v'4 . . rie: $4.00 per year. 30NC0RD. N, 0. TUESDAY, M"ARCH, 11. 1902 . . SlNGLH COPY 5 CENT. . ffHE TORKE FUUXITURE FACTORY. T A Strell Through It and Sme Notes Made Glantet at the Complete Equip ment and Ipteresting Proceasess. We have cotton factories till thfiy become a matter of course and we do not think it a great thing when a new one' is built, but we Have a furniture factory about two miles from' town that "will, within about two months, be a sight worth going all the way to sees It was our pleasure, recently, to go through this capacious shop that is now putting up bed steads by the hundreds and in which machinery is being added that' will make it one of the very best .furniture plants in the State. The arrangement is a marvel of convenience and machinery does the work . in wonderfully quick time. The larg-e dry kiln is the start ing point and if one is kept in that place for a considerable . time ho will be apt to want to be good when he gets out again. lie wants no'hottei place. The kiln is shut off from the shop by a heavy canvas curtain rolled much like a stago curtain. When lumber is drawn out the first operation is at the cut off saw where one man may cut 10, 000 feet a .day. From the cut off the lumber is wheeled to the automatic feed rip saw which, by the way, is both easy and safe compared with the old way. The buzz planer then gives a true surface to 'each and the planer gauges the thickness. A heavy iron frame -table on ball bearings carries the parts to . be sawed at. both ends at the same time t perfectly true in length and shape." Groovmg and tenoning ma chines and the .boring machine, that cuts a square holo and leaves not a chip about, together with the sanders, make the work ready for the glue machine which spreads the glue more perfectly than any one can do with hand and brush. Then the clamp, that with one pull of the leaver, brings up a Vfhqje bedstead at onc$ mikes ready for tho scroll work to be laid on. In another part oiUhe immensl workshop ve find the scroll sawer lfe 4ays six or eight pieces on aci other and nails them firmly together then Jaysj on nis pattern ana mark; and marks the outlines and with his little brtl saw.4ooking jjpucJlli grand mover's wiieel baait er run- nifW; about as fast, he saws 4 W .f to the miuutest curves. Next comes the carving ma chine with its in strum en ts of many kinds and shapes, witli its 1 I many cutting edges, the discs , measuring about one and one half inches in diameter, but buz- zin at the rae of 8,000 tqvoIu tions per minute. Th.es do the pretty cutting and groving that makes the. leaves the vines, tfie twigs, the drapery, the fruits and the flowers that you see imi tated on stylish furniture. For the costly grades of furni ture the veneering room is inter esting. Oak, poplar or any or dinary wood is overlaid with quartered oak (which is tediously sawed so as to show the grain in its prettiest display). Here again the glue machine is in or der. The writer was impressed with the saw-filing machine and the dowell pin machine, the former clamps the saw and makes a stroke with a file. Then the file lifts, the saw is undamped and moves forward, roclamped and the filo makes another stroke. When tho work is done the ma chine stops. It fools no time aws.y. The dowell pin machine which is in the department for doors and blinds is anew and improved design. Instead of the common rod machine this cuts with two half ciicular knives, mailing the rod and at the samo time cutting a small grove for the escape of crluo when two much gets in the way of the pin. This machine, too, cuts the pins off with a neat shape at Doth ends. A complete system of pipes, connected with two large suction fans carries tho little chips, shaving and sawdust from every part of the shop to the furnace room where it is used as fuel. All about, you find little mouths of this' pipe system extending near the floor. You sweep the litter to thase and in a jiffy it is gone. By a peculiar device, into which we did not get to look, the draught of air and the shavings are separated so that the shav ings are dropped gently down without being bldwn about. By an elevated, prang way the furniture is taken to the large two story finishing and storage building whers the stainer. and varnisher puts on the finishing touches. Superintendent B&tes wefcrund a very agreeable and interesting character hc knoivs the bui ness. His drawjng of original designs are very striking1 fori i thpi'p Rvmrnptripal hoautv and aroused in us-the utmost legiti- j mat nvy. He is thoroughly in t love with thfc business and takes plt arcfin explaining new and iuiprovtftf Revises.' Tho writer takfe this opportunity of extend ing sincere thanks for courtesies shown. HeadacjQp often results from a dislereu Condition of the stomach and constipation of the bowels. A dose or two of Chamberlain's Stomach and Ljver Tablets ttill correct these disorders and cure the headache. Sold by M. L. Marsh, druggist, j BLED TO DEATH ODER SKIN. Baltimore Merchaiit Carried Off With out TTjirninff. Frank P L Farmer, a mer chant of this city died yesterday, at Johns Hopkins Hospital by Lbleeding to death under the skin. There are four similar cases on record, but -this is the only one wherein a full-grown man of excellent physique has v ! i. . ' ., v - suffered. The other cases were confined to .two weak women and two sickly children. The disease is known as purpura hemorrhagia; but its primary cause is a mystery. Tho attack came without warning. First came several instances of bleeding at tho nose which were relieved in tho ordinary way. Two weeks ago the blood began to pour from his gums, ears and eyes. No further attack camo until last Tuesday, when blue spots, rang ing in size from a pin-head to a dime appeared, and within a few hours covered every portion of the body. Thursday numbness in tho left arm came and then several hemorrhages that weakened tho patient. Ho died early the following morning. The bluo spots wero found to bo duo to the hemorrhages under the skin, causing the bursting of tissues. Changes in Lutheran Chapel Charge. The Lutheran Chapel congre gation, we learn, has voted unan imously for Rev. J Q Wertz.as pastor and Centre Grove which now wishes to reunite with Luth eran Chapel will most probably vote the same way next Sunday. The arrangement will be com pleted for confirmation of Synod in May. St. Marks, at China Grove, is now self sustaining and will extend a call soon. In Mnffistsate's Court. The case of W A Foil, agent, vs. the Southern-Railway was I tridd before Esq. ,W J Hill to day, It involved a box of hams which Itfr. Foil chimed he did not get and the Southern claimed he did gel. The court decided, upon hearing the evidence, in favor of the Southern. This case hasbeen pending for some time. Fr6m tho first magistrate's decision Mr. Foil appealed to Superior court. The 1 9' -.1 0 case was dismissed irom me docket oil account of proper .parties to the sun. Ilcfice tho trial today. Wo have not learn ed whether nnothfo appeal wllf b3 laiici. A lVor Millionaire. Lately starved in London bo cause he could not digest his food. Early use of Dr. King's New Life Piils would have saved him. They strengthen the stomach, aid digestion, promote assimilation, improve appetite. Price L'ijc. Money back if not Si 1 tisfied. Sold at Fetzer's Drug Store iiiJiiiifiiiiissniiiiiiiiniiiiisiiifiisiii m Our customers have I'means when we haye a never.,disappoint and always have the thins: adver- a itised. Our Dress Goods .success, w nn extra neip we naa all Hands busy, 23 hiit this " store has learned to wait on the crowds. New goods are coming in N1 tnnw fhaf wo riro r'onnr J. .1 J 1 J L il . . Kuneu block 10 . meet tne Special Value, in Rem- jjj nani Lawns. HI We have just received 2000 u yards of very. tine Lawns in jjj plain colors of green, pink, nn black and yellow, 40 inches (U wide, in remnants of 2 to 10 yard lengths. These goods hh are worth 10c yard but to i,t make things lively forqick J!J trading are marked cm fvii 3 Nainsooks, Cambrics, 55 Dimities. Hjl jjj Wo are anxious for you m to look over this 'stock, tor h are sure you will find a' superior Jclass of merchan titl disc for tho prico asked. fl'l m a Real bargains in Whito uti Lawn rctnnants, in good jj lengths, very fine quality, mJ at 7J, 10 and' 15c Mil a HH H. L. Parhs s POSITIVELY THE LAST DAY OF THE Great Auction Sale 0- -OF Bell & Harris Furniture Co. will be pulled off Saturday, March 15th, at 2 p. m. and 7 p. m. at the old stand. Lot nothing keep you away. All kinds of Furniture don't grievo for our losses, foi our losses are your gain. What fun come and see what bargains you can buy. KememluT, the last day. Bell & Harris Furniture Co. I Good Job Work ! jj . TITHES 1 ibstantiatfi this statement A arw with the real stq'ff, wto say. Whether our nbt; nd if it is, not we guarantee'to g X mke it cp. W,e are here to ma e a 8 profi'Wa livingalso to do .justice to ourcustomers. A The Standard' Job Omce. Send in yqjir (The Standard 35 m m 1 m m m m " " : ' : i learned to know what it 8 special; sale, because we B Opening has been a errand 22 daily and we want you to 8 TOifh o In vera art A mn I no. m T71 1 C5 rjasrer wants. Mil Spring QIoss Or Near HH Very much suited for lir- M ings or drop shirt, in u.l f the spring colors, lvon'ii bo till considered cheup at Iju yd, spec al pric.o HOC m M R jrt M H N M I? (: M W m Table Oil Ch-th 50 rolls rolls in fancy colors, r lar irice every whoro l'Dc yard, hero jL0 Wool Shiilin We havo a v(My .-in'',: stock of black goods . uit ablo for sk'iriing thr.t w consider good value air: feel sure you will aUn'f wit 1 m us when you sou the goods,. J$ Price 50, 7j 9Sc and l.L'o yd. HJ M N L Company. I KM THE -0 - 11 and leave it to .you x work is alhright.or w . 3. subscription to c':s a raorivh.