0 pi ,1 fvj OV &1M Ni y N r Pi WipE: $ k00 $er,year. UNCO&D, N. (.TUfiSDA'Y. APRIL 8 tf)02. Single ffry 5.!ests. i r 3 r i a - : t virn:::..ss y. eli Goodly Ximfcer Will jo to Pft'J-Tr.e frtfite'oriHr. Students Oruizo for tho Camps Called t;ii for Contributions to j Improvement of Sc lftel Houses Waui Davis ?IouuK'iit. j the Cu-Operatiou of Alf. Camp No. 21 2 U. C. V. met in ; Wo are glad to give space to the court houe on Saturday, , the following appreciable letter April Ofh, Commander, II B , from a Concord lady : Parks, in the chair. He ex- j "State Normal College, G rectos- plained the object of'tho meeting I boro' N- c- APril . 190-- . , , . , . l is "MR. EDiTOli: Thinking that to be to ascertain the number ot tt , perhaps a few words concern mg persons who ill attend tne re- thQ grQ movement we havo union at Dallas, and int-.-oduced stai.tC(i wouia be of Interest to Mr. Phillips, a representative-of some one, I xl attempt to say the Southern Railway, who'pre- just a few word.- about it. sented the conditions best suited 1 "Tho Sclents of the State , , , P Normal and Industrial College to economy and the comfort of , , T . fe of North Carolina are so inter those who will go. Thirty-five elGd -H odlfcati(m lhat we have fares are the minimum for a spo- deemed it right to inaugurate an cial car. To charter a car and association for the better .neut of keep it at Dallas was found to bo public school houses of North impractical. Commander Parks Carolina. The name of this as- , , sociation is 'The Women's Asso- rcportcd such progress as led . t Ci, 1 ciation for the Betterment of the him to believe that the required public School Houses o'f North thirty-five persons would go. Carolina.' No admission fee Is The secretary was requested charged and it is our desirq to to read a letter from Mrs. S navo very white woman, of Thomas McCullough, President orth Carolina, who is willing of the Jefferson Davis Monument Association, appealing to tho The object of this association is various Camps to give one dollar to improve the public school per member in this one supremo houses and, beautify the.grounds effort that is now being made by ln every possible way. This is , , , . , an association for women but we the noble band of women to erect . .earnestly seek the co operation that grand- monument to the Q t m Confederacy and its only Presi-1 For further information ad dent, Jefferson Davis, to be un-' dress Miss Mary Taylor Mooro, veiled on his birthday in 1903 in the city of Richmond. On motion it was ordered that the secretary make collection of such sums as Veterans will con tribute and turn the sums over to Mrs.t Jno. P Allison who will embody the same in her report and such sums will be accredited to North Carolina. Ceinniisioners flleetinar. At the meeting of the County Commissioners on Monday, the 7th, two petitions came up for a change in the public roads in No. 3 township. The changes are advertised for objection if there be auy. The petition for change in road in Poplar Tent neighbor hood, having been published and no objections being presented, tho board ordered that a jury lay off the road according to peti tion. The usual routine matters came up and were disposed of. Jurors were drawn for the May term of court and tax listers were appointed. Fare and Cadges for Reunion. For the benefit of tlnse going to the Dallas reunion we will sny that the fare will be $23.50 from here. Tourbt sleeping car berths cost $3.50. If two take a berth it will cost $1.75 each. By order of the executive com mittee of Camp 212 tho Secre tary ordered 25 badges on the 5th inst which, when they arrive, will cost 20 certs each, Liu will be good for all occasions. ASSOCIATION OF W031EN. to service to this great movement, beer me a member. State Normal, Greensboro, N. C. "I hope some ono will be in terested in this movement. "Very truly, Mabel Giukbew." Ileal Estate Changes Hands. Mr. P V Barrier, of Salisbury, sold his division (lot No. 5,) of the late David Barrier . land in No. G township on Monday to Mr. George M Cress. Tlie lot consists of 40 acres and the con sideration was $375 or $9.37 J per acre. The President Goes Through. President Roosevelt passed through hero last night on his way to Charleston. It was some minutes after 11 o'clock. His train consisted of seven Pullman cars and thirty-seven people. All but the train men were asleep having retired soon after leaving Danville. Tax Listers for 1902. The following are the tax list ers by townships for Cabarrus county as appointed at the meet ing of tinj board of commission ers on Monday No. t it 1 1 1 Sam Harris. 2 W P Cannon. 3 C II Hamilton. 4 B Li Umberger. 5 E K Misenhcimcr. 6 Ad. Crowcll. 7 J O Moose. 8 C G Heilig. 1 1 $ ov L vvidenhouse. 10 D M Stallings. " 11 C A Isonhour. Ward l.-K H White. .' 2 J N Brown. 3 John 11 Patterson. 4 Elam King,' Diyi'EiiAf e :Uit) ;ix a la bam a. Kills u-d WeuN Nine lien Ucfofe 1l( Could L. Ifillod. At 'Tuscumbia, Ala., Sunday, the 6th, was'signalized by a des perato and fatal encounter be tween legal officers and a negro desperado named Will Reynolds. Sheriff Gassaway and brother, Will Gassaway, attempted to ar rest iiim when he opened fire on them, fatajly wounding both with a Winchester. The vicious mon ster was so accurate in his aijn that he killed two and wounded rive more before ho could be killed. Dynamite was used and the house was also riddled with bullets but itf had to be set on fire before ho could be driven out and shot. His .carcass wasthen thrown into the burning house. School Closing in No. 10 E.-q'jhv: 1! C Cook closed his school in No. 10 on last Satur day. Ho had a good program and lr.id the Leo Brass Band. The occasion was attended with much interest. A remarkable incident ; was the attendance of a lady 78 years old, who availed herself on that occasion for tho first time, to see and hear a school exhibition and and a orass band. Jurors for May Term Tire following is the list of jurors drawn for tho May torm of Superior court, which con venes on Monday, tho 5th, for two weeks: FIRST WEEK. J F Fisher, O M Riser, W A Garmon, Martin Ileglar, J Ii Wood, W B Johnson, A S McJ Laugldin, W S Linker, T F Li taker, A J Linker, C H Morri son, C H Conk, J W Win ceo IT, H H Blackwelder, M L Cline, II Worth Earnhardt, A C Earn hardt, J F Harris, S F Harris, J E Slough, .E K Misenheimcr, Henry C Lenlz, J L StalTor.l, 3 M Burrage, Jas. N Brown, L A Weddinglon, W F- Earnhardt, C W Alexander, D R Winecoff, S W Winecoff, R D Winecoff, M J Hartsell, L W Teeter, C M Sif ford, G R Winecoff, J G Suther. SECOND WEEK. D A Dorton, Simoa Earnhardt, J P Triece, N A Elackweder, Geo. A Boger, W M Walter", C J Misenheim&r, G M Smith, E L Morjison, J ,D Johnson, T H Lefler,. D V Linker, J N Wine coff, P L Barringer, J L Walker, B L Umberger, N M Earnhardt, G W Misenheimer, Sr. Mr. Joe Jackson after spending Monday niglft in Salisbury returned o the city this morning. Miss Alice Sims, of Charlotte, arrived in the city this morning to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. A Sims. The Dodson Ramseur ChaptO Daughters of the Confederacy will hold a meeting next Friday afternoon at tho residence of Mrs. C G Richmond. We want you to bring your ioys hire h our Juven ile Depai'tmeirt.and.let us show you how completely yet how economically and satisfactory, we can lit them out. Not only with Suits and Pants, hut. Shirts, Collars, Neckwear, Hats, Shoes, Hosiery and every article of boys haberdasheiy. We want you to see the superb selections we have wade the high art of workmanship combined with style and quality at. the reasonable price. We've some specialties that are worthy of your quick consideration. d3oy's Waists'. Well made and tho latest style, at LV18, 3.00 up to 5. 00 Knee Pants Offering. Do you want tho best wearing pants, double knees, and seats, size 4 to 1(5 years, at a reasonable price then see what we show at 50c Boys' Waists. Ready U wear while Waists, pleated fronts, linon collar, pat ent waist baud, a G5c value, ago 4 to 14 years, o0c Extra Value in Knee Pants Boys' Mole Skin washable pants in dark colors, ago 0 to 14, instead of 5 cents they are marked 15c low Is Bell & Harris Furniture Go's the place to buy your Kef rig-era tors, Lawn Swings, Hammocks, Settees or any old thing you n,ay need for poarch or lawn. Furniture and House Furnishings ' ' . of every description. We arc-strictly in it and if you need anything in our line and fail to see uc; you looe money. Come and see. Installment plan a SPECIALLY. , Bell & Harris Concord - National Bank lias paid $54,000 in dividends sitice it opened doors ha July, 1888. Us surplus aud undivided fund is $27,000. The losses from ad loans in its entire history are 35.00. Ti has never sued any one r boeu sued. Its oCicers are : J M Odell. president; I)B Coltrare, cashier; L D Coltrane, assistant cashier; J M Hendrix, bookkeeper. Board of Directors W II Lilly. W R Odell, Jno. P Allison, J S Flarris. Elam Kinj; I M Oddl and D 13 Coltrane T 25c. Waist.1- for iijc. Just for a ily.'r we pr en dozen boys well ir.ado v !-.s or bodies, value "oc, J5o Do You V the best 2oi: hv ou the market. It. e.-ts ,a i,o;!iir.g to come and see. D rl: n sttorns, 4 to 14 years, ' 2oG 1 - Juvenile Shirls in bright colors of Percal, sizes 12 to 14, nmb hotter for the price. - $G Hats. Large selection oi"ut ;, f;' hats in fur and straw 2.rw., r0 cents and Yc 0 4 ft flip i Furniture 00 SiTTTTTTTYTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTlTTTTTn TTTTTTTTTTTTAff and Tide IT waitfor no m;tj. YOU ilon't netl' 4 3 j to havef:gy, botiy 1- W A ! T for you whrn 3-0:1 cdi-rj- c:oui;ei,ls . . vatelu's . . r- t Jr t m - -4 fc 01