o o v Daily Standard. JOHN D. BARRIER, Kdiior and Proprietor. OFFICE IN 310IIIUS BUILDING. THF STANDARD lis published every day Sunday excepted ad delivered by carriers. rates of subscription. One-ear 0 Six months . Three montls One moiiill. $4.00 2.00 1.00 35c Single copy 5c. The Weekly Stand.d is an 8-column 4-paf?e aper. It has terger circulation in Cabtrrus fcaa a- otlr paper. Prici a year in advance. Terms for rejlar advertisements made known m appli. 'ion. Address all communications to , TUE STANDARD, Concord, S. C. TELEPHONE NO 71. OoxcortD, N. C.f March 28 1902. DON'T BIT THAT FERTILIZER PATENT. State Chemist Kilgore has an article in the Bulletin and is sending out circulars warning farmers against being swindled in buying Lipps' Patent Process of Mauufacturing Compost Fer tilizers. It purports to be a patent process and a secret which is sold at $3.00 a farm right. The thing is a spleodid fake. Two ingredients enter into it that cateh the uninformed. One is salt which is not a plant food at all ami the other is lime which is injurious as it frees the am monia which then escapes. To iay the least, farmers shauV not be duped into buying the 1.'Qg. Close attention to ther't-i orts from our Agricultural Expei iment station would . be wi'sdem in our farmers. aves Two From Death. Uv.c little daughter bad an al most fatal attack of whooping cough and bronchitis."' writes .Mrs. W K Haviland, of Armonk, N. Y., "but, when 'all other remedies failed, we saved her life with Dr. King's New Dis covery. Our niece, wh ) hid Consumption in an advance stasre, also used this wonderful medicine .md today she is per fectly well." Desperate throat and iung diseases yield .to Dr. King's New Discovery as to no o'her medicine on earth. In fallible for Coughs and Colds. :')l sud si.00 bottles guaranteed :y 1-Vzor's Drug Store. Trial bottles free. ra' .'rt is ?.,'.u's Vegetable Garden in Florida. We note with pleasure that the fine e"r!y garden vegetables, i.oo'ss. specially, that you see At Dove oc Bust's are raised by a Cuu.ivus man. He is Mr. L P Rlutts now residingin St. Peters berg, Fla. MT.ite Man Turned Yellow. Great consternation was felt by t lio L-iends of M. A. Hogarty of Lexiugton. Ky., when they saw. b- was turning yellow. Ills skin slowly changed color, also iiUcyes, an (he suffered terribly. J H is m "Jady was i ellow J aundice, !c was treated by the 'best j odors, but wiihout benefit. Then "ho was advised to try K lectric Bitters, the wonderful Stomach and LiYer remedy, and he whites: "Af&r taking i, wo bottles I was w Holly cured." A trial proves i ts matchless merit for all Stomach, LifOr and Kidney troubles, Only T0c. Sold by Fetz-Vs Drug Store Druifgst. Race Kiotn Alabama, ft A more or less serious race riot is reportetP from Jasper, Ala. One hundred and fifty shots were fired on Wednesday and new supplies of ammunition were secured. The casualties are not reported. Diplomats for Cuba. In pursuance of the plan to set Cuba on her feet for self govern- government on the 20th of May President Roesevelt sent a mes sage to Congress on the 2?th, asking it to make the following appropriations for diplomatic officers: "Envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary to the r ?public of Cuba, $10,000. 'Secretary oj the legation, $2, 000. 'Second secretary of.the lega tion, $1,500. "Consul general at'Hanana $5,000. "Consul at dienfuegos $3,000; consul at Santiago de Cuba, $3, 000." (Jueer Law ! Vibration. A dog is not allowed to trot across some of the strongest sus pension bridges in the world. The vibration which his motion produces is dangerous to the structure. The dos are carried over in vehicles. A cat walking across a floor of a brick building shakes it more than many peo ple. Anderson Intelligencer. Mrs. Jbn Fisher, of liickorj, Dead. Mr. M J Freeman received a telegram today (Friday) from Hickory saying that Mrs. John Fisher died last night and that the remains will be buried to morrow afPoplar Tent church. Mrs. Fisher is a niece of Mrs. Hettio Winecoff. Live Wire Victim Dies. Winston Salem. N. C, March 27. John Julian, the young man who was badly shocked and burned last Sunday while working on an electric wire, died at the hospital this evening. To the Democrats ot the State: De up and doing. Form com mittees at every precinct wiio will see every white voter who has not paid his poll tax and i lUia .iaL u" n i- urco him to pay before May 1st., !ff a keen edge, such as axes, and thereby save his vote. It 6aws' and so oa' must be paid anyhow, and will a Pearl Famine be collected later, but unless paid . , , ar . m n,e", by May 1st, nobody failing 10 A jcarlfammo the htcSt cry in pay wfll be permitted to vote in i t!ie1 3cYcl7 makct a?? C?V' November. -News andObseVver. i iallv " taG city in which it is rag- ,. i ,nS flk nc present time, ihe supply In r Hunt fdocs not nearly equal the 'demand, , n .Bj, un . hjgbxj. priCC3 go the more Miss Jennie Smith will givi? ani can there is for the precious gems.' egg hunt tomorrow7 evening at 4; Already they arc worth from three o'clock to her Sunday school 1 to four times what they wore fetch class Mrs. C E VanDeusen, of Kilbouru, Wis., was aQlicted with stomach trouble and con- J stipat'on for a long time. She ; says, "I have tried many pre-' parations but none have done me ! tho good, that Chamberlain's j Stomach and Liver Tablets sale at M. L. Marsh's drug! Sr.esnal. Iord containing obitu store. Price, 25 cents. Samples! 6f7m- ,he ,e 13 thing I free. An Honest Medicine for La Grippe. : test humor is unconscious. George W Waitt, of South Gardiner, Me., says? "I have ednced Cates. had the worst cough, cold chills Or account of tho followiug and srriD and taken lots of trash , , 0 n n t of n? account but to the vendor, occasions the Southern Kail way Chamberlain's Cough Remedy .will make reduced rates : is the only thing that has done, North Carolina uk at Char any good whatever. I have used 1rtc,f -r.u- i - . ii one bottle of it and the chills, est1on Edition, April , to 14. cold and grip .have tall left me. (Tickets tfi be sold April G to 8 1 cougrafulate tne manutacturers ox an honest medicine.' For sale by M. L Marsh druggist p Barefooted kids are seen. Soon there will be plenty of 'un dressed kicSl' along the river bank. Ex. A Fossil Quarry. One of the strangest quarries in the world exists near the town of s Kemrncrer, Wv., at an elevation of 8,200 feet above sea level. . This quarry i worked by hand, no fist ing being permitted, owing to tii'? fragile fixture .of its output. The latter consists solely of fossils, most ly those f a few varietin of fish. In operation the shale is nplit into slabs, broken with sledge hammers and thrown over the liftifc by hand. TTT1 11 . vvnen. 6iaD3cofitaining tne speci- mens are cut a,nd taken out, thy are very moist and have to be dried out to about one-third of their orig inal weight. After the drying lias proceeded far enough to permit of the easy manipulation of the mate rial the fossils are carefully cleaned by means of special tools devised for the purpose. Many" of these fish fossils are exceedingly beautiful, ev ery bone being plainly shown in the outline. They rank as the finest specimens of fossil fishes yet dis covered. . Don't Be a Knocker. The following is going the rounds in the Kansas newspapers. It is good advice' anywhere. Jlead it and see: If there is any chance to boom business, boom it. Don't be a knock er. Don't pull a long face and get sour in your stomach. Get' a smile on you. Hold up your head. Get a hold with both hands. Then prill. Bury your hatchet. Drop your tom ahawk. Hide your little hammer. When a stranger drops in, jolly him. Tell him this is the greatest town on earth. It is. Don't get mulish. Don't roast. Just jolly. No man ever helped himself by knocking other people down. No man ever got rich trying to make people be lieve that he was the only .good man on earth. You can't climb the lad der of fame by stepping on other people's corns. They are their corns, not yours, and they're tender. Keep off the corns. Ancient Works of Bronze. The use and application of metal work and decoration, both as fix tures for appliances and useful do mestic articles, are very ancient. We find records of bronze being ex tensively used by the Greeks and Romans, Greece especially "bringing the arts of working bronze to per fection. Not only are works of co lossal form produced by them in this metal, but the ornaments of their temples, doors, weapons, ar mor and the prows of their galleys were made of it. They had also a process of' hardening and tempering bronze which enabled them to make this metal into many implements ing ten year? ago, and the price is still rising. The cause for this ab normal state of affairs is, it is de clared, that l::r:e numbers of rich Americans have bo--a buying up the gems, especially during the last few months. Unconscious Humor. An Iowan has written to his rep resentafive for volumes of The Con- xeau wiiii eo mucn pleasure as oou- i uaries of dead congressmen." The i wnn nnai iimr" iu uays lrpra date of sale. Round trip $4.80. On account of meeting North Carolina Music Teachers's Asso- ciatiou, Raleigh, N. C, March 31. Tickets to be sold March 29, 30 and 31 with fiMSl limit 'April 4. MwmOTMiiiiw immm mmm un wiiiii i Minn wmhmci ! mmum un nm t'ldmmtfdtmimM'tmmmmmummami . . h R q c k. o t , i Concord's White Goods. India Lawns from 8i to 55c per yard. Persian La ns at 12i and 15 cents. French Lawn, 40 inches wide,' that look; like'an Organdie at 35e per yard, worth 50 cents. Plain Nainsook at 12i and 20c per yard. . Silk Null only 12&c. Long Cloth, assorted, up to 18c. in. .or. iH5n : No. 26 South Union St. A Blonde's Freckles show more plainly than a brunettes, but these discolored spots greatly mar the beauty of either. MM will effectually remove Freckles, Sunburn, Tan, undue Redness, Sallowness and all other blem ishes to beauty. IT IS A LIQUID for the face, neck, arms and hands. Can be easily and quickly applied. Others cannot detect its use. It leaves no sticky feeling. Harmless as water. . At all druggists. Price 75 cts. . IL L. BROWN & Brc LIVERY, FEED AND SALE STABLES. . Just in rear of St. Cloud Hotel. Omnibuses moot all passenger trams. Outfits of all kinds fur nisfiod promptly and at reason able pricos. Horses and mules always on hand for salo. Breed ers of thoroughbred Poland China Hofs. Cheap Store:' Gents' KTegilee -shifts;- Twenty-four styles, at 48c. Silk Embroider ed Socks . 10 cents Ladies' Fancy Printed and Extracted Colored Hose at 10 and 15c . White Lawn and Percale Sun. Bonnets at 25 cents. v Embroidery Silks. Filio and Twisted, at 3e per skein. New Lot of Fine Box Papers at 48 cents. OA Fresh On Hand! Shad, Trout, etc., every Saturday. Beef Porkand Sausage daily exjppt on Sunday. Saturday night orders filled Srihday morning. 'kJ. F. Dayvault & ETrou