fit 0 o Ply Standard. JOHN D. BARRlfig, iJkor aniJfcPropiic)r. xJhPropritpr - Ife ORItlS BUILDIStt. r FHTE3 Of Subscription. $4.00 2.00 l.OOrf ,35c . TIEtSTANDARD ;is published everyday Stindav ettepted and delivered by carriers, m One year Six montls jThree months . Oue nvyftth ' ThejWeeklyoStandard is 4n 8-column 4-pafi;e aaper. It has a larger Circulation in Cabarrus '"itu any other paper. Price $ i a year in advance. Terms for regular advertisements made known oti application. Address all communications to JIIE STANDARD, Concord,' 3. C. TELEPHONE NO. 71- Concord, N. C, March 10. 1902. We see it announced that Hon. Thomas Skinner (not Harry) ad vocates Judge Hoka for United States Senator to succeed Senator Pritchard. Pity there's, just a little impediment n the way of Judge Hoke for Chief Justice. Wonder if that Is essential to his dedication? Pretty Souvenirs. A Uoy TisHr in Raleigh. One of the many interesting pr. ttungar?, exhibits at th QharfestoiIix- spGnf a dfly itf th "city ol Ral position ilpcated in the treas- efghastWeek. Ho is a Corn ury department of the United! mftrcial Commissioner antl is making Staes. a tour He left of the .United Raleigh for States Government exhibit, inJ the Colonatle, on the we$t cf the Cotton Palace. It Is Chajleston to attend the xpo coining press from the United isitioii. . . States mint and is daily operated in striking the offiical me'dal the South Carolina Inter-State and West Indian Exposition. The press is a highly finished machine, run ; by an electric motor .at a speed of nicety revolutions per minute, each 6 it Years m Bed. .i oi l "Will wonders ever cease?" inquire the mends 1 Mis. L. We all reproach ourselves, for Sounders that make us the veriest fools in our own eyes and probably more so. in the eyes of others, but one of the most un seemly blunders we have noted as that in the Governor of Flor ida who, when filling out a war cant to the sheriff to hang ane- gro culprit, inserted the name of zi Methodist minister, one of the most respected and beloved men of the town of Palaska. About! as strange as the act too is the Governor's failure to make due apology. Man is fearfully and "wonderfully made. Pease, of Lawrenoo Kan, They knew she had been unable to leave her bed in seven ears on account ' of kidney and liver trouble, nervous prostration and general debility but, . "Three bottles of Electric Bitters enabled mo to wnllr." sho writes. revolution stamping a medal , and in three months I felt like u which is the size of a twenty, person." .Women suffering dollar -gold piece. The design ; NerVousness, Sleeplessness, represents the figure of Liberty! Melancholy, Fainting and Dizzy standing en t!:e globe; emblems!11.8 ' find g priceless i blessing. Try it. Satisfaction of trade and commerco are; is guaranteed. Fetzer's Druj Concord's CKeap Store..-. Gents typified by a railway train and rice field; ships and a light house are se'en in the harbor. The reverse is covered with a well-defined inscription of the Exposition; a wreath suggests the staple products of the State cotton and corn. The medal is I a very attractive piece of metal work and is for sale where it is stamped, and is readily exchanged for a quarter of the current coin of the United States. As a souvenir of the Exposition this beautiful medal is one of the nicest mementoes that visitors can take away with them to re mind them of the magnificent Governm ant exhibit at this Exposition. Store. fcTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT 3 Professional' 1 Palmist Tells the Past, Present and Future. HOURS FROM 8:00 a. m. to 11:30 p. m. Practically Starving. "After usinsr a few bottles of ground hog winter and it is to Kodol Dyspepsia Cure my wife Next Sunday we shall end the MME ELRADO makes a spec ialty of giving advice con cerning your health, how to keep it and bow. to preserve yourself against fu'ure sickness, She has made a study of the effect of ones consiition upon the lices in the hand. Advice in all matters of love and business. Gives good luck to all and teaches you how to live happily No. 7 Litaker Building. Silk Embroidered Prioe, Soo. ox at 10c No. 26 South Union St. H2. dT. ISDrS"IE-SL'. uiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiuuiiiiiiiu be hoped we shall have no more of his weather pranks. The j-lly robbin has put in his'appearanco to counteract the last week of ground hog weather ana we hail his red breast with genuine de light. May his tribe ever in crease. .The shid frog fills the night air with promise of good mating. The' next thing in order will be a scrum by which we can inoculate against spring fever and spring poetry till the whip porwill pulls us over the period of e'nnui and peusiyo inactivity when perspiration shall flow like rivers again to the joy of ice cream and soft drink venders. received perfect and permanent relief from a severe and chronic case of stomach trouble," says J R Holly, real estate, insurance and loan agent, of Macomb, 111. "Before using Kodol Dyspepsia Cure .she could- not eat an ordi nary meal without intense suffer ing. She is now entirely cured. Several physicians and many' remedies had failed to give re lief." You don't have to diet. Eat any good food you want, but don't overload the stomach. Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure will alwavs digest what you eat.- Gibson Drug Store. n7 r r Digests what you Eat Pyspspsisi (Ston-e Ivinton Hotel Burned. The Commercial Hotel at Kin ston was destroyed by fire Satur day night. It w.s the second largest hotel in Kinston. It has seemed strange to one of our liaiitcd inskjal to tho cot ton irndo thst hc, sir, pie. has stayed so long below ton cents. Now Europe has waived up to the iact that she wants moro cot Ion than American manufact urers are going to spare. It is "most probable that from this on cotton will sell at much 'better prices. It is rather a study any how that the supply seems too hort for all mills to rim on full time and cotton goods stav stub- borrily low except as the spin-' Kiers meet aud force the prices' ip thglittlo that it will bear. would seemather rauJi Hkfr the world already has enough cotton manufactories and that as they continue to be built faster thaqu the population demands the less titted must drop out and . the fit- "test survive. There is something ' store. anomalous about the cotton trade, free. An Honest Medicine for I.a (Jrippe. George W Waitt, of South Gardiner, Me., says: "I have had the worst cough, cold chills and. grip and taken lots of trash of no account but to the vondor. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the only thing that has done any good whatever. I have used one bottle of it and. the chills, cold and grip have all left' mo. I congratulate the Manufacturers of an honest medicine.'' For sale by M. L Marsh druggist. Tlitrriuce Doctored. v It is now Prince Henry, L. L. D., Harvard having bestowed i thetitleon lastThursday, theOth. Mrs. C E VanDeusen, of T.r:i i TTTf . . jt jivuuourn, wis., was amicted 1 with stnma.p.h trnnhla anrl nnn. V W11 stipation for a long time, She says, "I have tried many pre parations but none have done me the Jjood that 'Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets have." These Tablets are for sale at M. L. Marsh's drn& Price, 25 cents. Samples When the stomach Is diseased all the other organs suffer, hence fatal diseases of the heart, liver, lungs and kidneys are often the result of improper digestion. Kodol DTsrersiA Curb contains all the natural digestive fluids and by digesting what you eat, it cures the Indiges tion without aid from the stomach, allowing it to rest and regain its healthy condition and perraittingyou to eat all the good food you want, My rest is often disturbed at night by irregular heart action which I believe Is on account of my stomach being overloaded with undi gested food. I keep a bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Curb nearby and a small dose always gives me instant relief. Ed. Thomas, Leitchfield.Ky." If onitft help hut do yois good Prepared by E. 0. DcWltt & Co., Chicago. The 1. bottle contains ZYt times the 50c. size. The favorito household remedy'for coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, gripped throat and lung troubles is ONE Rl I HUTE Cough Cure It cures quickly.- Gib-on Drug Store. TkelSouthern Selling Tickets to Charles ton at Special Rates. The Southern Railway has put tickets on sale for the Char leston Exposition. The round trip rate from Concord for sea son tickets is $11.05. The 10 day tickets on sale daily are $8.10. Tickets on sale on Tuesdays and Thursday, 7 day return limit are $3.80 Twenty-Five Pieces For 25c. We will, until further notice, Laundry 25 pieces, such as Pil low Cases, Sheets, Towels, Nap kins and Handerchiefs, for 25c. Not more than 8 sheets to be in each lot. Table Cloths and Spreads in with tho above will bo 5 and 10c each. No starch will be put in any of the mentioned. Wo are yours to please, Concord Steam Laundry. N CE . Unless I rovidential interferance in your furor next . March will be the las chance for yon to buy goods at From The Bel! & Harris Furniture Co! At The Old Stand. Isn't it fun let everybody cutne ami Iniy and be happy. All kinds of Furniture and Musical' Instruments. Ke memb(r 5 p. m. and 7:30 y. m. .Respectfully, Seii & Harris Furniture Co. 0? COIME T30 ill about getting yourself a pair of Spectacles Why study auy longer ? But go to Cbr- rell's and have your eyes tested. Your money bacic if Glasses don't suit. Yours to phfcise, W. C. CORRELL " m Subscribe for The Stand-ard-35-cents. per month- M. L. Brown & Bro LIVERY, FEED A2$D SALE STABLES. Justinear of St. Ulead HofeL Oibuse meet all passenger trains. Otittls of all kindFfur nished promptly and at reason able prices. Horses and mules always on hand for sale. Breed ers of thoroughbred Poland China Hos.