11 1,Y o o 0 Prjce: $4)0 per year. . -.UNCORD. N. 0. THURSDAY, MARCH 27. 1602 Single copy Jf cents?. 41 lei-f M I I L.I R b'.JI r 1 UBLIf SGH90I;SYSTEf 0? IKMANA. HY REV. JOSEPH ElWlX SXttfll. Good Road9 and Fre Jramiportationj Long .farms; Brick IIouscsj Good Salaries; Compulsory Laws and Truant Officers.. ' . I take g.leat pleasure in giving some information about the public schools of Indiana, since, if I mistake not, the Indiana schools are equal to those of any State in the Union. The peoplo take groat pride in them, and support them liberally.' The report of the Superintend ent of Public Instruction for 1900 shows that there are en rolled in the schools 504,807, with a daily attendance of 429, ,56fy that is, 75 per cent of the children enrolled are in school. Thefts are gathered into 10,038 school houses, only four of which are log building, and 4,810 are brick. .This number of buildings may be smaller than in some States, with a much smaller population, but this result is brought aoout by abandoning the small schools and consolidat ing the schools of the township into one or two schools located as conveniently as possibte. Where transportation is desired or is necesary, it is supplied. It is much cheaper to provide transportation two or three miles than to keep up a school at a cost of from $25 to &50 Der Dupil: besides the rjurjils are in better school- houses, have better teachers, the attendance is from 50 to 150 per cent greater, and the schools have longer terms. There are some objections to this arrange ment. Bad roads in many districts seem to be the worst, but the splendid pike roads, which are being built very fast, together with the Inter-Urban Electric Roads, are making possible and popular the con solidating of many rural schools. THE TEACHERS. The'se children are under the instruction of 15,G17 teachers, 7,208 of whom are men. The average salary is two dollars and five cents xer day. These teachers are elected to their position by the Trustees of each township. These Trustees be ing elected by popular vote may, and often do, use their power to strengthen their party, ap pointing the children 6r relatives of their tonstituents. But this evil is checked and in manyf 'iscs averted by the Contity Su )erintendent, who may be, and tften is, of a diffont political .arty; and he will seoto it thSt uses hfts office for political pur poses. Besidesa spiendu knowl- edge of . che regular common school branches, each "teacher musj have special knowledge of pedagogy, psychology and philosophy. To increase their knowledge, they have a regular coursQ o"f reading, upon which they are examined by the County Superintendent. At least one Saturday in the month during which the school runs is set apart to "County Institute Work." Here .one of the teach- CECU-. KHOliES DEAD. . iTJie .New . Pnntwear fnr Snrtrtrr 1 lie Groat Manipulator of South Afiifim I Affairs Expires ot.fieait Trouble'on the 2Cth. The great Cecil Rhodes, se 1 well-known in South African history, expired.on the evening of the 20th. H had been ill for several weeks and his daath was no surprise. He had dlseasw of the heart. The English govern ment will give him uublic burial. He was a man conspicuous for his purpose to bring all South Africr. under English dominion ' and draw to himself a large and ers, appointed by the Trustees, presides at every meeting' and ovr increasing estate. carries out a regular outline of They're Putting on Easter Airs. Cur merchant men are putting This Department is at present verybright and interesting with the New Styles in Fo.otwear. We carry a larger and better assortment of tine and medium grade shoes than many Shoe Stores, This spring tho manufacturers have made the effort of their lives to combine with the bests vies the most service and the greatest possible comfort and this department is just full of good things study. This consists of pre pared papers on the subject of. on Easter airs in an unusual do-, 1riee Tbe Begina for Women. Ideal Tat. Kid, best known for' dress. $3.00 the day, followed by general discussion. For this work each teacher receives the same per day as for teaching. This In stitute work alone costs the gree. Mr. R K Black, who always $.00 is such a popular price. We make a specialty here three or four best makes known. We goods side at the Cannon & Fetzer store to get Something better has State $208,797,88, or a little a window all draped and flowing more than 3 per cent of the 'with the latest patterns of ladies, changes the window on the dress Cilu show yu aDy fit-le yu caQ call for at $2.00 lace or button, are tbe lw,t SI made for the price, $l.2. B. and Ps. "Korrect Shape," the finest grade Patent Vi n j Colt. Price $,-,.od Snow's Original ldt Colt. Style and service. rm- $4 00 whole amount expended, which was for 1889, $6,534,298,74. I dress and ornamental trappings. It is one of his best jobs. Tho must not neglect to say that this shoe window above suits the eye ettendance to "Institute" is 'and the understanding. obligatory upon trustee and teachers. Every summer the teachers are almost compelled The Department store has three windows tastefully ar rayed. One window has goods to attend a six weeks' session ac to be seen only before they are the State University or Normal, I purchased. The whole display is where they must learn all of the charming. new theories and fads of popular teachers. We have no rich teachers here either, but I believe that wo hare a high grade of teachers and our school system is rapidly raising the standard. (continued tomorrow.) At the Graded Schtol. Entertainment by Fourth Grade Friday afternoon, March 28th. PROGRAMME. Song "Come Away, Come Away." Welcome Lujy Brown. Signor Ritz has Easter eggs in profusion and variety. The Racket store window is full of reminders of the Easter egg season and is dyeing. for th occasion. Fetzer's drug store is full of the legendary rabbit and his Easter egg as well as many oth er seasonable emblems, such as "happy go-luckies'' just emerged from the shell. Dove & Bosfc can't bo boat just G rover's ITand Turned Soft Sine for Tender Feet, guaranteed cora and bunion ourers. Prioe $2.25 The H. O. Godman Shoe Co. and Wolf Bro's & Co. make our $1.50 Shoes. To those who know 11 . I Al ' . V . i no orana mis ia a punicient guar- i antee. All styles and weights ! Price now I Snow's Olcl QJcr--, prrin.; weights. Vici, Velour ur Pn; cp- Leather, button or lnc , pr e $3 00 and $:iit",o James Means' Shoo for Mtu haye stood the test and1 sold witii J the best $3 00 Shoes for 80 yea. heel or spring heel. $1 50 Lady Florence and the Old Vir-v ginia, both made in the Rich mond penitentiary, in all Btyles, $2.50 Cheaper Grades for Men IV. x Calf, Velour ard Viois, mm styles as found in the lisfv grttues qtu.uu, jjii.ao, fcl.'U and XZ.im LADIES' OXFORDS ooming in on every freight. The most umpletfr line in the city. Prices from $1.00 to $3.00. It will interest you t. m them. rv - - -- -- l ... t?r P.ecitation-"Careful Sfho1ar,,-Mae now fcI boets. Buchanan. Recitation "The Cross Old vNToman" Ethel Johnson. Recitation Lik a General" Mary Po'ter. Song ':Easter B(Jlls." Recitation "Grand Pa's Glasses" Cooper Miller. Recitation "Long Comes Liza" Paul Means. Son.? "Train to Poppy Land " The Coqcord .Drug Company has a beauty in the corner winjj dow. It is a seedling orange bush well taxed with its three dozen lmJo yellow granges, sug gesting perpetual spring glory. Mr. J W Foil has a beautiful display of goodies smiling Recitation-" Wroii-feidc Out"--Adele through his large clear window. jonnson.. Recitation Mult Tables" Maggie Ilendrix, Song-"Winlien Biinken 8Dd Noddon." Recitation'Tin Soldier"--Kay Pt terson. Concert Recittition--"Dai8iea" Ten Girls. Sone:--Lullaby" Girls. Recitation "Sejlin Baby" Mary Burrnere. Kecitation "Old Raamuff Ilerbeit Smith. . Jhe Chi!tre!Ts Friend. Th ?ro is no u?o trying to per suade America mothers that ft suristitute exists for IJprry IJavis' The Bell & Harris Furniture Company never had so ico a front display as now. They are delighted anyhow with their new quarters. Light. Liiui ' r M- nnrl. from Qin'ninpfl inrnc nnrl t very teacher passes his ex- iegs to stomachatj. Other i-mination is able todoso. Better preparationlrMAY do good, Pain- ; killer is certain TO A big dif chan all, the ieoplo arc jealcf,jfertncc, and one thaf has been ;or their children and Oill soon ognized for sixty years. ! iVhCJejk- but one Painkiller, Per rork the ruin of a man who 'ry Davis'. Painkiller. They know how iUK . 1-1T,:ut nnM nn relieve the troubles of child- " "w-'iV"-" iU ued Meteors Strike the Earth in Day A Winchester special of the efi . A 0 a 1 t i f ni z-iin to me Kicnmona l imcs re lates tiie following' u riijononienMn : , 'Tlo rcid:-nls of tMo Millvccd neighborhood, Clarke cour4y, 1 et . saw a tsDiiwor ot meteors in IH5 TU JL 1ST IB is what we are after. The day of auctions be over. Our stock of Furniture and House Furnishings the best. t lie State affords. Buying in car lots and savins freighted, discounts gives us a long lead over small buyers. Whfn in need of anything in our line if you'll give us a cnM we will convince you in a minute that wo can give you the best goods for the money invested. A fine line of Bed Room Suits, Parlor Suits, Dining Suits, Hall Racks,. Side Boards, Rocking Chairs, Dining Chairs, Dining and Parlor Tables, Cook Stov.cs, Oil Stove?, Refrigera tors, Ice Cream Freezers, Hammock and Lnwn Swings, everything you can think of to make you feel comfortable Bell & Harris Furniture Co: FOR OVER SIXTY EARS Mr8.. "WiHslow'B Hoothinj? "Syrup has been uned for over eijtty years by mil lior.g of mothers for their ohildren whie teething, with perfect success. It poothce tbe child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is tbe nest remedy ior jjiarraoea. n win relieve the poor little sufferer immedi ately. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bot tler ' Bo sure and ask for ''Mrs. Win slows Sooth ng Syrup," and take no othr kir rf . 1 Concord - National Bank . . I f las raifl 54.000 in dividends paralleled ; u opened doors in July, 18H3. Its surplus and undivided f UU "IJ - I -COO. is iror.i badloans ju J JH lO." history are 35.00. It ucd any one or een first appcaranco occurred at 2 its ollicors are : ' J M'Odell. o'cloclfin the afternoon, when president; D IColtrane, cashier; they folf the ground wiJi ! L D (oltrano, assistant cashier; such force that tho earth was ' J M endrix, bookkeeper, iarrod and window, ra,o. A , Tl large hole was made in .the Harris, Elarn King, J M Odcll ground. and D B Coltrane. OF COURSE TOD about getting yourself a pair of Spectacles Why study any longer ? But go to ' Cor- roll's and havo your eyes tested Your money bacic if Glasses don't suit. Yours to .please, .w. c. CORRELL Dr. W, H. Vakefie!dr CIIARll)TTE, C, limits his practice to disoasrs of Eye, liar, Nose and Throat. The Doctor will be in Concord at the St. Cloud on Thursday, March L'Tth. ' j i

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