it ifrtt A .4k. A. rsw, j prtce: $4.00 peyar. ONCORD. N. C. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19 If 02 SlNGLH COPY 5 CFlsTS iilfil lily 1 Xi. k- M a SOME RARE COINS. Trench German, Du'cli, AjneriCac EasleYVith tTjjhtTail Fea'thers.. Mr. JM Sifford, of Rimer, in terested the Standard man on Tuesday with some coins rather rare. One is a silver French coin of five francs, bearing late of 1836. It looks much like our silver dol lar and is Worth about the same. Another is a German coin of 1797, inscribed "Ein Thaler," "Fred William Koenig Von Preussen." Still another is a gold coin seeming to bo worth nearly $10. On one side is "Munt Van Hot Keninggryk Nederlanden" and on. the other side is "William Konig der Ned G. II. V. L." We take this to be a Dutch coin. And yet another is a U. S. gold coin of three dollars, Rearing date 1859. Singularly enough these coins ' are all well preserved. Oue is a little worn while the others are almost in perfect condition. "While on coins, some time ago Prof. J P Cook, was speaking of a silver dollar that he said was very rare. It is a United States coin, dated 1878. Prof. Cook tells the following historical nar rative about this dollar: i ij i An expert was oraereuiomaitOj the die, which he did. Before '! one hundred pieces were coined (probably not even thirty) it was j discovered that the eagle had elsrht tail feathers. This was against explicit orders. So the artist lost his job and the die was ordered destroyed. These coins got into circulation. "When he had told tho story Deputy Sheriff, Hoke Peck, went away and very soon returned j i with one of these same coins. It i is doubtful whether there is an other of the same coins in the State. There is said to -be a nice little premium on them which will probably grow with the years. Meeting of Veterans Called. Cabarrus County Camp No. 212 U. C. V. is hereby called to i meet in Concord on Saturday, April 5th, at 2 o'clock p. m. to atoertain who and what number will attend the ieunion at Dallas, Texas. H B Parks, w2t. Commander. Nelson Urj Dead. Nelson Ury, the faithful old colored man who has been so much in tho employ of Mr. R A j Brown, died Tuesday night. Just before going, to press Monday evening we were informed that Jie was dead, but he revived and has been hanging between life and feath till the end come last night. He was t faithful, tip- rigtft okl time negro that com maaded ranch resp:t. Sobscfibe fofe StriBdd. ' GLASS 1TES. Birds llckin!f Fruit Bmls Young Mr. Winocfff Hurt Farmers Swiinr Spring Oats Wedding Bells Will Kins Out Som. Those birds that destroyed the peach buds and bloom last year have made their appearance again apd are picking off the buds now. I Cannot say what amount of damage they will do. ! Spring oats sowing has been I the order of the last week. ' Wheat is beginniug to show it-1 self a little. I Mr. Charles Isenhour has been j right sick of chills. ! I am sorry the Standard made ' j the mistake last week of 'saying , that there wojld be preaching at Center Grove the third Sunday instpnrl nf tho fifth T lirmn vnn 1 J will change it this week. Bachmau, son of Mr. S W t Winecoff, got a very painful hurt today. He had a piece of oak 1 scantling prizing down one-half - n I A ...1 I Ul uu urn U.UUU1U UtU U iXUU VVI.UU it fell the lots caught and jerked . , . , J partment to proceed to condemn tlia scantling out of his hands , A the Mahan property next to tho and one end struck him on the . t town hall. chin, cutting an ugly gash in his ; T . , , . , . , , ' o j hi i Last but' not least the board chin and lower lip. Ho is rest-1 . , . , , . .. 1 . voted to purchase a combination ing easy, but will have an ugly . , . . mi J' Chemical Fire Apparatus. Tho scar always. This old barn that tT , . , r . tialloway machine, made m Hal was being torn down was built' . '. . , . , , timoro. is contomDlatod and wo 'mr ro tVinn fiftr irn t2 n rrr T'lio j rafters were made of round pine poles flattened and peeled and tbey arG sound. Tho shingles were home-made pine shingles and they aro sound yet- Tho plates are about 14 inches square and look like they would have lasted another decade. But tho old log barns are going out ol j Tuesday evening. Thoprosecu fashion. jtionsdidnut havo a strong wit- We hear that-before the weeklv ness. The negro who was to will appear twice more the mar- til Mi 1 a riago dous win oe ringing m No. 4 A prominent member in a certain church choir is one of the parties Easter will soon be here and Li. . n i 1 1 1 . :me average sman ooy win oe hiding eggs. The grourd hog weather is over and tho voice of tho turtle dove js abroad in the land. vc have not heard election mentioned yet. With best wishes to the Stand ard I will close. S. W. SEW TOWS ORDINANCE. Vaprancr Legislated Against Loafing and Loitering Must be Regulated." Be it ordained by the commis sioners fop the town of Concord that any person or persons who shall within the corporate limits i of the town o? Concord be found loitering, sauntering or standing utout ugon the streetsof Con cord unemployed and h?rving no apparent means of subsistence, shall be guilt3r of amisdemeanor and upon couviction thereof iifaall bef ! fifty dcNlars or im- prisoned thUrtjdrifj CirrATHEKS AlBEf. Ye le to Buy ftieClieniloal Fire fliisine Streeis and Sidewalks tf be Iipp'ored Loaling to be Regulated? The cjty fathers met Tuesday night and piflled off quito a good batch of business of interest to the town. The Cementing of Union street sidewalks is to be continued as faras the fire limits, which means from Carban street to a few rods above Depot street. Spring street is to bo widened and macadamized. Corftin street is to have one sidewalk from Uuion street to the depot. ' Kerr street is accepted by the town aitd will now be under its care. On this street at the in- ter section of Cedar street a third artesian well is to be bored. Tho machinery is now on the way. An ordinance was nassed nro- , ,. minting loafinc: on tho street. A resolution was pat-icd r.uth- orizinir the chief of tho fire de- . supi,oso wjU bo tho 0f e chasedi pur- THE WILCOX TKIAL. Evidence All in Lawyers Pleading Wo Strong Witnesses Believed to Bo Guilty But Proof is Laeking. The tesiimony in tho Wilcox case at Elizabeth City was all m and the lawvers beran to plead swear to having seen a man carry or drag a woman at the time and place did not so testify. The rc- mainder of tho evidence was sus picious but not convicting in its nature. Tho evidence has nothing pos- j 1 ij a frrtl nive anu leaves uoudi as 10 w u- .cox's gui't. though from the ro- port of Mr. II E C Bryant tho' sentiment seems ominously against Wilcox. Depot and Cars 15 urncd Losses A boat $15000. Lincolntoa had a fierce firo Monday night about 1.30 o'clock. It burned up the Carolina and North Western .Railway depot, a number of cars and 150 bales of cotton. Tho chariotto. chomicai cngino was hashed to hoip but the bucket brigade subdued tho fire oefore it arrived. The loss is estimated at 12,"00 to $15,00'. it Job Couldn't IIav btood. If he'd had Itching Piles. Her're tojribly nnoing; bot Bucklen's Aruica Huive will curK the worsWcaso of piles on oart h. It has cured thousands. For In juries, Pains or Bodily Erup tions it's th' best salve in tho world Price 25c a box. Cure giijranteed. Sold by Fetzer's Dru Store. HjiI132IlI2SI$l3l!aS2ii!!iIf ISf 2f Sf ; .1 Jfjj Brairtard and Annstroncr ''Asiatic" Filo Wash n "! mi jj Silks are absolutely the best. We have just re- 1 I ecived a new line of eolor in flip IIodp nnrl Kilo m I Silks, per skein oaly y. G S3 WHITE MADRASS. Today we place on sale the second case ite Madrass ZM i 1 1 ends runninjr from 5 t 1 Wh pi yards to the piece. This N .!. K lj..l 1.. if .1 Ti. M w ijiu j 1 1 hi casi.j, which lasicu uniy iu ua : . n v, :is n I'll merely a chance that we get this case and the com- SI i mission people write us that they wi -I li; e no I? Rll more of these oods that the great demand lu.s $ ill 4 Hf n exhausted all the accumulation This splendid lot w Sh comes in fine mercerized satin stripes, lace strirx s 13 H and dimity cords. Some 32 and some iiG incln s S I wide. Would be considered good value 25c yard, W our special price H. L. Parks i kit is what wo aro after. The day of auctions bo over. Ojr stock of Furniture and IIouso Furnishings tho best the State affords. Buying in car lots and snvint freight and discounts gives us a long lead over small buyers. When in need of anything in our lino if you'll give us a call w7e will convinco you in a minute that wo can 'iva you the best goods for the money invested. A fine liij.: of I3ed Room Suits, Parlor Suits, Dining Suits, Hall Racks Side Boards, Rocking Chairs, Dining Chairs, Dinin and Parlor Tables, Cook Stoves, Oil Stoves, Rcfrigera- tors, Ice Cream Freezers, evervtlling VOU can tnillK Ot 1 1 1 1 i rj Bell &' Harris Good Job Work! . (liLlc substantiate this statement With the real stuff, I Q to say whether our w t; and. jf jt j make it so. We 4 X profita livingalso to do justice to Q . 3 p our customers. The Standard Job Office. . Bend in your subscription to The Standard 35 cfs & mcAitl M M m M M M - - - x- " IU1 M t:rt a m m M tin 0 M ."j 1 case is finer goods than jj w li KM m w m H L Company. Hammock and Lawn Swings, to inaKC VOU TCCl comfortaoie l p i i 1 11 Furniture Go. X and leave it to you $ work is all right or Q t guarantee to f '.1 are here to'rna e a V m

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