-ft ... I'M ' dW vA vav StbuhAe- 4 i7 PRiCEt$4.00 per year. aotfcoRD, u. cj Friday, marci! 28 aos iyL 0OPY 5 CENTS. m - -- M PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEl OF INDIANA, f aT1d .cities are generally Jerjr . TO sLRUEM?Eli AYiifr 15. . efficient, but the attendee is" cJneral poarr. UwtIUm to Come In small. yhQ majority of the j vfith His Eiftire Force anfl AIL Their people seem to be satined when I Kines?. v their children complete the' Manila, March 27. General work of the eighth year. Very Smith, who is in command of BY KEY. JOSEPH EuWIN SMITH. Good Roads and Free Transportation; Long Terms; Crick Houses; (iood Salaries; Compulsory Laws and Truant Officers. (Continued from Thursday.) THE TRUANT OFFICER AND COM PULSORY education: During the last three years they have haji compulsory education for those between the ages of six and fourteen years. Those who have com- work, and have certificates of graduation are not compelled to attend further. This law, of course, is not popular where the children make the living for the family, and would work serious hardship and send many to the poor-house if the State did' not assist where it is positively necessary in orVer to get the child into school. When clothing and books are necessary the State supplies them, but the law is being en forced against parents who can and" will not send to school. This is no doubt a good law, and few young men and.womqn. the American, forces on the is- comparatively, seek a college !land of Saraar, had &" three education, and but a small per j hour's interview yesterday with cent of these attend the denomi- the insurgent general, Gueverra, and several officers of his com- national schools. The great State institutions, mand. The general, succeeded with free, tuition, make it difficult 'General Lukban as leader' in for a Christian college to'mSamar, and signified his in survive. As I see it. overy ! tention of surrendering to the State should' provide for the -American authorities, children, instruction through the j 11 ' was arranged between eighth grade. The High School i Generals Smith and Gueverra work is an expensive luxury and; that tho latter, with the entire no State can afford luxuries. It relieves the people of all re sponsibility and encourages force under his command all their rilles would surrender April 15. The serviceable rilles paternalism, which is self-de-' to be turBed over number 250. tractive.' Possibly the State 0f theso 125 are Krag-Jorgen- should provide in some degree for Universities, and yet it is an open question whether these : his interview, said he was sur- should not depend upon endow ments from the friends of the institution. With great pride and thanksgiving to God I think of the many High Schools and I should like to see it enforced colleges in North 'Carolina which are under the direction of Christian men and filled with young men and women who, though under the necessity of making a great struggle and come out more wherever children are forced to toil in factories with no shadow of a chance for even the rudiments. sens. General Smith, referring to prised at Gueuerra's bearing and the leader impressed him as being a man of resource and devoted to a high purpose. The N&w Footwear fffr SpTrijig This Department is at present very bright and interesting with the New Styles in Footwear. We carry a largqr and better assortment of fino and medium grade shoes than many Shoe Stores, This spring the manufacturers have m ado the effort of their lives to combine with Che best styles the most seryico and the greatest possible comfort and this department is just full of good things for your inspection :::::::::: Now to enforce this law it tnlrpe mnro thnn moral snn.sion: sacrifice, will in 'many instances it 'requires 'than conquerors in due time. vigorous measures. This is I long to see th day when our left to the Truant Officer, whoso .State shall offer to its people business-it is to seo that all the' as long sessions and as efficient children are in school and look ' service through the common after especially those who'scbo1 work as Indiana' does. "snap." This may not bo brought about For the confirmed truant there , m da.Y but is coming. The is a special school prepared in . recer.t larger appropriations by Tr,,iiormv,rVi;c n n A nihnr l" r o rt ' the Si ate aro si gns of i t. cities, where these toughs are tnken and put under more severe discipline.' I think that I have known some parents who could cure the worst case in a day. EXPENSES AND IJKVENUE. No expense is spared in most Concord, N. C. (11ET SOUTHERN UAINS. houses and the bast teachers. The average school session is 'done to railroads 7-3-5 months; and free education almost "as free as water," is offered through the common, high schools, industrial schools sippi Valley road. About Brook and universities. The revenues of the Stale for school purposes are enormous, supplied largely by contributions from t he United States made in the farly history the State, and also by direct and special taxation. No child there need bo iirnor ant long and none is alloul to be. They must attend school regularly, .pass succesr.,rely each grade, fire gradea twelfth gr;.de. Th for all tL :lols up -.T.OOiS 'o Alio High Schools in the towns Those Pretty Little Hoxes. As you aro passing around you will find at a half dozen businoss houses very neatlittle glass boxes sitting on the counters to receive contributions for the Jefferson Davis Monument fund. Mrs. Allison ordered this number, which is quite sufficient, but the interest taken in them was so great that they wcro quickly placed and as many mere would have been accepted if she had had them. They cost 1.00 each however, and for oconomic rea sons Irie number was limited. These boxes are beauties and the cause is so winning that, to look at them, means 1o place soeio- thing m them, liiey inspire .an impulse to give, to which you' will yield. We'vo tried it and have found it to bo so. That you Kiy not overlook them jusi remember :.hat you will find one at the Raekot store, ono at Johnson's Drugstore, one at FotzcrV Drug store, :;t, the Concord Drug Company's store, one at the St. Cloud ard oao at the Gibson Drug store. Ilunt thtm alhand you'll give tc each and enjoy a comfortable sensa tion. Has Kcut-Iied Ih-rSlth Birthday. Mrs. ITettie Wintjcoff reached her 81th birthday toda. In honor of the 'event her daught ers, Mrs. J "'-V Fetzer at, I Mrs. Ai J b'reein.tij, will give a ta at. the' home of Mr. M J rreernan t 7:30 o'clock tonight. Messrs. G W, A M and.M L Drown, her nephews arid their wives, are the invited guest.':. " T.I; , j. , Mrs. Winecoff has survived all Mfss Maltie Littral ent over to Charlotte Uiis morning !o the parental family over;:: Mr. Eight Inolieu full Within 21 Hours -(irent Floode and Winds Thursday, the 27th, was a day of groat Southern rains. Vicksburg is practically cut off from the outside world. With- instances to give the best school n twenty-four hours, eight inches The Jvegina for Women. Ideal rat. Kid. bciit known for dress. Price $300 $2.00 in such a popular price. ."We make a specialty here three or four brgt makes known. We can bIiow you any ntj le you cunt call for at $2.00 , O rover's. Iland Turned Soft Shoe for Tender Feet, guaranteed corn and bunion curers. Trioe $2.25 The II. O. Godman Shoe Co. and Wolf Bro's & Co, make our ' $1.50 Shoes. To those who. know the brand this is a sufficient guar antee. All styles and weights heel or spring heel. $1 50 Lady Florence and the Old Vir ginia, both made in the Rich mond penitentiary, in all styles, lace or button, are the lwht KLoch made for the price, $1.25 B. and T's. "Korrect Shap" the finest grade Patent Vioi and Colt. Price 5.00 Snow's Original 1'ntent OoltH. Style and sarvice. I'lto $4 00 Suow's Old Glorv, spring weights. Vici, Velom or IWn Leather, button or 1mc nee $3 00 and $3.50 James Means' Shoes for. Mm haye stood the test and sold utn j the best 3.00 Shoes for 30 year. Pnoe now $2.50 Cheaper Grades for Ven 1! x Calf, Velonr ard Vicis, .-amn. styles as fouod in the hilr grades-$1.00, $1.25. fl.f 0 and $'2.00 LADIES' OXFORDS coming in on every freight. The most complete line in the city. Trios from $1.00 to $3.00. It will interest yon t- tnem. of rain fell. Great damage was aid bridges suffered heavily. As much as six miles of track is washed away on the Yazoo and Missis- haven, seven inches of rain fell and it is.the greatest Hood since 18S0. At Birmingham, Ala., 7.19 ineKes of rain fell after Wednes day morning. , At Little Hock, Ark., ihe wind was severe. It moved a string of 25 cars oi the Uack one-eighth of fni m'h No very serious casualties are 4. .,.3 , l i vyui tun. i is what we are after. The day o.F auctions be over Our stock of Furniture and House Furnishings the best the State affords. Buying in car lots and savins freight : nd discounts gives us a long lead over small buyers.' Whui in noed of anything in our lino if you'il give us a call we will convinco you in a minute that we can give .w u the best goods for the money invested. A tine line of Bed Room Suits, Parlor Suits, Dining Suits, Till! R;ks, Side Boards, Hocking Chairs, Dining CJi-.iirs, I 'inintr Kind Parlor Tables, Cook Stoves, Oil Stoves, Refrigera tors, lee Cream Freezers, Hammock and Law;; Swings, everything you can think of lo make you feci eomioiiahle Bell St Harris Furniture KOK OVELl SIXTY i 1 Mrs. AVinhlow'g Mootliiui; Syrup has lren UHed for over sixty j-ears by roil-lior-a of riotht'rH for thoir cJiildreu v. h'.!- tec tl.'ng, with perfect pneccss. It ;oo!,!jck tlin child, boftcrs t'ao pnnH, allays till puiu, cures wiisd colic, n v i'h the hffct remedy for Diarrhoea. It will r li 'vetfie poor little sutl'trer ircmodi u'oJy. bold by drupsiHts in every part of the world. Twenty-five centa a hot tie. He sure and ask for ''Ulrs. Wiu fil(ws Hoot. I inpr Hyrup," aud take nq ofliwr k:rr George Bost her only brother Concord - -National Bank Has paid 54,000 in dividend si nee, it opened doors in July, 1888. Its surplus and undivided iY; ,).' is a0" ono. '!"h" los-es from Wad loans in as eui mi ' history are ;;3"j.00. It has oovcr sued any ono or been su. !. Its (if,;e rs are: ' J M Odel?, pr-s!(eia; i) it uourane, cas ter; j DColtri.no, assistant cashier; I M Ilendrix, bookkeeper. LU;a rd of Directors WII Lillv. W U Odell, Jno. P Aiiiscn. J S (!;:),;,. Kh.m King, J M iDddl and D B Ccltrane.' 0? COUliSE YOU about getting yourself a jiairof Spectacles Why study any longer ? But go to Cor- roll's and h:ivo your eyes tested. Yonr money bacic if Glasses dou't suit. Yours to plen.se, W. C. 1 CORRELL r- 1 . I" Dr W ! i , 1 tf CS'. 1 UPV- i 1 . CIIAMLOiTF, . v 1 vi i ()1 lirits his yr-.-to di V.ye, Liar, Nos r.nd p..---.t. The Dector'.n bo. in Ca;ooil ut the St. Cio1..1'.! on spc4d Easter with Inends. j