wy i lit 1 1 "VI i ? ' f : t If 1 1 If' ! I : l, I. : , r : " , i M r ' r m 1 ' ' . Price: $4.00 per year. ONCORD, N. 0. WEDNESDAY, M'ARCH, 12. ICQ2 RURAL FREE DELIVERY MAIL. - -SlNGLB. COPY 5 CENTS outgoing mails by.tho evening Fonr Routes In tiie Comity How Tliry trains. Kun-Postofflces That Will Re Aban- Now the matter to which we dougl, Cuthe Mails to Remain wIsh to call especial interest is in Concord Tost Office if Boxes are ,u . i '.t Tut Up I subscribers to.The Standard must; irwt Now that we are to have four u . , , ,. . their papers, that is, on what rurai iree uenvery routes in the I v TJ! A, . . , , , i route they live. If they bava boxes their papers will reach them promptly. If they have no boxes and 'there is no post office COUntV there is mnrh that. cVirm 1,1 I ' vumiv -J 4.4 M J. A be borne in mind. Route No. 1 goes southwest from Concord along the Char lotte road to the Pitts school house, thence northwest along the Poplar Tent road to the Hen derson place, thence west along the Springsville road to Cox's mil!, ihence east along the Springsville road to Concord. This rou.te embraces 17 square in their community their pipers will remain in the post office at Concord. We hone, howevp.r. - that all will avail themselves of the generous act of the govern ment to send their mail to them, every day. The system will bo a great convenience. The mail carrier miles and will supply 130 homes . 4 UftA . , , i will deliver registered packages and 590 people. Mr. J Mc. Cald-1 , 4 , ' . xl j and take packages to bo regis- well is the carrier. L , I tered and receipt for same. lie ITEMJi FROM SOUTH ROWAN. . Mr. Eli Ilolshouier Critically Ill-The . JJeaIrs Defended Mrs. Wensil Dead Birth Day Dinner on Tap. Organ church, March, 10. Some of our farmers arejsowing spring oats, while others are plowing preparatory to a crop, Mr. Orl in. Cruse has the foun dation down and frame cut for his double ell. He expects to get it up this week. Mr. Billie Earnhardt will soon have his new house under roof The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brown was buried at Organ Church last Sunday. , Mrs. Rome Wenci1, widow of David Weusil, commonly known as "Blind Dave", died Saturday night. She will bo buried at Rock Grovo church today. Sho leaves four children, one married m DEPARTMENT STORE. m MM m m MM : MM MM MM t MM , MM MM MM Look over this list and see if we can serve you to 8 a good advantage. This store is filledever count- er and every shelf with new Easter Goods. We " are alwavs c In rl tn sLw nnr 1 5fi 22 -n r S l mciuianuise anu we ZJ S 11 D? ft1 ea r,a t0 "avo'you look over this texposi- 9 5J tion of New Easter Merchandise. S rm MM f S3 n , . 0 .. , 1;wlH supP'y those who want and threo unmarried to mourn Concord along the Salisbury road ! . . I, to A M Cook's store, thence! stamps and may be a general I her death. northwest and north along the convenience by which to send I wish to say a few words in Statesville road to Erskino post ofiic, thence south along the Charlotte road to Tulin post office, thence southeast alougUio now road to the D C Furr place, thence southeast along the Salis bury road to Concord. Av: is 18 square miles with 1 50 houses and GSO people to receive mail. Mr. Oliver T Umberger is the carrier. No. 3 runs northeast along the new Salisbury road to Mt. Mitch ell church, thence southwest (re turning) to the Shive place, thence southwest along Cline's store road to the Fink place, thence northwest along the Mt. Gilaed road to Rufus Cline's place, thence southwest, west and northwest along the Center Grbve road to the Murph place, thence southeast along the Salis bury road to Concord. The area is 17 square miles, number of houses 135 and population 010. Mr. Joseph A Walter is .the carrier. No. 4 proceeds aloug the Mt. Pleasant road to St. t John's church, thence along the Kirk's Ferry road to the crossingof the Mt. Pleasant and Salisbury road, thence northeast along the Salis bury road past Foil's mill to the cross roads at Furr's .store, thence along the Gold Hill and Concord road to Concord. The area embraced is 1G square miles, number of houses 115 and popu Jation 520. Mr. John H Ritchie is tne carrier. On these routes there will be '0,'ce 15 general collection boxes simi lar to those placed in town. Springsville, Tulin and Er srfirie pot offices will be aban fnecl at the request of the post masters. Carries will leave iud receive merchandise, etc., behalf of Prof'.",. TJartn K -Special Value in Rern- J ; nant Lawns. mm We have just received 2000 Si, yards of very tine Lawns in JJ plain colors of green, pink, u black and yellow, 40 inches Hit wide, in remnants of 2 to 10 H5 yard lengths. These goods jjtj are worth 10c yard but to mi make things lively for quick fiS trading are marked (the terms being such as may bo agreed upon) so far as it may not interfere with his duties to government. Lot it be remembered that drop letters received on these routes bear the same postage as 'when passing through two or more Fisher. First, they do not claim to be magic healers as our cor respondent "B" contends, call ing them or Christian. Science Healers as the Rocks correspond ence in tho Times calls them, hut thoy do use what i-j called Mag netic, Suggcstic Therapeutics ai:d Mil Mil (III Jii! Nainsooks, Cambrics, HH Dimities. KM Z m m n E m MM Spring GJoss Or Near Silk. Very much suited for lin- $ ings or drop shirt, in ail the spring colors, would be km considered chenn at J 5c yd, ;! spec'al prico : im EOC im hi KM S M rolls in fancy colon. . . - P! lar price every when1 :n, ii'i yard, hero XGO S ci m -5( r j offices, that is a letter costs 2 Vitaopathic methods whicli wo cents postage TRUE HILL KMLNSr WILCOX. Grand Jurj of Pasquotank Says He Murdered Kelly Cropgey Trial Thurs 'day.. The grand jury of Pasquotank county found a true bill on Tues day againt James Wilcox for the murder of Nellie Cropsoy. Wilcox was brought into court 1 a n uuu a venire oi zou men was drawn and the case was set for Thursday. The priooner came in accom panied by his father ajid though a bit restless was yet stolid and unmoved. Much . interest will at ach to this case. Wo are anxious for you to look over this stock, tor we are sure you will find a J,' superior "class of merchan ts dise for the i)rico asked. fit -K't J Real bargains in White ii Lawn rojinants, in good jj lengths, very tine quulity, gj at 7i, 10 and ' XSO Ht! :;; tM Wool Shh iLin?"-. ItT 1 v e nave a vcrv ; Stoclc of black' g(U),Js ;L , , able f(: skirting t h . r wn consider gooi' vi!.;. ard feel ure you vi'' -.vitli US wlmu you sc.. ) u. i''od-;. Priee 50, 75 US. ;'iid 1.. yd. - mH HI) H. L. Parhs L Company.! ! IBBB POSITIVELY TI1K LAST DAY OF THE n Auction Sale Clark-FroHand. This eveaing at 8 o'clock at the home of the bride at Forest Hill Miss Annie Freeland will be married to Mr. Mjchell Clark by the Rev. Mr. Gillon. Miss Free land is a popular young lady. Mr. Clrrk is employed as sales man at Craven's furniture store and is a yory prominent young man. We extend our .'hearty con gratulations in advance. know is good. Now Mr. Editor I know of several cases that medical scienco had dono no good, that have booh ontirely cured by their method. If any one doubts this I can give their names. They make no specialties but treat all that wish their treat ment. Mr. Eli Holshouser, of Organ Church congregation, is critically ill of stomach and liver trouble. It -will be remembered that his wife died last week. Mrs. Mary Bostian, who has been sick for quite a while, is convalescent. 1 here is to be a birth day din- at 2 D. m. and 7n. m. nt rim nhl sfnml ner at Rx-Esq. A W Kluttz' the keep you away. All kinds of Funiittire-don't ffrieve 13th insr. in honor of the Ex. for our losses, foi our losses are your -ajn. What fun Esq. This scribe is invited and ,.nmn nnrl coo wlmf bnrm'no ,r i. i.. v uuiiviuo jyjii v.(iu wiij -in. iiii iiiuer, the last' day. Bell & Harris Fuknitukb Co. t'-it hi II I i i h If i l':l 0- -OF THE -o Bell & Ham's Furniture Co. will be pulled off Saturday, March paw M: nothinir will tell all about it next week. School will close at Shiloh School House next Saturday the 15th, inst. Tnere are to bo somt able speakers on the grounds'. It is all day business. Success to the Standard. P. . Card of TLsinks. We desire to express to the many ft iends and neighbors our sincere gratHude for the interest, i the aid and tho sympath y re I wtll'sell at public; auction at Reived ffom you during the late the court 110140 oa Saturday he Sickucoa Jeu'tL uit lui1M,l of 15th at 2 o'clock a lot of 'fruit 1 our dear mother. The poignancy trees and strawberry1 plants, all of our grief is softened byyour seeming to bo in good condition, j kindness to her and to us which They are from the Carolina ! fUrras one bright border to the Couco'-d "rsery Company at Selma, 1. ! cloud of sorrow that' has come 10 nVIr-ek. whpn ihn r,.-;. - Ore at bargains can be had. lover our lives 'l i u oou -ipal morning mails will Jbe in ! . id will return in time for the' Subscribe for the Standard bariraips can be hnd. Horace Black welder. Ciias. F Ritchie, Walter P Ritchie, MUWPFORDF RlTCITIK Seven Veiirs in Hod. . "Will wonders over cese?" inquire the friends of Mrs. L. Pease, of Lawrence Kan, They knew she had been unable to leave her bed in seven years on account of kiduey and liver trouble, nervous prostration aucl general debility but, "Threo bottles of Electric Bitters enabled me to walk," she writes, and in threo months I felt like a new perfcoD." Women suffering trom Headache, Backache, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fairing and Dizzy .pHifc, will hud u u priceless blessing. Try it. S:Ttis Action is guaranteed. Poller's Drir Store. At Frtzvi'riDrn-r Store Von ftn tt Spectacles and Eye Glasses correctly fitted and in all styles of Frames. Flower seeds, Fresh and reliable. Sealing wax in assorted colors. Indelliblo Ink with Tablet for stretching und holding the cloth while" you write. Metallic Gold Enamel washable nnd durablefor exterior ana mtericr decoration. Li brary Paste ;fjd Mucil; T.--ke th Docto.-'s Precn'i.tion to Fetzer's Drug Stor where it wfl be accurately rdfapoun,1! uith, fresli r-n.l pur('diciTes ' Subscribe for The Stand- 'ard-35-cents. per month

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