Daily Standard. JOHN D. BARRIER. Kdiior and Proprietor. t,i( E IM 310KRIS RUILMSU. j k. THH STANDARD '.la published every day , Sunday excepted and delivered by carriers Rates Of Subscription. 1 One veur $4.oo Six months 2.00 Th-ee months . l.oo . One month 3Sc j TheiWeeklyoStandard is an 8-colum 4"PK mper. It haa a larger ciiculatlon in Cabarrus ; ; kan any other tapei Price $i a year in advance . Terms .for regular advertisements made known i ppplication. Address ail communications to ' THE STANDARD, Concord, 5. C. TELEPHONE NO. 71. Concord, N. C, March 17. 1902. BEV. W. A. LUTZ' CLOSING SERVI CES. Rev. W A Lutz and faxiTy gpent Sunday in the city. He participated in the morning, ser vices at St. James, Rev. J A3 Fry preaching the sermon, and preached Sunday evening. This was his last service in the North Carolina Synod, in which he has spout his entire ministry, before goiL; to nis new neia 01 laoor.at Prosperity, South Carolina, from which Rev. Mr. Hi'ler came to become pastor of St. James. Mr. Lutz evidently failed to realize his brightest hopes in his xrork at North Carolina College. We hope his new field will prove congenial and that a prosperous and successful wTork will crown Iris endeavors. S 1 All Mayor Stickley is having tl.e streets cleansed of slush. Un questionably it is a scrape that everybody is glad to see him in. It will be noted that Dr. Bur bank, of Greensboro, is in our city. The doctor is not a stranger and beside comes with very fl A teriug testimonials of his pro filer cy as an oculist. Surgeon's Knife Sot Needed. Surgery is no longer necessary to curt- piles. DoWitt's Witch IUt2;el Salvo cuies such cases at once, removing the necessity for Kngerous, painful and expen sive operations. For scalds, cuts, burns, wounds, bruises, sores and skin diseases it ts unequalled. Beware, of counterfeits. Gib son Drug Store. ' . TueJudtfM JIava Decided. At the grand show' down of the toilet soaps of, the world at 'the Pnris Exposition, the judges de cided after carefully considering the merits of all, that Colgate's Toilet Soaps are the best,' Th ..e peerless Toilet Soaps are for sale at Fetzer's Drug Store. They sell Colgate's-line exclu sively. Mrs. C E VauDeusen,' ofl T I I tin W jx loourn,, wis., was afllicted with stomach troublo and con stipation for a long time, She says, "I have tried many pre parations but none have done me the !Jd ' thafr Chamberlain's fctv.(u.j and Liver Tablets1 have." These Tablets are for sale at M. L" Marsh's fcrug- stoo. freo. Price S3 cents. Sammies The Southern has acquired the 3 C's railroad, which was named IrcMn Charleston, Cincinnati and Chicago. It O; as nerer gotten further than from Charleston to Marion, N. C, and it was in bad condition. .1 It will be put in or- Ut'I iuv. I Th Republic's Honor ItoI 'The names of the reterans who fought in the Civil War make the honor list of the T?ornKl? H This is the text on which President Roosevelt bases his ,. first veto message, refusing to remove the stigma of desertion f rOm the FCCOrd Of an applicant, r Wnata pity that Sentiment Was not adopted earlier and applied to the long list of special pension cases, before it became a . re proach to Congress and a by word to the country, says the Philadelphia Ledger. And what a significan op portunity the President has for following this veto and righteous sentiment witn vetoes of the mauy special, acts which dis honor that list. Morning Post. Practically Starring. After using a few bottles of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure my wife received perfect and permanent roliaf frnm n. snrorfi anrl p.Virrrnr. jcase of stomacu troublo," says J Li Holly, real estate, insurance and loan agent, of Macomb, 111. 'Before using'.Kodol Dyspepsia Cure she could not eat an ordi nary meal Without intense suffer ing. She is now entirely cured. Several physicians and many remedies had failed to give re lief." You dou't have to diet. Eat any good food you want, but don't overload the stomach. Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure will alwavs digest what you ; eat. --Gibson Drugstore. Attention, Veteran. Veterans' and others who in tend to go to the reunion at Dal las, Texas, will please report at an early day to Major D A Cald- wo!! or Capt. H B Parks that the best possible arrangements may ' trip. Bear in mind and make no delay. Wlist'g Your Face Worthl . Sometimes " a fortune, but never, if you have a sallow com plexion, a jt undiced look, moth patches and blotches on the skin," all . signs of Liver Trouble. But, Dr. King's New Life Pills give Clear Skin, Rosy Cheeks. Rich Complexion: Only 25 cents at Fetzer's Drug Store. ' . Maxton, N. C, had: a $9,000 fire Sunday morning. The stores j of J M Burke and R H Strick land were consumed. Headache often results from a Cough- Cure will do all that is disordered condition of 'thelclaimed for it," says Justice of stomach and constipation of the ; the Peace J Q Hood, Crosby, bowels. A dose or two' of Miss'. k'My wife could uot get her Chamberlain's Stomach" and ; breath and was relieved by the Liver Tablets will correct these ' first close. It has been a benefit disorders and .cure the headache, to all uiy family." Gibson Drug Sold by M. L. Marsh, druggist. 'Store. Dyspepsia (Saaip When the stomach U diseased all tbe other organs suffer, hence fatal cweases of the heart, liver, lungs and kidneys are often the result of Improper digestion. Kodol DrsrErsu Cuua contains all the natural digestive fluids and by digesting what you eat, It cures the lndlges- jwa wnnou am irom ine 6iouiacn, ueauny conaiuon ana permitting you --jay rest is oiten aisturbed at night 1 believe u on account of my stomach beinj? overloaded with undt 4 gestea iooa. i Keep a bottle of Kodol Dyspepsia Curb nearby and a email doeealways pives me instant It can't help hut do vou oood R'Ppared by E.O. DeWltt & Co., Chicago. The lie la irorite household remedy for coushs. colds. crouD. bronchitis, cri tiiroat and lung troubles is ON Gibson Drug Store. Reduced Rates. On account of National Con vention of the Peoples' Party. Louisville, Ky., April 2, 1902, the South Railway will have re duced rates. Tickets to be sold March 30 and Si and April 1, with final limit April 4th Fare $17.30 for round, trip. On account of Antiual Meeting Southern Educational Asocia tion, Chattanooga, Teen., July 1-4, 1902. Tickets to be aold June 27 to July 1. inclusive, with final limit July 6. Fare $14.60 for round trip. On account General Assembly of the Cleveland Presbyterian church, Springfield, Mo., May 15 to 23, 1902. Tickets to.be sold May 11, 12 and 13, with final limit May 27, 1902. Fare $29.30 for round trip. ; Fare to Jackson, Miss., $22.85 for round trip. Fare to Raleigh, N. C, $6.70 for round trip. On account of meeting North Carolina Music Teachers's Asso ciation, Raleigh, N. C, March 13. Tickets to be sold March 29. 30 and 31 with final limit April 4. ' Remarkable Cares f Rheumatism. From the Vindiatoi, Rutherfordton, N.O. The edftor of the Vindicator has had occasion to test the efficacy of Chamberlain's Pain Ba-ltn twice with the most re markable results in each case. First, with rheumatism in the shoulder from "which he suffered excruciating pain for ten days, which was relieved with two applications of Pain Balm, rubbing the parts afflicted and realizing instant benefit and entire relief in a verv short time. I Second, in rheumatism in thigh (joint, almost prostrating mm with, severe pain, which was relieved by two applications, rubbing wish the liniment on re tiring at night, and getting up free from pain. ... For sale by M. L Marsh, druggist. Mason in J once. ; & Special cominu-nicatfe WjjfSLoKbs Lodge No. 32, A. F. 7v & a. M., 1 Monday night March 17th, at 7:45 p. m. Address by Rev. J H Earn hardt. 1 ' W. Reece Johnson Sec, Could Not Hreatke. Coughs, colds, croup, grippe, bronchitis and other throat and lung trouble's are quickly cured by One Minute Cough Cure. One Minute Cough Cure is not a mere . . . expectorant, which, gives only temporary relief. it sot tens ana liquifies the mucous, draws out the inflamation and removes the cause of the disease. Absolutely Rafo 'Aots'at once "One Minute Digests what yod Eat aiiowing it to rest ana regain its to eat all the pood rood you want. by irregular heart action which relief. Ed. Thomas, Leitchfield, Ky." fL bottle contains tH times the 50a s!xs. c ninuii; uouan cure, it cures aui RIt.na.'.W mm ' . - The.R Concord's. White. Goods. India Lawns from to 55c per yard. Persian Lawns at 121 and 15 cents. French Lawn, 40 inches wide, that look like an Organdie at 35e per yard, worth 50 cents. Plain Nainsook at 12i and 20c per yard. , Silk Null only 12ic Long Cloth, assorted, up to 18c. No, 26 South Union Si Bo Tnere and stay there to maintain our posi tion at the head; we continue to sell the different atyles olt vehicles of Tyson Jones, Haokney, Barbour, Emerson & Fisher, etc. , of tbesame quality that has given satisfaction for years. Our efforts are directed towards pleasing our ever increasing number of customers rather than add to our profits. Any of these vehicles will raakepkas ing.Christmas Gifts buggies, eurrey and traps ofanyflnish all are excellent value at the price. Concord - National Bank! Has paid $54,000 in dividends since it opongd doors in July, 188. Its surplus and undivfded fund is $27,000. m Tho lossos Erom bad loans in its entire history aroi35.00. It has novor sued any ono or boon sued. . Its pflicors aro : J M Odell, president; DB Coltraij cashier; L D ColtiBift assistaut cashier; J M Ileudrii, bookkoopor. Board of Diroctrtrs W U Lilly, W U Odoll, Jno. P Allison, J S Uarris, Eiarn King, J M Odell and D B Coltrane. 0 To i . IIIIIIMHI li'IHKrHIMMKUUIIWWOfc i:m fm Cheap Store. Gents' Negilee Shirts. ? ' Twenty-four styles, at 48c. Silk Embroider ed Socks 10 cents Ladies' Fancy Printed and Extracted Colored Hose at 10 and 15c White Lawn and Percale Sun Bonnets at 25 cents. Embroidery Silks. Filio aYid Twisted, at 3c per skein. New Lot of Fine Box Papers at 48 cents. Tke Southern Selling Tickets, to Charles ton at Special Kates. The Southern Railway has put tickets on sale for the Char leston Exposition. The round trip rate from Concord for sea son tickets is $11.05. The 10 day tickets on sale daily are $8.10. Tickets on sale on Tuesdays and Thursday, 7 day return limit are $5.30 Twenty-Five Pieces For 25c. We will, until further notice, Laundry 25 pieces, such as Pil low Cases, Sheets,! Towels, Nap kins and Handerchiefs, for 25c. Not more than 8 sheets to be' in. each lot. Table Cloths and Spreads in with the above will be 5 and 10c each. No starch will bo put in any of thef above mentioned. We are yours to please, , Concord Steam Laundry. OF COURSE YOD I about getting yourself a pair of Spectacles Why study any longer ? But go to Cor- rell's and have your eyes tested. Your money back if Glasses don't suit. r Yours o .please, W. C.' CORRELL M, L. BROWN & BR0. LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES. Just in roar of St. Cloud Hotel. . Omnibuses meet all oassenger trains. Outfits of all kinds fur nishod promptly and at reason able prices. Uorses aud mules always on hand for sale. Breed ers of thoroughbred Polani China Hos. II

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