' '"' m llll -i - ' ' , , I$icij: $4.00 per yc&r.Z- . 0NCORD.. 0 PRJDAy, AECB 2U IS02 SlNflLE COPY 5 CENTS THE SHOTGUN ViS LOADED. Sba Did Xot Waqti I'it Ks SUne to (Jo .Shootin? aud TThen She Jerked at th&J Gin in His Hands It Was Discharged She Will Recoyer. It Is Said. The accidental discharge of a shot gun yesterday morning so badly lacerated the leg of - Minne Allen, a "white woman, living at 421 West Hill street, that amputation, above the knee, was necessary. She is at St. Peter's Hospital and her physicians state that she will probably recover. Her own carelessness, said Minnie Allen, was responsible for the accident. At 10:30 o'clock Parks Stone, a young white man, who lives on South Church street came to her house for his gun, a breech -leader. He picked up the gun and told the woman that he was going out to shoot robins. She told him, play fully, that he should not go. As he started to leave the house the woman grabbed the gun at the muzzle and sharply pulled it toward her and downward. The gun was discharged, the contents bird shot entering the calf of her right leg, tearing away the flesh and splintering the bone. Chief of Police Irwin happened to be in the vicinity of the woman's house and hurried to the scene. He arrested Stone and hekl him till the woman had made a statement, declaring that Stone was not responsible for her injury. Then Stone was released. Minnie Allen was taken to the hospital, where an operation was performed, A 'phone mes sage from the hospital 'ast night stated that her condition is satisfactory. Charlotte Obser ver of 21st. What ife Tfiink Of the Propofed Crnnipacker Bill! The Washington correspon dent pf the Raleigh Post says of kHou. Theo. F Kluttz's views on the CrumpaQker bill. The Crumpacker resolution i far-reaching, more so than is indicated on the surface. It is J boldy proposed that a partisan committee 'Shall be chosen to ascertain how many negroes are disfranchised in the southern MiS. KUTTZ'S VIEW. states. This information is to be gathered in Washington for Republican campaign purposes and used in the North to in fluence the negro vote' in the states that are close. Then there is another purpose in view, which has notyet appeared. The Republicans expect to lose the House. By revolutionary methods they can convert the expected minority into a majority. For this purpose it will only be necessary to bring out the figures of this investigat ing committee and show their figures as to the number of voters claimed to be dis franchised. Enough southern representatives can be denied their seats to overthrow a Democratic majority." Dury Sun. 11E WUX0X.VC1SI. Two Great Sp9ethei. Thnrsdly One Hundred Citizens Mke an Illadriscd Demonstration and-f-eayV Conrt Rout Whn Mr. Ajdlett Speaks. 9 Mr., Ward for the State and Aydlett for the defendant dosed ... the argument in the Wilcox mur der trial of t Elizabeth City on Thursday. They were doubtless very powerful speeches 'and measured up with the occasion wherein justice calls loudly for purftshment if Wilcox is guilty, but for his vindication if he is innocent. Some citizens made a very'un fortunate demonstration when Mr. Aydlett began to speal for the defeuse and about one hun dred, including probably twenty women, left the court room by preconcerted action. To add to this the fire bell was rung and gayaarfuls-e alarm which drew out a number more. The act is condemned and deplored by many who believe tho defendant guilty. The case went to the jury today. S. ti DAY AT CHARLESTON; X SI m m to a GEN. MILES NOT PLEASED. Child Painfully Uarned. We are sorry to learn that the little one year old child of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stiatford was painfully burned this morning. It got one hand and arm to the elbow into boiling matter (prob ably soap). The burn, we are glad to know, is not of a nature to produce permanent injury. Dr. Caldwell was called .in and dressed the wound. Mr. Cox's Handsome Pick-up. Mr, A M Cox, who 'eems quite Will Resign His Office if the Hawley Bill lucky, according to miners' par lance, showed us another of his pick-ups of gold today. It is a little quartz and more gold that weighs one fourth of a pound. He found it Wednesday at tho new Meadow Creek mine on the Becomes a Law. Senator Howley, it is said, at the instigation of the War De partment, has inroduced a bill that, in effect, takes away the functions of the Gcnoral-in-Chief of the army and places them with a general staff till the re tirement of the present incumb ant when the office is to be abol ished. This stirred the blood of Gen. Miles who appeared before the committee Thursday, and gtive his views in no mistakable terms. He says it is subversive of the interests of the military 20,000 People on the Ground-Comity Prizes. Thursday was South Carolina Day at the Charleston Exposition and was the biggest day yet. It is estimated that there wore 20, 000 people on the grounds. Tho county prizes for tho best ex hibits were awarded. They were announced by Gov. McS weeny as follors : Spartanburg first prize, $1,000; Chester second prize, $500, aud Darlingtori and Georgetown tied on third prize. wr st MM m a is at m Do Yoii Do you pay attontion to Spec ial Sales at the'Department Store? If not that's where you loose. Read our advertisement tomorrow read it Monday, read it every day, come to the store and see the specialties if you don't win out we give it up. We pull off a Special Sale Monday that will in terest every woman in Concord. St lands of Mr. George Smith. It looks very attractive in these days when one is allowed to ad mire and speak well of gold. IUght Man Jot Wanted. The pension-grabbers have at last won their point. H. Clay, JCvans, the Commissioner of Pensions, one of the first establishment aud gave it to be ; appointee's of Mi. McKinle's Young Lady Dead. Miss Mary A Story, of Forest Hill, died Thursday night at 10 o'clock of typhoid fever. Miss Story was about 1G years old and was a bright girl. The funoral services were conducted at 5 o'clock this even ing by the Rev. Mr. HugJ gins aud the remains will be laid to rqst in the city cemetery. We extend our deepest sym pathy to the parents in treir sore bereavement. St i S 1 8 2 i m i m MM MM IMlISS12R2CniieSXlSMIltS11132imiII32S21Xt m m i IS TFTt IDT 3 JL ZEST IS gjg& jg I is what we are after. The day o? auctions bo orer. Our stock of Furniture and House Furnishings tho best the State affords. Buying in car lots and savins freight and discounts gives us a long lead over small buyers. When in need of anything in our line if you'll give us a call we will convince you in a minute that wo can give you the best goods for the money invested. A fine line of Bed Room Suits, Parlor Suits, Dining Suits, Hall Hacks, Side Boards, Rocking Chairs, Dining Chairs, Dining .and Parlor Tables, Cook Stoves, Oil Stoves, Refrigera tors, Ice Cream Freezers, Hammock and Lawn Swings, everything you can think of to make you feel comfortable understood that he would resign his office if tho bill becomes a law. "Romeo was glad t -climb up Juliet's bakony to see her, but after the honeymoon he would hffre made a rumpus because there iis no elevator. " first administration, has for five year$ stood wifch a club between them ad the Treasury, bttthey have finally succedeeffn prifing him out and the joy among the "comrades" is great. His successor will probably be an easy marlUi Charlotte Obser ver. These Are Tho Favorites. Colgate's Mountain Violet, Sweet Pink, La France Rose, Cashmere Bcquet and Vioris are exqisitely perfumed Toilet Soaps Colgate's Colossal, Turkic Bath. White Clematis and Olive 'Palm are leaders everywhere, peerless for purity. Go. to !Fetzer's Drug Store for Colgate's Soap. ;Mrs. C E VanDeusen, of Kilboum, Wis., was afflictot with stomach trouble auf con stipation for a long time, She says, "I have tried many pre parations but none have don me tho good that Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets have.". These Tablets are fer sale at M. L. Marsh's drug store. Price, 25 cents. Samples free. Bell & Harris Furniture Go. P Good Job Work! i jl . ' ' " TDCDU substantiate this statement k X With the real stuff, and leave it to you $ p to say. whether outwork is all right or i$ not; and jf it is not we guarantee to & make it so. We are here to ma e a profita 1ivingalso to do justice tc g our customers. The Standard Jolb Office. i Serijd in our subscription to The Standard 35 cfcs, a month.