Q Brice: $4.00 per ypar. :oTORD. $A). SATURDAY, MARCH, 15. (02 I ' SllfGL,H COPY 5 CENTS. . r 1 - , a ; MAMMOTH FOLU INSIbsIA.. , r Er. florz Tlls of flis Discovery Huge Animal Terfectly Treserrc A m the Ite. . ;Ca"ble. dispatches from this city have already told of Dr. Herz's discovery of a mammoth preserved in the ic in eastern Siberia. Dr. .Herz now says he dis covered it on September 22 near the river Ebrosowka at the loot of a declivity just over 100 feet above the water. It was lying down with its feet curiously bent under its body. Dr. Herz concluded that it had fallen down from high ground and had been instantly killed, as its neck was broken. There wras grass in its mouth and food in its mouth and food in its stomach. The fall must have happened more than 2,000 years ago. When Dr. Herz's party began , the work of excavation the cold i was so severe that a shed had to be erected, occupied in fortnight was thawing out the'Parked in -Atlanta 80 as to be monster. Meanwhile the stench was so bad that the stomach had to be cut out and rofrozen elsewhere. Evantually. the huge animal was found complete save, a small piece of the back and half of the trunk, which had been eaten by wolves. The mammoth was covered with a coat of rather , thick red-brown hair. ' The return journey, 3,000 .miles, to Irkutsk began on Gctober. 23. The distance was covered on skates, the mammoth having been dissected for con venience in transportation. London March 10. Th St. Petersburg correspondent of the Daily Mail says that he has seen the tongue of the 'bammo'th, which is nineteen inches long, and the tail, which, with the hair on it, is more than'fourteen inohes long. St. Petersburg Dispatch, 6th. Captain Hobsen's Lecture. Capt. Eictimond P Hobson, the hero of the Merrimac, lectured in the court room lost evening on the "Navy acd the ted, will speak in the interest Nation under tb auspices of the;0f tje roa(j. It is hoped that Daughters of the Corfeerncv, who are trying to add to the f Jot federate loynumeut fund. Captain Hobson is a man of striking poasouality, a pleasant arM entertaining speaker. His address last eveniri? was on a topic that f.j was thoronily familiar with, ami it is sure that the laro audience, wiio !):, I tnni giaaly, weal av;ayw vzucu ricjjre in touch with those "ho fight tht.'ir country': batMos on the sea than ever before. Cap tian Hobs 0. whilo a ma u of action, is an easy, fluent t':il::.r, and States villo folks were re joiced to iiavo the tbo physiiro of hearing him.0They owe this privilege, by tho way, to his cousin, Mis. J L JJoydou, at who.-, oVtcittion he ca;::e.-- HO F0RTIIBI)ALLASJEUNI0X' , .. . Atlanta and WesVPoInt'll. K. jtfcrs AttraetlYflarm-&23 10 From Char Jotte and Return Historia Points Along: the Line. The Atlanta & West Point Railroad Company has sent out their ra.tes to the Confederate Reunion 'at Dallas, Texas, on April 32 to 25th. No rate is laid down for Concord but the rate from Charlotte and return is $23.10. This route will take the pas sengers by Montgomery (the first Confederate capitol) through Mobile, along the beautiful Gulf coasts, through Biloxi, Beau voir (the home of ex-President Davis) Mississippi City, New Orleans and other points along the rice and sugar plantations of Louisiana. Pullman standard sleepers, trurist sleepers, chair cars and eleant day coaches are offered. A v o n yv am! c $ y r A r 4- ? rv r 0 homes for those who want them and will arrange for them. Arrangements can be made fpr stopping over at points along the route. Child Killed Rj a Tcncil. The little child of Rev. K C Holt, colored, was playing with common led pencil last Sunday ;n Ra.Wh und foil from a r.hair. jwhen the pencil pierced her temple. iShe suffered intense ' agony till next day, when she 'did from t,h ininrv. " j j The Winston-Salem Charleston Railroad f . Friday, April lth, will , be Wiuston-Sale'm day -at the Charleston exposition. On that day there, will be a conference - . .. ... k . t . . , , , . . j between the Chambers of Com merce of Winston-Salem and Charleston, the principal matter to be discussed 'being the ad vantag,tha.t would accrue to the two cities, as well a,s th inter vening country, by the construc tion of the AVinston & Wades boro raiload. Messrs. E B Jones and W A Blair, of Winston, and a citizen of W.desboro, to be so something 'definite may rfsult from the conference. Certainly Wadesboro would be greatly j benefitted should the road be j bilt, and Winston-Salem find our citizens, ready Cc co-ope ate 4 n any m,ovenfeut rfaviu this , , i , ii '4;ui m view. Wadesboro sender aud Intelligencer. ' i Hendnchfi often rpyults from a ! disordered condition of the st(:..:;rch and constipation of the! towels. A dose or two of! Ch:.:.. jorlain's . Stomach r.d LivLi' Tablets will correct these di -orders and cure the heada ijo. tSo'A by M. L. Marsh, druggist j playing 'Tho frogs are now ;'ame ofcroukay.'' 4 WILCOX OX TJIIAL. Coroner Fearing Examined Miss. Cropl set a tfure Woman Received a Fata IJIoit in Left Templr. One day of the trial of Wilcox for the murder of Miss Cropsey has passed. Dr. I Fearing, cor- onorof the county, was examined on Friday. The force of bis tes timony was that Miss Cropsey wasa pure woman.'tbat she did not drown and that she received a blow in the left temple of suf ficient force to produce uncon sciousness for half an hour. HerJ clothing was not torn, indicating that there was no struggle. You Can See in Charleston. The grattst Southern Exposi tion. Three of the oldest churches in America. Two of the historic fortresses of the world, Moultiio and Sumter. The best harbor south of New York on the Atlantic Coast of the United States. Historic mansions which were old at the Declaration of Inde pendence. Streets paved and houses built wih material brought from England. The site of the new United States Naval Station at Chicora Park. The most beautiful cemetery in the United States. The only Tea Farm in America, where tea is grown for sale. The most beautiful Magnolia and Azalea Garden in America, Magnolia-on-the-Ashley. The handsomest government building in the South, if not in America. i' The only city in the United States which has preserved its ancient beauties and peculiar ities intact and "having a style of architecture peculiarly its own, Greensboro, Daily Record. Could ot Ireatlia. Ooughs, colds, croup, grippe, bronchitis and other Jtbroat and j lung troubles are quickly cured by One Minute Couch Cure. Oncy Minute Couifh Cure'is not a mere expectorant, which gives only temporary relief It softens and claimed for says Justice of iqumes me mucous, araws uul p f LawrenCG Ran, They tho inilamation and remoyes th had beeu unaWo t0 cause of th.jliseas. Absolutely,, uu.i . n I .. a i. t..r at: . JeUVU IlL'i UUU ill r.-rvcu vu.n.i . r, ,, -, 1U, . . account or kidney ana uvoi Cougn Cure will do alMhat is . . . ,,A. ,.'' ,u.un wiUjiho Peartd J Q Hood, Crosby, ! (Miss. "Mv wife could not gut ber ! botllos Per-j breath and'was relieved by the'0",.0' , first dose. It hs bee ' to fill my family." Gi jgt,. It hs been a 'oenelit libson Drug "li ; c.- er;'. faults of another than iL is to correct your own." i v i. ii tif i r- ii )r W H. WkftilPin. ' " ' 7 I CHARLOTTE, N. C., I limits his pr; etico to diseases of ' Eye, liar, .No.se and Threat. The Doctor will be jn Concord ;,t the St. Cloud on Thursday, March 27th. MM MM Fabric i Kid Gloves i m , m - . MM MM The next four weeks will be unusual in Glove J selling and we are anxious for you to know about $ this glove stock. More Gloves .will be purchased ft MM jj arid more gloves wjorn this season than ever before, J Fashion calls for so many different kinds and to I match .every dress. Silk and Fine Lisle Gloves Sjj $ will be much in fashiom . g 8S Lace Mitts are again wi h us, as today they 2 (J are to be seen on the hands of the most fashionable HJj p in the theatres and at dinner parties. We are very 5 W nnvi'rmc fn Iiova vmh Innlr nrnr mir ri-lmm cfrwb Hn I The first part of the week Ave sold at special sale a splendid Kid Glove, every one perfect and a jj $1.00 value for G9c. 'Two days run us short "on S. sizes. We are making an effort to get another lot iff of these splendid values, UJj shortly. Good things are it MM MM MSI MM MM The Germania, Mil a two clasp kid glove mm with gusset in tingers, runs jjjj even and smooth. They are mm tho equal of most 1.25- Uij gloves. We have them in popular shades, size to jjfl 7i, price! . l.OO- I Blaok Silk Gloves. Extra fine quality, two M clasp, in black, only, with double hnger tips, H. L. Parhs MMiijifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii5iiii5iiiiii5iiiiir: POSITIVELY THE LAST DAY OF THE Great Auction Sale ;,1 OF o- Bell & Harris Furniture Co. will he pulled off Saturday, March 15th, at ,2 p. m. and 7 p. m. at the old stand. Let nothing keen you away. All kinds for our losscsj'foi our losses tn: , i f i)nro.n;ns von ran l)nv Kmemher. . the last day." BELL : Smpii Ypars in I0(1. I "Will wonders ever cease?" innuire tne inenas-.ni .1 i -i n general dofcilitv but. "Threol 6f Electric Jiitters bled me to wai'i." she wiilr. and in tlirc-'O montiis I felt l;kv a new pei'soe.' V 'omen suiTeriir.; from lien !'' . IJiK'lci'c'i". Nerv(jusne-s, " ' . pi-" : . ;.t.-.:U"-'"l'.-. 'i Spells will iind i blessing. Try it. is guuranti-ed. 1' Store. i ' vn jirici'le-.-) it is ''-' ion :er's -Diu- Mrs. L. Subscribe for 1 1 ard-35-csnt m lilt WW m M MM HM MM MM 9S MM MM si MM MM 18 MM MM which we hope to offer picked up very quick. Silk Gloves. 18 MM MM MM S MM MM We have them in unite, black and grey, a guaran teed pure silk glove. J0vry pair has double wov ; tips in fingers, making tb.-m la-ht twice as long, price SOc Fine Lisle Gloves. Lisle glovfs in blatk, white and grey, any size de sired and positively oiir val ue for price, jPlSpgp, MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM L Company.? MM MM IIIHM THE- -o of Furniture don't grieve are your gaiu. What fun & HARRIS I URNITURE O. rraclicaily Stiirvii'f?. 'After using a Jew bottles of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure my wife received perfect and permanent relief from a severe and chronic case 6f tomach trouble," s:iys J Ii Holly, real estate, insurance and loan agent, of Ma omb, III. "Heforo usiii;1- Kodol l)'spe)ia uro sue coai.t not r-llT 100111 v"Ul,,m 1 !1 1 eji si, in sr. Sh IS llO'V ''! :d. iM-v..M-al ; ' '!;) Jies ii li' l'. " YU i -la " : v ' UUli L U ' M . V do! L!V.- dics: i I SY i i

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