o H . 4 Piwce:J&4.0Q per year. I'ONCORP, N. CJ. MONDAY, APRIL 7 1902. Single copy 5 CENTS. . TEJIRIBEF, I)IvlSTEItLN SCOTLAND. At International Footbtll Game Brings 70,000 Tewple Together and Terrace Falls Killing 21 and Injuring 250. Glasgow, April 5. Thestrug ' gle of the crowds gathered at the Lenox Park to'day witnessed the last international football contest between teams from England at d Scotland caused the collapse of a portion of one of the spectator's terraces, result ing in the death of three per sons and the in jury of 125 others. When the game began 70,000 spectators were on the ground 'and an immense crowd had gathered outside. Being unablo to obtain admittance the crowd broke down some of the bars and swarmed upon the field, where the police charged and drove the intruders back upon the terraces and seats. The railing dividing the crowds were broken and the people worn thrown over each other. In the frantic struggle towards the exits the pressure toward the upper portion of the westerly structure was so great that a hundred feet of the highest iart of the structure collapsed under the weight of the crowTd driven upon, it precipitating the mass of people to the ground, 00 feet below. The injured wore piled in heaps, wedged in with broken timbers. A hundred of the most seriously injured were carried to the pavillion and to spaces in the rear of the stands. A majority the victims are suffering from broken ribs and fractured limbs while some sustained internal injuries. Few persons were thrown down and trampled upon in tryirg to escape from the crush when the police charged but most of the vietims sustained their injuries in the fall of the terrace. Up to midnight five deaths had been reported as the results of the accident while in the cases of 20, victims all hope of recovery has been abandoned. It is now believed that the collapse was caused more by the efforts of those nearest ihe first break than by the additional weight of those who rushed up on the stand from below. The tdrrace, although supported by iron girders, swayed and cracked omninously under the move ments of its frantic occupants. The fallen .portion is 100 feet lonfy 30 feet wide and contains 12 tiers of seats. The injured in many cases were lying five or six deep and it is marvelous that there were -.not more fatalities. Nearly all the victims of the accident are men. Among the last to be taken from the debris' were tw womeuboth of whom were practically unhurt. J ; dispatches say that 21 are dea4 and 250 were injured. THE VALUABLE SECKLigE fOUm : FlaVman ou the Southern Had It in His Possession It Was Missed March 23rd-TVorth $C,000. The valuable Hariett S Blaine Beale necklace has been found. It was in the hands of a flagman of the Southern Railway resi dent in Charlotte. It is an ugly affair in which the flagman surely fell into temptation. He will not be prosecuted, however, as he delivered the jawells through a lawyer without a legal process. Ex-Chief Orr left Saturday night for Washington to deliver the necklace to the owner in person. The detective work was largely done by the Mr. Orr and Gari baldi' and Bruns, a jewelry firm, to whom the flagman had sold fivo of the jewells. The man has a family and he narrowly escaped great humilia tion for his wife. Mrs. Beale is the daughter of the late James G Blaine. Sho was returning from Cuba iti company with Miss Alico R6oso velt and on the morning of March 23 she missed the necklace when noaring Columbia. Diligent search was made and she offered $250.00 for its re covery. It is said to be worth $G,000. Fishcr-Blnine. Mr. Deberry Fisher and Miss Gertrude Blume were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W H Blume, on South Union street at 8 o'clock Saturday night by' Rev. W H Hiller. It was a very quiet wedding that neither allowed to interfere with business. Mr. Fisher is in the employ of the Cannon & Fotzer Company and Mrs. Fisher has been a clerk in ' the post office for fifteen months where she has won many admiring friends by her uniform genial bearing and faithful serv ice. The happy couple has our best wishes for full measuros of 'mat rimonial bliss. The Stone which the Builders Refused. The man who was turned out of the United States Senate at the instigation of a long-haired set of Populists on the ground that he was the enemy of the farmer, turns out to be the great est farmer in the whole country. Matt Ransom sold his last year's crop of cotton recently for $50, 000, while Butler, who posed as the farmer's friend, is doing ex actly what he accused Ransom of doing consorting, with the:Wharey, or tne i'res,ytonon rmr.ey ord. devil. Greensboro Rec- These Are The Fajorius. Colgate's Mountain Yiolet, Sweet Piirk, La France Rose, Cashmere Bcquet and Vioris are exqisitely perfumed Toitet Soaps. Colgate's Colossal, Turkish Bath White Clematis and Olive Patm are leulf&rs everywhere, peerless for purity. Go to Fetor's Drug ! fc-e for Colgate's Soap? About Confederate Crosses. . We are authorized to announce that through the John Phifer Young Chapter Children of the Confederacy crosses pf honor for 42 veterans have been se cured to bo bestowed on the 10th of May. This includes all who have mado application up to the present except two dated Feb ruary 22. Due effort will yet be made to get them and they havo been sent in. While the bestowal of these badges is tho prerogative 6f the Daughters of the Confederacy, the Dodson Eamseur Chapter, having exhausted its treasury on other objects, tho children again camo to tho rescue and got tho necessary funds and they will again be authorized to pin them on the. veterans on memorial day. It is a beautiful tribute that these dear young people be stow and wo hope every one who has made application before this date and has not gotten tho badge will bo hero on that day and will allow them personally to perform tho cherished act of pinning them ou. Our Third Deep Well. The machinery for the third artesian well has cotrlo and oper ations will begin at once. The location for tho well has been changed from former calcula tions and tho well will bo located below the oil mill near th sido track to tho Udell mihs. It is probable that if tho well there furnishes the expected quantity of water tho water com mission may conclude to move tho power house to this point, where there will be no hauling of coal to do. In this case Iho water from the two wells already bored can be conveyed by pipes to the reservoir of the new well, from which all will be forced into standpipe. It is desired to have a pressure to throw water 150 feet high in the business tpart of town, at least, and in quantity for as much as half a dozen hose. Editor Deatoii to Marry. Mooresville, April 5. Mr. II P Deaton, editor of Tho Moores ville Enterprise, will bo uuited iu marriage, on next Tuesday ovening at 0:45 o'clock, to Miss Blanche McNeeley, one of Mooresville's most popular young ladies. The ceremony will be performed by Rev. Dr. J M clmrcn. -me young coupio wm take the 7.15 tiain fur Charles- tn ,n,l W Rnnthprn r.?t?oS. Ho For Dallas. It is very desirali1 that those fjio wants births in sleeping car; to tho Dallas reunion report to ' me by Tuesday morning the f-.th williout fail that the same may 4q securea. i II B Park;; Comtiir-uder. TTTTTTnTTTTTTnTTnTTTTnTmTTTTTmnTTjmmmTTmmTTIITmTTnnTTTTTTTTynilTTTfTTtl TTTT 2 Lb Parks DEPARTMENT STOKE. I REM - TO - WENT SAHMEKTS. 1 THIS department is large variety carried p mnnshin on PVPirv enrmpnf. To nil wnmo.n with - . . r- - - whom right material. and correct fit are features or first importance you will find this stock very in- E revesting. f he popular ttrong features. large at the WE cannot say too Underwear. Shirt I top Skirts. New -White p made, correct fitting, up C1 O 1 r mm I mm t low Bell & Harris Furniture Co's the place to buy your Refrigerators, Lawn Swings, Hammocks, Settees or any bid thing you imiy need for poarch or lawn. Furniture and House Furnishings of every description. We are strictly in it and if you need anything in our line and fail to see us yuii loose 'money, uome ana see. Installment plan a SPEC! A LT Y. Bell Harris Concord - National Bank Has paid 54,000 in dividends since it opened doors in July, 1888. Its surplus and undivided fund is 27.000. Tho losses from bad loans in l uulv u. hfeS UeVUi' SUed ? OUO 0T hV sued. . Its officers are : M OdeH, 'president; 1)B Coltrale, cashicr;4 LJ)Coltrane, assistant cashier; J M Hendrix, bookkeeper. Boi'd of Directors Wfl Lill;, t W R PW J0. P Allison, J S' rx ttii m - t- A T rt l . i tiarris, rmiu, rviug wuwj and ITI3 Coltrane m im growing because of the and the superior work-' . . . - " . . " j prices are also one of our WE ARE SHOWING Tii VERY BEST VALUES IN real rape? -as in light, medium and dr. k rolurs. The sizes are from 32 to 12 jmkI a purchase brings them to you price of the material 49c, 75c, 88c, 99 much about our Muslin a Waists and frcadr-f j-wejir ri Shirt Waists, beatifully to 2 00. 3 ft lib 1 11111 t . Furniture Go. SiTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTnTTTfTTTTTTTYTTTTif ITime . 3 3 and 3 1 7 3 r.it lor no man. ynn ,b-,'t Vfot t; havi aavtjody W A'l ? for yen when von. carry CpilL'EL'S '3 4 i t MA m Vv tiwi. ) I w r "3 t : fan HP's "r"fe I H 3 fJ ' 1 :J 3 -t