7 4 13 rcE: $4.00 peivyear. :ONfJRT). N. 0 THURSDAY, MARCH, 13 If 02 -Single copV 5 cent i j i 1 ANTI-THUST LAWS UNCONSTITU TIONAL. It) YE POISONING CASE ON. DEATHS IN .A OYOLOSE. seam III lit ft ft Jixeiuption of Agricultural Products and .Lire.Stock Renders Tbem of Jio Effect. Washington, D. C, March 10. The United Stated Supreme Court today decided the Illionis anti-trust statute to be uncon stitutional be.cause of the provi sion " of the law exempting agricultural products and live stock from the operations of the law. The decision was rendered in the case of Thomas Connelly and others against the Union Sewer Pipe Company, of Ohio, and was delivered by Justice Harlan. The decision of the court in effect declares unconstitutional;' ot ucmrop; u A -Arm- . . ! strong, of Troy, and Harlee Mc-the- anti-trust laws of Georgia, i n . T m,,, Illinois, Indiana, Louisiana, is hero. presUmably in the inter Michiga"n; Mississippi, Montana, est of the candidacy of E E Page, Nebraska, North Carolina,.1 Esq., of Lexington, for the South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas TTT. T , - Wisconsin. In each of these States there is an exemption in favor of live stock and agricul- tural. products in the hands of the raiser or producer, dr of labor organizations. Under the rulings ot , the ourt, anti trust to be cosLMtional must apply indisCrrmt&artely to all com missions with no exemptions or exceptions whatever. EX-GO V. J0US T. ALTGELD DEAD. Orerdid His Streiiffth at Pro-Boer Meet Ing aud Wag Seized With Apoplexy. x-Governor John P Altgeld died in his room at Hotel Monroe ! at Joliet, III., at 7 o'clock on thelescap( morning of the lzth. He was the principal speaker at a pro-Boer mass meeting the night before and being a man of , great extremes he overdid his delicate strength and was seized with apoplexy just at tbe 'cW0Q a respectaoie-appearance." of hi? speech. He became un conscious about midnight: Clark-Freeland Marriago. A yquiet home wedding took place at the home of the bride Wednesday night, .when "Miss Annie Freeland was married to Mr. Michell Clark. Only a few close friends wer present. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Gillon. Mr., and Mrs. Clark will oc cupy Hh'e hous that Mr. Chas. Wagoner is having built on West Def)ot street. '.. The Fifest Herd f Beef Cattle Yet. Dilyvault Bro's. drJve ifoother herd of beef cattle through town Wednesday evening. m It num bered 37 and is composed largely of fat young steers of two to three years old (the finest of all beef cattle.) They were all from Mr. Mac Harrison's farm, near Mill Bridge, and we hazzard nothing in . saying it is the best lot of beef cattle ever brought in for consumption in Concord. Gathering: ot Stroif- L. -al LifchfS at ' Albemarle? The Albemarle correspondent to The Charlotte Observer says : ."The trial of John and Ellen Knotts, j colored, the accused poisoners of the late Dr. S. J Love, has been set for Thursday morning at 9 o'clock. A special venire of 75 men have been sum moned, from whom to select the juiy.' More than a hundred wit nesses are to be examined and this case promises ito consume the balance 6f the time. The following visiting lawyers are in attendance : Messrs. Lee S Over man and J S Hendersop, of Salis bury; B F Long, of Statesyille; W J Montgomery, of Concord; C D Cennett, of Charlotte; T J Je- judgeship of this d.istrict before me next uemocranc conveniion. v . . . ;iur. ijong, oi ireaeii, is aiso-a candidate and has quite a strong following in 'this county." KIVER BOAT DISASTER. Twenty Drowned on the Miss'ssippi- Squall Struck the Boat and Capsized It. Twenty of the passengers and crew of the Providence, plying between Vicksburg and Lake Palmyra, were drowned, on the 12th by the boat's capsizing in a sudden squall that struck the boat at 2 o'clock at night. Only nine escaped. The boat turned bottom upward iu water 40 feet deep and there was no chance to Where's the Cat ? Concord butcher to shop boy. "Thought I told, you to feed that lean' auDt' nk sided cat a Pou.nd of beef a d tUl -she. gets "VYeii, sir, i iea ner tne oeer." "You don't mean to say that you have fed that cat a pound of beef today." "I did, sin"- "Well, we'll see," and picking up the cat h6 puther on the' scales."1 'There, said the boy, "the scale's stand at exactly a pound." "Yes, yes' said the butcher, "that's all right for the pound of beef but where in thunder is the at then ?" . 1 Rev. Jaryis JJuxton, of Asherille, Dead. . Rev. Jarvis Buxton, D. D., died at Asheville at 8:45 b'clock on fche llth .He wasin hit 83rd year apd had been rector of Trinity Epis copal chur at Asheville for 40 years previews t his retirement lo years ago. k State S. S. ConrenlfiSn Mxt Week. An elaborate program is issued for the anMial Convention of the North Carolina State Sunday School Associatiq'at' Fayette ville on the 18th, 19th and 20tb, next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The sessions will be held in the Presbyterian church or mat city. At Least Teu Tersons Killed iu a Missis-4 . sippi Storm. Vicksburg, Miss., March. 12. A cyclone 'swept thrqugh the southern end of Copiah and .the noMh'ern section of Lincoln counties early today, killing at least half a dozen people aud lev eling buildings, .fences, etc? Mont gomery, a village in Copiah, and the Illinois Central Railroad were the worst sufferers and four bodies are known to bo under buildings. Three miles, further a railroad camp was wrecked and three j negroes killed. A passenger J train on the Illinois Central road was struck by the storm and every window in each coach was shattered. At Hazelhurst considerable damage was done but no lives lost. Wires are down in nil directions and it is impossible to hear from outlviDg districts. Senator Carmack to Deliver the Com mencement Address at State Normal. Dr. M elver has secured Sena tor E W Carmack, of Tennessee, to deliver the commencement ad dress at the State Normal iu May. The Senator is said to be one of the most? brilliant young men in the Senate and his com mand of English is unexcelled in that august body. Boy Burns School House and Gets Fire Years. Ling Swangen, a 17-year-old boy who burned down-a school house in Henderson county six months ago has been sentenced to the penitentiary for 5 years. We Head the Appalachian Fark. The losses resulting from the recent heavy floods were most serious in West Virginia, West. ern Virginia, Western' North Carolina, Northern Georgia, EastTennessee and Alabama-the very section of country covered by the .proposed Appalachian Park which is intended to so preserve thf timber and vegeta tion of tbe mountains as to prevent or at least greatly lessen the torce of such disasters. A stronger argument in favor of the measure than recent oxno- tience could not possibly be given. Morning Post. given . 'TVlnter Homos In Summer Lands." llie above is the title of an al tractive booklet just issued by the Passenger Department of the Southern Rail way. It is beautiiu.lly illustrated and fully describes the iFinte:j resorts of the.bouth. A copy may be se cured by sending a two ent- stamp to S'H Hard wick, G. P. A. Washiosrton, D. C " AUeautiful Eagter Dhplay. Fetzers Drug Store is making: quite a beautiful display in their window," appropriate ' to the T?ooVA' ccr, 'TVf - 4V. faster Season. Mr. Jones is the Arti.st-.. ' e sure to look in 'as you goby. Thoy also sell Gold Fish and Aquariums, Fish Food etc. And for Bridal and Birth Day presents Fetzer's Drug Store is always headquarters in ' Cut 'Glass, Wedge wood Ware, Ornamental Lamps and Fine Decorated China. m m i - jjf UUd ILa PitH Iff W lis OHh S DEPARTMENT STORE. m i T.nnlr nvor fliic lief nrwl m w iv uivi uiiu jiou itiiu Jj a good advantage. 'This $) er and every shelf -with j are always glad to show will be. pleased to have you look over this exposi- jj tion of New Easter Merchandise. 'ffi 39 SS m HIS Special Value in Rern mm . nant Lawns. mm Wo have just received 2000 mj yards of very tine Lawns in Mj plain colors of green, pink, mh black and yellow, 40 inches Ut wide, in remnants of 2 to 10 jjjj yard hngths. These goods mi are worth 10c yard but to llll mako things lively for quick trading are marked I MM jj Nainsooks, Cambrics, J We are anxious for you Hi! to look over this stock, tor iti! we are sure you will find a superior class of merchan ts dise for the prico asked. MM MM Real- bargains in Whito Lawn reifinants, in good lengths, very fine quality, at 7h 10 and' 3LSO MM MM Ml MM MM MH Ml) MM B H. L. Parhs " POSITIVELY THE Great Auction O- -OF Bell & Harris Furniture Co. will be pulled off Saturday, March 15th, at 2 p. m. and 7 p. m. at the old stand. Let nothing-' . k you.away. All kinds 1 J for our losses, foi our losses , i- . come aim seu wnui uuiuins yuu ran uuj. "icmut., ie as day. 1 Bell ; J Seven Years in Bed. "Will wonders ever cease?" inquire the friends of Mrs. L. Pease, of Lawrence Kan, They knew she had been unable to jeave her bed. in fteven years on accourit 4pf 4ndne and liver trouble, nervous prostration and general .debility but, ."Three ( bottles of Electric Bitters i enabled me to walk." she writes. and in three months I felt like a new, person.j" Women suffering from Headache. Backache. Nervousness, . Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting and- Dizzy Spells will .find .it a priceless uf m o:,f.n is . guaranteed. ..Fetzer's. uiesMUK- ii.y lit., ochis. ni;iiwu Drug Store Subscribe for The Stand-ard-35-cents. pper month- M m m m m tm B Ef M i?H ono i-P tttq nnti onKtrn ttai, 4-,' M Liii 11 y o will OC1 T j JUll l J store is filledever count- $ new Easter Goods. We g our .merchandise and we 22 Spring Gloss Or Near S5I . Very much suited for lin ings or drop shirt, in the spring colors, would bo considered cheap at 15c yd, Vpec'al price EOC .Table Oil Cloth-50 rolls rolls in fancy colors, .regu lar prico everywhere L'o.; yard, here ISO KM Wool Shirtings. We have a very siro :': stock of black goods m.o ablo for skirling thnt wo consider good value and feel sure you wi-ll :in- with us when vou see the j:oods. Price 50, 7") 9Sc and 1.2j yd. mi MM HM Nil HM MM MM MM K MM MM L Company, i HM' LAST DAY OF THE THE o of Furniture don't grieve are your gain. W hat tun i)nmnm & Harris Furniture Co. Practically Starring. "After using a few bottles of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure my wife received perfect and permanent relief from a 'severe and chronic case of stomach troublo," says f R Holly, real estate, insurance and loan agent, of Macomb, 111.. "Before using Kodol Dyspepsja. Cure she could not eat an ordi nary meal without intense suffer ing. She is now entirely cured. Several phj&icians and matTy remedies ha"d failed to give re- lief." You don't have to cKdt. Eat any good food you want, bnt don't overload the stomach. Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure will alwavs digest what you eat. Gibson Drugstore Sale n

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