ft J Prtce: $4.00 per year. ONCt-RD, N. C. FRIDAY, MARCH, 14 If 02 Single coiy5 cents A S JACKS03 SKMEJ(?E commuted. . Later Evidence Kaiees Serums tyubts and the Govornor the Only Power to Do Mm Justice. Gov. Aycock has commuted the sentence of Andrew S Jack- son. The following from the Raleigh correspondent to the Charlotto Obscrvor is an ex planation worthy of duo con sideration: Andrew Sherman Jackson, of Lincoln county, convicted of burglary in the lirst degree and sentenced to bo hanged. but who was respited February 24th until March 0. was placed in the penitentiary at 5 o'clock this morning to servo a life sentence, the Governor cummuting the . . death sentence. The Governor late this afternoon gave out a lengthy statement of his roasons for commuting the sentence. Ho says the crime was most atroc cious and if the prisoner is guilty he ought, to suffer the extreme penalty, -but since the trial of the case evidence not submitted to the jury ha,s been laid before him, which renders the guilt of Jackson a matter of. grave doubt. Several affidavits, are filed that on June 3 when the crime was committed Jackson was at Gaffney, S. C. The Governor says: "It is entirely possible, not to say probable, that this evidence, if heard by a jury, would have changed their verdict. It is a misfortune .that our law is m such shape that the Supreme Court while granting new trials in .civil" suits for newly discovered evidence, will not do sq in criminal cases. The ..Governor has no means by which he can determine the truthfulness, pf.newly discovered, evidence. A new trial ' of a prisoner by means of which the1 jury could have the benefit of all the facts as they now appear cannot be had." Fire witnesses, two hown to be of good character, swear to a state of facts which renders it impossible for the prisoner to be guilty. These witnesses can not be mistaken. They have either sworn falsely or the nrisnnpr is not fruiltv. Thn "witnesses for the State may be mistaken. No one in the house entered claims to hav,e recognized the burglar. The evidence is circumstantial. Many people whoheard the Uial and numbers who have been inforfnc! of thb facts ha-fc recommenced comrtiu- tation. TIIODSA'ND BUSHELS OF SED CORN BY tfAIL. Unique Order Rcevied fronj the Goterti inent by a Richmond Firm. One of the ''most" unique orders ' ever received in Riuhmoud wa? 'South.must rest. Education is EDUCATION MIE DOPE OP JilE ' "jjlllllllillf If lHfffIf 1113 "if. " SOUTH Broadness of View and Liberality of Thought Must be its Aim. On education the hope of the that sent by the United States Department of Agriculture yes terday, to T W Wood & Sons, seed men, of this city. The. order was for 1,000 bushels of seed-corn to De delivered in Arkansas through the medium of the post-office. The Arkansas corn crop last season was a failure, and the Department of Agriculture has 'individual through tho process given the farmers of that State, 'of education is tho only means tho only means of elevating and broadening the individual type. Groat attention must bo paid to this in prder that the best re sults may bo worked out 'with tho unusually, favorable mater ials and resources at hand, says Mr. II M Atkinson of Atlanta in the Manufacturers' Record. The constant elevating of the the material for entirely now seeding. The railway postal service is by vhich the best can be accom plished. The aim of this educa tion must bo to create broadness very much perplexed how to of view and liberality of thought, handle this big consignment of j Tho South must broaden its mail matter. It is provided that 'base along these lines. Men aro needed who will see tho public good, and who will stand Fabric i Kid Glove si MM m HM Htf MM MM MM MM MM MM MM W !!! Tlin nfvf fmir wnnlfs will lo iirmiinl in ( Jlnvo MM UU selling ana we are anxious tor you to know about .g JJ this fflore stock. More Gloves will be purchased g UU and more gloves worn fhis season than ever before, JJ B Fashion calls for so many different kinds and to K! MM match every dress, bilk and Fine Lisle Gloves g g will be much in fashion. g g JjaceMitts arc again wi h us, as today tliey g g are to be 'seen on the hands of the most fashionable g M! 1n tho tliP.itros nnrl nf flinnnr nnrfine. Wo orn vow HM g anxious 'to have you look over our Glove stock, g -The first part of the week we sold at special g sale a splendid Kid Glove, every one perfect and "a g $1.00 value for G9c. Two days run us short mi jjj g sizes. We are making an effort to get anotlior iot g t MM MM MM MM B g of these splendid values, which we hope to off'-r shortly. Good things are picked up very quick: each bag shall contain one bushel only, so that tho postal people can find accommodation for it .and their convictions, in the cars for it. It has been arranged, t j ship the corn in lots of 100 bushels at a time, and for the next ten days the postal The broad view of such ques tions can only be brought about by education. Tho broadening of the individual and the teach- service from Richmond and the ling of the principles of political railway clerks will bo in the agricultural business on a large scale. Mr. A J Pieters, of the De partment of Agriculture at Washington, is in the city at tending to the shipment of the corn, and he is provided with all tho necessary material in the way of bushel bags and labels furnished by the government. V'The .corn .will be sent to! certain centres ,Jn Arkansas,' and from those points dis tr i bu ted ( thr ou ghou t the S tate. of the postal j ser yjLQQ thef! lex pense of shipping is jsaved to the government,' although' it entails a great amount of labor upon, the postal lerks. . Every bushel w$l the corn comes from Virginia. , It is of the white variety, and was raised in the bottom lands of the, James river. ' The first shipment left tha city last night, ana the re mainder will follow . as fast as the postal service will allow. Richmond Dispatch of 8th. economy and municipal governj ment aro the needs of the day. This means also broadening and strengthening of character that is tho production of men, the word being used in its best sense. Coiupauy L. Will Oo U Charleston. Company L has been chosen as one of the companies to form the Provisional Regiment to aq cdmpany tho Governor to, Charleston April 7th. The Firsts Regimental band will accompany th regiment. ' Transportation will be fur nished for not more than 43 ; members to any one company. . No baggage will bo allowed and- mattresses, blankets, etc.,, for their comfort will be- pro vided. ' The men will be required to The Germania, Silk Gloves. MM Mil Ml MM MM MM MM Mil MM iti a two clasp kid glovo tho equal of most 1.25 g gloves. -We have them in MM 7, ijrico.l X.OO. We have the in in white, black and grey, a guaran teed pure silk glove. Every pair has doublu wuvn tips in fingers, making t,!."m l;t twice as long, price SO MM MM 118 Black Silk Gloves. MM MM M Extra tine quality, , two mm clasp, in black only, with B double finger tips, 98c L MM MM MM MM R MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM Lisle glove s white and grey, any size de- MM sired and positively r.i? val ue for price, 2,SO. Mil Mil 3 I- MM MM MM MM MM MM H. L. Parhs L Company. E MM MM POSITIVELY THE LAST DAY OF TJIE Great Auction Sale o- ()F THE -o Bell & Harris Furniture Co. will be pulled off ; . . . . Saturday, March 15th, at 2 p. m. and 7 p. m. at the old stand. .Let nothing keep you away. All kinds of Furniture don't grieve pay 50 cents each for a ticket to for our losses, foi our Josses are your gain. What fun the exposition grounds, but that come and see what bargains you can buy. Remember, entitles them to the privileges of .ie Jas (Jay, Bell & Harris Furniture Co. the ground while there. The men must board elves on tho entire trip. them- GuiA.'oes (Kf A Urotlier Killed. The Voung sou oi Mr. E S Siaf, of Tyro Shops, wus hot and almost instantly killri on JVcdncsday byl gun. in thehncds of his brother. The bro'hpr was in thn act of passing the gun to him, muzzle in front, when the accident happened. Four (guilts for Salem Orphanage. The Woman's Missionary So ciety of Organ church has mn.de four quilts for the Lutlitran Or phanage at Salem, Virginia They ill bo forwarded at an! early day. Cuily-Jones Wedulii. Thursday evening Mr. V J Bailey and Miss Minnie Jones vfl&ro married at the Baptist par- siage by the Rev. T E Smith. Both of the -young people aro of this city. We extend' our congratulations to the young couple. It Runs Like a Top. MV. II A Graeber is putting his new wood saw machinery into operation. It is a success. The engine runs with unflagging en ergy and the saw cuts otf a block of vvof)d with a snap. We aro glad that ho procured the splen- Seven Years 111 Bed. , "Will wonders over cease?" inquire the . friends of Mis. L. Pease, of Lawrence Kan, They knew she had been unablo to leave her bed in seven years on account of kidney and liver trouble, nervous prostration and general debility but, "Three battles' of Electric Bitters enabled mo to walk," she writes. and in thrco months I lelt like a ie person." Women srffferiiii,' Several physician.-, sst frnm I to-id. 'if In . T!;i-lr:irli(. ! nMlK'd'lPS hud foiled to ' ' 'in. AA vtnK ,-. ...,,1 l.n s. ,.,',11 sr. ! f f VI iH 4t1 S I ( I ' 11 HS.S t) t "s - I M.-!r;nchfv. rr.r.in-r and' V:""r .acciui wuu iu ISdpIIs will find it Practically Starving. "After using a few bottles of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure my wife received perfect and permanent relief from a severe and chronic case of stomach trouble," stiys J K Holly, real estate, insurance and loan agent, of Macomb. ITl. "Biforo using Ivinlol Dyspepsia Cure she could not ojt mi ordi nary meal without intent1 suffer ing. Slie is nov ertir'dy . d. ... ,,T ivf re- You don't i i V; Jaxton to Have Canning Fatf-Ty. Maxtor., . U.. ins a canning st,ore factory companyibout made uj. v i .Mr' . I f nil t 'Kit T A LTAIM'lf t I t priceless ! L 1 1 ' "' hu.whi.r Trv it. Kalincl on (tOl UVM"ti-:n l UtvV!!i . , IVS is gifalauteed. Fotzor's Dru.rjdigo.st what you r-;" .-- ii -vm Drug Store. Pythian "oti:. Concord Lodge No. 51, K. of P., will moot this cvoning at S o'clock. Visiting brethren cor dially welcomed. Work in third rank. Full attendance urged. Subscribe for The Stand-ard-35-cenisf per month.

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