1 1 II -Hi . PEfrcE: $4.00 per year. UNCORD, K. C. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2 100?. -SingIe COPY 5 WENTP. t " , r FIItE kN GREENSBORO. I Mucu I'nerly lhr hIhumI Monday -Evening Dj Maliess Factory Eire. ' Greensboro narrowly 'escape'd a serious fire Monday evening. A dispatch of the 31st ult. to the Morning Post says: "Much excitement was created by a fire thrt broke out in Bla lock's mattress' factory, within a few yards of the Southern, pas seuger station at 8 o'clock this evening. The factory was lo cated in a wooden building which was destroyed, together with tho apparatus aud a small amount of material. "A strong wind was blowing at tho time, and for a while it was feared that the damage would be great. Sparks were blown in every direction and set fire to the water tower a few hundred yards away. Huffiue's . bottling works, Hotel Huffines, the Southern passenger station and two or three other buildings "were endangered." Ueorge Miller, Colored, Dead. Sheriff Peck received a mes sage this (Wednesday) morning that George Mihcr, the negro man that was shot by Doc Lind say a few weeks ago at Gold Hill, is dead. He was believed to be dead when the news of the shooting came at lirst bnt he lingered till now. There wa3 trouble between tho two negroes and it seems Miller was chewing Lindsay's thumb for his gratifi cation when Lindsay shot and boat him fatally. Sir. Varuer Let Loose. Labor Commissioner Varner expects to leave Lexington today for New. Orleans where ho will attend a meeting of the Labor Commissioners of the United States from April 1st to 5h. He will go to Hot Springs, Ark., April 15th to be present at the National Editorial Association and read a paper on "How to Secure and Handle a Circula tion." He will go to Denver, St. Louis and other cities, winding up at Charleston while on 'this trip, Morning Post, 1st. Appropriate Inscriptions. The Confederate memorial shaft to be placed in Fayetteville is about completed. Two of the inscriptions used will be "The Women of Cumberland to Their Confederate Dead," and "O Lord of Hosts, Be With Us Yet, Lest We Forget Lest We Forget." TLese are most appropriate se lections. Raleigh Times. Wfceif You go lut a Drug: Store to get a bottle of Painkiller, exami' itcar'efully to See if it .is 'made by Perry Davis, and don't be persuaded to take some thing "just as good" because it is a few cents fjapcr. Taure iiijnly one Painlrilfer, Perry Davis'. Lrffgc.bottles tnd AWFUL MURDER IN PHILADZLPHlX Jsrro Hiillt-r Kilts Tmo atl Seriously ' Wounds a Third-Wanted to Kill the Whole Fam'wy and Rob the Home. One.of the worst cass of mur der on record, lately, was en. acted in Philadelphia on April 1st. by a negro, William H Lane. He was employed as a butler by Mrs Ella J Furbush and was practicing theft. IIo knew he wras about to be caught, so he fell upon.the plan of killing Mrs. Furbush and her daughters, th in robbing the house, he hoped to escape. He shot Mrs. Furbush twico killing her instantly and shot her 12-year-old daughter, Made line dead and then her 7-year-old, Eloise, inflicting probably a fatal wound. He was captured and identiel by little Eloise and confessed his crime. - - . The Rock House Property Sold. Mr, J"F McGraw closed the trade today for the property known as the Rock House on South Union street and now oc cupied by Mrs. Emma Wright. Springsville, Tnlin and ErVkiue Post OHices Cease April 10. Post Master Patterson has re ceived a modified order and the date for discontinuing tho post effices of Springsville, Tulin aud Erskine,is set for April 10. Tnis week's Standard is the last to be distributed at these offices. Pa trons will please take notice and inform us at once what route they aro prepared to receive their mail by. Narrowly Escaped Lynching. Thomas Early, a negro, made uu offort at outrage on a 10-year-old white girl, Miss Pearl Perry, of Chowan, on Monday. A lum ber wagon came along and saved her. A mob of eight hundred people were aTter him and he es-1 caped to Virginia, but was cap- tured by officers while heavily armed. Had he been returned promptly lie would unquestiona bly have been lynched, but he is held for requisition papers and to secure his safety. Virginia Town purncd. ' The town of Newport, Giles county, Va., was wiped out by, J ; ' fire at an early hour on April first. The loss is estimated at ( ' ' 100,000. Tbe Judges Have I)ccied. At the grand show down of the diet, sonps of .the world at the aria Exposition, the judges do- toil et Pftrio Exposition, the judges ri. , cided after carefully considering the merits of all, that Colgate' 'I'OILET SO ijh'SARB the best. , , i, f e less1odt Uoapsare! Fetzer's Drug Store. , These peer! for sale at Thev sell Colgate's line esdu- i , srTeIy "As awoman's, beauty fades her bi"lns c6ma to th frcn." NEGIiO lASCHEi) IN R031E, OA. Assaults aw uitu tiii l ami is niiS'-d anl Shxt : . . At Rome, Georgia, Walter Al len, a negro, charged with as sault on Blossom Adamson, a white girl of 15 yeans, was lynched by a mob or" 4,000 peo people on April lsKmd was rid dled with, probably, 1,000 shots after 1 eing hanged. He did not' succeed in his purpose and claimed that ho was innocent. - - Heavy I.ossi'H in Tennessee. A Nasheville dispatch of tho 1st says the losses in the Stale by the laie Hoods are conserva tively estimated at 5,000,000 The lives lost are believed io be fully 25. Annual Mn'tinj of Fariiiev's Insurance Company. Policy holders in the Cabarrus Mutual Fire Insurance Company aro hereby called to meet on Monday, the 21st day of April in annual session atl2o'clock noon. Tho election of officers and va rious other important business will come up for action, w 3t. Z A Mo huts', Pres. It Dazzles the World. No Discovery in medicine- has ever created one- quarter of tho excitement that has been caused ! hv T)r Kind's . Ww Disnnronr ' for Consumption. It's severest tests have been on hopeless victims ot consumption, Pnou- moma. Hemorrhage, i'Jeurisy and Bronchitis, 'housanils of whom it has restored to perfect health. For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Hay Fever, Hoarseness and Whooping Cough it is tho quickest, surest euro in the world. It is sold by Fetzer's Drug Store who guar antee satisfaction or refund money. Lirgo bottles 50c and 1 00. Trial bottles free. Preparations are being made to carry a tremendous crowd to Charleston from this State North I Carolina week. April 0th is both i Charlotte .day and the day ap- pointed for "the visit of Presort Roosevelt. The North Carol ir a I Naval Reserves will leave Wil- j ' on the Ilcrnet April 7tb. Ralu'uh Times. Wants to Help Others. 'I had stomach trouble all my life," saws Edw. Mehler, pro- ' preitor ot the Union, Hording Works, Erie, Pa , "and tried all kinds of remedies, went to several doctors and spent con siderable money trying to get ' a moment's peace. Finally I read of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and have been taking it to my great 1 satisfaction 1 never found its f 'equal for stomach trouble and j gladly recommend it m hope that I may help other suffers.'1 Kodol T- . ;,- 1 1 ' stomach troubles. You don't have to diet. Dodbl Dyspepsia. (u 'U 0at ' 1 OM n . . . Kson s l '"" . Salve as the xx the world, extends round the earth. It's the Q0 peffect hov of Cuts. Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores. Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Felons, i Aches, Pains and all Skii !Eruiftions. Only infal!ib: PiTb rure. 25c a Sox at Fetzoi's Drug fStore. TTTTftTTmTTTTVTTTTTffffTTTTTm Ha fc DEPARTMENT STOKE. : TIM. L. J! 1 inci art or sneiHimsr the greatest advantage ' will behest learned by .a r careful perusal of the many small. and important items offered from mir Notion Department. White cotton ripe in diilWent widths -lc, Clold tved neod!.is,the bVst, assorted numbers 5c. Wiro hair pins, 18 for lc. TCvnss pins, medium & largo size, per paper 5,. Mourning pins, two boxes for 5c. Pampadour combs of tho new sha-pesand colors at 15, 10 and The vassar comb for t the back of tho hair, t now shape, good value 15c We have a large lino F of hair and novelty combs. Turkey red floss, 3 E spools for 5c Brainard & Armstrongs E embroidery silks, abso E lutely tho best 4c. Feather stitch braid in large range of pat terns and colors, per F bunch 10 and 5c. Nainsooks, feather weight dress shields hi different sizes, per pair 25c. Rubber lined dross shields, a i!5c value, priced 10c. Stockinet shields worth doublo the price Garter elastic in all colors at, per yard, -5, 15, 10 and E. Z. waists f c r chil dren, a thin but durable gauze undergarment for fastening underclothes to, in size 7 to ii, at ; Octagon Soap, a cake Pearl floating soap 5c we. :uc. 4c. 5c. 5c. Fairbanks,-two large bars for. tiiuiAiinr.iiiiuauiiuauiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUiiiiuuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiUiiiiiiUi;iiiiii.uiiii x is what wo aro after. Tho day op auctions bo over. Our stock of Furnituro, and House Furnishings tho best tho State affords. Buying in car lots and saving freight and discounts gives us a long lead over small buyers. When in need of anythirig in our line if you'll give us a calf we will convince you in a minute that wo can give you the best goods for tho money invested. A hue line ot Bed Room Suits, Parlor Suits, Dining Suits, Hall Racks , Side BoaXUS, Rocking Lliairs, Dllllllg Uiari'S, I L.ulg ! .'m.ii 0 rVwJ- Qnvic () t!fftWy and .l ar1 J ftbleS,Cook Sto es, Oil StOVOS, tors, lee Cream Freezers, Ham mock, and La tors, ico Cream Freezers, everything you can tliinlf of o . f Sy P n ' Kph C" fiEC&MIO ..Subscribe for hue biaicl-ar-d-35-cehts. per.'rsidntjfi. Parks". & Co 1 1 . your money, wisely una to llll I'l' Kit H i.M till lift Ladies' plain or d' op stitch ho.e, extreme value 15c Extra value in ladies' hose with drop stitch and open work all ov. r this; is an import d i. . j i i . lilt I'M M mi if nose ine real vain,- is pJ 40c, our special price L'ro. Hit jJJ Jest hose in fine JisL tin with plain or J; cfl' 4 IHc. KH l-H IHt M.I Chiidrens diop s; itch hose in size ,u ; ;', jijt good fast dye, 15c B 8 Chiidrens sc hose in smail s and cks 'uiiu Xc'S at' i0 15c. tni Hit He Ladies whitn feehose. a good weai'er, for VZt Very fine lisle and silk gloves in whiln. mt Kit ' ,IM greys and hiatus. double linger tipped nd lilt Hit , " fully guaranteed as to IIH Hit I'll liH wear ;0c. New and large ;us- ! ferent sizes in pe;;r! Hi hut-tons at, per dozen, 0 a , HI Hit HII lli 111 13 811 BM llll !'.( tll lift 25, 15, 10 a . 1 Sansilk ia al! t! i hid ing colors (i ; fancy work, per spool of 10 yards Ladies lmndkerrl !!';; in plain hemsik. ii, f ' ; v 5c. lace corners, h Pure linen ig vahu; !;,U.K.lk:i' ;e. Ml r'liifil'tt voi'r sIhuvi' mmiI KM ' 'J kh tine llll Hj I.letl'U' handh'M'ch iefs, mi lace edge or plain 25c. Hl Uuttermi.k toilet su.ip aL 5c cake ever 'where, our special prico .for V-ox of three cakes . 10c. Palm of viol 's 1 other popular makes, pur cake ,10, i;,i HII HII MH llll 85 llll K IIH llll Bar is R of ri'r era- Hiuiiiiioekand Lawn Svings, to make you feel comfortable . !F ,aP .. T- -2J 1 0 1 tl 1 1 Q K ULM5 Z : " ' - Z3S' ICS St, J 1 M 3 ii 3 3 -4 3 3 1 3 3 4