VJ W . . ; . a T 9 - - . , rrrr: - - u Price per yea. :'ONC(VU), N. C iVSDNKSDAY. MARCH 26 102 -Single copy 5 cents. A TKCHIMi AT WASHiMiTVN. Tlie Taylo poisoner Strung up The Negro Boston Taken From Jail at Williamston Moaday Xij;ht by a Mop, Carried to. Washington and lfauged to a Sweet (Juin Tree. . Washingtop, N. C, March 23. Lasti night Jim Boston, colored, was taken 'from the jail at Williamston, whefe he had been incarcerated for sale, keeping, brought back within a mile of this town and hanged to a sweet gum tree. His body was found dangling to. the treo limb early this morning. Boston is the negro who several days ago placed poison in the coffee to kill tho nurse at Dr. T Tayloe's but iustead of tho poison reach ing the old colored woman, Dr. Tayloe and his family were all poisoned and several members of the ii nily came near dying! It was only through prompt aid ! that the family were saved from death. After Boston was ar rested and placed in jail ho con fessed the crime, but staled that his aim was to make way with the nurse. Fears of lynching wTere circulated among our citizens immediately after tho crime and he was taken to the jail in Williamston. How the mob secured Boston from tho iail in Williamston can not be ascertained as com munication between the two towns has been cut off due to the lynchers cutting tho wires. There was considerable excite ment when the lynching was first learned, but now all is quiet. ' XOlS FROM THE OKGAK. MBEHMOF DEMOCRATS. Easter Coin minimi Services- toufeder ate Veterans to Organize. Organ Chuixh, March 24.-Th8 regular spring communion meet- State Fx'enjive, (Vnmitti o Meets in " Raleigh Convention Will b Held ftt (Jreeusbo$o 16th Day of July. The Stfite Democratic 'exec- ing will be held at Organ Church utive committee met in Raleigh the second Sunclay of April. "n &e 25th. Tho delegation Preaching Wednesday, Thurs-icis the best known for many day, Friday and Saturday at 2 v ears and lacked but one mem p. m jber present or represented by Rev. Dr. Miller, of Mt. Pleas- j proxy, ant, will preach on Saturday, and It voted 33 to 32 in favors of Sunday. ' 'meeting at Greensboro on the The old Confederate Veterans ' day of July, of this section -are going to meet One of the most important an Organ church on 'Thursday, ( features of the convention was a April, 10, just after service to , lepral opinion road' from Mr. form an organization for the Roundtree of Wilmington, set mutual benefit of the survivors ' ting forth that the law is vtl'd of tho Lost Cause. ' j which requires all taxes Mr. Dolph Uolshouser is suf- for 1901 paid before May 1st fering with erysipelas on the 1902 as -a requisite to citing a head and face. j vote at the polls this year. The maii boxes on the rural1 Tlio opinion of Mr. Rtruidiree delivery route are being put up. ' was adopted by the committee as Seed sweet potatoes are quite its opinion. far scarce, some- sro as lar as six miles for them. . B. Our excellent correspondent will note in another column an account of the death of Mr. Jerry Basinger which came in a day earlier, hence is omitted here. Ed. Mrs. 0. A. Tatterson, of China Grove, Dead. Mrs. G A Patterson died this (Wednesday) morning at her home in China Grove after a fruitless struggle against blood poison for somo weeks. Her death has been looked for for several days. She was 32 years old and leaves a sorrowing husband and two small children, one an in. fant, since whose birth she has not recovered complete health. Her maiden namu was Miss Minnie Huffman and she had been married but about four "She was held in high esteem qnd was a devoted member of the E. L. church. The funeral services will be conducted from the homaThurs day at 11 o'clock and tho body will be laid to rest in the ceme- - k E Busby ,of Salisbury, will con duct the services. Our profound sympathy is ex tend to the bereaved. Dr and Mrs. C A Earnhardt, of Pieasant, were in the city (today(W:lnosday) the guests of Mrs. Earnhardt's brother, Mr. R E Ridenhour. JIovv It Happened. The Standard man has been beset with questions as to what kind of wreck he has passod through and it has been "flung up" to him that if any of ihe rest had had aconllagration the news would have been read in the Standard. Well, as a rule, we doctors do not take our own medicine, but lest somo one else should lose a venerable mustache, his eye brows and eyelashes and a few patches of cuticle off his face in the same way, the story would better be told. On last -Friday morning our ollice fire refused to burn and we put some chips into the heater and poured some kerosene oil over them (from an open vdssel not an oil can mind you). There being no blaze the oil persisted in not burning but only smoul dered while the occupants of the office shivered. The writer lifted the top and was in tho act of reaching down into the heater with a lighted match when the hot gas ignited like powder and he found his head in a flash of flame with a splendid fry of mus tache, eyebrows and oyelasUes. This is'the story. Take it and make the best of it, but 'remem ber that beforethe oil got very hot, matching it would have bee, entirely safe, but after it irot hot gun-powderVas no less danger ous. 4 No harm was done to tle stove and some claim that the victim of tho accident is better looking, since than before, which of course is saying a good deal. F0CL MURDER NEAR ELK IN'. (11 Iris Body Found in Fund Crime to Hide Crime. The dead body of a jjirl was discovered in a pond at Rhoda, six miles from Elkin, on last Sunday morning. The girl had a number of bruises showing that she had beou foully mur dered and her condition furnishes a clue to the purpose. There is no very strong evidence as to tho guilty party but it is hoped that one will be found and that her honor and her life may be avenged. St. John's C'linreh Important Meeting. Preparatory services, with preaching, will be held on Good Friday aL 11 o'clock a. m. at St. John's church. On Easter Sun day tho sacrame"nt of tho Lord's supper will be administered. It is especially desired to-have a full attendance of the members at these services. Ou Friday a statement will bo maae wilh reference to the work done at Council meeting on Mon day, March 24th, when tho presi dent of Synod, Rov. C B Miller, was present. May all the mem" bers bo present. II N Milt.kk, supply pastor. SIX ME' KILLED. Bank of Earth Caves in on Them ubile Working 'ear It. Six men were killed at Cleve- land, O., on the. 25th by a cave-in of earth. They were working The New Footwear for Spring f-.T.-!. It , t This Department is at present very Vih! and interesting witli the New Styles in Footwear. Wo carry a larger and better assortment of fino and medium grade shoes Jhan many Shoe Stores, This spring the manufacturers have made the effort of their lives to combine with the best styles the most service and tho greatest possible comfort and this department is just full of good things for your inspection :::::::::": The Retina for Women. Ideal . Tat. Kid, best known for diess. Price n 00 3.00 is tnoh'a popular priee. Wo make a spociulty here thro or four best makes known. We can show you any st lo you can call for at $2 00 drover's Hand Turned Soft Shoe for Tender Fot t. llfirauteed corn and buir'on curers. Price $2.25 lace .or mU "', fire tli !i-,t Sj ot s made for tK p. ice, $1.25 B and P's. "Korreet SI ape,' tho linestgrudu Put.'pt Vi'-i and Colt. Price . $.1.(10 Snow'd Original .t-t O .'N. Snow's I Glo' y, m r'T, , weights. Via', Vol or. ,r P-i -!., Leather, button or Lei., pi e 3 00 and 1 00 The IT. 0. Godnian Shod Co. vvvvva-Bk n I T TIT . . mi M and W on rsro s A: Uo. mane our lurmus n s- ror u $1.50 Shoes. To those who know I h-ive stood ttio toft and sold n: the brand this is a nuflioient pruar- j the bobt 3 00 Shoes for 30 3 enr. antte. All styles and weights-: ! 1'rico now " 2.50 heels or spring heel. $150 Lady Florence and the Old Vir ginia, both made in the Rich mond penitentiary, in all styles, Cheaper Qra les for Vt-n r... C:df, Velour ard Vieiw, ;.m styles as for, d in the hiU r grades jgil.eo. $.2r, ,!.'() an I $2.I0 LADIES' OXFORDS coming in on every frri;,it, 'J'Jio uiorn line in the city. Prices from $1.00 to $:.00. I t will i;it ivht u t I'leto ' Hiota. . . r 1 is what wo are after. Tho day o" auctions bo over. Oi v j stock of Furniture and llouso Furnishings the best the State affords. Buying in car lots and savins freight uud discounts gives us a long lead over small buyers. When iri noed of anything in our lino if you'll give u a rr.ll we will convince you in a minute that wo can give you the . best goods for tho money invested. A fine line of. Bed Room Suits, Parlor Suits, Dining Suits, ((nil Jincks, Side Boards, Rocking Chairs, Dining Chairs, Dining and Parlor Tables, Cook Stoves, Oil Stoves, iKTi itera tors, Tee Cream Freezers, Dammoek and Lfrwn Swings, everything you can think of to make you fool comfortable ell 8 Harris Fumitus e Co. FOIl OVER SIXTY EAKS hits. Wiuslow'a Hoothicc; Syrup hf-f been used for over bixly years by mil liors of mothers for thoir children whu;.- teething, with perfect Biwcess. It Koothen tu child, hoiVuh the gnm, allays all pain, cures wind colio, and is the best remedy tor Diarr'ioe4. It will rel'eyethe poor little BiifTtrer immedi ately. Bold by druggists m every part of the world. Twenty-live cents a bot tie. Ee Bure and ank for 'Mrs. Win fIows Soothing Hyrup," tk? tVe no othpir kirrl Concord - National Bank close to a bank of clay when it Has paid $54,000 in dividends e way and cauirht ce it. opened ilfrs in July, Sc-H. Its surplus in.d undivitto i Sieved the thar.-1::g uhj -0 eCT.ucU. suddenly gav thm. It is be from the late hard freeze was the cause. An Autlubon Society for the study of birds, and for their protection was formed at tho State Normal College last week. Mr. 3 Y Joyner is President. Biblical Recorder. OF COURSE YOU nisi about getting yourself a pair of Spectacles Why study any longer ? But go to Cor- rell's and havo your eyes tesiod. Your money bacic if Glasses don't suit. Yburs to .please, W. C. rr r- r t r v 1 Tl- Uf!- .is fro.'!f bad loau It: its eulire history are $85.(1'). It j has never sued any one or bocajQf f-j, Vv3k6fic d sued. ' ) Its officers are : J M Odoll, I , CHARLOTTE, X. C, president; i) B Coltrane, cashier; I L D Coltrane, assistant casln; : limits his practico to discuses of J M Uendrix, bookkeeper. ! . . , . W R Odoll, Jno. P Allison, j s Harris, Elam King, J M Odeii and D B Coltrane. Tie Doctor wili bo ;nCu 'c rd at the Sr. Cloud March 27th. on Thursday,