50C Bleached Domestic. m Domestic remnants, yard wid, m The new sprine Brf re here mj no starch, linitd quantity, per mm in Pat. Leather, Sat. t it ked and JH yard 22 Velvet-bargains, $ 1 5c. S 25c. S 2a mh MM 88 If You Don't Get Here Tuesday You May Be Sorry! w HH MH .E H. L. Parhs S3 Could Not Iireathe. Coughs, colds, croup, grippe, bronchitis and other throat and lung troubles are quickly cured by One Minute Cough Curo. One Minute Cough Curo is not a move 4xrfctorant. which gives only temporary relief. It softens and ' liciuihes tho" mucous, draws oui the inllamatiou and removes the cause of tho disease. Absolutely snfo. Acts at once '-One Minute Roil! BARGAINS claimed for it," says Jufticlimits his practice to di,.v the 1'eaco J uood, urosuy, ! Miss. "My wife could not get her j brp.ith and was relieved by thci firstdose. Ithasbeeaabon,Ht!tho s (Uou lu all my family." Gibson Drug j store. Single nop, y ' 3 cents ft x- x-v n n.r-! n & OvJlvii Y. S U TO- Albatross, 28 inches wide, in white, bhio nnd jj black, extra value. jjj HH HH HH HH HH HH HH o o o o Wool Challics. They make' a beautiful .!rfss jut and tbe patterns uie entuelv now M . CDC. O O o Urr Y .. i I,. HH t 18 incbos wide, (bft im i "i -;i9 of tho 50o wo.J flan u. lrt, v l r; c MH range of pat teriiF, per van I JJJj 1 HH HH O O O mt Windsor PeivrJ, US HH , . H HO inches wide, nm e i. iu r nn ", H S'llil everywhere at 12$ t I v JJH 1 000 yards in IL't.r. u i durk ci.l- ,J ors, Tuesday onlv W4 7 O HH HH HH HH HH : m HH i!H m m MH O O O i) Jap, Silk, HH m HH HH MH HH MH IIM HH HH 3 liicneM wiur, fiia piaitr,iu whit', black aud eolorn. er yard W 50c. S It HH HH 8 o o o o Dress Trimmings. MW MH NH HH HH mm H mm Here you wiJl find a larce phow. HH HH in r of apliqueH, braids, lace, etc., HH at popular pi ices. HH O O O O m HH A V P,. f-rinfrlinma HH x . v uiufjuamo MM HH HJJ jn wftjBt and dres patterns, fast jjjj colors, large selection of patterns, HH HH . m HH H S Towels. HH HH Newport Belts HH M Ml MH U Company Headache often re:uft from i disordered condition of the stomach and coustipation of tho bowels. A dose or two of Chamberlain's Stomach ;vutl Liver Tablets will correct thero disorders and cue the he;id; he. Sold by il. L.' Marsh, urugi:it. Dr W. H. Wakefield,' CHARLOTTE, X. C, of Fye, liar, Noe ar,JT''r:vd. The Doctor will bo in Cont urd .tt cl on T j March J th. MORROW IS

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