Daify Standard. JOHN D. BARRIER, Editor and Propriety. OFFICE IS 3I0RIUS UUILDUiU. country, carrying with it better roads, moie rural reading, more ; correspondence and thef ore more of the social upbuilding -and a 1 - TH(, STANDARD ;is published every day ; practical removal Of much Of isolation of countryife, which 2oo iS about the onl disadvantage to be overcome to make it the best and freest from grinding Sunday excepted and delivered by carriers 9 rtATES Of Subscription One iy ear Six mouths Three mo-rths . 1.00 Oue month 35c Single copy Sc. - , The,WceklyoStandard is an 8-column 4-page ; toU &nd exhausting anxiety, oer. 11 has a lareer circulation in Cabarrus l " J fAv any other paper. Price $i a year in advance. Terms for regular advertisements made known on application. Address all communications to THE STANDARD, Coucord, S. C. TELEPHONE NO . 71- Concord, N. C, March IP, 1902. We learn that there is some confusion yet in the minds of certain voters in the county with regard to the disfranchisement act and the poll tax requirement. If your fatheror grandfather ABOUT FREE HURAL MAIL 1E- could vote before the war ana LIVERY. you have paid your poll tax for There is still more information 1901 before the first of May, called for as to rural free deliy- 1902 vou can vote- If the sheriff ry of mail. We are not sure holds the tax tlaim against you that we know all the questions to you .will have to go back and sit be answered nor the -answers to down while others vote. If your them, i fathers could not vote before the To begin with, we have always ar and vu can read and write presumed, and do yet presume, and have yur Po11 ta receipt that free rural' mail delivery is dated before May 1st you are the greatest good to the greatest i u K- number, and if, in getting this there may be a few incmiveni- of While the Short Hand the clock travels twice ences to a few these will wear! around the dial Perry Davis' t to the' ainklller wllJcuroa cold; will ottoo uic tiiiiiiuusa across uju away in cur adju.stmen ew and progressive order of things. As to directing mail, there can be no especial difficulty. Sup pose you direct a letter or pack age lo George Jone, Concord, N. C, Rural Route No. 1, thai post master at Concord has no trouble to- assign it to the car- i rier ou route No. 1 and he is pre-1 sumed 1o knovv every man on the ' route or at least the owner of every box. Every family, too, ! is furnished with a blank wLich, ! being tilled out, ghes tl o mail carrier the name of every one who expects mail at that bo;:. As to registered packages i there can be no trouble about i delivering tli3m to the carrier. I Remarkable Cures of Rheumatism. From the Vindicator, Ilutherfordton. N. O. The editor of the Vindicator has had occasion to test the efficacy of Chamberlain's Pain Balm twice wih the most re markable results in each case. First, with rheumatism in the shoulder from which he suffered excruciating pain for ten days, which was relieved with two applications of Pain Balm. rubbing the parts afflicted and realizing instant benetit and entire relief in a very short time, Second, in rheumatism .in thigh joint, almost prostrating him with severe pain, which was relieved by two applications, rubbing with the liniment on re tiring at nightf and getting up tree irom pain. For sale by M. L Marsh, druggist. ' 'Because a woman smiles sweetly when the dinner guest sayS he will have more of her delicious pie and there isn't any more, is no sign that when she gets into another room she doesn't kick the door in a ragef" if a i" s UvAvl I Concord's Cheap Store. White Goods.! Cents', ltfegilee . - jSmrts. chest and hence will banish the fear of pneumonia. "Just a little cold" does not become a misery that clings until roses bloom i you have recouso to this never failing help. There is but one Painkiller. Perry Davis.' Rocky Hirer Items. Harrisburg March 17, 1902. Messrs. Sam Black and Hal' Earnhardt went to Charleston tcnight. They will return home the latter part of this week. Rev. R J Hunter and Messrs. JF Alexander, and Ed Harris! I returned from the Charleston Exposition Eriday morning. On Eriday, 21st, inst., the the Congregational meeting will be held, in the church. The exeicises will begin at ten Practically Starring "After using a few bottles of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure my wife received perfect and permanent relief from a severe and chronic case of stomach trouble," says J R Holly, real estate, insurance and loan agent, of Macomb, 111. "Before using Kodol Dyspepsia Cure she could not eat an ordi nary meal without intense suffer ing. She is now entirely cured. Several physicians and many remedies had failed to give re lief." You don't have to diet. Eat any good food you want, but don't overload the stomach. Ko dol Dyspepsia Cure' will alwavs digest what you eat. Gibson Drugstore. India Lawns from 8 to 55c per yttrd. . Persian Lawns at 12i and 13 cents. French Lawn, 40 inches wide; that look like an Organdie at 35e per yard, worth 50 cents. j Twenty-four styles, at 48c. 1 i Silk Embroider ed Socks 10 cents Ladies' Fancy Printed and Extracted Colored Hose at 10 and 15c. Plain Nainsook at 12h and 20c per yard. Silk Null only 12ic. "When life is easy for a man he is apt to come to little; when life is hard bo has a good chance of growing to a hero." They can be placed in the box 0'clock a- m- In the afternoon with the monoy to pay the ! an EducatioQai Rally will be As to receiving them , held The ProSram promises charges. . from the carrier there may be a i t0 be verJ interesting. . Rev. measure of inconvenience, buJMr' Hi,ler' Mayor M B.Stickley this mav find practical adiust-! Prof- Coler acd Mr- c E Boger, of-Concord, will be here, and I troubles, Onlv 50c. iuv 11 uuu mc uiuou nana-i T, . . , , , . !fi,10nv a i Inzer's Drug Store Druggist. w;v. it surety cannot vve wn i " .li " j ji a.. mvuauuu is uAmuueu io every White Man Turueil Yellow. Great consternation was felt by the friends of M. A. Hogarty of Lexington. Ky., when they saw, he was turning yellevv. His skin slowly changed color, also his eyes, and he suffered terribly. His malady was Yellow Jaundice, He was treated by the best doctors, but without benefit. Then he was advised to try Electric Bittdrs, the wonderful Stomach aud Liver remedy, and he writes: "After taking two bottles I was wholly cured." A trial proves its matchless merit for all Stomach, Liver and Kidney Sold bv Long Cloth, assorted, up to 18c. White Lawn and Percale Sun Bonnets at 25 cents. Embroidery Silks. Filio and Twisted, at 3c per skein. New Lot of Fine Box Papers at 48 cents. No. 26 South Union St. . '1 11 gl U.'Tl.i 11 t,t t Via rrron f. nil irn yt o rrnc -f , .. .. . , uuujf iu uo present. daily mail to our intelligent rural , Mrs g A Qrier left today f Qr citizenship. The less intelligent, ( Payetteville, to attend the too, will get inspiration from the State Sunday School Conven- system that will be a forward tion educational movement Mr J Spears had the mis- As to post offices in the coun- f?rtune' to br3ak bis Just r . , i : ' above the ankle last week, tiy, we cannot say how manyl n u . -i. -a . ,y I .Work on the bridge is going will be discontinued. They are ' forward all the lime. One of . usually an 'Unremunerative bur- j the piers.is completed and every den and thankless service. Many ( one who has seen it pronounces oT the post masters aio glad to14 a first class jb- be relieved of them. Where L Maj' JG,Harris of Charlotte ,.?v,, i , . i sPeut Friday night in the Rocky then continuance is desired it Riverf at DF Ger,g f will depend entirely upon the in- j, The Young Peoples Mission spector or officer sit cfut by the ary Society will meet Saturday department to regulate such mat-: night promptly at eierht o'clock, ters, aud Vetions s to thir' B- contiifbauce cannot be answered FOR OVER SIXTY EAl -by any one else. This whole matter, has been on of ceaseless pressure fora grfdt forwa A movement by Con gressman Kluttz, Post Milter G "Solomon's wives were con tented because they did not have to go out in bad weather to gossip." The Judges Have Decided. At the grand show down of the toilet soaps of the world at 'the Paris Exposition, the judges de cided after carefully considering the merits of all, that Colgate's Toilet Sqaps are the best. These peerless Toilet Soaps are for sale at Fetzer's Dru Store.. They sell Colgate's line exclu' sively. To Bo Ttiero and stay there to maintain our posi tion at the head; we continue to sell the different styles of , vehicles of Tyson Jbnes, Haokney, Barbour, Emerson k Fiaher, etc., of therfme quality that has giyen satisfaction for years. Our efforts are directed towards pleasing our ever increasing number of customers rather than add to our profits. Any of these vehicles will makepkaa. ingChristmas Gifts buggies, lurrsy and traps oflanyjfinish all are cxoellent value at the price The Southern ScIliDg Tickets t Charles ton at Special Ratfs. The Southern Railway has put tickets on sale for the Char-, leston Exposition. The round trip rate from Concord for sea son tickets is $11.05. The 10 day tickets on sale daily are &8.10. Tickets on sale on Tuesdavs and Thursday, 7 day return limit are $o.bU Twenty-Five Pieces For 25c. We will, until further notice, Laundry 25 pieces, such as Pil low Cases, Sheets, Towels, Nap kins and Handerchiefs, for 25c. Not more ihan 8 sheets to be in each lot. Table Cloths and Spreads in with the above will be 5 and 10c each. No starch will be put in any of tht above mentioned. We are yours to please. Concord Steam Laundry. MM H "A smart rascal may reform, b it a fool is always a fool." Kt5 Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over sixtv vmm hv mil. lior-s of mothers "tor their children Vihfi teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer imroedi- L Patterson and others. i ,fh J 5 byTdf 186 m eery ,ax , -t me worm, twenty-five cents a bot- It is a great movement that ll,r' e 8ure ani as for ''Mrs. Wiu Tvill eventual sweep over the $E SSd SyrQP'" teke no Experience convinces. See for your self how quieklv Ely's CreMn klm wilt cure catarrh or coKI in the head. We mail trial pize for 10. Fall me 50c. VII druggists ELY BROS., 56 Warren St., New York. Clifton, Arizona, Jan. 20 1809. Messrs. Ely Bros. : Find enclosed 60 cents, for which ploase send mp your Cream Balm. 1 find your remedy the quickest and most permanent cure for cold in the head, catarrh, etc. Yours truly, Dbli, M Potter, Gen. Mgr. Arizona Gold Minning Co, Concord - National Bank " . Has paid $54,000 in dividends since it opened doors in July, 18.88. Itsurplus and undivided fund is $27,000. The losses from bad loans in its entire history are $35.00. It has never sued any bne or been sued. Its officers are : J M oSell president; DB Coltrane, cashier; L D Coltrane, assistant cashier J M Hendrix. bookkeenor V Board of Directors VH LillvJ ii uuou, j no. i' Allison, J S Harris, Elam King, J M odeH and D B Coltrane. OF COUiiSE YOU i i about getting yourself a pair of Spectacles WThy study any longer ? But go to Cor rell's and have, your eyes tested. Your money bacic if Crlasses don't , suit. Yours to .please, . W. C. CORRELL 1 i " A M, L, Brown &'6ro, LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES. Just in rear of St. Cloud Hotel. Omnibuses meet all passenger trains. Outfits of all kind fur nished promotlv and at, reason- able prices. Horses and mules always on hand jr sal e. Breed ers of thorouchrrwl Pnland China Hogs.

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